21 research outputs found


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    Latar Belakang. Kejadian depresi postpartum cukup tinggi di Indonesia. Berbagai faktor risiko diduga menjadi penyebab masalah tersebut, seperti misalnya faktor sosial dan faktor biologis. Salah satu faktor biologis yang penting adalah defisiensi berbagai mikronutrien. Zink merupakan salah satu mikronutrien yang diduga berperan pada terjadinya depresi postpartum. Tujuan. Melakukan tinjauan literatur artikel terkait depresi postpartum untuk memperjelas peran zink pada depresi postpartum. Metode. Penelusuran literatur dilakukan melalui mesin pencari Google Scholar dan database elektronik PubMed dan Clinical Key. Kata kunci zinc, seng, depresi, postpartum dan postpartum depression digunakan untuk melacak artikel penelitian asli maupun kajian pustaka pada jurnal nasional maupun internasional berbahasa Inggris, dan dapat diakses secara terbuka (open access). Kajian pustaka secara naratif (unsystematic narrative review) dilakukan untuk mensintesis informasi dari 69 artikel terpilih yang terdiri dari 7 artikel tentang depresi secara umum,  12 artikel tentang depresi postpartum, 35 artikel  tentang fungsi, metabolisme dan defisiensi zink, serta 15 artikel tentang hubungan zink dan depresi postpartum. Hasil. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa zink terbukti berhubungan dengan terjadinya depresi secara umum, baik pada hewan coba maupun manusia. Kesimpulan. Secara khusus zink juga berhubungan dengan terjadinya depresi postpartum melalui mekanisme keseimbangan glutamatergik (glutamatergic theory)

    Analysis of Nutrition Intake Based on Gender in Adolescents

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    BACKGROUND: Teenage is one of the important phases in life. At this stage adolescents need adequate nutritional intake to support the growth spurt process. AIM: The study wanted to see how nutrition is based on gender in the city of Makassar. METHODS: This research was conducted in one senior high school in Makassar city, the capital city of South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The study lasted for 3 months, from July to August 2018. The population in this study was students of class XI and class XII in the 2018–2019 academic year, amounting to 594 people. The sample amounted to 114 students using a sampling technique of systematic random sampling. Characteristics of respondents were collected using a standard questionnaire. The intake data were collected through 24-h food recall and processed using nutrisurvey. All information is then processed using SPSS. This was an observational study with a cross-sectional design. Data were analyzed using univariate analysis. RESULTS: The majority of respondents in this study were girls adolescent (63.2%), age 16 years (52.6%), normal nutritional status (81.6%), education of fathers and mothers graduating from high school or equivalent (42.1% and 43, 0%), education of self-employed fathers (50%), and employment of mothers are housewives (79.8%), and pocket money of Rp. 10,000–20,000 (50.9%). The study found that male adolescents had a mean higher intake of energy, fat, fiber, vitamin A, vitamin B9, Vitamin B12 and Calcium. Whereas female adolescents have a mean higher intake of protein, vitamin B6, vitamin C, Fe and zinc. But the intake is not significantly different. Based on the adequacy of the 80% rate of nutritional needs, it was found that all adolescents did not meet these standards. CONCLUSION: Nutritional intake in adolescents in Makassar still does not meet the recommended intake standards and does not differ in all sexes. Macronutrient and micronutrient intake in young men and women still does not meet the recommended nutritional adequacy rate

    The Importance of Husband Support During Childbirth in Indonesia

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    The Assistance of the husband during the delivery of the wife makes the process smoother. The assistance was related to various factors, including husband support. This study aims to determine the relationship between husband support and wife delivery assistance at the Sheikh Yusuf General Hospital in Gowa Regency. The study was conducted from October-November 2019. This study used a cross-sectional approach the population is all husbands who came to bring their wives in the period of October-November amounted to 385 people. The research sample was obtained by simple random sampling totaling 134 people. Data analysis was performed using SPSS with a chi-square test where the significance value was p <0.05. The results showed that the respondents in this study were mostly aged 18-24 years as many as 39.6%, the last level of education was Senior High School as much as 51.5% and working as entrepreneurs 38.8%. A small proportion of respondents in this study aged 39-45 years were 4 (3.0%), D3 education level was 4 (3.0%), and worked as a repairman 3 (2.2%). The study also showed that there were 81.3% of husbands supported childbirth and 18.7% did not. In addition, there were 64.9% of husbands accompanied their wives at delivery, and 35.1% did not accompany them. There is a relationship between the husband's support and delivery assistance (p = 0.008). It is expected that the husband can play an active role in assisting his wife so that it helps the smooth delivery proces

