19 research outputs found

    The accuracy of food and drink cards as a tool for estimating total nutrients and calories intake

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    Interview method in exploring foods and drinks intake require estimation tool. Household measuring instruments can be used, as well as of food photographs and three-dimension food models. The purpose of this study was to assess the accuracy of food and drink cards as a tool to estimate the portion of real food and drink. A total of 32 respondents participated in this study. Food records were collected then body weight and height of respondents were measured. In the following day, the respondents estimated the portion of the real foods and drinks compare to the cards. Fifty-one cards are considered accurate from the total 67 cards. Food and drink cards can be used as a tool to estimate nutritional intake and total calories


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    Cakupan pemberian air susu ibu (ASI) eksklusif di Indonesia belum maksimal. Banyak faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi ibu dalam pemberian ASI eksklusif, salah satunya adalah sikap ibu. Sikap ibu yang positif terhadap pemberian ASI diharapkan dapat mempertahankan durasi pemberian ASI. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan sikap ibu mengenai kualitas dan kuantitas ASI dengan pemberian ASI eksklusif di Kecamatan Ilir Timur II Palembang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan desain cross sectional. Sebanyak seratus orang ibu yang memenuhi kriteria berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Pengambilan data dilakukan menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan uji statistik Chi-Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan angka keberhasilan pemberian ASI eksklusif sebesar 43%. Sebagian besar ibu menunjukkan sikap yang positif terhadap kualitas dan kuantitas ASI. Sikap ibu terhadap kualitas ASI (p=0,006) dan kuantitas ASI (p=0,006) menunjukkan hubungan yang bermakna dengan pemberian ASI eksklusif. Sikap ibu di Kecamatan Ilir Timur II Palembang mengenai kualitas ASI dan kuantitas ASI berdampak signifikan terhadap keberhasilan pemberian ASI eksklusif

    Fluid consumption, hydration status, and its associated factors: a cross sectional study among medical students in Palembang, Indonesia

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    Background: Adequate fluid consumption and hydration status of students become a special concern because being dehydrated by just 1%-2% can impair cognitive performance. The objectives of this study were to assess the daily fluid consumption, and analyze the correlation of fluid consumption and other associated factors with hydration status of medical students in Universitas Sriwijaya.Methods: A total of 93 medical students in Universitas Sriwijaya were recruited to complete a 7-day cross-sectional study. Subjects were asked to complete a self-administered 7-day-24-hours fluid record and provide first morning urine sample on the last day. Gender information was collected. Physical activity was evaluated by self-administered long version of IPAQ. Body mass index was calculated using body weight and body height measurement. Urine specific gravity was determined by urinometer. The 7-day-24-hours fluid record and 1-day-24-hours urine specific gravity were calculated and analyzed.Results: Majority of the subjects were well hydrated, while 10.8% were slightly hydrated, 6.5% were moderately hydrated and 9.7% were severely dehydrated. The average of daily fluid consumption was 1789.28 (989.3-2930) mL. Coefficient correlation of fluid consumption from beverages with urine specific gravity was -0.651 (p=0.00) by Pearson correlation test. The hydration status showed no association with gender, physical activity and body mass index.Conclusions: Most subjects in this study were well hydrated. A strong association was found between fluid consumption and hydration status. It was feasible to use daily fluid consumption from beverages to predict hydration status


