110 research outputs found

    Post mortem analysis of a tungsten coated tile from the outer divertor strike point region of ASDEX upgrade

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    AbstractIn the present study, the structure and the composition of co-deposited layers developed at the outer divertor strike point tile 1 in ASDEX Upgrade during three campaigns from 2009 to 2013 were examined. The samples were cut from representative locations which differed in received flux: private flux, strike point, the highest plasma fluence and “moderate" flux regions. High resolution scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (HRSTEM) combined with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and optical profilometry have been used to identify deposits composition and morphology as well as to assess coating degradation. The aim of the post-mortem analyses was the evaluation of materials mixing and evidence of plasma-induced damage.Our results confirm that the outer divertor of AUG is generally a net erosion region for tungsten, however, the strong deposition of eroded tungsten takes place close to the outer strike point (private flux region). The observations on cross-sections of the tungsten coatings revealed micro-cracks around the strike point region. These cracks are caused by thermal stresses due to periodic heating and cooling of the layer during ELMs

    Influence of vibratory stress relief on residual stresses in weldments and mechanical properties of struktural steel joint

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    The welding process can join two similar materials with a bond that has mechanical properties comparable to the original material. Unfortunately, this process induces residual stresses in the weldment, which, if left untreated, can cause distortion of the part, premature fatigue failure or cracking along the weld. A post-weld heat treatment is the traditional method of relieving these stresses, but is costly and a time consuming process. Heat treatment is required for weldments, which have heavy fatigue loading since the post-weld heat treatment reduces the residual stresses in the weldment and generates more uniform mechanical properties. Vibratory stress relief (VSR) techniques could be used to substitute the heat treatment for these types of weldments and save time and money. The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief overview of the generation, measurement, and reduction of residual stresses. Residual stresses in the weld bead were measured by means of X-ray diffraction, ultrasonic technique and hole drilling methods. In addition, welded specimens were subjected to mechanical testing with purpose of determination of VSR effect on weld and heat-affected zone meta

    Non-woven polypropylene fabric modified with carbon nanotubes and decorated with nanoakaganeite for arsenite removal

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    Due to its harmful impact on human health, the presence of heavy metals, metalloids and other toxic pollutants in drinking or irrigation water is a major concern. Recent studies have proved that nanosized adsorbents are significantly more effective than their microsized counterparts. Particular attention has been given to nanocomposites with nanoadsorbents embedded in matrixes that could provide stability to the material and contribute to eliminating problems that may appear when using conventional granular systems. This study presents the preparation of a novel hybrid filter from a commercially available polypropylene (PP) non-woven fabric matrix modified with multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) and iron oxy(hydroxide) nanoparticles, and its use in the removal of As(III). A Box–Behnken statistical experimental design has been chosen to explore relevant variables affecting the filter performance: (1) As(III) concentration, (2) pH and (3) sorbent dose. From an As(III) concentration of 10 mg L−1, at pH 6.5 and with a sorbent dose of 5 g L−1, the PP filter modified with MWCNT removes 10% of the initial metalloid concentration, reaching a capacity of 0.27 mg g−1. After modification with iron oxy(hydroxide), the performance of the material is largely enhanced. The filter, under the same conditions, removes 90% of the initial As(III) concentration, reaching a capacity almost tenfold higher (2.54 mg g−1). This work demonstrates that the developed hybrid filter is effective toward the removal of As(III) in a wide range of pHs. A cubic regression model to compute the removal of the filter as a function of pH and sorbent dose is provided.acceptedVersio

    Fabrication of corrugated Ge-doped silica fibers

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    We present a method of fabricating Ge-doped SiO2 fibers with corrugations around their full circumference for a desired length in the longitudinal direction. The procedure comprises three steps: hydrogenation of Ge-doped SiO2 fibers to increase photosensitivity, recording of Bragg gratings with ultraviolet light to achieve modulation of refractive index, and chemical etching. Finite-length, radially corrugated fibers may be used as couplers. Corrugated tapered fibers are used as high energy throughput probes in scanning near-field optical microscopy

