30 research outputs found

    Potenzial entomopathogener Pilze zur Kontrolle des Rapsglanzkäfers

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    Fungal isolates of Beauveria bassiana (21 isolates), B. brongniartii (2), Paecilomyces fumosoroseus (1) and Metarhizium anisopliae (1) were screened for virulence against pollen beetle Meligethes aeneus. Most of the tested B. bassiana isolates originated from naturally infected pollen beetles collected in Switzerland. In a lab bioassay adult beetles were dipped into a defined conidial suspension and fungal infection was recorded after 15 days. Seven isolates of B. bassiana as well as the P. fumosoroseus F4K caused infection rates between 67.9% and 80% respectively and proved to be promising strains for potential use against pollen beetles. However, more experiments are needed to confirm their biological control potential under field conditions

    Kirschenfliege: Wie sie ihre Feinde austrickst

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    Seit Jahrzehnten wird intensiv nach alternativen Kontrollmassnahmen zur chemischen Bekämpfung der Kirschenfliege gesucht (Boller und Remund 1980). Bis heute leider nur mit bescheidenem Erfolg für die Praxis. Der Einsatz insektenparasitischer Nematoden zur vorbeugenden Bekämpfung der im Boden überwinternden Schädlinge hat jüngst aber neue Hoffnungen geweckt. Wieso sich diese sonst so zuverlässigen Nützlinge an der Kirschenfliege ebenfalls die Zähne ausbeissen, soll im vorliegenden Artikel aufgezeigt werden

    Field evaluation of entomopathogenic nematodes against orchard pests

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    Survival of pest in micro-plot trials (container studies) or field plot trials was monitored after exposure to commercially used EPN strains. Experimental plots were artificially infested with pest larvae that naturally burrowed into the soil for diapause. Either larval mortality or adult emergence, was assessed to estimate the control effect of the EPN treatment. Here we present preliminary results from three ongoing projects

    Facilitating stress prevention in micro and small-sized enterprises:Protocol for a mixed method study to evaluate the effectiveness and implementation process of targeted web-based interventions

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    BACKGROUND: Workplace-related stress is a major risk factor for mental and physical health problems and related sickness absence and productivity loss. Despite evidence regarding the effectiveness of different workplace-based interventions, the implementation of stress prevention interventions is rare, especially in micro and small-sized enterprises (MSE) with fewer than 50 employees. The joint research project “PragmatiKK”(+) aims to identify and address the specific barriers to the implementation of stress prevention interventions in MSE. This study protocol describes a mixed method study design to evaluate the effectiveness of adapted stress prevention interventions and the implementation process via an integrated web-based platform (“System P”) specifically targeted at MSE. METHODS: First, we develop a web-based intervention, which accounts for the specific working conditions in MSE and addresses stress prevention at a structural and behavioral level. Second, we use common methods of implementation research to perform an effect and process evaluation. We analyze the effectiveness of the web-based stress prevention interventions by comparing depressive symptoms at baseline and follow-up (after 6 months and 12 months). Indicators for a successful implementation process include acceptability, adoption, feasibility, reach, dose, and fidelity, which we will measure with quantitative web-based questionnaires and qualitative interviews. We will also analyze the accumulated usage data from the web-based platform. DISCUSSION: Collecting data on the implementation process and the effectiveness of a web-based intervention will help to identify and overcome common barriers to stress prevention in MSE. This can improve the mental health of employees in MSE, which constitute more than 90% of all enterprises in Germany. (+) Full Project Name: „PragmatiKK - Pragmatische Lösungen für die Implementation von Maßnahmen zur Stressprävention in Kleinst- und Kleinbetrieben “(= Pragmatic solutions for the implementation of stress prevention interventions in micro and small-sized enterprises). TRIAL REGISTRATION: German Register of Clinical Studies (DRKS): DRKS00026154, date of registration: 2021-09-16. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12889-022-12921-7

    Solving Graph Optimization Problems in a Framework for Monte-Carlo Search

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    In this paper we solve fundamental graph optimization problems like Maximum Clique and Minimum Coloring with recent advances of Monte-Carlo Search. The optimization problems are implemented as single-agent games in a generic state-space search framework, roughly comparable to what is encoded in PDDL for an action planner

    Interprofessional nutrition management – implementation and evaluation of a course for medical and nursing students using research-based learning method

