12 research outputs found

    Propagation of Lily Arumsari using Generic Media through In Vitro Culture

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    Perbanyakan lili secara in vitro umumnya menggunakan media Murashige dan Skoog (MS) dengan penambahan zat pengatur. Salah satu perhatian penting dalam produksi benih lili untuk skala masal dan produksi benih lili untuk industri adalah diperlukan media yang murah, mudah dan mampu menekan biaya produksi. Tujuan penelitian adalah mendapatkan media generik yang mudah, murah dan efisien untuk menggantikan media MS dan menurunkan biaya perbanyakan lili in vitro. Media yang digunakan adalah pupuk daun komersial dengan merek dagang Vitagrow, Growmore, Gibril, dan G-60. Umbi lili varietas Arumsari digunakan sebagai sumber eksplan perbanyakan secara in vitro. Percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) faktor tunggal yaitu jenis media kultur generik. Setiap perlakuan media terdiri dari 3 ulangan, dengan 20 unit satuan percobaan tiap ulangan dan setiap unit terdiri dari 5 buah umbi. Parameter yang diamati meliputi jumlah daun, panjang daun, panjang dan jumlah akar dan persentase tumbuh umbi. Media Growmore merupakan media terbaik untuk menghasilkan jumlah daun terbanyak (50.67 daun), panjang daun terpanjang (1.6 cm), panjang akar serta (0.31 cm) persentase tumbuh tertinggi (100%). Jumlah akar terbanyak diperoleh pada media G-60.Lily was usually propagated using MS (Murashige and Skoog) medium supplemented with plant growth regulator and hormone. The important concerns in mass propagation and seed production of lily for industries are cheap, easy and low cost medium. This study’s objective was to find out of generic media to substitute MS medium and to decrease the cost of mass propagation of lily in vitro. Three substitutions medium were Vitagrow, Growmore, Gibril, and G-60. Bulbs of lily Arumsari varieties were used as materials. Complete Random Design with a single factor was used in the experimental design. The treatments were type of generic in vitro medium (Vitagrow, Growmore, Gibril, and G-60), consisting of three replication and 20 units per repetition and five bulbs per unit of repetition. The parameter observed was the total number of leaves and roots, length of leaves and roots, and bulb growth percentage. Growmore medium showed a better result than others in total number of leaves (50,67), length of leaves (1,6 cm), length of roots (0,312 cm) and percentage of bulb growth (100%). The highest total number of roots was achieved in G-60 medium

    Morphological Characterization and Hybridization of Rain lily (Zephyranthes sp.)

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    Rain lily (Zephyranthes sp) merupakan tanaman hias yang umumnya dibudidayakan sebagai tanaman hias pot dan lanskap. Warna dan bentuk serta ukuran tanaman hias ini masih terbatas. Keragaman genetik dan variasi warna, ukuran dan bentuk tanaman ini dapat ditingkatkan melalui hibridisasi. Penelitian dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias Cipanas pada bulan April-November 2021. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan keragaman morfologi dan pembentukan buah Rain lili. Kultivar Rain lili yang digunakan antara lain Zephyranthes rosea, Zephyranthes pulchella, Zephyranthes candida, Zephyranthes minuta dan Zephyranthes carinata. Parameter yang diamati antara lain karakter morfologi, waktu panen (hari), diameter buah (cm), jumlah buah yang terbentuk dan waktu reseptif bunga. Keberhasilan pembentukan biji hasil persilangan relatif rendah. Pembentukan biji memerlukan waktu 22.3 hingga 27.6 hari setelah persilangan. Waktu reseptif bunga terjadi antara pukul 7 hingga 10 pagi. Rerata diameter buah 1.7–2.1 cm dengan jumlah biji 5.0–19.3. Kata kunci: anther, reseptif, tanaman pot, waktu panen, zephyranthes.Rain lily (Zephyranthes sp) is usually used as a landscape ornamental or potted plant. These flowers are limited in color, size, and shape. Genetic variability and variation of color, size, and shape increased through hybridization. The research was conducted at the Indonesian Ornamental Crops Research Institute, from April-November 2021. The research objective was to know the morphological character and seed pod formation of the Rain lily. Some cultivars of Rain lily were used as materials. There were Zephyranthes rosea, Zephyranthes pulchella, Zephyranthes candida, Zephyranthes minuta, and Zephyranthes carinata. The parameters observed were the Rain lily’s morphological character, the seed pod’s harvest time (days), pod diameter (cm), the number of seed formations, and the receptive time of the pistil and anther. Seed pod formation was less among Rain lily parents from their crossing. Approximately seed formation was taking time 22.3 to 27.6 days after crossing. The favorable time of receptive on 07.00 – 10.00 a.m. The average diameter was 1.7–2.1 cm and the number of seeds was about 5.0–19.3. Keywords: anther, harvest time, receptive, potted plant, zephyranthes

