16 research outputs found

    Kerohanian dalam keusahawanan islam : perspektif Al-Ghazali dalam kitab Ihya'"Ulum Al- Din

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    Al-Ghazali (450-505 H), merupakan satu nama yang cukup dikenali dalam bidang kesarjanaan Islam. Beliau dilahirkan di Thuss, sebuah daerah di Khurasan, Persia (Iran). Beliau digelar sebagai Hujjat al-Islam kerana sumbangan besar beliau dalam bidang penulisan. Karya beliau Ihya’ Ulum al-Din antara karya yang diakui dalam dunia kesarjanaan. Secara umumnya Ihya Ulum al-Din membicarakan mengenai peraturan umum Islam sebagai al-Din. Perbincangan mengenai usahawan dan keusahawanan merupakan sebahagian daripada perbincangan yang terdapat dalam al-Ihya. Istilah yang digunapakai dalam al-Ihya yang hampir maksudnya dengan keusahawanan ialah al-tijarah iaitu istilah yang terdapat penggunaannya dalam al-Quran dan al-Sunnah. Al-Ghazali membahaskannya konsep adab dan etika kehidupan yang terangkum didalamnya etika mencari rezeki dan sumber kehidupan secara tafsil dan terperinci berdasarkan kerangka asas Islam. Beliau membicarakan topik yang berkaitan berdasarkan suluhan wahyu dalam kitab Adab al-Kasb wa al-Ma’asy dalam bab yang ketiga dari empat bab dalam perbahasan mengenai adab dan etika kehidupan. Secara umumnya al-Ghazali mengemukakan gagasan pemikiran akhirat dan etika keusahawanan yang berteraskan penyucian rohani sebagai tunjang utama dalam keusahawanan

    Islamic and modern science perspectives issues of animal plasma as a source of food additives in food products

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    Disposal of animal blood from slaughterhouses leads to high risk of water and land resources problem. Due of this concern, food scientists separated the plasma component and transformed into food additives that comprised with tremendous functional properties such as gelling agent, replacing fat and eggs function, emulsifier, binder agent and also has been used as an alternative supplement to boost up human’s immune system. This phenomenon is also witnessing emergence of leading key players who globalized animal plasma derivatives market around worldwide food industry. This has raised the concern among the Muslim consumers because consuming any blood and its derivatives are strictly prohibited in Islam mainly spilled out blood. Due to this restriction, modern science techniques are also crucial to detect the presence of animal plasma into food products as it is impossible to be detected through human’s naked eyes. Therefore, this paper is purposely written down to highlight Islamic and modern scientific perspectives on the issues of animal plasma as a source of food additives in food products. It is hoped this paper will be a good reference and motivates other researchers to do more research in the context of variety scope in future

    A discussion pertaining to a classical teaching material and its methodology : Masail al Muhtadili Ikhwanil Mubtadi

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    Studying in a pesantren entails that junior students have to possess fundamental knowledge at the very outset of their education career. This level of knowledge is salient for the students’ scholarly career even though it is very basic and related to very relatively simply written books. Masail al Muhtadi li Ikhwanil Mubtadi written by Shaikh Daud bin Ismail bin Mustafa Rumî has been taught as the standard text book in pesantren in the last 250 years, in some geographies of the Malay Archipelago. The method of the above- mentioned book ought to be considered in relation to the extent of how this classical course material is vital for the development of critical thinkin g process of students. And due to this reason, this research focussed on the method of the book during teaching- learning process. What makes this book unique is its encouragement of methods such as Question & Answer . Owing to this reasons, the author concentrates on the discovery how effective of this method is and how it encourages critical thinking. The argument is that this fundamental text stimulates the mind through Q&A method and contributes development of critical thinking which is needed in further levels of education. This study is an attempt to discover : (1) whether pesantren education is really and simply based on the indoctrination of reliance on students’ memorization skills or these are the steps in a bottom up education process that encompasses critical thinking; (2) whether pesantren education provides some form of a methodological approach in relation to knowledge acquisition at varying levels and if it is specifically tailored for students from different age groups

    Kuveyt Devleti'nde boşanma olgusu Nedenleri, etkileri ve tedavi yöntemleri (Analitik alan çalışması)

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    dinbil[Abstract Not Available]55937

    Bahr Al-Madhi: significant hadith text sciences for Malay Muslims as a tool for political teaching during twentieh century

