301 research outputs found


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    In the article the essence of recreational entrepreneurship is explored, the circle of its subjects is outlined in modern conditions and the main factors of their development are systematized. The purpose of this article is to determine the essence, preconditions and characteristics of the development of recreational entrepreneurship subjects. Recreational entrepreneurship is considered as independent initiative activity of business entities, aimed at creating a recreational product and access to the market of recreational services andmaximizing profits, which involves the development of naturerecreationalpotential, the use of separate components recreational infrastructure and material and technical base of the recreational industry. Separate subjects of recreational entrepreneurship considered the subjects of rural tourism, as a rule, households that use the existing agro-climatic and natural-resource potential. The main tasks of the formation of modern forms of recreationalentrepreneurship are determined. В статье рассматриваются вопросы развития рекреационногопредпринимательства, очерчен круг его субъектов в современныхусловиях и систематизированы основные факторы их развития.Целью данной статьи является определение сути, предпосылок ихарактерных черт развития субъектов рекреационного предпринимательства. Рекреационное предпринимательство рассматривается как самостоятельная инициативная деятельность субъектов хозяйствования. Определены основные задачи по становлению современных форм рекреационного предпринимательства.В статті досліджено сутність рекреаційного підприємництва, окреслено коло його суб’єктів в сучасних умовах та систематизовано основні чинники їх розвитку. Метою даної статті є визначення сутності, передумов та характерних рис розвитку суб’єктів рекреаційного підприємництва. Рекреаційне підприємництво розглядається як самостійна ініціативна діяльність суб’єктів господарювання. Визначено основні завдання щодо становлення сучасних форм рекреаційного підприємництва

    Design of the educational environment for STEM-oriented learning

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    The article examines the impact of market requirements on the educational system, technological development of society and changes in the economic development of the country. The main directions of changes in European educational policy and their formalization in the framework of competences have been reviewed. The considered practices of organizing educational space in Ukraine and other countries allowed determining the structure of the interaction of participants in the educational environment of STEM-oriented training: administrative and managerial component, cooperation between education and business structures, scientific and methodological support, technological factor, popularization and human factor. The article gives a definition of the educational environment of STEM-oriented learning. According to each of the points of this structure, the peculiarities of their implementation in Ukraine have been presented: steps to implementation at legislative level have been taken, a list of measures aimed at popularizing and supporting STEM-education has been developed, a way of the dissemination of these ideas has been outlined and the list of already existing developments and implementation practices has been made. The conditions required for the development of educational STEM-environment have been defined. The article presents the model of the educational environment of STEM-oriented learning developed at the STEM-school of Kherson State University. The description of the project activity of the teacher and students in the context of the creation of educational environment of STEM-oriented learning is given. Also, the article offers examples of interdisciplinary projects. Their implementation requires that the teacher have a good theoretical foundation in mathematics, physics, technology and programming


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    Theoretical and methodical bases of assortment policy of the trade enterprise are investigated. The author's interpretation of the concept of restructuring the assortment portfolio of a commercial enterprise as a set of  operations on quantitative and qualitative changes in the set of goods as a result of reduction, expansion, renewal, improvement or harmonization of the range is proposed. An algorithm for studying the assortment policy of a commercial enterprise has been developed, which includes the following stages: analysis of the assortment portfolio; retrospective analysis of the turnover of the enterprise and the factors that affect it; determination of the goals of assortment portfolio restructuring and quantitative interpretation of their parameters; evaluation of the effectiveness of the assortment policy of the enterprise. The analysis of the assortment portfolio was performed according to the following indicators: structure, width, depth, completeness, novelty and rationality of the portfolio. The structure of the assortment (product) portfolio of a specific enterprise is analyzed using a combined ABC and XYZ analysis. The dynamics of the volume of trade and general and specific factors that affect it, in particular, the pricing and marketing policy of the enterprise, the provision of trade in commodity resources, the provision of material and technical base. The evaluation of the effectiveness of the assortment policy of the trading company. Based on the results of the analysis, economic decisions on improving the assortment portfolio of a commercial enterprise taking into account its specifics are proposed andsubstantiated. The target parameters of assortment portfolio restructuring have been determined, namely: maximization of trade turnover, minimization of operating costs, minimization of accounts payable and increase of its turnover. On the basis of calculations the estimation of expected effective indicators of activity of the trading enterprise is executed. Reasonable proposals can be used in the practice of trade enterprises.Исследовано теоретичесие и методические основы ассортиментной политики торгового предприятия. Предложено авторское трактование понятия  реструктуризации ассортиментного портфеля торгового предприятия. По разработанному алгоритму исследования осуществлен ретроспективный анализ ассортиментной политики предприятия; используя совмещенный АВС- та XYZ-анализ проанализирована структура ассортиментного (товарного) портфеля предприятия. Рассмотрена динамика объема товарооборота и влияющих на него факторов. Проведено оценивание результативности ассортиментной политики торгового предприятия. По результатам анализа предложены и обоснованы хозяйственные решения по усовершенствованию ассортиментного портфеля торгового предприятия з учетом его специфики. Определены целевые параметры реструктуризации ассортиментного портфеля, а именно: максимизация товарооборота, минимизация операционных издержек, минимизация кредиторской задолженности и повышение ее оборачиваемости. На основании расчетов произведено оценивание ожидаемых результативных показателей деятельности торгового предприятия. Обоснованные предложения могут быть использованы в практической деятельности предприятий торговли.Досліджено теоретичні та методичні основи асортиментної політики торговельного підприємства. Запропоноване авторське трактування поняття реструктуризації асортиментного портфеля  торговельного підприємства. За розробленим алгоритмом дослідження  здійснений ретроспективний аналіз асортиментної політики підприємства; використовуючи суміщений АВС- та XYZ-аналіз  проаналізована структура асортиментного (товарного) портфеля  підприємства. Розглянута динаміка обсягу товарообороту і факторів, що на нього впливають. Проведене оцінювання результативності асортиментної політики торговельного підприємства. За результатами аналізу запропоновані та обґрунтовані господарські рішення щодо вдосконалення асортиментного портфеля торговельного підприємства з урахуванням його специфіки. Визначені цільові параметри реструктуризації асортиментного портфеля, а саме: максимізація товарообороту, мінімізація операційних витрат, мінімізація кредиторської заборгованості і підвищення її оборотності. На підставі розрахунків виконане оцінювання очікуваних результативних показників діяльності торговельного підприємства. Обґрунтовані пропозиції можуть бути використані в практичній діяльності підприємств торгівлі


