90 research outputs found

    Production Structure of Main Commercial Tree Species in a Mangrove Forest in East Sumatera, Indonesia

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    Production structure of main commercial tree species was studied in a mangrove forest in East Sumatera, Indonesia. This research was carried out in January 1991 using the estimation of standing biomass with stratified clipping method in order to know the production structure of the main commercial tree species in this mangrove forest, i.e. Rhizophora apiculata, Bruguieraparviflora and B. sexangula. The results obtained show that R. apiculata tended to have a sparser foliage of thicker leaves along the stem than B. parviflora or B. sexangula; therefore, R. apiculata is regarded as a shade-intolerant tree species. In contrast, either B. parviflora or B. sexangula tended to have a larger proportion of leaves and branches along the stem; consequently, those species are recognized as shade-tolerant tree species

    Soil as a Factor Influencing the Mangrove Forest Communities in Talidendang Besar, Riau

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    One transect of 10 m x 900 m was constructed perpendicular to the sea edge to know the pattern ofmangrove forest communities from the sea edge through the inland area. Then, one sample plot of 50 m x 50 mwas established at each forest community to explore its vegetation structure and soil characteristics. The results show that in Talidendang Besar area, there are three mangrove forest communities stretchingfrom the sea edge to the inland, namely Bruguiera parviflora, B. sexangula and B. sexangula-Nypa fruticans.The soil factors such as pH.EC (electrical conductivity), % K, % Na, C-organic, N-total, NH4 (ammonia), andCEC (cation exchange capacity) were regarded important in influencing the pattern of the mangrove forestcommunities

    Keanekaragaman Hayati Flora Di Indonesia

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    Indonesia merupakan negara kepuluauan seluas sekitar 9 juta km2 yang terletak diantara dua samudra dan dua benua dengan jumlah pulau sekitar 17.500 buah yang panjang garis pantainya sekitar 95.181 km. Kondisi geografis tersebut menyebabkan negara Indonesia menjadi suatu negara megabiodiversitas walaupun luasnya hanya sekitar 1,3% dari luas bumi. Dalam dunia tumbuhan, flora di wilayah Indonesia termasuk bagian dari flora dari Malesiana yang diperkirakan memiliki sekitar 25% dari spesies tumbuhan berbunga yang ada di dunia yang menempati urutan negara terbesar ketujuh dengan jumlah spesies mencapai 20.000 spesies, 40%-nya merupakan tumbuhan endemik atau asli Indonesia. Negara Indonesia termasuk negara dengan tingkat keterancaman dan kepunahan spesies tumbuhan tertinggi di dunia. Saat ini tercatat sekitar 240 spesies tanaman dinyatakan langka, diantaranya banyak yang merupakan spesies tanaman budidaya. Selain itu, sekitar 36 spesies pohon di Indonesia dinyatakan terancam punah, termasuk kayu ulin di Kalimantan Selatan, sawo kecik di Jawa Timur, Bali Barat, dan Sumbawa, kayu hitam di Sulawesi, dan kayu pandak di Jawa serta ada sekitar 58 spesies tumbuhan yang berstatus dilindungi

    Litter Decomposition Rate of Avicennia Marina and Rhizophora Apiculata in Pulau Dua Nature Reserve, Banten

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    Litter decomposition rate is useful method to determine forest fertility level. The aims of this study were to measure decomposition rate, and analyze the nutrient content released organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphor from Avicennia marina and Rhizophora apiculata litters during the decomposition process. The research was conducted in the Pulau Dua Nature Reserve, Serang-Banten on A. marina and R. apiculata forest communities. Litter decomposition rate measurements performed in the field. Litter that has been obtained with the trap system is inserted into litter bag and than tied to the roots or trees to avoid drifting sea water. Litter decomposition rate was measured every 15 days and is accompanied by analysis of the content of organic C , total N and P. Our research results showed decomposition rate of A. marina (k= 0.83) was higher than that of R. apiculata (k= 0.41). Differences of leaf anatomical structure and sea water salinity influenced to the rate of litter decomposition. Organic C released was declined with longer of litter decomposition, on the contrary of releasing N and P nutrients