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    Kegiatan pembelajaran pada beberapa sekolah tetap dilaksanakan secara tatap muka pada masa pandemi COVID-19. Sekolah Dasar Negeri 2 Talang Kelapa di Kabupaten Banyuasin adalah salah satunya. Keterbatasan fasilitas dan kesulitan orang tua mendampingi anak belajar di rumah menjadi pertimbangan keputusan tersebut. Pencegahan penyebaran infeksi berupa penerapan protokol kesehatan secara ketat dan menjaga daya tahan tubuh murid menjadi perhatian utama pihak sekolah maupun orang tua murid. Salah satu upaya menjaga daya tahan tubuh adalah melalui asupan gizi seimbang. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat oleh Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya ini bertujuan memberdayakan guru dan orang tua agar dapat mengimplementasikan Pedoman Gizi Seimbang pada murid. Tahap pertama kegiatan adalah pengumpulan data antropometri melalui pemeriksaan tinggi badan dan berat badan pada 48 murid. Tahap selanjutnya adalah pemberdayaan 30 peserta yang terdiri dari guru dan orang tua. Peserta menjalani pretest, mengikuti webinar, dan melakukan praktik menentukan status gizi menggunakan data antropometri. Hasil praktik peserta mendapatkan 10 murid yang memiliki status gizi di luar rentang normal, yang selanjutnya disarankan untuk dipantau. Pada akhir kegiatan, dilakukan evaluasi dari rangkaian kegiatan. Peserta kegiatan memahami mengenai gizi seimbang untuk anak dan yakin dapat menerapkannya di rumah dan di sekola

    Correlation of neck, wrist, and calf circumference with body mass index in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients

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    Background: Obesity is one of DM risk factors. Nutritional status can be measured by anthropometric measurements. One of them is body mass index (BMI). Other anthropometric measurements are neck, wrist and calf circumference. The purpose of this study was to determine the association of the neck, wrist and calf circumference with the body mass index of type 2 DM patients in Puskesmas (public health center) Sako Palembang.Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the sample were male or female outpatients aged> 19 years old who had type 2 DM patients at Palembang Sako and/or members of Program Pengelolaan Penyakit Kronis (PROLANIS) affected by type 2 DM. Pregnant or breastfeeding women were excluded. Data were obtained through direct measurements, which were then analyzed using Pearson test and linear regression test.Results: A total 44 patients with type 2 diabetes, consisting of 22 males and 22 females participated. There was significant correlation between male’s (p<0.001, r=0.865) and female’s neck circumference (p<0.001, r=0.756) with BMI. There was also significant correlation between male’s (p=0.002, r=0.696) and  female’s wrist circumference (p<0.001, r = 0.648) with BMI. So was correlation between male’s (p<0.001, r=0.745) and female calf circumference (p=0.005, r=0.578) with BMI.Conclusion. There was significant association between neck, wrist and calf circumference with body mass index of type 2 DM patients

    A Summary of Medical Students' Preference for Healthy Campus Canteen Menus

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    The canteen is one of the supporting facilities on campus. The availability of nutritious menus is of great assistance in meeting the nutritional needs of the academic community in support of its learning activities. However, not all campus canteens meet the criteria for healthy canteens. Students' input is required for the establishment of a healthy canteen, especially regarding the menu. This study aims to explore the canteen menu preferences of medical students at Universitas Sriwijaya to develop a healthy canteen. This study is an observational survey, and Google Form is used to collect data through an online questionnaire. The majority of the 646 samples (72.4 %) were females, lived within the family house (52.8 %), had meals from the canteen (70.1 %), were likely to buy ready-to-eat food (65 %), and spent their daily pocket money between IDR 20,000 to 30,000 (34.1 %). A part of them was pleased with the former canteen's menu, including flavor, presentation, menu variants, accessibility to desired menus, pricing, and nutrition content. The majority of students prefer to purchase the main menu (85.1 %), drink without added sugar (74.8%), get the seller's predetermined food portion (54%), and select a canteen that regulates unhealthy menu limitations (46.9 %), which provides a complete menu list with prices and nutritional content (49.8 %). Most students prefer menus that fill them up, no added sugar drinks, predetermined menu portions, limiting menus that are considered unhealthy, and clear nutritional content and price information on the menu list


