14 research outputs found

    SIDeKa: The Role of Information Technology for Knowledge Creation

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    The advancement of big data analytics is paving the way for knowledge creation based on very huge and unstructured data. Currently, information is scattered and growth tremendously, containing many information but difficult to be interpreted. Consequently, traditional approaches are no longer suitable for unstructured data but very rich in information. This situation is different from the role of previous information technology in which information is based on structured data, stored in the local storage, and in more advanced form, information can be retrieved through internet. Meanwhile, in Indonesia data are collected by many institutions with different measurement standard. The nature of the data collection is top-down, carried out by survey which is expensive yet unreliable and stored exclusively by respective institution. SIDeKa (Sistem Informasi Desa dan Kawasan/Village and Regional Information System), which are connected nationally, is proposed as a system of data collection in the village level and prepared by local people. Using SIDeKa, data reliability and readiness can be improved at the local level. The goals of the SIDeKa is not only local people have information in their hand such as poverty level, production, commodity price, the area of cultivated land, and the outbreak of diseases in their village, but also they have information from the neighboring villages or event at the national level. For government, data reliability will improve the policy effectiveness. This paper discusses the implementation and role of SIDeKa for knowledge creation in the village level, especially for the agricultural activities which has been initiated in 2015.Keywords: big data analytics; SIDeKa;  unstructured data


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    Selama ini sebagian besar analisis dalam bidang pertanian, khususnya agribisnisdan sosial ekonomi pertanian menggunakan pendekatan ekonometrika dengan mendasarkanpada asumsi “linieritas”. Pendekatan ini memberikan keunggulan dalam analisis ekonomi,seperti elastistas, return to scales, ataupun analisis fungsi permintaan dan penawaran dapatdiketahui dengan mudah. Meskipun demikian, saat ini disadari bahwa permasalahan dalambidang pertanian tidak sesederhana yang diasumsikan. Fungsi yang dianalisis mungkinmerupakan fungsi polynomial. Beberapa variabel mungkin tidak dapat didefinisikan denganjelas, khususnya variabel sosial. Oleh karena itu, penggunaan soft computing seperti model sarafbuatan (artificial neural network), genetic algorithm, fuzzy logic mulai banyak dipergunakanuntuk memecahkan berbagai persoalan yang bersifat non-linier, hazy dan subyektif. Berkaitandengan hal tersebut, tulisan ini memberikan ilustrasi penggunaan model saraf buatan dalambidang pertanian dengan mengambil kasus pada tanaman tebu. Perhitungan dilakukan denganmenggunakan multilayers networks sebanyak empat lapis dan proses belajar menggunakanalgoritma back propagation. Proses pembelajaran dilakukan sampai terjadi overtraining untukmemetakan pola hubungan faktor penentu penerimaan dan pendapatan petani tebu. Hasil yangdiperoleh menunjukkan bahwa biaya-biaya seperti sewa lahan, bibit, pestisida dan tenaga kerjamemiliki kontribusi yang besar dalam mempengaruhi penerimaan dan pendapatan petani. Biayasewa lahan yang tinggi dengan penggunaan biaya kerja yang rendah akan menekan pendapatanpetani sehingga usaha tani tebu harus diusahakan secara intensif. Selain itu, biaya modal sendiricenderu ng lebih menekan pendapatan dibandingkan dengan modal pinjaman


