21 research outputs found

    Experimentally based numerical models and numerical simulation with parameter identification of human lumbar FSUs in traction

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    Numerical simulation of the behaviour of human lumbar spine segments, moreover, parameter-identification of the component organs of human lumbar FSUs are presented in traction therapies, by using FEM analysis. First, a simple 2D model, than a refined 2D model, and finally a refined 3D model were applied for modeling lumbar FSUs. For global numerical simulation of traction therapies the material constants of component organs have been obtained from the international literature. For local parameter identification of the component organs, an interval of the possible material moduli has been considered for each organ, and the possible combinations of real moduli were obtained, controlling the process by the measured global deformations. In this way, the efficiency of conservative traction therapies can be improved by offering new experimental tensile material parameters for the international spine research

    Finite element modeling and simulation of degeneration and hydrotraction therapy of human lumbar spine segments

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    A large percent of population is affected by low back pain problems all over the world, starting from the degeneration of the lumbar spinal structure, caused generally by ageing and mechanical overloading. If the degeneration is not too advanced, surgical treatments can be avoid, by applying conservative treatments, like traction therapies. Dry traction is a well-known method, however, often happens that instead of the traction effect and stress relaxation, the compression increases in the discs due to muscle activities. This verifies the importance of the suspension hydro-traction therapy, where the muscles are completely relaxed. The aim of this study was doubled: to model and simulate numerically the age-related and accidental degenerations of lumbar functional spinal units (FSU) and to simulate the mechanical answer of the more or less degenerated lumbar segments for the hydro-traction treatment, by using FE method. The basic question was: how to unload the disc to regain or improve its functional and metabolic ability. FE simulations of the mechanical behaviour of human lumbar FSUs with life-long agerelated and sudden accidental degenerations are presented for tension and compression. Compressive material constants were obtained from the literature, tensional material moduli were determined by parameter identification, using in vivo measured global elongations of segments as control parameters. 3D FE models of a typical FSU of lumbar part L3-S1 were developed extended to several nonlinear and nonsmooth unilateral features of intervertebral discs, ligaments, articular facet joints and attachments. The FE model was validated both for compression and tension, by comparing the numerical calculations with experimental results. The weightbath hydrotraction therapy decreases pain, increases joint flexibility, and improves the quality of life of patients with cervical or lumbar discopathy. Numerical simulations were investigated to clear the biomechanical effects of hydrotraction treatment of more or less degenerated segments to improve the efficiency of the non-invasive conservative treatment

    Szabó János életútja

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    Amikor arra a feladatra készültem, hogy Szabó János gazdag életútját ismertessem, és a dokumentumokat gyűjtögettem össze a családtól, kollégáktól, barátoktól, világosan kirajzolódott előttem, miként szőtték át az ő életét is, mint mindannyiun- két, XX. századi történelmünk különösen mozgalmas és ellentmondásos szálai. Eszembe jutottak Csonka Pálnak, egyetemünk legendás professzorának szavai, amelyek 90. születésnapján, ugyanebben a teremben hangzottak el néhány évvel ezelőtt. A következőket mondotta: —Hosszú életem a teljes magyar történelem csaknem egytizedét teszi ki, és ebben az egytizedben, századunkban minden elő- fordult, ami a történelemben egyáltalán előfordulhat. Voltak csodálatosan szép napjaink, de annál többet csapkodtak a villámok a fejünk felett…la Aki tehát abban a kiváltságban részesült, hogy élete hajóját századunk viharai közepette kormányozhatta, néha próbákat kellett kiállnia

    Compressive load bearing and bone architecture of lumbar vertebrae in terms of sex and aging

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    Relation between vertebral compressive strength and trabecular architecture is presented in terms of aging and sex. Complex in vitro medical-engineering analysis of cadaver human lumbar L1 and L2 vertebrae was executed: densitometry, CT, MRI, mechanical test and histology, in aspect of osteoporosis. In this paper the results of the mechanical test are detailed only. The compressive mechanical parameters, like limit stress and strain, proportional stress and strain, Young modulus, ductility, energy absorption capacity were determined. Morphometry analysis was based on the CT pictures. Density and diameter of trabeculae were measured. Correlation between morphometric and mechanical properties was evaluated in terms of aging, sex and bone mineral density

    Finite element analysis of weightbath hydrotraction treatment in the case of osteoporosis

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    3D finite element analysis of the first elastic period of the weightbath hydrotraction treatment is presented to analyze the effect of osteoporosis during the traction procedure. A systematic parameter analysis of the material moduli of the aging spinal motion segment with osteoporotic bone was investigated. It was concluded that the osteoporosis in itself can not be a contraindicating factor of  weightbath hydrotraction treatment. However, if applying extra weigts, beside the quality of bone and the grade of osteoporosis, the age of patients, their body structure and body weight must be carefully considered as well.  DOI: 10.17489/biohun/2013/1/2

    Finite element parameter-analysis of age-related degenerations of components of lumbar spine segments in compression