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    Pregnant women are one of the groups that are vulnerable to nutritional problems. Hormonal changes in pregnant women are suspected to be the cause of changes in the eating habits of pregnant women and if not addressed, will affect their nutritional status. This study aimed to determine the problems affecting pregnant women's food intake, including emesis during pregnancy, taste disorders, and the selection of specific foods in pregnant women. This study is a descriptive study with a cross-sectional approach. Samples were taken using a consecutive sampling method, with criteria for pregnant women in the first trimester at Al-Syifa Clinic Palembang who were willing to participate. We took primary data were taken through questionnaires and interviews with 48 respondents. This study showed that 43 people (89.6%) of respondents had a history of emesis during pregnancy. Twenty-eight people (58.3%) had a moderate degree of hyperemesis gravidarum, and only one had a severe degree of hyperemesis gravidarum  (2.1%). A total of 47 people (97.7%) admitted to having taste disorders. Pregnant women in this study tended to experience a decrease in sweet, salty, bitter, and sour tastes. Thirty-three pregnant women (68.8%) wanted specific foods, and 44 (91.7%) avoided certain foods. Further research is needed to identify the relationship between hyperemesis gravidarum, taste disorders, and specific food choices in pregnant women on their diet and nutritional status.Ibu hamil adalah salah satu kelompok yang rentan mengalami masalah gizi. Perubahan hormon pada ibu hamil diduga menjadi penyebab berubahnya kebiasaan makan ibu hamil, dan bila tidak diatasi, akan memengaruhi status gizinya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui masalah yang memengaruhi asupan makan ibu hamil, meliputi emesis gravidarum, gangguan pengecapan, dan pemilihan makanan spesifik pada ibu hamil. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan potong lintang. Sampel diambil dengan menggunakan metode consecutive sampling, dengan kriteria ibu hamil trimester pertama di Klinik Al-Syifa Palembang yang bersedia berpartisipasi. Data primer diambil melalui kuesioner dan wawancara pada 48 responden. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan sebanyak 43 orang (89,6%) responden memiliki riwayat emesis gravidarum. Dua puluh delapan orang (58,3%) di antaranya termasuk dalam kategori emesis gravidarum derajat sedang, dan hanya 1 orang derajat berat (2,1%). Sebanyak 47 orang (97,7%) mengaku mengalami gangguan pengecapan. Ibu hamil pada penelitian ini cenderung lebih banyak mengalami penurunan pengecapan rasa manis, asin, pahit, dan asam. Total 33 ibu hamil (68,8%) menginginkan makanan spesifik dan 44 ibu hamil (91,7%) menghindari makanan tertentu. Perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan antara emesis gravidarum, gangguan pengecapan, dan pemilihan makanan spesifik pada ibu hamil terhadap pola makan secara maupun status gizinya

    Fluid consumption, hydration status, and its associated factors: a cross sectional study among medical students in Palembang, Indonesia

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    Background: Adequate fluid consumption and hydration status of students become a special concern because being dehydrated by just 1%-2% can impair cognitive performance. The objectives of this study were to assess the daily fluid consumption, and analyze the correlation of fluid consumption and other associated factors with hydration status of medical students in Universitas Sriwijaya.Methods: A total of 93 medical students in Universitas Sriwijaya were recruited to complete a 7-day cross-sectional study. Subjects were asked to complete a self-administered 7-day-24-hours fluid record and provide first morning urine sample on the last day. Gender information was collected. Physical activity was evaluated by self-administered long version of IPAQ. Body mass index was calculated using body weight and body height measurement. Urine specific gravity was determined by urinometer. The 7-day-24-hours fluid record and 1-day-24-hours urine specific gravity were calculated and analyzed.Results: Majority of the subjects were well hydrated, while 10.8% were slightly dehydrated, 6.5% were moderately dehydrated and 9.7% were severely dehydrated. The average of daily fluid consumption was 1789.28 (989.3-2930) mL. Coefficient correlation of fluid consumption from beverages with urine specific gravity was -0.651 (p=0.00) by Pearson correlation test. The hydration status showed no association with gender, physical activity and body mass index.Conclusions: Most subjects in this study were well hydrated. A strong association was found between fluid consumption and hydration status. It was feasible to use daily fluid consumption from beverages to predict hydration status