    Accuracy of Actual Weight Measurement Using Upper arm Circumference in South Sulawesi Ethnics

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    BACKGROUND: Assessment of nutritional status in hospital patients is important to do. However, due to the patient’s condition, the measurement must use an estimation formula. This study wanted to know the accuracy of the measurement of body weight from the formula commonly used in hospitals. AIM: This study wants to see how accurate the actual body weight predictions are based on measurements of UAC in the ethnics in the province of South Sulawesi. METHODS: The design of this study was cross-sectional. The population of this study was young adults aged 20–29 years. Number of sample is 896 respondents. Sampling consists of 2 stages, namely sample area and research sample. The sampling used was systematic random sampling. The sample size in this study was calculated using the Stanley Lemeshow formula. RESULTS: The results showed that the formula used to predict the patient’s weight, if the formula is calculated using the formula 100% Patient Upper Arm Circumference (PUAC), it is suitable for ethnic Bugis and Mandar male. The formula 90% PUAC is suitable for ethnic Bugis and Mandar and male ethnic Makassarese and Toraja. The formula 85% is suitable for women for all ethnicities. CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that the accuracy of measuring body weight depends on gender and ethnicity, so it is expected that health practitioners in the hospital can adjust the use of formulas according to gender and ethnicity

    The Acceptance of COVID-19 Vaccine: The Projection from the First Year of COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

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    The Pandemic of COVID-19 affected not only the health sector but also other sectors. Herd immunity through vaccination was recommended by experts. This study purposed to describe the acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccine and to discover predictive factors of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance in Indonesia. This is a cross-sectional study. Data collection used an online platform conducted in August 2020. The questionnaire based on Survey Tool and Guidance by WHO Regional Office for Europe. Logistic regression was run to identify associated factors and to build a predictive model of vaccine acceptance. There were 164 respondents aged 19 – 56 years. About 70.1 percent of respondents showed a willingness to accept the vaccine for COVID-19. The predictive model consisted of age, perceived probability that has been infected and trust in government press releases with performance reaching 73 percent.  The trust of people in the government was the most important key to engaging people in vaccination. Evidence-based messaging delivered regularly by the government and consistent action between the government and health officers would educate and lead people's risk perceived and the decision to be vaccinated

    Literature Review : The Role of Games in Nutrition Education for Children in Indonesia

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    Games are one of the media that can be used in nutrition education. Many studies have been conducted to see the effectiveness of games in nutrition education for children. However, no review has been conducted on these studies. This study aims to review various studies that use games in nutrition education. This research is a qualitative research in the form of a literature review. The literature search was conducted online through the Google Scholar database using the keywords education, nutrition, games and children. Initially 40 articles were found, but after adjusting to the inclusion criteria, namely open access, articles published in research or service journals were published for the 2017-2021 period, so that the articles reviewed were 17 articles. The results show that games are used on various topics of nutrition education, such as balanced nutrition, consumption of fruit and vegetables, snacks and breakfast. The types of games used are puzzles, snakes and ladders, nutrition cards, flashcards, quarted, quinted, monopoly, wayang, VEM and guessing pictures. All studies show the effectiveness of games in nutrition education in children. There is no nutrition education that has developed modern games in the form of applications, so in the future it is necessary to conduct studies on this matter to enrich the types of games used in nutrition education.Games are one of the media that can be used in nutrition education. Many studies have been conducted to see the effectiveness of games in nutrition education for children. However, no review has been conducted on these studies. This study aims to review various studies that use games in nutrition education. This research is a qualitative research in the form of a literature review. The literature search was conducted online through the Google Scholar database using the keywords education, nutrition, games and children. Initially 40 articles were found, but after adjusting to the inclusion criteria, namely open access, articles published in research or service journals were published for the 2017-2021 period, so that the articles reviewed were 17 articles. The results show that games are used on various topics of nutrition education, such as balanced nutrition, consumption of fruit and vegetables, snacks and breakfast. The types of games used are puzzles, snakes and ladders, nutrition cards, flashcards, quarted, quinted, monopoly, wayang, VEM and guessing pictures. All studies show the effectiveness of games in nutrition education in children. There is no nutrition education that has developed modern games in the form of applications, so in the future it is necessary to conduct studies on this matter to enrich the types of games used in nutrition education