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    The article deals with the types of touring and tour operators that arerepresented on the Ukrainian market, their definitions and featuresare given. The purpose of the article is to determine the types oftouring and tour operators represented on the Ukrainian market. Theobject of research is the process of functioning of the tourist market ofUkraine, and the subject is touring activity as a component of thetourist market. The peculiarities of work directions for outs, incomes and insider operators are considered. There is given classification of international tour operators such as flyers (absolute and relative) and non-flyers. Representative and representative forms of cooperation of outgoing tour operators with foreign resorts are demonstrated. The is given dynamics of tourist flows in Ukraine for 2000-2017. Particular attention is paid to the development of inside touring, as an important priority of the development of the national tourism market. The proposed direction of the strategy for insider tour operators in maintaining market positions and getting the most possible profit in the conditions of competition on the tourist market.В статье рассмотрены виды туроперейтинга и туроператоров, представленные на рынке Украины, их определения и признаки. Рассмотрены особенности направлений работы для ауткам-, инкам- и инсайд-операторов. Дана классификация международных туроператоров, таких как флайтеры (абсолютные и относительные) и нон-флайтеры. Продемонстрированы презентативные и репрезентативные формы сотрудничества аутгоингових туроператоров с зарубежными курортами. Предложены направления стратегии для инсайд-туроператоров по удержанию рыночных позиций и получения максимально возможной прибыли в условиях конкуренции натуристическом рынке.В статті розглянуті види туроперейтингу і туроператорів, які представлені на ринку України, та наведені їх визначення та ознаки. Розглянуто особливості напрямів роботи для ауткам-, інкам- та інсайд-операторів. Наведена класифікація міжнародних туроператорів таких як флайтери (абсолютні та відносні) і нон-флайтери. Продемонстровано презентативні і репрезентативніформи співпраці аутгоінгових туроператорів із закордонними курортами. Запропонований напрям стратегії для інсайд-туроператорів щодо утримання ринкових позицій та отримання максимально можливого прибутку в умовах конкуренції на туристичному ринку

    Magnetic system for cleaning the gamma beam at the LUE-40 electron linac output

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    The bremsstrahlung of accelerated electrons passing through a converter is used to study multiparticle photo-nuclear reactions. The results of calculations, numerical modeling, design, and testing of a special magnetic cleaning system to obtain a "pure" beam of bremsstrahlung quanta when studying the cross-sections of such reactions at the LUE-40 linac are presented. The system is based on commercially available permanent magnets of rectangular cross-sections. The maximum on-axis field is 0.9 T, which provides sufficient separation of the electron beam and gamma rays at a distance of more than 90 mm from the magnet.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    The influence of the feed additive “Metisevit” on the activity of the antioxi-dant defense system of piglets under conditions of nitrate-nitrite load