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    Obesitas telah menjadi penyebab utama meningkatnya penyakit tidak menular. Penggunaan insentif finansial (FI) sangat mendorong gaya hidup sehat. Pola intervensi ini digunakan untuk mendorong perilaku hidup sehat yang bertujuan untuk mencegah dan mengelola penyakit kronis. Kebaruan penelitian ini yaitu meneliti secara meta analisis tentang kemanjuran pemeliharaan penurunan berat badan jangka pendek dengan intervensi insentif keuangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkonfirmasi perbedaan hasil antara studi, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji efek keseluruhan dari studi menggunakan intervensi FI pada program penurunan berat badan. Metode yang digunakan adalah Database PubMed untuk mencari data. Data diambil dari studi yang melaporkan perubahan intervensi FI dengan hasil perubahan berat badan. Hasilnya menemukan bahwa 4 studi dengan obesitas dimasukkan. Hasil gabungan menunjukkan bahwa FI berpengaruh signifikan terhadap perubahan berat badan. Terdapat perbedaan peningkatan berat badan yang signifikan pada kelompok intervensi FI dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol (SMD: -3,37; CI 95%). Heterogenitas statistik ditemukan (I2 = 99,92%, P = 0,00). Kesimpulan hasil belum menunjukkan efek menguntungkan dari FI jangka pendek selama 3 bulan pada penurunan berat badan pada pasien obesitas. Namun, heterogenitas statistik ditemukan sehingga analisis subkelompok diperlukan.Kata kunci: penurunan berat badan; obesitas; insentif finansial. AbstractObesity has become a major etiology of the increase in non-communicable diseases. The use of financial incentives (FI) has greatly encouraged a healthy lifestyle. This intervention pattern is used to encourage healthy lifestyle behaviors aimed at preventing and managing chronic diseases. The novelty of this study is to examine the meta-analysis of the efficacy of maintaining short-term weight loss with financial incentive interventions. The aim of this study was to confirm differences in results between studies, this study was conducted to examine the overall effect of studies using FI interventions on weight loss programs. The method used is the PubMed Database to search for data. Data were drawn from studies reporting changes in the FI intervention with outcome changes in body weight. The results found that 4 studies with obesity were included. The combined results show that FI has a significant effect on changes in body weight. There was a significant difference in weight gain in the FI intervention group compared to the control group (SMD: -3.37; 95% CI). Statistical heterogeneity was found (I2 = 99.92%, P = 0.00). Conclusion the results have not shown a beneficial effect of short-term FI for 3 months on weight loss in obese patients. However, statistical heterogeneity was found so that a subgroup analysis was needed


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    Vegetarianism is one of the most popular dietary patterns in the world, and Indonesians are as well. This study was conducted to determine the profile of vegetarians in Palembang based on socio-demographic characteristics, physical activity level, dietary type, total energy intake, total macronutrient intake, and nutritional status. This study is a descriptive observational study with a cross-sectional design. Maha Vihara Maitreya Duta (MVMD) was the vegetarian population in this survey. Participants who agreed to take part in the survey were at least 18 years old, have been vegetarian for at least three years, were not pregnant or planning to become pregnant, and did not have any chronic ailments. A total of 148 samples were acquired using a consecutive sampling technique. To establish nutritional status, Primary data were collected by completing food recall interviews during the last 24 hours on two non-consecutive days. and measuring height and weight to determine nutritional status. The highest age range of participants was 30–49 years (54,1%). The majority of the population was female (61,5%) and had a college degree (56,1%). Most participants work (85,8%), engage in light-to-moderate physical activity, and have a normal body mass index range (68,2%). Most ate lacto-ovo-vegetarian (59,5%). Most participants were vegetarian for 6-10 years (31,1%). Most motivations for becoming a vegetarian are health-related (45,3%). Vegans consumed more calories, carbs, and protein than non-vegans, but less fat. Most vegan and non-vegan respondents had good nutritional status and were in the sufficient category for achieving calorie and macronutrient requirements