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    3D finite element parameter analysis of the degeneration-sensitivity of the material properties of the components of lumbar spinal motion segments is presented for physiologic compression load. The aim was to determine that material behaviour which dominantly determines the mechanical behaviour of the aging spine. Systematic numerical simulation was executed by using a finite element model validated by experimental results for both tension and compression. It was concluded that to keep the hydrostatic compression state of nucleus is the most important factor to maintain the stability of lumbar segments in the first period of aging process.  DOI: 10.17489/biohun/2013/1/2

    A súlyfürdőkezelés hatásának végeselemes szimulációja a kezdeti rugalmas szakaszban

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    Weightbath hydrotraction treatment is one of the most important discoveries in the Hungarian rheumatology. Due to the treatment muscles relax, the spine stretches, the disc contracts, the pain mitigates, operation may be avoided. The weightbath treatment has been applied in Hungary successfully for more than a half century, however, it is unknown elsewhere because of the lack of experimental clinical and biomechanical analysis and proof of its effi ciency. Recently, Hungarian researchers have investigated the biomechanical and experimental analysis of its stretching and clinical evidences; in this paper the numerical simulation of the treatment is presented. 3D finite element models of human lumbar functional spinal units were used for numerical analysis of weightbath hydrotraction therapy applied for treating degenerative diseases of the lumbar spine. Five grades of age-related degeneration were modeled by material properties. Tensile material parameters of discs were obtained by parameter identifi cation based on in vivo measured elongations of lumbar segments during the regular weightbath treatment. Compressive material constants were obtained from the literature. It has been proved numerically that young adults of 40–45 years have the most deformable and vulnerable discs, while the stability of segments increases with further aging. The reasons were found by analyzing the separated contrasting effects of decreasing incompressibility and increasing hardening of nucleus, yielding non-monotonousfunctions of stresses and deformations in terms of aging and degeneration. The weightbath treatment consists of indirect and direct traction phases. Discs show a bilinear material behaviourwith higher resistance in indirect and smaller in direct traction phase. Consequently, although the direct traction load is only 6% of the indirect one, direct traction deformations are 20–80% of the indirect ones, depending on the grade of degeneration. Moreover, the ratio of direct stress relaxation remains equally about 2–8% only. Consequently, direct traction controlled by extra lead weights infl uences mostly the deformations being responsible for the nerve release; while the stress relaxation is infl uenced mainly by the indirect traction load coming from the removal of the compressive body weight and muscle forces in the water. These initial elastic elongations of the lumbar spine are doubled during the further creep period of the treatment. The optimal efficiency of the treatment develops by the end of a 2-3 weeks long cure of daily treatments. The benefi cial clinical impacts of WHT are still evident even 3 months later.A súlyfürdĹ‘ a magyar reumatológia egyik legnagyobb gyakorlati jelentĹ‘ségű felfedezése. Eredményeként az izmok ellazulnak, a gerinc megnyúlik, a porckorongsérv visszahúzódik, a fájdalom enyhül, a műtét megelĹ‘zhetĹ‘. Ez a konzervatív kezelési mód hazánkban több mint fél évszázada széles körben elterjedt, sikeresen alkalmazzák, azonban külföldön nem ismerik, mivel korábban nem állt rendelkezésre a beavatkozás széles körű biomechanikai elemzése. A közelmúltban a kezelés biomechanikai hátterének elemzése és a keletkezĹ‘ megnyúlások in vivo kísérleti meghatározása, valamint a kezelés hatékonyságának klinikai kísérleti bizonyítása megtörtént. A jelen tanulmányban a kezelés numerikus szimulációjának eredményeit ismertetjük. 3D végeselemes numerikus szimulációval vizsgáljuk a kezelési folyamat mechanikai körülményeit és hatékonyságát. A súlyfürdĹ‘kezelés egy tipikus viszkoelasztikus folyamat. A jelen tanulmányban ennek a kezdeti rugalmas szakaszát vizsgáljuk. A számításainkat a lumbális L3–S1 gerincszakasz egy tipikus szegmentumának a végeselemes modellje alapján végezzük, amelynek húzási anyagállandóit a súlyfürdĹ‘ben végzett in vivo kísérletek alapján állapítottuk meg, nyomási anyagállandóita szakirodalomból vettük át. Számításaink alapján bebizonyítottuk, hogy a 40–45 év közötti korosztály lumbális szegmentumai a legsérülékenyebbek, a további idĹ‘södés során a szegmentális stabilitás erĹ‘södik. Megállapítottuk, hogy a súlyfürdĹ‘kezelés indirekt és direkt nyújtási szakaszból áll. A porckorong bilineárisan viselkedik: az indirekt szakaszban nagyobb a nyújtással szembeni ellenállása, mint a direkt szakaszban. Emiatt, annak ellenére, hogy a direkt nyújtóerĹ‘ csak mintegy 6%-a az indirekt nyújtóerĹ‘nek, a direkt megnyúlások 20–80%-át teszik ki az indirekt megnyúlásoknak a szegmentum életkorától és degenerációs állapotától függĹ‘en. Ugyanakkor a direkt szakaszban a porckorong feszültségi tehermentesülése csupán 2–8%-ot tesz ki. Következésképpen a többletsúlyokkal vezérelt direkt nyújtóerĹ‘k elsĹ‘sorban a porckorong megnyúlásaiért felelĹ‘sek, elĹ‘idézve az ideggyökök felszabadítását a kompressziós deformációk alól; ugyanakkor a felhajtóerĹ‘ miatt lecsökkent testsúlyból és a függesztési testhelyzet miatt megszűnĹ‘ izomerĹ‘kbĹ‘l eredĹ‘ indirekt nyújtóerĹ‘ a feszültségi tehermentesülésért felelĹ‘s. A lumbális szegmentumok kezdeti rugalmas deformációi a súlyfürdĹ‘kezelés további viszkózus szakaszában a kúszási folyamat során mintegy megkettĹ‘zĹ‘dnek. A kezelés hatékonysága napi gyakoriságú többhetes kúra végére lesz optimális. Klinikai kísérletekkel azt bizonyították, hogy a súlyfürdĹ‘ jótékony hatása három hónap elteltével is érzékelhetĹ‘. DOI: 10.17489/biohun/2010/1/1

