5 research outputs found

    The emergence and evolution of a politicized market : the production and circulation of Kurdish music Turkey

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    Ankara : The Department of Management İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University, 2015.Thesis (Ph. D.) -- Bilkent University, 2015.Includes bibliographical references leaves 279-296.This dissertation explicates the emergence and evolution of a market for Kurdish music in Turkey. Using ethnographic methods, I start by detailing the illegal circulation of cassettes during the restrictive and strife-laden period of the 1970s, 80s, and 90s. Through the resistive practices of circulation - recording, hiding, playing, and exchanging cassettes – cassettes became saturated with emotions, established shared emotional repertoires, and habituated individuals and collectives into common emotional dispositions. An emotional structure was generated, and accompanied the emergence of a sense of “us,” the delineation of the “other,” and the resistive relationship between the two. I thus demonstrate the entwinement of materiality with emotions, and the structuring potentiality that this entwinement generates. In the second part, I ethnographically explore the trajectory of the market after legalization in 1991. Situated within a context characterized by the sociopolitical dynamics of domination and stigmatization, I detail how market producers collectively construct an oppositional “market culture” by framing their marketrelated experiences, as well as by interacting with and borrowing ideological codes from the neighboring Kurdish political movement. These frames become entrenched as a political-normative logic, shaping artistic production and business decisions. This emergent logic negotiates societal-level conflict and stigma, and also resolves the market-level tension between artistic and commercial concerns. Finally, I explore the segmentation of the market in conjunction with changes in the socio-political atmosphere in the 2000s. I discuss how segmentation also corresponds to competing social imaginaries of a Kurdish public.Kuruoğlu, Alev PınarPh.D

    Karpal tünel sendromunun klinik şiddetiyle elektrofizyolojik bulgular değişiyor mu?

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    Amaç: Klinik olarak orta ve şiddetli karpal tünel sendromu (KTS) olan gruplar arasındaki elektrofizyolojik (EMG) farklılıkları değerlendirmek. Hastalar ve Metod: KTS’si olan 226 hastada retrospektif olarak 385 el EMG çalışmaları ile değerlendirildi. Italyan KTS çalışma grubunun modifiye edilen kriterlerine gore klinik tutulumları orta ve şiddetli olarak ikiye ayrıldı. Sinir iletim çalışmaları da yine aynı grubun modifiye edilmiş kriterlerine gore orta ve şiddetli olarak klasifiye edildi. Iğne EMG bulguları da analiz edildi. Bulgular: Klinik ve elektrofizyolojik evreleme arasında iyi koralasyon saptandı (p 0.01). Klinik olarak orta ve şiddetli gruplar arasında nörofizyolojik tutulumun şiddeti arasında önemli fark izlenmedi (p0.07). Bununla birlikte iğne EMG anormalliği (p0.01) ve uzamış median F dalga latansı (p0.01) klinik olarak şiddetli grupta anlamlıydı. Ulnar sinir duyu iletim anormallikleri sadece orta derecede etkilenmiş grupta izlendi. Sonuçlar: Bu sonuçlar göstermektedir ki elektrofizyolojik değerlendirme patolojiyi yansıtan oldukça duyarlı yöntem olup klinik tutulumun şiddetinden bağımsızdır.Aims: To assess the electromyographic (EMG) differences between groups with clinically mild and severe carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) Patients and Methods: The charts of 226 CTS patients were retrospectively reviewed and a total of 385 hands that underwent EMG studies were identified. These hands were assigned to mild and severe groups according to the severity of the clinical involvement, as defined by the modified criteria of the Italian CTS study group. Nerve conduction studies in these hands were also classified as mild and severe according to the modified criteria of the same group. Needle EMG findings were also analysed. Results: A good correlation between the clinical and electrophysiological staging of the CTS was demonstrated (p<0.01). The severity of the neurophysiological involvement showed no significant change between the clinically mild and severely affected groups (p0.07). However, needle EMG abnormalities (p<0.01) and prolonged median nerve F-wave latencies (p<0.01) were more commonly encountered among the hands showing a severe clinical involvement. Ulnar sensory nerve conduction abnormalities were only observed in the mildly affected group. Conclusion: These results indicate that the electrophysiological investigation, being a highly sensitive procedure, reflects the pathology, independent of the severity of the clinical involvement