    Effect of pressure on synthesis of Pr-doped zirconia powders produced by microwave-driven hydrothermal reaction

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    A high-pressure microwave reactor was used to study the hydrothermal synthesis of zirconia powders doped with 1 mol % Pr.The synthesis was performed in the pressure range from 2 to 8MPa corresponding to a temperature range from 215◦C to 305◦C.This technology permits a synthesis of nanopowders in short time not limited by thermal inertia of the vessel. Microwave heatingpermits to avoid contact of the reactants with heating elements, and is thus particularly well suited for synthesis of dopednanopowders in high purity conditions. A mixture of ZrO2 particles with tetragonal and monoclinic crystalline phases, about15nm in size, was obtained. The p/T threshold of about 5-6MPa/265–280◦C was necessary to obtain good quality of zirconiapowder. A new method for quantitative description of grain-size distribution was applied, which is based on analysis of the finestructure of the X-ray diffraction line profiles. It permitted to follow separately the effect of synthesis conditions on the grain-size distribution of the monoclinic and tetragonal phases

    Effect of Pressure on Synthesis of Pr-Doped Zirconia Powders Produced by Microwave-Driven Hydrothermal Reaction

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    A high-pressure microwave reactor was used to study the hydrothermal synthesis of zirconia powders doped with 1 mol % Pr. The synthesis was performed in the pressure range from 2 to 8 MPa corresponding to a temperature range from 215C∘ to 305C∘. This technology permits a synthesis of nanopowders in short time not limited by thermal inertia of the vessel. Microwave heating permits to avoid contact of the reactants with heating elements, and is thus particularly well suited for synthesis of doped nanopowders in high purity conditions. A mixture of ZrO2 particles with tetragonal and monoclinic crystalline phases, about 15 nm in size, was obtained. The p/T threshold of about 5-6 MPa/265–280C∘ was necessary to obtain good quality of zirconia powder. A new method for quantitative description of grain-size distribution was applied, which is based on analysis of the fine structure of the X-ray diffraction line profiles. It permitted to follow separately the effect of synthesis conditions on the grain-size distribution of the monoclinic and tetragonal phases

    Qualitätsprodukt Erziehungsberatung. Empfehlungen zu Leistungen, Qualitätsmerkmalen und Kennziffern

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    Neben einer Beschreibung der Leistung Erziehungs- und Familienberatung - Beratung und Therapie, präventive Angebote und Vernetzungsaktivitäten - werden ihre Qualitätsmerkmale - gegliedert nach Struktur-, Prozess- und Ergebnisqualität - ausführlich dargestellt und Kennziffern zu ihrer quantitativen Erfassung vorgeschlagen. Der Anhang enthält u.a. eine Kurzfassung der vorliegenden Empfehlungen zu Leistungen, Qualitätsmerkmalen und Kennziffern. (DIPF/Autor

    An EBSD study of the deformation of service-aged 316 austenitic steel

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    Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) has been used to examine the plastic deformation of an ex-service 316 austenitic stainless steel at 297K and 823K (24 °C and 550 °C)at strain rates 3.5x10-3 to 4 x 10-7 s-1. The distribution of local misorientations was found to depend on the imposed plastic strain following a lognormal distribution at true strains 0.1. At 823 K (550 °C), the distribution of misorientations depended on the applied strain rate. The evolution of lattice misorientations with increasing plastic strain up to 0.23 was quantified using the metrics kernel average misorientation, average intragrain misorientation, and low angle misorientation fraction. For strain rate down to 10-5 s-1 all metrics were insensitive to deformation temperature, mode (tension vs. compression) and orientation of the measurement plane. The strain sensitivity of the different metrics was found to depend on the misorientation ranges considered in their calculation. A simple new metric, proportion of undeformed grains, is proposed for assessing strain in both aged and unaged material. Lattice misorientations build up with strain faster in aged steel than in un-aged material and most of the metrics were sensitive to the effects of thermal aging. Ignoring aging effects leads to significant overestimation of the strains around welds. The EBSD results were compared with nanohardness measurements and good agreement established between the two techniques of assessing plastic strain in aged 316 steel