8 research outputs found

    Upaya Peningkatan Penanganan Komplikasi Persalinan di Puskesmas PONED Kabupaten Sumenep Tahun 2014

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    Universitas Diponegoro Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Program Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Konsentrasi Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak 2014 ABSTRAK Eka Meiri Kurniyati Upaya Peningkatan Penanganan Komplikasi Persalinan di Puskesmas PONED Kabupaten Sumenep Tahun 2014 xviii + 137 halaman + 5 tabel + 1 gambar + 98 lampiran Pencapaian cakupan penanganan komplikasi persalinan di Kabupaten Sumenep masih dibawah target SPM-BK Provinsi Jawa Timur. Keberadaaan puskesmas PONED diharapkan mampu menjadi rujukan antara sebelum ke Rumah Sakit untuk mengatasi kegawat daruratan yang terjadi pada ibu hamil, melahirkan dan nifas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis upaya peningkatan penanganan komplikasi persalinan di Puskesmas PONED di Kabupaten Sumenep. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Informan dalam penelitian ini dibagi menjadi informan utama (tim PONED dari 4 puskesmas cakupan tertinggi dan terendah dari daerah mudah dijangkau dan sulit dijangkau, Kabid Kesmas dan Kasie KIA dari Dinas Kesehatan) dan informan triangulasi adalah 4 kepala puskesmas PONED. Teknik analisis data dengan analisis isi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manajemen dalam pelayanan di Puskesmas PONED yang meliputi perencanaan tenaga tim PONED dilakukan oleh dinas kesehatan. Perencanaan alat pada puskesmas dengan cakupan penanganan komplikasi persalinan terendah terkendala jarak dan pelaporan rutin pertahun. Penggerakan dalam hal pengarahan tidak dilakukan secara berkala. Reward dan insentif berupa uang tidak ada, upaya komunikasi sudah dilakukan. Pelaksanaan penanganan komplikais persalinan terkendala oleh tidak lengkapnya SOP,tidak adanya uraian kerja tim PONED dan kondisi geografis. Penilaian terhadap supervisi dan Monev sudah dilakukan oleh puskesmas dan Dinas Kesehatan. Terdapat dokter yang belum terlatih PONED pada puskesmas dengan cakupan penanganan rendah. Di Puskesmas dengan cakupan rendah terdapat alat vakum yang rusak dan kendala dalam pengadaan ambulan laut. Pendanaan PONED berasal dari BPJS dan Jamkesda. Kepemimpinan dinas kesehatan dan kepala puskesmas belum sepenuhnya melakukan peran manajerial. Upaya lisensi Puskesmas PONED sudah dilakukan, tetapi sertifikasi untuk tim PONED belum dilakukan. Disimpulkan bahwa perbedaan cakupan penanganan komplikasi persalinan pada Puskesmas PONED cakupan penanganan komplikasi persalinan tertinggi dan terendah berkaitan dengan ketenagaan, ketersediaan alat maternal dan kondisi geografis yang mempenagaruhi akses ke PONED. Kata Kunci : Komplikasi persalinan, PONED, Puskesmas Referensi : 47 (1999-2014) Diponegoro University Faculty of Public Health Master’s Program in Public Health Majoring in Maternal and Child Health 2014 ABSTRACT Eka Meiri Kurniyati Efforts to Improve Managing Delivery-related Complications at PONED Health Centre in Sumenep District in 2014 xviii + 137 pages + 5 tables + 1 figure + 98 enclosures Coverage of managing delivery-related complications in Sumenep District was still below the target of SPM-BK in East Java Province. The existence of PONED health centre was hoped could be a health provider before referring emergency cases during pregnancy, giving birth, and postpartum to a hospital. This aim of this study was to analyse efforts to improve managing delivery-related complications at PONED health centre in Sumenep District. This was qualitative research. Main informants consisted of PONED teams selected from four health centres with highest and lowest coverage located in accessible and inaccessible areas, Head of Public Health Department, and Head of Maternal and Child Health Section at District Health Office (DHO). Meanwhile, four Heads of Health Centres were as informants for triangulation purpose. Furthermore, data were analysed using content analysis. The results of this study showed that one of the management aspects, planning of PONED team, at PONED health centres were conducted by DHO. At health centres with lowest coverage, factors of distance and annual report were being barriers to plan equipment. In an actuating aspect, supervision was not conducted periodically. There were no money incentive and rewards. Notwithstanding, communication had been done well. Incomplete SOP, no job descriptions, and geographical condition were being barriers to implement managing delivery-related complications. Assessment of supervision, monitoring, and evaluating had been done by health centres and DHO. In addition, at health centres with lowest coverage, there were any untrained physicians, vacuum equipment was damaged, and there were any barriers in providing sea ambulance. PONED obtained funds from BPJS and Jamkesda. Leaderships of head of DHO and heads of health centres had not fully complied managerial roles. PONED health centres had been certified but certification for PONED team had not been implemented. In conclusion, the differences of coverage of managing delivery-related complications between health centres with highest and lowest coverage were associated with human resources, availability of maternal equipment, and geographical condition to access PONED. Key Words : Delivery-related Complications, PONED, Health Centre Bibliography : 47 (1999-2014

