14 research outputs found

    A Gyulakenyér Kft. ellátási lánca

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    We write about the supply chain of Gyulakenyér Kft, its history and operation. The firm has big tradition and it infuses a central function of the bakery supplies of Gyula city and its catchment area. We describe the supply chain of the firm from the ordering, the procurement through the production and the packing, to the transportation and the selling. At the end of the case study we describe our own notions in the area of logistical development.A Gyulakenyér Kft ellátási láncáról, történetéről, működéséről írunk. A nagy hagyományokkal rendelkező cég Gyula város és vonzáskörzete pékségellátásának központi funkcióját tölti be. Ismertetjük a cég ellátási láncát a megrendeléstől, a beszerzésen át a gyártáson és a csomagoláson át a szállításig és az értékesítésig. Az esettanulmány végén ismertetjük saját elképzeléseinket a logisztikai fejlesztés területén

    Single-shot CEP drift measurement at arbitrary repetition rate based on dispersive Fourier transform

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    This paper presents a single-shot technique for measuring CEP. The Temporal dispersion based One-shot Ultrafast Carrier envelope phase Analysis method (TOUCAN) is an arbitrary repetition rate single-shot CEP drift measurement technique based on dispersive Fourier transformations and has been experimentally tested at 100 kHz. TOUCAN was validated by a direct comparison of decimated data with an independent traditional CEP drift measurement technique. The impact of a temporal jitter on the CEP drift measurement is investigated and a new mitigation technique is shown to produce high accuracy jitter-free CEP drift extraction. (C) 2019 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreemen

    Laser-induced inner-shell excitations through direct electron re-collision versus indirect collision

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    The dynamics and the decay processes of inner-shell excited atoms are of great interest in physics, chemistry, biology, and technology. The highly excited state decays very quickly through different channels, both radiative and non-radiative. It is therefore a long-standing goal to study such dynamics directly in the time domain. Using few-cycle infrared laser pulses, we investigated the excitation and ionization of inner-shell electrons through laser-induced electron re-collision with the original parent ions and measured the dependence of the emitted x-ray spectra on the intensity and ellipticity of the driving laser. These directly re-colliding electrons can be used as the initiating pump step in pump/probe experiments for studying core-hole dynamics at their natural temporal scale. In our experiment we found that the dependence of the x-ray emission spectrum on the laser intensity and polarization state varies distinctly for the two kinds of atomic systems. Relying on our data and numerical simulations, we explain this behavior by the presence of different excitation mechanisms that are contributing in different ratios to the respective overall x-ray emission yields. Direct re-collision excitation competes with indirect collisions with neighboring atoms by electrons having "drifted away" from the original parent ion. (C) 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreemen

    Univerzális laptop tápegység építése

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    A dolgozat rövid áttekintést ad a DC/DC, AC/AC, AC/DC és DC/AC konverterek működéséről. Valamint ismerteti a feszültségstabilizátorok, rövidzár és túláramvédelem működését. Ezen ismeretekre alapozva bemutatom saját univerzális laptop tápegységem tervezését. Végül leírom annak megépítésének és tesztelésének tapasztalatait.BSc/BAVillamosmérnökg