    Finite element analysis of long-time aging and sudden accidental degeneration of lumbar spine segments in compression

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    3D finite element analysis of long term aging and sudden accidental degeneration processes is presented for physiologic compression load. A systematic modeling and simulation is applied for analyzing the separated and mutual effect of certain material moduli of the components of lumbar motion segments on the mechanical behaviour and stability of the segment during the long time and sudden degeneration processes. It was concluded that due to their smallest stiffness the younger segments with light degeneration are the most vulnerable during both the long-time age-related and the sudden overload-related degeneration.   DOI: 10.17489/biohun/2013/1/2

    Mechanikai problémákból származó nemlin. egyenletrendszerek elemzése és megoldása a MATHEMATICA integrált rendszer alkalmazásával. = Analysis and solving sets of nonlinear equations originated from mechanics using the integrated system MATHEMATICA.

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    A mérnöki gyakorlathoz kapcsolódó mechanikai problémák sok esetben vezetnek nemlineáris numerikus feladatra. Ilyen feladatot jelent többek között a szerkezetek stabilitásvizsgálata, a nagy elmozdulásokkal kapcsolatos vizsgálatok, illetve geodéziai eredetű számítási problémák is. Kutatásaink során megmutattuk, hogy rugalmas szerkezetek stabilitásának (egyensúlyi útjainak) vizsgálatakor a mérnöki intuícióval ellentétes eredmények is adódnak. Vizsgáltuk magas rendben szimmetrikus szerkezetek kompatibilitási, valamint nagy elmozdulásokra képes (és a DNS-molekula mechanikai modellezésére is alkalmas) hajlított-csavart rudak egyensúlyi útjait, illetve iterációs eljárást dolgoztunk ki terhelt vasbeton gerendák alakmeghatározása céljából. Elkészítettük bizonyos mérnöki feladatokban használt algoritmusok Mathematica szimbolikus-numerikus integrált rendszerbeli implementációját (pl. Bairstow-módszer, illetve a geodézia mérési hibáinak kiegyenlítésére és GPS-rendszerekben használatos "support vector regression"-módszer), igazolva ezzel a szimbolikus-numerikus rendszerek konkrét mérnöki feladatok megoldásában való hatékony alkalmazhatóságát. Mindezek alapján a PhD-képzés vonatkozó tantárgyainak anyagát is átdolgoztuk a Mathematica által a nyújtott lehetőségek figyelembe vételével. | Mechanical questions arising from engineering practice often lead to nonlinear numeric problems. This happens e.g. when stability or big displacements of a structure, as well as some computational problems coming from Geodesy are analysed. In the current research it has been shown that investigations on stability (equilibrium paths) of elastic structures sometimes give a result apparently opposed to the intuition of an engineer. Compatibility paths of highly symmetric structures and equilibrium paths of a twisted and bent rod (subject to big displacements) has also been investigated; this latter one is relevant by providing a possible mechanical model of the DNA molecule. An iterative method has been developed aiming the shape determination of loaded reinforced concrete beams as well. Some algorithms that are frequently used in engineering problems have been implemented in the Mathematica computer-algebraic system (CAS), e.g. the Bairstow method or the support vector regression method used in GPS navigation systems, thus proving the wide-spread applicability of CAS systems in solving given engineering problems. Accordingly, the material of related PhD subjects has been revised and synchronised with the options provided by Mathematica for engineers

    Biomechanical evaluation of vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty by uniaxial compressive test

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    In vertebroplasty, by injecting cement into the fractured osteoporotic vertebra, the cement can leak into the surrounding soft tissues. To avoid this injurious side-effect, in kyphoplasty a suitable place is previously prepared for the cement, by an inflated and removed balloon. In this study the biomechanical evaluation of vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty is presented by comparing the strength, stiffness and deformability of post-operated vertebrae by using uniaxial compressive mechanical test. As for conclusion, mechanical properties following vertebroplasty are more sensitive to initial bone density than after kyphoplasty, however, both techniques give practically the same failure load, vertebroplasty yields larger stiffness and smaller compressive deformability.  DOI: 10.17489/biohun/2013/1/3