    Upaya Peningkatan Penanganan Komplikasi Persalinan di Puskesmas PONED Kabupaten Sumenep Tahun 2014

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    Universitas Diponegoro Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Program Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Konsentrasi Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak 2014 ABSTRAK Eka Meiri Kurniyati Upaya Peningkatan Penanganan Komplikasi Persalinan di Puskesmas PONED Kabupaten Sumenep Tahun 2014 xviii + 137 halaman + 5 tabel + 1 gambar + 98 lampiran Pencapaian cakupan penanganan komplikasi persalinan di Kabupaten Sumenep masih dibawah target SPM-BK Provinsi Jawa Timur. Keberadaaan puskesmas PONED diharapkan mampu menjadi rujukan antara sebelum ke Rumah Sakit untuk mengatasi kegawat daruratan yang terjadi pada ibu hamil, melahirkan dan nifas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis upaya peningkatan penanganan komplikasi persalinan di Puskesmas PONED di Kabupaten Sumenep. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Informan dalam penelitian ini dibagi menjadi informan utama (tim PONED dari 4 puskesmas cakupan tertinggi dan terendah dari daerah mudah dijangkau dan sulit dijangkau, Kabid Kesmas dan Kasie KIA dari Dinas Kesehatan) dan informan triangulasi adalah 4 kepala puskesmas PONED. Teknik analisis data dengan analisis isi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manajemen dalam pelayanan di Puskesmas PONED yang meliputi perencanaan tenaga tim PONED dilakukan oleh dinas kesehatan. Perencanaan alat pada puskesmas dengan cakupan penanganan komplikasi persalinan terendah terkendala jarak dan pelaporan rutin pertahun. Penggerakan dalam hal pengarahan tidak dilakukan secara berkala. Reward dan insentif berupa uang tidak ada, upaya komunikasi sudah dilakukan. Pelaksanaan penanganan komplikais persalinan terkendala oleh tidak lengkapnya SOP,tidak adanya uraian kerja tim PONED dan kondisi geografis. Penilaian terhadap supervisi dan Monev sudah dilakukan oleh puskesmas dan Dinas Kesehatan. Terdapat dokter yang belum terlatih PONED pada puskesmas dengan cakupan penanganan rendah. Di Puskesmas dengan cakupan rendah terdapat alat vakum yang rusak dan kendala dalam pengadaan ambulan laut. Pendanaan PONED berasal dari BPJS dan Jamkesda. Kepemimpinan dinas kesehatan dan kepala puskesmas belum sepenuhnya melakukan peran manajerial. Upaya lisensi Puskesmas PONED sudah dilakukan, tetapi sertifikasi untuk tim PONED belum dilakukan. Disimpulkan bahwa perbedaan cakupan penanganan komplikasi persalinan pada Puskesmas PONED cakupan penanganan komplikasi persalinan tertinggi dan terendah berkaitan dengan ketenagaan, ketersediaan alat maternal dan kondisi geografis yang mempenagaruhi akses ke PONED. Kata Kunci : Komplikasi persalinan, PONED, Puskesmas Referensi : 47 (1999-2014) Diponegoro University Faculty of Public Health Master’s Program in Public Health Majoring in Maternal and Child Health 2014 ABSTRACT Eka Meiri Kurniyati Efforts to Improve Managing Delivery-related Complications at PONED Health Centre in Sumenep District in 2014 xviii + 137 pages + 5 tables + 1 figure + 98 enclosures Coverage of managing delivery-related complications in Sumenep District was still below the target of SPM-BK in East Java Province. The existence of PONED health centre was hoped could be a health provider before referring emergency cases during pregnancy, giving birth, and postpartum to a hospital. This aim of this study was to analyse efforts to improve managing delivery-related complications at PONED health centre in Sumenep District. This was qualitative research. Main informants consisted of PONED teams selected from four health centres with highest and lowest coverage located in accessible and inaccessible areas, Head of Public Health Department, and Head of Maternal and Child Health Section at District Health Office (DHO). Meanwhile, four Heads of Health Centres were as informants for triangulation purpose. Furthermore, data were analysed using content analysis. The results of this study showed that one of the management aspects, planning of PONED team, at PONED health centres were conducted by DHO. At health centres with lowest coverage, factors of distance and annual report were being barriers to plan equipment. In an actuating aspect, supervision was not conducted periodically. There were no money incentive and rewards. Notwithstanding, communication had been done well. Incomplete SOP, no job descriptions, and geographical condition were being barriers to implement managing delivery-related complications. Assessment of supervision, monitoring, and evaluating had been done by health centres and DHO. In addition, at health centres with lowest coverage, there were any untrained physicians, vacuum equipment was damaged, and there were any barriers in providing sea ambulance. PONED obtained funds from BPJS and Jamkesda. Leaderships of head of DHO and heads of health centres had not fully complied managerial roles. PONED health centres had been certified but certification for PONED team had not been implemented. In conclusion, the differences of coverage of managing delivery-related complications between health centres with highest and lowest coverage were associated with human resources, availability of maternal equipment, and geographical condition to access PONED. Key Words : Delivery-related Complications, PONED, Health Centre Bibliography : 47 (1999-2014

