435 research outputs found

    «Покоління автодидактів»: італійські гуманісти першої половини XV ст. у пошуках ідентичності

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    У статті проаналізовано значення розуміння власної освіти для побудови ідентичності на прикладі італійських гуманістів першої половини XV ст., які позиціонували себе як автодидакти (самоучки). Автор вважає, що саме в цей час унаслідок дії цілого комплексу причин формуються передумови для виникнення явища автодидактів, яке остаточно виокремилося вже у Новому часі. Гуманісти у такий спосіб ставали в опозицію до тогочасних знання, освіти, пізнання, реалізовуючи самопрезентацію. Гуманістів приваблювали певні особливості статусу автодидакта, які давали їм змогу почуватися незалежними від усталених на той час норм, поглядів, інтелектуальних традицій, водночас використовуючи як підстави для консолідації гуманістів як окремої соціальної групи

    Formation of risk-oriented thinking of training in the conditions of realization of gef and professional standards

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    The article points to the successful application of pedagogical technology for the formation of risk-oriented thinking of students, developed in accordance with modern requirements of vocational educationУказывается на успешное применение педагогической технологии формирования риск-ориентированного мышления обучающихся, разработанной в соответствии с современными требованиями профессионального образовани

    Formation of risk-oriented thinking of students on the basis of acmeological approach

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    The article points to the successful application of the acmeological approach in the preparation of graduate students on the example of the discipline "Formation of riskoriented thinking of students"В статье указывается на успешное применение акмеологического подхода при подготовке аспирантов на примере дисциплины «Формирование риск-ориентированного мышления студентов

    Risk-oriented thinking of students of technical university as a modern condition of vocational education

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    The article suggests the use of continuous advanced safety training, a special role in which is assigned to the formation of risk-based thinking based on modern pedagogical technologiesВ статье предлагается использование непрерывной опережающей подготовки по безопасности, особая роль в которой отводится формированию риск-ориентированного мышления на основе современных педагогических технологи

    Semantics of Higraphs for Process Modeling and Analysis

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    International audienceKnowledge and experience of a case manager remains a key success factor for Case Management Processes (CMPs). When a number of influential parameters is high, a number of possible scenarios grows significantly. Automated guidance in scenario evaluation and activity planning would be of a great help. In our previous work, we defined the statecharts semantics for visualisation and simulation of CMP scenarios. In this work, we formalise the state-oriented models with higraphs: higraphs provide mathematical foundation for statecharts and eventually enable a wide panoply of algorithms for process analysis and optimisation. We show how a statecharts diagram can be transformed into higraph and analysed at run-time with graph algorithms. In particular, we take an example of the Shortest Path algorithm and show how this algorithm can be used in order to guide the case manager suggesting her the best process scenario. Compared to BPM approaches, a state-oriented process scenario does not specify concrete activities but only the objectives and constraints to be met. Thus, our approach does not prescribe but describe an activity to be executed next. The manager can define an activity that fit the description " on the fly " , based on her experience and intuition

    Modeling crisis management process from goals to scenarios

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    International audienceProcess manager plays the central role in crisis management. In order to capture the intentions of the process manager, the process should be specified at a strategic level. In order to analyze how these intentions are fulfilled during the process execution, the process should be specified at an operational level. Whereas the variety of techniques for goal modeling and process modeling is presented in the market, possibility to design a process seamlessly, from intentions (process goals) to executable scenarios, remains a challenging task. In this paper, we introduce an approach for modeling and simulating a crisis management process from goals to scenarios. We consider an example of flood management process specified for floods on Oka River in the Moscow region in Russia. In order to specify the intentions behind the flood management process, we use MAP formalism. For representing the process at the operational level, we use Statecharts formalism. To align the strategic and operation process levels, we translate the MAP model of flood management process to statecharts. We simulate the flood management process, showing how the process goals defined on the strategic level can be achieved by various scenarios executed in the operational level

    Chemical Composition and Potential Practical Application of 15 Red Algal Species from the White Sea Coast (the Arctic Ocean)

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    Though numerous valuable compounds from red algae already experience high demand in medicine, nutrition, and different branches of industry, these organisms are still recognized as an underexploited resource. This study provides a comprehensive characterization of the chemical composition of 15 Arctic red algal species from the perspective of their practical relevance in medicine and the food industry. We show that several virtually unstudied species may be regarded as promising sources of different valuable metabolites and minerals. Thus, several filamentous ceramialean algae (Ceramium virgatum, Polysiphonia stricta, Savoiea arctica) had total protein content of 20–32% of dry weight, which is comparable to or higher than that of already commercially exploited species (Palmaria palmata, Porphyra sp.). Moreover, ceramialean algae contained high amounts of pigments, macronutrients, and ascorbic acid. Euthora cristata (Gigartinales) accumulated free essential amino acids, taurine, pantothenic acid, and floridoside. Thalli of P. palmata and C. virgatum contained the highest amounts of the nonproteinogenic amino acid β-alanine (9.1 and 3.2 μM g−1 DW, respectively). Several red algae tend to accumulate heavy metals; although this may limit their application in the food industry, it makes them promising candidates for phytoremediation or the use as bioindicators

    Forming All-Russian National Identity in the Process of Artistic Image Development. Analysis of the Artistic Painting by Vasily Ivanovich Surikov Boyarynya Morozova

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    As a complicated and a multilevel phenomenon, national identity can be regarded both in the aspect of an individuals labelling him or herself as a part of some certain community or in the aspect of a formed concept of this community. An artistic painting taken as an artistic image, which is the process and the result of an interaction between the viewer and the material object, can act as a means of making the conditions for a person to regard him or herself as an individual, or a means of forming the concept of the national unity, or an essential part of this unity. The present article deals with the analysis of the possibility of an artistic painting to form the national identity, as exemplified by the analysis of the possibility of the artistic painting Boyarynya Morozova by Vasily Ivanovich Surikov to form Russian national identity.Общенациональная идентичность как явление сложное и многоуровневое может быть рассмотрена в аспекте индивидуального отнесения себя отдельным человеком к определенной общности людей или к сложившемуся представлению об этой общности. В качестве одного из средств формирования представления об общенациональном единстве и создания условий для личностного ощущения себя отдельным человеком необходимой частью этого единства может выступать произведение живописи, понимаемое как художественный образ - процесс и результат взаимодействия зрителя и произведения-вещи. В статье предлагается рассмотрение возможностей произведения изобразительного искусства (живописи) по формированию общенациональной идентичности на материале анализа возможностей картины Василия Ивановича Сурикова «Боярыня Морозова» по формированию общероссийской национальной идентичности