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    Objective: The aim of the teaching project "Interprofessional Nutrition Management in Inpatient and Home Care" of the Medical Faculty of the Heinrich Heine University (HHU) and the Fliedner University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf (FFH) was to test an interprofessional training session on the topic of malnutrition using the method of research-based learning to evaluate feasibility.Method: In the teaching project for medical and nursing students, research-based learning was applied in a case-based cross-sector setting. The teaching project was assessed quantitatively by the participating students through questionnaires and four newly-developed scales. The modeling and reliability of the scales (from 1 to 5) was confirmed by an exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha. The scales were evaluated descriptively and through inferential statistics.Results: The medical (n=21) and nursing students (n=25) rated the teaching project positively. Across all professional groups, the social context between the students (M=4.6) and the relevance of the topic (M=4.47) were rated very highly. The use of research-based learning (M=3.9) and the final assessment of the training session (M=3.9) were rated as satisfactory.Conclusions: The method of research-based learning proved to be very suitable for interprofessional education, as it enabled situations which encouraged the health professionals to learn from one another, about one another and with one another. Through the interdisciplinary discussion of malnutrition, cooperation skills and initial competences in nutritional management can be cultivated in future doctors and nursing staff even during training.Zielsetzung: Ziel des Lehrprojektes "Interprofessionelles Ernährungsmanagement in der stationären und häuslichen Versorgung" der Medizinischen Fakultät der Heinrich-Heine-Universität (HHU) und der Fliedner Fachhochschule Düsseldorf (FFH) war es eine interprofessionelle Lehrveranstaltung zum Schnittstellenthema Mangelernährung mit der Methode des Forschenden Lernens zu erproben und deren Machbarkeit zu evaluieren.Methodik: In dem Lehrprojekt für Medizin- und Pflegestudierende wurde Forschendes Lernen in einem fallbasierten sektorenübergreifenden Setting angewendet. Das Lehrprojekt wurde quantitativ mittels Fragebogen und vier neuentwickelten Skalen von den teilnehmenden Studierenden bewertet. Die Modellbildung und die Reliabilität der Skalen (Breite 1-5) wurde durch eine explorative Faktorenanalyse und Cronbachs Alpha abgesichert. Die Skalen wurden deskriptiv sowie inferenzstatistisch ausgewertet.Ergebnisse: Die Medizin- (n=21) und Pflegestudierenden (n=25) evaluierten das Lehrprojekt positiv. Berufsgruppenübergreifend wurde das Sozialklima zwischen den Studierenden (M=4,6) und die Relevanz des Themas (M=4,47) sehr hoch eingeschätzt. Die Anwendung des Forschenden Lernens (M=3,9) und die abschließende Einschätzung der Lehrveranstaltung (M=3,9) wurden als zufriedenstellend bewertet.Schlussfolgerungen: Die Methode des Forschenden Lernens erwies sich für interprofessionelle Ausbildung als sehr geeignet, da sie Lernsituationen ermöglichte, in welchen das von-, über- und miteinander Lernen der Gesundheitsberufe gefördert wurde. Durch die professionsübergreifende Auseinandersetzung mit Mangelernährung können bereits in der Ausbildung Kooperationskompetenzen und erste Handlungskompetenzen für Ernährungsmanagement bei den zukünftigen Ärztinnen und Ärzten und Pflegenden angebahnt werden

    Economic Impact of the Introduction and Establishment of Drosophila suzukii on Sweet Cherry Production in Switzerland

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    First detected in Switzerland in 2011, the invasive Drosophila suzukii, spotted wing drosophila, has caused recurring costs for growers of berries and fruit. Recommended management approaches rely on a set of methods, tailored to suit crop requirements under the prevailing local conditions. Control of D. suzukii represents a substantial economic burden for growers, in terms of material, equipment, new infrastructure and extra labour. However, those growers who invest wisely to deliver unblemished produce are rewarded with high payoffs. We present insights from a growers’ survey conducted in 2015 and 2016 to gauge the impact of the introduction and establishment of D. suzukii on Swiss sweet cherry production. The surveyed growers (111 in 2015 and 298 in 2016) observed the recommended surveillance, sanitation and control measures. The use of insecticides (78% and 79% of respondents in 2015 and 2016, respectively) and the harvest of all fruits (93% and 59% of respondents in 2015 and 2016, respectively) were the most widespread methods used to reduce damage. Nearly one-third of the respondents set up enclosure nets. Our economic evaluation of different scenarios provides a quantitative indication of the potentially incurred costs. We argue for enhanced stakeholder involvement to raise the acceptance of integrated pest management practices, and to inform research and outreach by providing insights into the motivations and barriers to adoption