116 research outputs found

    Sifat Listrik Telur Ayam Kampung Selama Penyimpanan

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    Study on eggs properties, based on electrical measurement (conductance and capacitance) was carried out using alternating current signal on frequency variation from 10 Hz to 100 kHz. The electrical properties correlated to physical properties of eggs i.e haugh unit, pH and viscosity. The albumen and yolk of native eggs, which were placed in the cell system from acrylic and electrode plate conductor of cuprum, were used as samples. Hi LCR Tester Hioki with dual probe (modified from four probes) was used to measure electrical properties of samples. This equipment was provided with fixed current source but varies in frequency. The conductance of yolk and albumen increased exponentially if frequency signal was boosted up. The electrical conductance range of albumen was higher than yolk on all frequencies. The capacitance property decreased if frequency signal was boosted up. The decrease was exponential especially at frequency under 100Hz. The albumen capacitance was lower than yolk. The viscosity of yolk and albumen during storage was decreasing. The value of pH was not affected. The pH of albumen was between 9 and 10, and yolk was about 6. Multiple regression method was used to get empiric equation of electrical conductance, capacitance, HU and viscosity. The best correlation between electrical parameter and physical properties is conductance equation of HU and viscosity at 1 kHz. Key words: electrical properties, conductance, capacitance, native chicken, eg

    Antioxidant Activity of Metanol Extract of Sea Weeds Obtained from North Sulawesi

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    In Vitro antioxidant activity of four sea weeds from North Sulawesi –viz., Gracillaria salicornia, Sargasum olygocystum, Turbinaria decurens,  Halimeda macroloba and H. durvilae were evaluated. Total phenol content (TPC) and activity antioxidant of 30%,50%, 70% aqueous  were study. TPC  using follin Ciocalteu method,  while  1,1-diphenyl-2pycrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging, Ferric reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP) and ferrous ion Chelating (FIC) assay  were used to study their AOC(Antioxidant Capacity) . The total phenol content of different metanol concentration of sea weed varied from 3.02±0.68% to 18.83±0.77 g gallic acid equivalent (GAE) per 100 gr dried sample, All sea weed  were determined to have highest TPC, DPPH and FRAP  in  70 % aqueous metanol . H durvilae displayed highest in TPC and DPPH. G.salicornia showed highst in FRAP. 42.95±2.24 g GAE/100 g ekstrak. Brown alga T. decurens and S. olygocystum have FIC activity higher then another seaweeds in 30% metanol consentration. Keywords: Antioxidant Activity, Metanol Extract , Sea Weed

    The Impact of External and Internal Factors on the Dairy Farmer’s Household Economics

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    Domestic milk production is currently only able to meet 20% of the total domestic demand of milk, but this opportunity has not been responded well by dairy farmers. The objectives of this study were: (1) to analyze the performance of dairy farmers and (2) to analyze the impact of external factors (concentrate feed and milk prices) and internal factor (marginal productivity of concentrate feed) on production, income, and household welfare of dairy farmers. The number of sample households was 97 cooperative-member farmers and 46 cooperative-nonmember farmers in Lembang, West Java. The analytical method used included descriptive analysis and household economic models in the form of simultaneous equations. The results of the study showed that the scale of small-scale business with the percentage of lactating cattle and dairy farmers’ productivity was still low. When the price of concentrate feed rises, the impact of the policy of increasing milk prices is greater than the increase in the marginal productivity of concentrate feed on increasing business income and household welfare of dairy farmers

    Optimasi Fermentasi Bagas Tebu oleh Zymomonas Mobilis CP4 (NRRL B-14023) untuk Produksi Bioetanol

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    Bioetanol generasi kedua dapat diproduksi dari fermentasi bahan terbarukan, seperti produk hasil pertanian, dan limbah atau hasil samping pengolahan industri dan rumah tangga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah optimasi parameter fermentasi yang meliputi konsentrasi inokulum, konsentrasi urea, dan lama fermentasi untuk produksi etanol dari bagas tebu oleh Zymomonas mobilis CP4 dengan menggunakan response surface methodology (RSM) central composite experimental design (CCD). Kondisi respon yang optimal berdasarkan prediksi model diperoleh pada konsentrasi inokulum 15% (v/v), konsentrasi urea 0,3% (b/v), dan lama fermentasi 45 jam, dengan prediksi respon kadar etanol sebesar 1,257% (v/v). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, kadar etanol optimal diperoleh sebesar 1,213% (v/v), yang menunjukkan hasil yang tidak berbeda jauh dengan prediksi model. Yield etanol yang diperoleh sebesar 0,479 dengan eïŹ siensi fermentasi 93,9%. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa strain bakteri Zymomonas mobilis CP4 memiliki potensi yang cukup menjanjikan sebagai mikroba penghasil etanol