    Pengaruh Akupresur Terhadap Pengurangan Nyeri Kepala pada Ibu Hamil Trimester 1 di Tempat Praktek Mandiri Bidan Muarofah Surabaya

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    ABSTRACT is often the cause of the anxiety and discomfort of the mother while pregnant. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of acupressure techniques to the reduction of headache pain in pregnant women in the first trimester PMB Muarofah A.Md Keb Surabaya.This study is a pre-experimental approach to one group pre test - post test. Population and sample in this study were all first trimester pregnant women with headache as many as 20 people. Sampling technique uses accidental sampling. Collecting data using observation sheets, Data analysis using Paired T test. The results showed that the distribution of respondents by pain before intervention mostly moderate pain 16 respondents (80%) and a small portion mild pain as much as 4 respondents (20%). Pain after intervention mostly mild pain as much as 10 respondents (50%) and a small percentage of moderate pain as much as one respondent (5.0%). The results of the analysis of P = 0.000The conclusion of this research that there Acupressure Technique Effect Against Pain Reduction on Maternal Head First Trimester 1 in PMB Muarofah A.Md Keb in Surabaya. Expected midwives can make acupressure massage as one of the interventions in reducing headache pain intensity in the first trimester pregnant women in health. Keyword: Headache, Acupressure, Woman pregnant &nbsp

    Determinan Kejadian Stunting pada Balita

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    Determinant of stunting incident in Saronggi Subdistrict, Sumenep Regency. The prevalence of stunting of toddlers in East Java is higher than the average prevalence at the national level of 32.8%. In 2020, the Health Office of East Java Province mentioned that the prevalence of stunting in SumenepRegency reached 170 toddlers spread across 14 villages. The highest prevalence of stunting was found in NongGunongSubdistrict which reached 6.02% and in SaronggiSubdistrict which reached 4.05%.This study aims to analyze the influence of maternal pregnancy history, nutritional status of children, parenting patterns, maternal knowledge and history of exclusive breastfeeding to stunting.This research is analytical research with case-control design. The samples used were 30 mothers with toddler cases and 30 mothers with control toddlers.Maternal pregnancy history, child nutrition status, parenting patterns, maternal knowledge and exclusive breastfeeding have a significant influence on stunting incidents in Saronggi Subdistrict, Sumenep Regency.Mothers must meet the intake of good nutrition, provide exclusive breastfeeding and good parenting patterns and health officials must improve health education programs, especially about stunting so that maternal knowledge can be improved and stunting problems can be addressed immediately

    Pengaruh Inisiasi Menyusui Dini Terhadap Perubahan Suhu Tubuh Bayi Baru Lahir

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    Early Breastfeeding Initiation (IMD) has been shown to be able to reduce neonatal mortality. Babies who are given the opportunity to breastfeed within the first hour and allow skin-to-skin contact between the baby and mother, can reduce 22% of infant mortality in the first 28 days. This study aims to determine the effect of early initiation of breastfeeding (IMD) on changes in body temperature in newborns. This type of research is a Quasi Experiment with a pretest and posttest approach. Total population of all newborns in Lombang village. The sampling technique used random sampling technique, the sample size obtained 40 respondents. Univariate and bivariate data analysis used the T test. The mean before Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (IMD) was 0.42 and after Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (IMD) was 0.15. The results of data analysis using a paired sample test obtained a significancy of 0.001 so that there is an effect of Early Breastfeeding Initiation (IMD) on changes in body temperature in newborns (p value < 0.05). Early Breastfeeding Initiation (IMD) has been shown to be able to reduce neonatal mortality. Babies who are given the opportunity to breastfeed within the first hour and allow skin-to-skin contact between the baby and mother, can reduce 22% of the first day