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    This article focuses on specific Hadith text, Bahr al-Madhi al-Sharh Mukhtasar Sahih al-Tirmidhi by Shaikh Idris al-Marbawi. This text is selected for two reasons: firstly, its provide invaluable data for analyses of political teaching in Malaysia (particularly during 20th century); secondly, its were openly acknowledged by the Malay community until recently as highly esteemed sources of revelation from the Prophet (p.b.h), but may now be neglected in favour of more ‘modern’ versions. The research is therefore undertaken on a three-fold premise, as follows: this text should be restored to their former status as clear and authoritative guides for human conduct in areas ranging from manners to political teaching. Al-Marbawi’s commentary provides the clearest examples of the use of exegesis as a tool for political teaching, and its written methodology is held to have influenced the great Hadith scholar – al-Tirmidhi – and should therefore be esteemed accordingly. The intention in this is to demonstrate al-Marbawi’s deep condemnation at that time of the misconduct of leadership for instance. Therefore, as a criticism of this behaviour, his condemnation is significantly absolute. In the course of history however this condemnation may have been forgotten. One of the main purposes of this study is thus to act as a reminder. In the light of his strong influence upon such esteemed Hadith scholars as al-Tirmidhi, it is argued that the writings of al-Marbawi represent a vital resource for the purposes of educating the Malay people on the subject of the Hadith. In the interests of validity and reliability, the study provides multiple sources of evidence. These include tape-recorded in-depth interviews with researchers (in particular with an expert educationalist in 20th century social, political and religious affairs in Malaysia) and academicians who are biographers of this great scholar identified. Also included are data-gathering techniques such as library and document research. Research methods used to examine the original writings of al-Marbawi are largely ‘qualitative’, and consist of approaches such as ‘hermeneutics and the ‘inferential’ technique of ‘content analyses’

    “Leş, Kan, Domuz Eti ve Allah’tan Başkası Adına Kesilenin (hayvanların)” Ayeti Bağlamında Eti Yenmeyen Hayvanların Zikredilmesindeki Sıralamanın Sırrı ve Haram Edilmesinin Hikmeti

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    dinbilİslam, yiyeceklerle ilgili fıkhi kurallar getirmiş, faydalı yiyecekleri helal, zararlı yiyecekleri ise haram kılmıştır. Şeri metinlerde eti yenilen ve yenilmeyen hayvanların isimleri bir sıralamaya göre zikredilmiş ve bunların özelliklerine değinilmiştir. Bunun birçok hikmeti-sebebi- vardır. Örneğin eti yenilebilen hayvanların zikredilmesi, Allah’ın yarattığı helal nimetlere karşı insanların minnet duymalarını sağlayacaktır. Bazı ayetlerde ise eti yenilemeyen hayvanlardan bahsedilmektedir. Araştırmamız, ayetlerde eti yenilemeyen hayvanların zikredilmesindeki sıralamanın hikmeti ve haram kılınmasındaki şeri gayeleri açıklamayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu araştırma tümevarım ve (tahlili) analitik yöntemlere dayanmaktadır. Araştırmada ulaşılan en önemli sonuçlardan bazıları şunlardır; Allah cc. Tüm dinlerde zorunlu haller dışında eti yenilemeyen hayvanları dört gurupla sınırlandırmış ve haram olma derecesine göre en hafifinden en şiddetlisine doğru bir sıralamayla bahsetmiştir. Yani Ayette yenilmesi yasaklanan leş, kan, domuz ve Allah’tan başkası adına kesilen hayvanlar, haramlık dercesine göre en hafifinden en şiddetlisine doğru bir sıralamayla zikredilmiştir. Böylece islam, insanlar için birçok gayeyi gerçekleştirmeyi amaçlamıştır. Bunların başında din, can, akıl, nesil ve mal gibi beş temel unsurun muhafazası gelmektedir. Araştırmada ulaşılan diğer bir sonuçta şudur: Allah cc. Bu mucizevi ayetlerde beşeriyetin maslahatı adına Hz. peygamber döneminden kıyamete kadar ortaya çıkacak yeni durumlar karşısında kıyas yapabilmeleri için ince, dengeli ve sabit kurallar koymuşturIslam has established the jurisprudential rule in foods. It has permitted halal and healthy, but prohibited malignant and evil. Many animals have been mentioned in the texts of the Islamic Shariah, and have received substantial descriptions and multiple divisions, including what can be eaten and what is not permissible. This was done in a variety of ways including in the form of granting to humans, and describing in details what is legitimate and permissible to eat. With other (Qur’anic) texts, prohibited animals are mentioned. Hence, this research indicates the forbidden animal foods and the legitimate purpose of prohibition and what is the lesson of its arrangement when mentioned in the verse.The study is based on the inductive and the analytical method. The researchers reached many results, the most important of which is that God Almighty restricted the prohibition in these four categories, so it is prohibited in every (divine) religion. It is not permissible except when necessary. It began to prohibit from easy to difficult namely, the prohibition of the dead meat without the prohibition of blood as the former is worse than the latter. And swine flesh is worse. As to the fourth that which hath been immolated to (the name of) any other than Allah, it is the worst. Moreover, Islamic law aims to achieve many purposes, foremost of which are the preservation of the five essentials: religion - self - mind - birth - money. They also found that these verses are miracles that God Almighty has set for mankind as a fixed law and a precise balance through which they can measure all developments after the time of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, until the Hereafter.49391

    Textual exegesis of Malay translations of Arabic Hadith text as toolsteaching in social and religious

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    This article identifies that in social and religious discourse in Malaysia the use of Hadith texts (tradition meaning a report of the teachings, deeds and sayings of Mohamad p.b.u.h) serves social and political as well as religious practical teaching. It also identifies that the development of the Hadith in Malaysia and its significance for Malay Muslims was signified by several issues raised by Malay religious scholars. This includes the consciousness and critique of Malay Muslims on the misconduct in their lives, as well as the national awakening particularly since the introduction into Malaysia of the twentieth century ‘reformist’ movement, serious polemics have arisen among Malay scholars between Youth Group (Kaum Muda) and Old Group (Kaum Tua)