    Suppression of ABCE1-mediated mRNA translation limits N-MYC-driven cancer progression

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    The ability of the N-MYC transcription factor to drive cancer progression is well demonstrated in neuroblastoma, the most common extracranial pediatric solid tumor, where MYCN amplification heralds a poor prognosis, with only 11% of high-risk patients surviving past 5 years. However, decades of attempts of direct inhibition of N-MYC or its paralogues has led to the conclusion that this protein is “undruggable.” Therefore, targeting pathways upregulated by N-MYC signaling presents an alternative therapeutic approach. Here, we show that MYCN-amplified neuroblastomas are characterized by elevated rates of protein synthesis and that high expression of ABCE1, a translation factor directly upregulated by N-MYC, is itself a strong predictor of poor clinical outcome. Despite the potent ability of N-MYC in heightening protein synthesis and malignant characteristics in cancer cells, suppression of ABCE1 alone selectively negated this effect, returning the rate of translation to baseline levels and significantly reducing the growth, motility, and invasiveness of MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma cells and patient-derived xenograft tumors in vivo. The growth of nonmalignant cells or MYCN-nonamplified neuroblastoma cells remained unaffected by reduced ABCE1, supporting a therapeutic window associated with targeting ABCE1. Neuroblastoma cells with c-MYC overexpression also required ABCE1 to maintain cell proliferation and translation. Taken together, ABCE1-mediated translation constitutes a critical process in the progression of N-MYC-driven and c-MYC-driven cancers that warrants investigations into methods of its therapeutic inhibition

    Single-Cell Transcriptomic Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 Reactive CD4 + T Cells.

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    The contribution of CD4+ T cells to protective or pathogenic immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection remains unknown. Here, we present large-scale single-cell transcriptomic analysis of viral antigen-reactive CD4+ T cells from 32 COVID-19 patients. In patients with severe disease compared to mild disease, we found increased proportions of cytotoxic follicular helper (TFH) cells and cytotoxic T helper cells (CD4-CTLs) responding to SARS-CoV-2, and reduced proportion of SARS-CoV-2 reactive regulatory T cells. Importantly, the CD4-CTLs were highly enriched for the expression of transcripts encoding chemokines that are involved in the recruitment of myeloid cells and dendritic cells to the sites of viral infection. Polyfunctional T helper (TH)1 cells and TH17 cell subsets were underrepresented in the repertoire of SARS-CoV-2-reactive CD4+ T cells compared to influenza-reactive CD4+ T cells. Together, our analyses provide so far unprecedented insights into the gene expression patterns of SARS-CoV-2 reactive CD4+ T cells in distinct disease severities. Funding: This work was funded by NIH grants U19AI142742 (P.V., A.S., C.H.O), U19AI118626 (P.V., A.S., G.S.), R01HL114093 (P.V., F.A., G.S.,), R35-GM128938 (F.A), S10RR027366 (BD FACSAria-II), S10OD025052 (Illumina Novaseq6000), the William K. Bowes Jr Foundation (P.V.), and Whittaker foundation (P.V., C.H.O.). Supported by the Wessex Clinical Research Network and National Institute of Health Research UK. Conflict of Interest: The authors declare no competing financial interests. Ethical Approval: Ethical approval for this study from the Berkshire Research Ethics Committee 20/SC/0155 and the Ethics Committee of La Jolla Institute for Immunology (LJI) was in place. Written consent was obtained from all subjects

    Political connections and corporate financial decision making

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    This paper investigates whether and how political connections influence managerial financial decisions. Our study reveals that those firms that have a politician on its board of directors are highly leveraged, use more long-term debt, hold large excess cash and are associated with low quality financial reporting compared to their non-connected counterparts. These effects escalate with the strength of the connected politician and whether he or his party is in power. The winning party effect is observed to be stronger than victory by the politician himself. Overall, our paper provides strong evidence that political connection is a two-edged sword. It is indeed a valuable resource for connected firms, but it comes at a cost of higher agency problems