    Senior High School Students’ Lack of Truth-Seeking Behavior in Mathematics Problem Solving

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    The objective of this study is to discern the patterns of truth-seeking behaviors among students when tackling mathematics problems involving an unknown universe of discourse. Employing a qualitative descriptive approach, the research encompassed stages including instrument preparation and validation, data collection from two mathematics problems with no specified universal set, subject selection, data analysis, triangulation, and interpretation. The research group consisted of tenth-grade high school students who were considered to have ideal abilities in problem-solving. The instrument used was valid and reliable. The findings reveal that students tend to exhibit a lack of truth-seeking behavior when tackling problem-solving tasks. These behaviors include: (1) verifying the universal set, (2) articulating and defining the universal set, (3) documenting the formulas used to solve problems according to the objectives, (4) outlining the steps employed, (5) working through the questions in accordance with predetermined steps, and (6) evaluating the outcomes obtained to ensure their alignment with the established objectives. Their behavioral patterns unfold as follows: (1) comprehending questions to extract problem details and jotting down pertinent information during the problem identification phase, (2) identifying and documenting the queries posed in questions during the goal-setting stage, (3) utilizing all established information during the strategy implementation phase, and (4) formulating conclusions and conducting result verification during the review and evaluation stage. Future researchers can develop learning methods to familiarize students with truth-seeking behaviors

    Evaluation of Anthurium variability (Anthurium andreanum) in the F1 population

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    Anthurium andreanum is one of the popular flowers in the floriculture industries and the biggest cluster in the Araceae group. Genetic variabilities of Anthurium andreanum were obtained through hybridization and conventional breeding program. The study’s objective was to evaluate the morphological character variation of anthurium in the F1 population. The F1 population of anthurium crossing was used for observation and evaluation in this research. The parameter observations were the morphological character of spadix and spathe, quantitative characters comprised of spathe width and length, spadix length, and the total number of flowers per plant in the first flowering stadia. There were 77 plants in the F1 population of crossing between anthurium cv. Sempre x Alvin. The longest spadix was 4.8 cm (SA.18), the longest spathe was 8 cm (SA.19), and the widest spathe was 8.7 cm (SA.19). Average of flowers per plant in the first blooming stadia was about 2-4 flowers. Variation of morphological characteristics was obtained in F1 population evaluation in some parameters. The evaluation showed that most offspring in the F1 population were dominantly inherited from A. Sempre

    Induksi Kalus Tiga Kultivar Lili dari Petal Bunga pada Beberapa Jenis Media

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    ABSTRACTLilium is usually propagated vegetatively by using bulb scales  or bulbs. Based on the totipotency ability  of  every  parts  of  plant,  it  is  possible  to  regenerate  them  into  plantlets.  The  objective  of  the experiment was to find out micropropagation technique of lily  by  using petal  of  three cultivars of liliumas explants. Different stages  of developing flower buds was used in this research. The best medium for callus induction was Murashige & Skoog (MS)  + 0.3  mg  l-1TDZ. The stage of flower bud  development D2  (diameter flower bud was 2.15 cm and 7 cm  in  length) of  ‘Frutty Pink’  cultivar  was  more responsiveon callus induction media than other cultivars (‘Sorbon’ and ‘Purple Diamond’).Key words: TDZ (thidiazuron),lilium, callus induction, flower, explant.ABSTRAKLilium  biasanya  diperbanyak  secara  vegetatif  dengan  umbi  sisik  atau bulb.  Berdasarkan  pada kemampuan totipotensi dari setiap bagian tanaman, dimungkinkan untuk meregenerasikan tanaman dari berbagai bagian tanaman menjadi planlet. Tujuan percobaan adalah menemukan teknik mikropropagasi lili  menggunakan  petal  tiga  kultivar  lili  sebagai  eksplan.  Stadia  perkembangan  bunga  yang  berbeda digunakan  dalam  penelitian  ini.  Media  yang  terbaik  untuk  induksi  kalus  adalah  media  Murashige  & Skoog (MS) +0.3 mg  l-1TDZ. Stadia perkembangan tunas bunga D2  dengan diametertunas bunga 2.15 cm  dan panjang bunga 7 cm  dari kultivar  ‘Frutty Pink’  lebih responsif dalam induksi   kalus dibanding kultivar lainnya (‘Sorbon’ dan ‘Purple Diamond’).Kata kunci: TDZ (thidiazuron), Lilium, induksi kalus, bunga, eksplan

    Embriogenesis Somatik dari Eksplan Daun Anggrek Phalaenopsis sp L. (Somatic Embryogenesis from Leaf Eksplant of Phalaenopsis Orchids)

