86 research outputs found

    Sundanese Nasal Substitution: An Optimality Theoretic Analysis

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    Abstract: This paper investigates the acquisition of English multiple interrogatives suchas Who did what? by advanced learners of English whose first language is Indonesian. Theunderlying functional feature of multiple interrogatives is multiple focus features, whichare not available in Indonesian. Unlike English, there is no equivalent structure of multipleinterrogatives in Indonesian since wh-questions in this language are instantiations of uniquefocus constructions. Acceptability judgment tasks were administered on four wh-pairings: whowhen,who-where, what-when, and what-where. The first task was in the form of questionswith a pair-list answer and single answer, whereas the second was in the form of questionswithin the contexts. Conjoined interrogatives were also added into the tasks in order to observethe L1 transfer. The results clearly demonstrate that overall advanced learners of English weresignificantly different from the English native speakers in their ratings of acceptability ofmultiple interrogatives. However, the statistical data of each wh-phrase pairing demonstratesthat L2 learners performed like native controls in their ratings of most of the pairings. Thesefindings suggest that the present study lends partial support to Full Transfer/Full AccessHypothesis and No Parameter Resetting Hypothesis


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    Abstrak Rokok kretek filter merupakan salah satu produk yang menawarkan cita rasa yang lebih halus dan rata dibandingkan rokok kretek tanpa filter. Oleh karena itu, konsumen yang menginginkan produk yang berkualitas tentunya mempertimbangkan terlebih dahulu, apakah dengan mengkonsumsi produk tersebut kebutuhannya akan rasa, aroma, kadar nikotin yang diinginkan dapat terpuaskan. Itu semua menjadi pertimbangan sebelum memutuskan untuk mengkonsumsi atau tidak. Karena adanya kenyataan bahwa konsumen yang tidak puas terhadap barang yang di konsumsinya, mereka akan mencari penyedia produk dari perusahaan lain yang mampu memuaskan kebutuhannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh dari variabel harga, lebel dan kemasan terhadap variabel keputusan pembelian konsume

    Does Sundanese have Prolepsis and/or Raising to Object Constructions?

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    Despite the abundant advantages of teacher's questions, teachers still do not gain any benefits from them as they face many challenges in posing them. However, teachers who pose questions as a part of the teaching-learning strategy in the class may gain different outputs. A descriptive qualitative study is carried out to find out the types of questions that dominantly posed by a teacher in the intensive listening course at an institute of Islamic studies in Ponorogo. A lecturer and her class took part as participants on the study. Class observations, videotape observation, and interviews were utilized to gather the data. The revised Bloom’s taxonomy process verbs, assessment and questioning strategies was employed to analyze the data. The finding shows that the lecturer spent 73.8 percent of her questions on remembering, 17.8 percent on the understanding level, 5.9 percent on analyzing, and 2.9 percent on the evaluating level. It indicates that her questions were dominated by a low level of thinking skill.&nbsp

    The effects of a narrative structure and English proficiency on university students’ speaking performance: Pausing patterns

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    Literature has shown that a narrative structure and narrative complexity factor into the speaking performance of L2 learners, especially those of lower-proficiency level of various L1 backgrounds (e.g., see Tavakoli Foster, 2008). However, little research has looked at the issue with Indonesian-speaking learners of English. In order to fill this empirical void, this study examines the relationship between a narrative structure, English proficiency (intermediate and upper-intermediate), and the distributions of mid-pause of English students when performing a picture-assisted story narration task in English. Informed by a quantitative approach, data were collected from spoken texts drawn from a picture-assisted narrating task of 40 participants majoring in English at a university in Indonesia. The participants’ speeches were transcribed, and the mid-pauses produced by the participants were analyzed using a paired t-test. The English proficiency levels were determined by a standardized TOEFL-equivalent test the participants took at a language center. Results reveal that (1) the participants produced more mid-pauses when performing a tight structured narrative, and (2) they with different language proficiencies, intermediate and upper-intermediate, paused differently. That is, the oral performance of the intermediate-level participants was affected by a narrative structure, while that of the upper-intermediate peers was not influenced by that structure. These results may encourage language teachers and language testers to formulate certain strategies to enhance learners’ oral fluency by considering the effect of a task design on students’ speaking performance


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    This research investigates the representation of Jokowi’s figure as the governor of Jakarta, the presidential candidate, and the President of Indonesia in the Jakarta Post by using nomination and predication strategies of Discourse Historical Approach (DHA) proposed by Reisigl and Wodak (2001). Fifteen editorials focusing on Jokowi were examined. Findings reveal three main points. First, deixis and synecdoches become the nomination strategies that signify changes. The strategies signal that the Jakarta Post prefers to focus on Jokowi when he becomes the president since his every action represents the action that the government and Indonesia take. Second, the Jakarta Post prefers to use positive predication strategies in presenting Jokowi’s figure in all categories except on the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) issue. Third, the signification of the representation indicates that nomination and predication strategies are employed to represent the shift in political support towards Jokowi: from positive to negative. The Jakarta Post supports Jokowi since his performance as a leader is in line with the Jakarta Post values. However, the Jakarta Post no longer gives him its full support on the KPK issue, for his action is seen to contradict the Jakarta Post’s ideology that supports anticorruption movement


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    This study aims to explore the frequency of pragmatic content occurrence represented as speech acts of thanking and apologizing in two Indonesian ELT textbooks: a prescribed textbook published by Ministry of National Education and a commercial textbook. Pragmatic content of two ELT Textbooks entitled When English Rings the Bell and English on Sky were analyzed using Martinez’s Framework on Speech act of thanking and apologizing. The result indicated that a number of speech acts of thanking and apologizing have sufficiently provided by both prescribed and commercial textbook. However, while there are various strategies which can be used to perform speech acts of thanking and apologizing, both textbooks failed to take into account the inclusion of those strategies. It is therefore advisable for language teachers to employ other authentic language sources to enhance learners’ pragmatic competence.

    Rhetorical move and genre knowledge development of English and Indonesian abstracts: A comparative analysis

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    A plethora of research has shown that genre analysis through move analysis is a practical approach to identify the complexity of writing research articles (RAs). However, little is known about the genre knowledge development that is manifested in abstract discourse patterns. This study aims to determine whether or not there is an influence from the level of education with the development of genre knowledge, especially in the field of writing research abstracts. Using Hyland’s (2000) five-move analysis model, this study analyzed the comparison and identity of abstracts of theses and dissertations in English and Indonesian. From the analysis, it can be seen that there are some differences and similarities in the manifestation of abstract discourse patterns in English and Indonesian final paper abstracts. In terms of genre knowledge, its development could be reflected through the level of study, in this case, from master’s to doctoral degrees. As evident in the dissertation abstracts in both languages, Move 1 (Introduction) evinces richer varieties in step realizations than in master’s theses. The analysis also indicates no crucial differences in genre knowledge development across languages and fields of study. Further comparative research on this particular topic with more subject of data is suggested

    Movement and locality in Sundanese Wh-Questions

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