285 research outputs found

    Manajemen Pengelolaan Dana Pada Tabungan Umum di BMT (Baitul Maal Wa Tamwil) UGT (Usaha Gabungan Terpadu) Sidogiri Cabanag Denpasar

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    Dalam manajemen pengelolaan produk tabungan umum Syariah penarikan dan penyetoran bisa dilakukan sesuai kebutuhan anggota, sedangkan prinsip dasar dari manajemen pengelolaan yang diterapkan di BMT UGT Sidogiri Cabang Denpasar memberikan pemahaman kepada nasabah. Fokus penelitian ini: 1. Bagaimana perencanaan manajemen dana pada produk tabungan umum di BMT UGT Sidogiri Cabang Denpasar? 2. Bagaimana organisasi manajemen dana pada produk tabungan umum di BMT UGT Sidogiri Cabang Denpasar? 3. Bagaimana pelaksanaan manajemen dana pada produk tabungan umum di BMT UGT Sidogiri Cabang Denpasar? 4. Bagaimana pengawasan manajemen dana pada produk tabungan umum di BMT UGT Sidogiri Cabang Denpasar?. Tujuan penelitian ini: 1. Untuk mengetahui perencanaan pada produk tabungan umum di BMT UGT Sidogiri Cabang Denpasar. 2. Untuk mengetahui pengorganisasian pada pengelolaan dana terhadap tabungan umum di BMT UGT Sidogiri Cabang Denpasar. 3. Untuk mengetahuan pelaksanaan pengelolaan dana terhadap tabungan umum di BMT UGT Sidogiri Cabang Denpasar. 4. Untuk mengetahui pengawasan pengelolaan terhadap tabungan umum di BMT UGT Sidogiri Cabang Denpasar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif, teknik pengumpulan data wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi, teknik keabsahan, triangulasi, teknik analisis data, penyajian, reduksi, pengambilan kesimpulan. hasil penelitian ini 1) Perencanaan pengelolaan dana sudah sesuai yaitu menerapkan perencanaan strategis, perencanaan taktis, dan perencanaan operasional. 2) Pengorganisasian pengelolaan dana tabungan umum di BMT UGT Sidogiri yang melakukan penarikan tabungan. 3) Pelaksanaan memiliki kesenjangan terkait pengalokasian dana tabungan umum tidak menggunakan skala prioritas akan tetapi berdasarkan pembiayaan pada produk yang produktif. 4) Pengawasan juga sudah sesuai dengan menerapkan evaluasi rutin lalu memberikan reward dan punishment

    Pembelajaran Berbantuan Multimedia Berdasarkan Cognitive Load Theory Pada Pelajaran Matematika SD

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    Multimedia is media that combine two or more elements are composed of text, graphics, images, photographs, audio, video, and animation are integrated. In multimedia-assisted learning, students are given the opportunity to learn not only of learning resources such as teachers, but give the opportunity to students to develop better cognitive, creative, and innovative. Cognitive Load Theory is a theory that was introduced as a teaching theory based on the knowledge of human cognitive architecture that we have. The main principle of Cognitive Load Theory is the quality of learning is enhanced if attention is concentrated on the role and limitations of working memory. Three cognitive load in working memory, which is intrinsic cognitive load, Germany cognitive load, and extraneous cognitive load

    Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik Pada Materi Penjumlahan Dan Pengurangan Bilangan Bulat Bagi Siswa Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar

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    Mathematics has characteristic in good abstract object. That cause students have difficulty in understanding of mathematics. Therefore, the real-life experiences of children in the classroom are important for learning and students will understand the material quickly. This study is aimed to describe the activities of students during the learning process that takes place in the material realistic arithmetic addition and subtraction and describe the learning completeness students after being taught with realistic learning the material arithmetic addition and subtraction of integers. This type of research used in this research is qualitative research. Subjects in this study were students of class IV SDN Jenangan, Kwadungan, Ngawi.Based on this research, student activities relevant to teaching (teaching and learning) of 98.83% classified in the category very well. While the student activity which is not relevant to the teaching of 10.15%. Completeness students in realistic mathematics learning on the material arithmetic operations of addition and subtraction of integers for fourth grade students of SDN Jenangan, Kwadungan, Ngawi gained mastery learning students individually sebannyak 12 students from the number of students as many as 15 students altogether, which is not completed individually as 3 students. While the classical completeness, acquired 80% of students who completed study

    The Practice of Female Circumcision in the Working Area of Muara Tebo Health Center, Tebo Tengah, Jambi Province in 2011

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    The practice of female circumcision is still in progress today. The purpose of this study was to know the description of the method of female circumcision and factors related to the behavior of female circumcision in the working area of Muara Tebo Health Center, Tebo Tengah, Jambi Province in 2011. This study used primary data. The type of quantitative research with cross-sectional design and the results were corroborated by qualitative analysis. The population of the study was that all mothers of the girls between 0-6 months of age who reside in the Health Center (Puskesmas) in Muara Tebo. The size of the total sample of respondents was 85. The results showed that 76.5 % of respondents had implemented female genital circumcision on the girl of them and use of midwives only 33.8%. Therefore, the socialization needed new regulations concerning the implementation of circumcision of women as stipulated in Permenkes NO.1636/Menkes/Per/XI/2010 to health workers. Religious leaders/community leaders should give an insight that female circumcision was not harmful both to physical and psychological health in the future. Keywords: Female circumcision; practice; regulatio