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    The work aimed to investigate the effect of the “Metisevit” feed additive on the activity of the enzymes of the antioxidant system of the blood of piglets under conditions of nitrate-nitrite load. The research was carried out on 60-day-old piglets of the large white breed. For the experiment, 10 clinically healthy piglets were selected, from which 2 groups of five animals were formed. Piglets of the control group were fed sodium nitrate at a dose of 0.3 g NO3-/kg body weight for three months. Piglets of the research group were also fed sodium nitrate at a dose of 0.3 g NO3-/kg of body weight, together with Metisevit at a dose of 0.36 g/kg of feed for three months. The “Metisevit” feed additive was developed at the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology of the Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology Lviv, which contains vitamin E, selenium, and methiphene (methionine, phenarone, zeolite). Under the conditions of feeding piglets with sodium nitrate feed at a dose of 0.3 g of NO3ˉ/kg, a decrease in the activity of enzymes of the antioxidant defense system was established: superoxide dismutase by 14.8 %, catalase by 20%, glutathione peroxidase by 15.1 %. Metisevit in piglets increased the activity of the enzyme link of the antioxidant protection system, preventing the development of oxidative stress that occurs in nitrate-nitrite toxicosis. During our experiments, it was found that the introduction of Metisevit into the diet of piglets with excessive consumption of nitrates prevented the development of chronic nitrate-nitrite toxicosis. It was established that Metisevit increases the activity of enzymes – superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase. These enzymes reduce the high level of lipid peroxidation products in the body of piglets under conditions of nitrate-nitrite load

    Production of 180m{^{180\rm{m}}}Hf in photoproton reaction 181{^{181}}Ta(γ,p)(\gamma,p) at energy EγmaxE_{\rm{\gamma max}} = 35-95 MeV

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    The production of the 180mHf^{180\rm{m}}\rm{Hf} nuclei in the photoproton reaction 181Ta(γ,p){^{181}\rm{Ta}}(\gamma,p) was studied at end-point bremsstrahlung energies EγmaxE_{\rm{\gamma max}} = 35-95 MeV. The experiment was performed at the electron linear accelerator LUE-40 NSC KIPT with the use of the γ\gamma activation and off-line γ\gamma-ray spectroscopy. The experimental values of the bremsstrahlung flux-averaged cross-sections σ(Eγmax)m\langle{\sigma(E_{\rm{\gamma max}})}\rangle_{\rm{m}} for the 181Ta(γ,p)180mHf{^{181}\rm{Ta}}(\gamma,p)^{180\rm{m}}\rm{Hf} reaction were determined, and at Eγmax>55E_{\rm{\gamma max}} > 55 MeV obtained for the first time. The measured values, also as the literature data, are significantly exceed the theoretical flux-averaged cross-sections σ(Eγmax)th\langle{\sigma(E_{\rm{\gamma max}})}\rangle_{\rm{th}}. The σ(Eγmax)th\langle{\sigma(E_{\rm{\gamma max}})}\rangle_{\rm{th}} values were calculated using the cross-section σ(E)\sigma(E) computed with the TALYS1.95 code for six different level density models. A comparative analysis of the calculated total cross-sections for the reactions 181Ta(γ,p)180Hf{^{181}\rm{Ta}}(\gamma,p)^{180}\rm{Hf} and 181Ta(γ,n)180Ta{^{181}\rm{Ta}}(\gamma,n)^{180}\rm{Ta} was performed. It was shown that the photoproton (γ,p)(\gamma,p) to photoneutron (γ,n)(\gamma,n) strength ratio is consistent with the estimates based on the isospin selection rules and the value from the (e,ep)(e,e'p) experiment.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    UV to near-IR observations of the DART-Dimorphos collision

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    The impact of the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) spacecraft with Dimorphos allows us to study asteroid collision physics, including momentum transfer, the ejecta properties, and the visibility of such events in the Solar System. We report observations of the DART impact in the ultraviolet (UV), visible light, and near-infrared (IR) wavelengths. The observations support the existence of at least two separate components of the ejecta: a fast and a slow component. The fast-ejecta component is composed of a gaseous phase, moving at about 1.6 km/s with a mass of <10^4 kg. The fast ejecta is detected in the UV and visible light, but not in the near-IR zz-band observations. Fitting a simplified optical thickness model to these observations allows us to constrain some of the properties of the fast ejecta, including its scattering efficiency and the opacity of the gas. The slow ejecta component is moving at typical velocities of up to about 10 m/s. It is composed of micrometer-size particles, that have a scattering efficiency, at the direction of the observer, of the order of 10^-3 and a total mass of about 10^6 kg. The larger particles in the slow ejecta, whose size is bound to be in the range between ~1 mm to ~1 m, likely have a scattering efficiency larger than that of the pre-impact Didymos system.Comment: Submitted to MNRA