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    Selama ini sebagian besar analisis dalam bidang pertanian, khususnya agribisnisdan sosial ekonomi pertanian menggunakan pendekatan ekonometrika dengan mendasarkanpada asumsi “linieritas”. Pendekatan ini memberikan keunggulan dalam analisis ekonomi,seperti elastistas, return to scales, ataupun analisis fungsi permintaan dan penawaran dapatdiketahui dengan mudah. Meskipun demikian, saat ini disadari bahwa permasalahan dalambidang pertanian tidak sesederhana yang diasumsikan. Fungsi yang dianalisis mungkinmerupakan fungsi polynomial. Beberapa variabel mungkin tidak dapat didefinisikan denganjelas, khususnya variabel sosial. Oleh karena itu, penggunaan soft computing seperti model sarafbuatan (artificial neural network), genetic algorithm, fuzzy logic mulai banyak dipergunakanuntuk memecahkan berbagai persoalan yang bersifat non-linier, hazy dan subyektif. Berkaitandengan hal tersebut, tulisan ini memberikan ilustrasi penggunaan model saraf buatan dalambidang pertanian dengan mengambil kasus pada tanaman tebu. Perhitungan dilakukan denganmenggunakan multilayers networks sebanyak empat lapis dan proses belajar menggunakanalgoritma back propagation. Proses pembelajaran dilakukan sampai terjadi overtraining untukmemetakan pola hubungan faktor penentu penerimaan dan pendapatan petani tebu. Hasil yangdiperoleh menunjukkan bahwa biaya-biaya seperti sewa lahan, bibit, pestisida dan tenaga kerjamemiliki kontribusi yang besar dalam mempengaruhi penerimaan dan pendapatan petani. Biayasewa lahan yang tinggi dengan penggunaan biaya kerja yang rendah akan menekan pendapatanpetani sehingga usaha tani tebu harus diusahakan secara intensif. Selain itu, biaya modal sendiricenderu ng lebih menekan pendapatan dibandingkan dengan modal pinjaman


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    The target of the program is that people who have not been economically productive but have a strong desire to become entrepreneurs, are a group of housewives with 10 members in the Dsn. Karanglo Sukoharjo Ngaglik Sleman. The aim of the program is to help empower housewives through the development of various taro-based cakes and help create peace and comfort. In general, the problems faced by partners are economic conditions that are still below average and productivity levels that are still low. To overcome this problem, the service team provided a solution in the form of building a business field tailored to the minimum skills of the community and local food-based partner areas. While the specific problem is that the majority of housewives are less able to take advantage of their free time in daily activities, do not have the effort to use taro around their home gardens as processed food, do not have the innovation of taro processing, do not have working capital to make business, do not have the ability to plan, record, and control a business, do not understand who the consumers will buy and do not know how to do the right marketing. The results of this activity are partners have received entrepreneurship training, the addition of production equipment, training and mentoring on how to make various cakes from taro, simple financial management training, and marketing management training. Keywords: taro, local food crops, empowerment, innovation, housewive

    Fuzzy cognitive map based on NPN logic : a new method for impact assessment

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    Transformasi vertikal melalui global value chain untuk penerapan revolusi industri 4.0

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    Selama ini, kemajuan pembangunan suatu negara digambarkan sebagai tahapan - tahapan perkembangan secara horizontal, dari pertanian, industri dan jasa. Transformasi dapat dilakukan ketika terjadi pemindahan kelebihan tenaga kerja sektor pertanian di pedesaan ke sektor industri di perkotaan tanpa mengurangi output di sektor pertanian. Pendekatan ini mendasarkan pada perkembangan revolusi industri 1.0 dan 2.0 ketika industrialisasi berjalan, terjadi perpindahan penduduk dari desa ke kota.Halaman 7

    SIDeKa: the Role of Information TECHNOLOGY for Knowledge Creation

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    The advancement of big data analytics is paving the way for knowledge creation based on very huge and unstructured data. Currently, information is scattered and growth tremendously, containing many information but difficult to be interpreted. Consequently, traditional approaches are no longer suitable for unstructured data but very rich in information. This situation is different from the role of previous information technology in which information is based on structured data, stored in the local storage, and in more advanced form, information can be retrieved through internet. Meanwhile, in Indonesia data are collected by many institutions with different measurement standard. The nature of the data collection is top-down, carried out by survey which is expensive yet unreliable and stored exclusively by respective institution. SIDeKa (Sistem Informasi Desa dan Kawasan/Village and Regional Information System), which are connected nationally, is proposed as a system of data collection in the village level and prepared by local people. Using SIDeKa, data reliability and readiness can be improved at the local level. The goals of the SIDeKa is not only local people have information in their hand such as poverty level, production, commodity price, the area of cultivated land, and the outbreak of diseases in their village, but also they have information from the neighboring villages or event at the national level. For government, data reliability will improve the policy effectiveness. This paper discusses the implementation and role of SIDeKa for knowledge creation in the village level, especially for the agricultural activities which has been initiated in 2015

    Peran pengetahuan dalam menentukan proses pembelajaran organisasi dan efektivitasnya pada kepemimpinan

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