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Cerobong Asap Model Water Spons Filter (Wsf) terhadap Penurunan Kadar So2 pada Industri Tahu di Sukun, Malang

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    This research was purposed to learn the influence of using the Water Spons Filter (WSF) smokestack model in case of SO2 emission decreasing rate at tofu industry in Sukun, Malang. This research was an experimental research type with Laboratorium Test design which its result be analyzed by using the of Paired Samples T Test. The result were mean of SO2 emission rate before using this WSF smokestack was 24,949 mg/m3, mean of SO2 emission rate hereafter using this WSF smokestack was 11,402 mg/m3. The existence of the influence of using the WSF smokestack to decreasing of SO2 rate (p=0,036), with decreasing value about 13,548 mg/m3 (55,06%). This SO2 rate did not impinge permanent quality of emission air (SK Gubernur Kepala Daerah Tingkat I Jawa Timur No 129/1996). Therefore, there was an effect of using WSF smokestack model to decrease of SO­2 rate in tofu industry in Sukun, Malang. It is suggested that tofu industry owner used WSF smokestack model to omit the emission of its combustion process. WSF smokestack model can be used as alternative because does not add high addition cost. To other researchers, it can be use as guidance to afford same kind of research by modifying its form, substance or held a research about the efficiency of it. Keywords: decreasing of SO2 emiision rate, WSF smokestack model

    Pengaruh Kualitas E-Service Terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen (Studi Kasus Pada Website Koren Denim)

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    Internet users in Indonesia are increasing, creating an opportunity for business people to do business through e-commerce on the company website. Each company would have the marketing strategy to attract consumers, one of them by providing electronic services facility or called e-service on the website. Through the role of e-service on e-commerce, companies can improve service quality through reliability aspect (X1), website design (X2), security/privacy (X3) and customerservice (X4) to attract consumers buying interest (Y) so that the quality of online services can improve consumer buying interest through the company's website. This research was aimed to analyze the influence of e-service quality to consumersbuying interest on Koren Denim’s website, through purposive sampling of 150 respondents and analyzed by using multiple regression analysis. The result showed that the e-service quality had positive influence on consumers buying interest at 38%with a significance value of 0.000 (<0.05), indicating that H1 was accepted and generated the regression equation Y = 5.035 + 0.440 X1 + 0.296 X2 + 0.187 X3 + 1.820 X4

    Pengaruh Adopsi Ifrs Terhadap Manajemen Laba Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    The study aims to know the influence of IFRS adoption toward earnings management that isassessed by three measure of earnings smoothing. They are diversification of net income (ΔNI),center ratio of net income (ΔCF), and correlation between accrual and cash flows. This Studyalso uses the control variabel to get other different influences such as leverage, growth, andROE. The population in this study is manufactured-based company listed in the Indonesian StockExchangein periode of 2007 and 2013. Sample are obtained by purposive sampling and thereare 226 companies that fit the criteria. Because there are abnormal data in the early testing,researcher does the reduction of data that contains outliers, until get 190 sample that can beused. The analysis uses the classic assumption test, and liniear analysis regression. To analyze,researcher use the SPSS 21 for windows. The findings show that there is influence IFRSadoption toward earnings management. Furthermore, earning management is lower after IFRSadoption. Control variable size influence the behaviour of manager in earnings managementpractically. Variable leverage, growth, and ROE do not influence behaviour manager in earningmanagement practically

    Pengaruh Studi Bayangan Matahari Sebagai Salah Satu Penentu Orientasi Fasad Objek Dan Konsep Penataan Massa Terhadap Pemilihan Tipe Tanaman Dalam Vertical Urban Farming Company

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    Vertical Urban Farming sebagai solusi pertanian yang tidak lagi mendatar, yang menggunakan ruang cukup dengan tetap menjaga kualitas produk menggunakan teknologi dan life cycle pada energi dan unsur lain, mencoba menjadi satu oase kesegaran baru ditengah hiruk pikuk kota. Jalan Tunjungan sebagai kawasan yang strategis dengan segala potensi menjadi lokasi yang tepat yang berada dipusat kesibukan kota, namun lokasi lahan yang berada pada pertengahan dua kontradiksi konteks yang berbeda, Kota Lama di lingkungan sekitar objek dan kemodernisan objek itu sendiri yang akan menjadi bangunan hijau futuristic dengan banyak unsur teknologi di dalamnya. Namun tidak hanya itu, beberapa bangunan tinggi juga berdiri tegak di sekitar objek. Hal ini membuat objek menjadi sulit dalam menentukan orientasi yang tepat agar mendapatkan sinar yang cukup mengingat objek adalah model pertanian vertikal yang masih membutuhkan banyak cahaya matahari agar proses tumbuh di dalam objek bisa bekerja dengan maksimal.. Sehingga dengan menganalisa beberapa kemungkinan yang terjadi, dengan menggunakan metode desain proses diharapkan objek dapat terbangun dengan posisi dan orientasi yang tepat
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