    Sikap dengan Pemberian Makanan Tambahan Dini Pada Bayi

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    Terdapat beberapafaktor yang menyebabkan resiko dalam pemberian MP-ASI dini. Salah satu diantaranya yaitu faktor sikap. Desain penelitian ini adalah studi cross sectional.  Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisa hubungan sikap dengan PMT dini pada bayi. Teknik sampling yang digunakan yaitu simple random sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Waktu penelitin bulan September 2022, tempat penelitian di Wilayah kerja Puskesmas Talango. hasil penelitian menunjukkan   berdasarkan   Hampir   seluruh 16 (94,1%) dari subjek sikapnya positif. Hampir seluruh 19 (86,4%) dari subjek memberikan MP-ASI dini di Wilayah Puskesmas Talango.  Talango. Hasil uji chi-square diperoleh p value 0,000 (p<0,05), hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara sikap, dengan pemberian makanan tambahan pada bayi usia di bawah 6 bulan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Talango. Ada hubungan sikap dengan pemberian makanan tambahan pada bayi usia di bawah 6 bulan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Talango tahun 2022. Diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai informasi tentang makanan tambahan pada bayi usia di bawah 6 bulan

    Penerapan Akupresure dan Massage Teknik Friction sebagai Upaya Menurunkan Nyeri Punggung Ibu Usia Kehamilan 27-40 Minggu

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    As much as 54.9% in the third trimester of pregnancy, most pregnant women experience lower back pain as much as 10% of pregnant women who experience chronic low back pain. One of the efforts to reduce low back pain is with acupressure, at point BL 23 and massage with friction techniques for 10 minute. At the Gapura Health Center from January to April 2022, 30% of pregnant women in the third trimester complained of back pain. The purpose of this study was to determine the application of acupressure at the BL 23 point and friction massage as an effort to reduce back pain in third trimester pregnant women. As much as 54.9% in the third trimester of pregnancy, most pregnant women experience lower back pain as much as 10% of pregnant women who experience chronic low back pain. One of the efforts to reduce low back pain is with acupressure, at point BL 23 and massage with friction techniques for 10 minute. At the Gapura Health Center from January to April 2022, 30% of pregnant women in the third trimester complained of back pain. The purpose of this study was to determine the application of acupressure at the BL 23 point and friction massage as an effort to reduce back pain in third trimester pregnant women.     &nbsp

    SARI KACANG HIJAU DAN MADU MENINGKATKAN NILAI HEMOGLOBIN REMAJA KELAS XI: Green and Honey Bean Sari Increases Hemoglobin Value of Class XI Adolescents

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    Defisiensi hemoglobin pada remaja mengakibatkan terganggunya pertumbuhan fisik, terganggunya perilaku dan psikologi sehingga dapat mengganggu proses sel otak yang mengakibatkan turunnya daya tahan tubuh, cepat capek dan lapar, tidak fokus saat belajar, turunnya prestasi belajar dan juga dapat turunnya energy dalam bekerja. Hasil studi pendahuluan pada tanggal 12 Maret 2020 di SMAN Gapura pada 10 siswi kelas XI. 5 orang siswi mengatakan kalau sering pusing dan pandangan agak berkunang-kunang, apalagi pada saat menstruasi. 3 orang mengatakan kadang sering lelah disertai dengan jantung berdegub kencang dan 2 orang siswi mengatakan merasa lemas pada saat mentruasi. Ini merupakan penelitian pra eksperimental menggunakan pendekatan one group pre test – post test. Populasi dan sampel pada penelitian ini adalah semua siswi kelas XI yang mengalami anemia ringan sebanyak 35 orang. Teknik sampling menggunakan total sampling. Pengumpulan data dengan lembar observasi, Analisa data menggunakan uji Wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebelum diberi intervensi semua responden sebanyak 35 orang (100%) mengalami anemia ringan. Setelah diberi intervensi sebanyak 32 orang (91%) nilai Hbnya meningkat menjadi ? 12gr/dL. Hasil analisis dengan uji wolcoxon menunjukkan bahwa p=0,000(p<0,05). Kesimpulan penelitian ini yaitu ada efek mengkonsumsi sari kacang hijau bersama madu pada kenaikan nilai Hb siswi kelas XI di SMAN Gapura. Diharapkan siswi dapat melakukan upaya preventif terkait anemia pada dirinya Kata Kunci : Defisiensi Hb, Sari Kacang Hijau, Mad