89 research outputs found


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    В статье рассмотрен образ профессионального будущего студентов очной и заочной формы обученияThe article describes the image of the professional future of full-time and part-time student

    Competitiveness of the teacher of pre-school education

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    This article discusses the components of competitiveness of the teachers with different levels of education and teachers at different stages of professional development at pre-school educational institutionsВ статье рассматриваются компоненты конкурентоспособности педагогов дошкольных образовательных организаций с различным уровнем образования и на разных стадиях профессионального развити

    Actual problems of continuous education

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    The article deals with topical issues of continuing professional educationВ статье рассмотрены актуальные проблемы непрерывного профессионального образовани

    The image of the professional self the students in the system of continuous education

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    The article describes the image of professional self the studentsВ статье рассмотрен образ профессионального «Я» студентов, обучающихся на заочной форме обучени

    Self - image in structure of professional identity of teachers

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    In modern psychological science, the problem of professional image and professional identity remains relevant, due to the transformation of professional orientation of specialists and special requirements for activities. The article deals with the problem of professional self-image and professional identity of teachers of preschool educational organizationsВ современной психологической науке проблема профессионального образа Я и профессиональной идентичности остается актуальной, в связи с трансформацией профессиональных ориентиров и особыми требованиями к деятельности. В статье рассматривается проблема профессионального Я-образа и профессиональной идентичности педагогов дошкольных образовательных организаци

    Features of self-consciousness of a teacher at different stages of professional formation

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    The paper discusses the features of professional self-awareness of teachers at different stages of professional developmentВ работе рассматриваются особенности профессионального самосознания педагогов на разных стадиях профессионального становлени


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    В статье рассмотрены особенности проявлений волевых качеств и самоконтроля несовершеннолетних, находящихся в трудной жизненной ситуацииThe article discusses the features of the manifestations of volitional qualities and self-control of minors in difficult life situation

    Principles of forming a modern accounting and analytical model of commercial organization in digital economy

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    Purpose: The article presents basic methodological approaches to the creation of a new model of forming and functioning of the accounting and analytical system to meet the information needs of internal and external stakeholders of organizations. Design/Approach/Methodology: Substantiation of the principles of building a system for accounting and analytical information management that meets current conditions for the business functioning using modern hardware and software. Findings: The developed model of cascade functioning of organization’s information support system optimizes the structure and content of accounting and analytical modules, contributes to the effective implementation of management functions, timely control and rapid response to the impact of negative factors. Practical implications: The principles of information flow management system constructing formulated in the article contribute to optimization of expenses for organization of accounting and analytical functions, improvement of quality of financial and non-financial reporting, realistic assessment and forecasting of business efficiency. Originality/Value: The proposed new model for constructing an accounting and analytical information base allows to improve the procedures of collection, processing, storage and disclosure of financial and non-financial information, to create a balanced structure of the database on the basis of cascade digitization of primary and derived data.peer-reviewe

    Psychological Aspects of the Teacher's Readiness to Work With Children With Learning Difficulties

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    В статье рассматриваются психологические аспекты, обусловливающие готовность педагога к работе с детьми, испытывающими трудности в обучении. Среди компонентов психологической готовности выделяют удовлетворенность профессиональной деятельностью, индивидуально-личностные особенности, профессионально-важные качества.The article examines the psychological aspects that determine of teachers readiness to work with children experiencing learning difficulties. The components of psychological readiness include satisfaction with professional activities, individual personality features, and professionally important qualities

    Formation of Professional Identity of Medical College Students in the Conditions of Digitalization of Education

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    В статье рассматриваются особенности профессиональной идентичности студентов медицинского колледжа в условиях цифровизации образования. Статус профессиональной идентичности определяет различия в образе реального и идеального профессионального Я.The article examines the features of the professional identity of students enrolled in a medical college in the context of digitalization of education. The status of professional identity determines the differences in the image of the real and ideal professional self