    Gerakan edukasi cegah stunting dari rumah pada masyarakat Kabupaten Maros

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    Stunting adalah kondisi gagal tumbuh pada anak yang memberikan banyak implikasi negatif jika tidak dicegah lebih dini. Salah satu faktor penghambat upaya penanganan stunting di masyarakat adalah rendahnya rendahnya pengetahuan mayarakat terkait gizi. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalan untuk memberikan edukasi bahwa stunting itu dapat dicegah dari rumah. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode CBR (Community-Based Research) dimana komunitas target berperan aktif dalam&nbsp; proses kegiatan, dalam rangka meningkatkan efektifitas proses kerja dan menghasilkan sebuah rekomendasi yang benar-benar bermanfaat bagi perbaikan dan peningkatan kualitas kehidupan sosial mereka. Hasilnya metode edukasi yang dilakukan pada kegiatan ini (penyuluhan dan pembagian poster) efektif memperbaiki literasi komunitas target terkait informasi stunting. Oleh karena itu, diharapkan agar kegiatan serupa dapat terus dilakukan oleh tenaga kesehatan setempat termasuk untuk masalah kesehatan selain stunting

    Hubungan BBLR, Kebiasaan Merokok Keluarga, dan Status Gizi dengan Riwayat ISPA Bayi di Kelurahan Ballaparang

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    Penyakit Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut (ISPA) merupakan penyakit saluran pernafasan yang sering di temui pada bayi. Kematian akibat penyakit ISPA balita mencapai sekitar 12,4 juta pada balita golongan umur 0-1 tahun dan sebanyak 80,3% kematian ini terjadi di negara-negara berkembang dan prevalensi ISPA balita di Indonesia  sebesar 7,8%. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan berat badan lahir, kebiasaan merokok keluarga, dan status gizi dengan riwayat ISPA bayi di Kelurahan Ballaparang Kota Makassar. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan analitik observasional, desain study cross sectional. Populasi penelitian seluruh bayi yang ada di Kelurahan Ballaparang dengan jumlah sampel 66 responden/bayi. Teknik sampling Accidental sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan yang signifikan antara berat badan lahir dengan riwayat ISPA bayi dengan nilai p=0,008, ada hubungan antara kebiasaan merokok keluarga dengan riwayat ISPA bayi dengan nilai p=0,017, dan tidak ada hubungan antara status gizi (BB/U) dengan riwayat ISPA bayi dengan nilai p=0,512. Bagi petugas kesehatan lebih meningkatkan program dalam bidang penyuluhan dan diberikan edukasi mengenai cara agar dapat mencegah terjadinya ISPA pada bayi, serta orang tua diberikan pemahaman tentang memenuhi asupan gizi yang baik, mencegah terjadinya BBLR dan menghindari paparan asap rokok.  

    Literature Review: Social Determinant of Health in Breast Cancer Patients Survival

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    Social determinants have an important role in the survival of breast cancer patients. This article aims to reviews the social determinants that affect the survival of breast cancer patient. We searched PubMed and Google Scholar for identifying studies related to this review using free-text terms and Medical Subject Headings terms. Both experimental and observational studies on social determinants of breast cancer patient survival which were published in the English language have been included in this review except expert opinions, commentaries, editorials, and review articles. Ten studies were eligible to be included in review. Social health determinants that play a role in the survival of breast cancer patients are education level, place of residence, socioeconomic status, social environment, racial discrimination, and access to health services. Social determinants have an influence on the survival of breast cancer patients, so it is important to pay attention to these factors

    Association of Gender, Triglyceride/HDL Ratio, and Physical Activity of Obese Adolescents in Makassar

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    BACKGROUND: Obesity may cause the increase of triglyceride and decrease of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels. Triglyceride/HDL ratio is associated with metabolic disorders. Physical activity is one of the important aspects in preventing obesity. Gender is known to have a relationship with these factors, but it has been inconsistent. AIM: This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between sex and triglycerides, levels of HDL, triglycerides/HDL ratio, and physical activity of obese adolescents in Makassar. METHODS: This study used a cross-sectional design involving 93 samples of obese adolescents from three high schools. Measurement of triglyceride and HDL levels was performed by the Prodia laboratory, while physical activity was measured using the International Physical Activity Questioner. Data analysis was performed with Chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests. RESULTS: The results showed that there is a relationship between gender and triglyceride levels (p = 0.006) and HDL (p = 0.034), but no relationship between the ratio of TG/HDL (p = 0.109) and physical activity was found (p = 0.339). CONCLUSION: Efforts should be made to reduce the level of risk adolescent obesity on the risk of metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease, including increase physical activity. Physical activity is important to maintain the physical and mental of obese adolescents