6 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Aktivasi Arang Aktif Dari Tongkol Jagung Dan Tempurung Kelapa Terhadap Luas Permukaan Dan Daya Jerap Iodin

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    The activated charcoal can be produced from various raw material which contains carbon such as corn cobs and coconut shell. Generally, activated charcoal made through activation process with added chemical materials. The kind of activator will give different influence on surface area or pores volume of the result activated charcoal. In this study, will be made activated charcoal from corn cobs and activated by physical and chemical with KOH activator. Carbonation process is performed at 800oC for 2 hours and followed by chemical activation process by KOH with mass ratio water: charcoal: KOH is 1:1:4, then activated by physical at 600oC for 4 hours. Conducted test on sample contain iodine adsorption and SEM. As a result, iodine adsorption of activated charcoal indicated at KOH 20%. the best adsorption of coconut shell activated charcoal is 1240.233 mg/g with surface area 2352.851 m2/g, while corn cobs activated charcoal is 1133.757 mg/g with surface area 2150.866 m2/g. Morphology of activated charcoal with KOH 20% have pore structure with high 22.63 µm and wide 26.41 µm, the resulting pore size included into macropores structure

    Perbandingan Kandungan Makronutrisi dan Isoflavon dari Kedelai Detam 1 dan Wilis Serta Potensinya dalam Menurunkan Berat Badan

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    Biji kedelai merupakan sumber protein berkualitas tinggi, oligosakarida, serat makanan, mineral dan fitokimia terutama isoflavon. Isoflavon dan protein yang merupakan komponen utama dalam kedelai terbukti mempunyai beberapa efek yang menguntungkan. Isoflavon mempunyai efek menurunkan berat badan melalui peningkatan kadar hormon pencernaan Kolesistokinin (KSK). Kedelai varietas Detam 1 adalah kedelai unggulan berkualitas tinggi berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Menteri Pertanian November 2008, dan sebagai pembanding adalah kedelai lokal varietas Wilis yang banyak ditanam oleh petani di Indramayu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji dan membandingkan kandungan makronutrisi (air, protein, lemak dan karbohidrat) kedelai dan tempe, mengetahui jenis ekstrak yang mengandung kadar isoflavon yang tertinggi. Pengujian kadar air dengan metoda Thermogravimetri, protein dengan metoda Kjeldahl, lemak dengan metoda Soxhlet, dan karbohidrat dengan metoda Antron. Kadar Isoflavon yang terdapat dalam ekstrak metanol, fraksi n-heksana, fraksi etil asetat, fraksi n-butanol, fraksi air dan ekstrak protein dari kedelai dan tempe dari Detam 1 dan Wilis diperiksa menggunakan High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kadar protein yang paling tinggi terdapat dalam biji kedelai Detam 1 (41,82%). Proses fermentasi meningkatkan kadar air dari biji kedelai namun menurunkan kadar protein, lemak dan karbohidrat. Kadar isoflavon paling tinggi terdapat dalam fraksi etil asetat, kadar Daidzein tertinggi dalam fraksi etil asetat biji kedelai Detam 1 (Daidzein 0,669%). Ekstrak metanol tempe kedelai Wilis juga memiliki kadar isoflavon yang tinggi (Daidzein 0,580%, Genistein 0,576%). Ekstrak metanol tempe kedelai Wilis diharapkan mempunyai manfaat sebagai terapi untuk penurunan berat badan di masa mendatang

    Potential of Dadap Ayam (Erythrina Variegata) Plant as Herbal Medicine

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    Traditional medicines originating from plants have been widely used as an alternative therapy and extensive research have identified several bioactive compounds of the plants. In Indonesia, Erythrina variegata (Leguminosae) plants have been used for medication to many diseases including anthelmintic, anticancer,antimalaria, and antifertility.Objective: In the course of our continuing search for novel bioactive compounds from Indonesian Erythrina plants, we isolated and described several bioactive compounds such as anticancer, antimalaria, and antifertility from E. variegata. Method: Activity assay in vitro against breast cancer cell T47D using the Sulforhodamine B (SRB) method, activity assay in vitro against antiplasmodium using lactatedehydrogenase (LDH) method, and antifertility activity on spermatozoa Rattus novergicus. Their chemical structures were determined based on spectroscopic evidences and comparison with related compound previously reported. Result: Extract and compounds of E. variegata showed anticancer in vitro against breast cancer cell T47D, antiplasmodial in vitro K1 and 3D7 strain parasites, and antifertility on spermatozoa R. norvegicus with midle and high activity. Besides that, the toxicity assay of it was also conducted using white mice to show the safety grade of the plant. Conclusion: This results strongly suggested that E. variegata is a promising sources as herbal medicine of anticancer, antimalaria, and antifertility agents

    Kuersetin Dan Kuersetin-3-O-Glukosida Dari Kulit Batang Sonneratia Alba (Lythraceae)

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    Two flavonoid compounds, quercetin (1) and quercetin-3-O-glucoside (2) have been isolated from the bark of Sonneratia alba (Lythraceae). Chemical structure of both compounds were determined on the basis of spectroscopic data and comparison with those spectra data previously reported. Compound 1 and 2 exhibited antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus mutans with MIC values of 51.2; 48.8; 72.5; dan 100.7 µg/mL respectively.DOI :http://dx.doi.org/10.15408/jkv.v0i0.315