    Kelayakan Rehabilitasi Mangrove Dengan Teknik Guludan Dalam Perspektif Perdagangan Karbon Di Kawasan Hijau Lindung Muara Angke, Provinsi DKI Jakarta

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    Mitigation of climate change due to CO2 emissions, the forestry sector developed a REDD+ scheme. This study was conducted to examine financial feasibility of the mangrove rehabilitation with guludan technique, so that further funding of mangrove rehabilitation can be included into REDD+ scheme. Guludan technology was developed to overcome the deep water column for mangrove rehabilitation in the former pond area. This technique has been developed for mangrove species Avicennia marina with spacing 0.25 m x 0.25 m, 0.5 m x 0.5 m, and 1 m x 1 m. Based on diameter and height growth of 36 months planted seedlings of A.marina followed logistic model. CO2 sequestration 386.34 t/ha, 131.12 t/ha, and 26.75 t/ha in 0.25 m x 0.25 m, 0.5 m x 0.5 m, and 1 m x 1 m spacing. With CO2 sequestration selling price of €20,00/t CO2 and rehabilitated land area of 10 ha, this rehabilitation action using guludan technique is not financially feasible, because the criteria for a negative NPV, Net B/C< 1, and IRR < the investment rate, which is 12%. The alternative for this is by implementing material efficiency and increasing carbon selling price as much €54.5/t CO2 for the spacing 0.25 m x 0.25 m; €122/t CO2 for the spacing 0.5 m x 0.5 m; and €580/t CO2 for the spacing 1 m x 1 m

    Analisis Kelembagaan Pengelolaan Daerah Penyangga Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat: Studi Kasus Di Eks Hph PT Maju Jaya Raya Timber Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara Provinsi Bengkulu

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    Ex concession of PT Maju Jaya Raya Timber (PT MJRT) is located at North Bengkulu Regency, Bengkulu Province is an important buffer zone of Kerinci Seblat National Park (KSNP). Therefore the damage that happened in that area will have a huge impact in the on-going development of the reservation area. The purpose of this research is to design alternative policies to manage the buffer zone of KSNP. The analytical methods used are the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and SWOT analysis method are both used to design an alternative policies management. The result of this research showed that there have been changes in land cover, virgin forest only about 30%, and the rest was logged over area and has been converted to field crops owned by the locals and private company. This indicates that the management of ex-concession is not good enough. Based on Analytical Hierarchy Process and SWOT analysis, the prioritize function on the management of the area mentioned has be increasing to income of the locals, therefore this could decrease the pressure of the locals to take advantage in using the forest area. Some alternatives of policies which can be carried out is to strengthen property rights, developed local institution, developed the pattern of agroforestry and to upgrade the human resources by increasing the economic productivity for proper management of KSNP buffer zone

    Integrated Management of Mangroves Ecosystem in Lampung Mangrove Center (Lmc) East Lampung Regency, Indonesia

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    Mangroves forest ecosystem along the east coastal in Lampung Mangrove Center (LMC) Margasari Village is a renewable resources. It is a border between two ecosystem. Because of that situation, more than one stakeholders involved. There are department involues, Forestry Fisheries and Marine, and Agriculture Department in East Lampung District. Often, the policy of each department is not efficient and effective. Based on that situation, on 2006, the mangroves management try to make an integrated model between the stakeholders. In this research, It want to know the effectiveness of that model. The samples in this research used Simple Random Sampling which they were 25 the people and the team of integrated management of University of Lampung and the East Lampung Regency government. The datas will be described and analysis with SWOT Analizing (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats). The strategy of the integrated management will be defined after that. Integrated management of mangroves ecosystem in Margasari Village have in good management of sustainability approach and increase the welfare of the people. The position of the analzing of the integrated management is on the aggressive curve. It is indicated that the integrated management has been done since 2006 have progressive development, between the people, government, and University of Lampung. The strategies of management plan are education for the people on mangroves ecosystem functions and benefits, human resources development, law enforcement in break the rule in mangroves management (illegal loging and wild harvesting), development in International and national net working, science and technology development, and community empowerment and economyc increase
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