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    Somatic embryogenesis has been recoqnized as one of the process on plant micropropagation  techniques. This process occured through regeneration by direct embryo formation and through an intermediary callus phase. This research was conducted through an intermediary callus phase. The experiment was initiated with callus induction from leaf explant on five modifications of MS medium i.e :1/2MS without plant hormone  (MI-0); ½ MS containing 1mg/L BA + 0.5 mg/L 2.4-D + 1mg/L NAA  (MI-1);1/3 MS containing 2 mg/L  2.4-D (MI-2); ½ MS supplemented with 0.5 mg/L 2.4-D + 0.5 mg/L BAP +0.2 mg/L thidiazuron (MI-3); ½ MS supplemented 2 mg/L thidiazuron and 1 mg/L BAP (MI-4). After the tissues were swollen, the  explants  were  placed on callus proliferation medium  ½ MS supplemented with 0.2 mg/L thidiazuron and 0.5 mg/L 2.4-D (MP). After two months, calli were  regenerated in regeneration medium ½ MS supplemented with 0.4  mg/L BAP and 0.2 mg/L  2.4-D (MR). The results of this research  showed that  MI-1 and MI-3 were the best swelling explant mediums   before the callus  produced in both MP and MR medium. Callus produced was increased in every subculture. However, the level of callii production decreased on the following subculture. Plantlets were regenerated from somatic embryos derived from  callii on MR medium. The results of this study may contribute to our advancement of scientific knowledge achievements tissue culture techniques to support inconventional plant improvement.   Key words:  embryo somatic induction, in vitro, embryogenic callii

    Genetic relationship analysis of chrysanthemum genotypes based on quantitative and qualitative characters

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    Genetic improvements through biotechnological approaches have been successfully employed in many economically important crops, including ornamentals. The gamma-ray particle bombardment has been applied in the chrysanthemum variety Puspita Nusantara and superior mutants has successfully generated without degrading its important marketable characteristics. The vegetative and reproductive performances of 47 superior mutant genotypes from Puspita Nusantara are evaluated and compared with three references varieties, i.e., Puspita Nusantara, Stangkon and Arosuko Pelangi based on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics. The evaluation was carried out to select superior mutants with better characteristics. The results show that all chrysanthemum genotypes exhibited variations in quantitative characteristics, except in node length, the width of the widest point of inflorescence, the number of flowers per plant, and floret width. Six qualitative characters, i.e., non-glossy leaves, medium indentation depth, the existence of keel, inner and outer floret color, disc color before anther dehiscence, and disc color after anther dehiscence were similar in all genotypes. Mutant clones G6, G8, C1, KA7, G9, AG0, N9, and Q5 show preferable quantitative performances than the reference varieties. Clone W5 has comparative characteristics to Stangkon and can be further evaluated for alternative reference. The selected mutant genotypes provide better choices for farmers to plant more competitive varieties

    The effects of light and a combination of growth regulators on the induction of somatic embryogenesis in orchid Rhynchostylis gigantea (LindI.) Ridl.

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    The squirrel-tail orchid (Rhynchostylis gigantea) belongs to the Orchidaceae family. This orchid is indigenous to Southeast Asia and is scented and arranged in a bouquet of dangling stems. Its uniqueness makes it commercially desirable. In vitro culture has been utilized for orchid proliferation for a very long time to aid in the development of orchid seedlings. However, not all orchid species react the same way. Through somatic embryogenesis without gamete fusion, in vitro culture techniques can produce new plants during the entire embryonic phase. Endogenous and exogenous hormones, as well as light, influence the success of embryogenesis. Determining the optimal environmental parameters (light, combination and concentration of growth regulators, and their interaction) for inducing somatic embryogenesis from leaf explants in R. gigantea is the purpose of the present study. The leaves of R. gigantea clone 19 were utilized as explants in this investigation, utilizing a completely random factorial design. The first factor is a combination of growth regulator types and concentrations, and the second factor is light. Explants that are alive and growing at a rapid rate indicate that the in vitro culture is successful. Light and the combination of growth regulators significantly affected the percentage of viable explants, the beginning date of callus formation, and the number of embryogenic calluses produced. The interaction of two components (light and a combination of growth regulators) did not affect the three characteristics, with the exception of the proportion of somatic embryogenesis. Incubation in the dark is the optimal environment for initiating somatic embryogenesis in explants. The optimal combination of plant growth regulators for inducing somatic embryogenesis was 0.5 mgL-1 TDZ and 0.1 mgL-1 BAP. Bright light and a concentration of 1.0 mgL-1 TDZ + 0.1 mgL-1 BAP were the optimal interaction conditions for the induction of somatic embryogenesis in R. gigantea