96 research outputs found

    Comparative study of adverse effect profile of first line drugs Zidovudine (ZDV) + Lamivudine (3TC) + Nevirapine (NVP) Vs Tenofovir (TDF) + Lamivudine (3TC) + Atazanavir (ATV) + Ritonovir (RTV) in HIV/AIDS patients

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    Background: The biggest threat to mankind from the health perspective is probably the virus Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) responsible for a serious disease known as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). To compare the adverse effect profile of two antiretroviral regimens i.e, Zidovudine (ZDV) + Lamivudine (3TC) + Nevirapine (NVP) [regimen A] Vs Tenofovir (TDF) + Lamivudine (3TC) + Atazanavir(ATV) + Ritonavir (RTV) [regimen B] by clinical and biochemical methods.Methods: This prospective, observational study was carried out in 200 HIV positive patients receiving first line and second-line antiretroviral therapy (ART) at ART centre, GGH, Vijayawada. Out of 200 patients, 100 patients received regimen A [(ZDV) + (3TC) + (NVP)] and 100 patients were treated with regimen B [(TDF) + (3TC) + (ATV) + (RTV)]. The collected data has been analysed and presented.Results: Out of 200 patients, 110 patients developed ADRs. In this 110, 38 patients received regimen A and 18 patients received regimen B and had CD4 + count 250 cells/ mm3.Conclusions: The ADRs were most common in those patients whose CD4+ count is less than 250cells/cu mm. Though the patients on second line showed significant increase in CD4+count, number of patients with ADRs were also more with regimen B. Though atazanavir containing regimen is more efficacious than zidovudine containing regimen, but regimen B produces more serious adverse effects. So, second line drugs are reserved for treatment failures to first line, drug resistance and for those not tolerating first line drugs

    Comparative study of efficacy and adverse effects profile of telmisartan vs enalapril maleate in patients of essential hypertension and diabetic hypertensives

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    Background: Hypertension is the most common cardiovascular disease and is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. Hypertension when associated with Diabetes mellitus increases this risk. To prevent this, we need appropriate antihypertensive agents with better compliance.  By virtue of selective inhibition of angiotensin II type 1 receptor, telmisartan reduces blood pressure throughout the day with high tolerability.Methods: A longitudinal and interventional study was undertaken including both male and female patients within the age group of 25-55yrs with clinically diagnosed Essential hypertension and essential hypertension associated with type II diabetes mellitus.  Totally 80 patients were enrolled in this study.  They were divided into 2 groups i.e., Essential hypertension group as A and hypertension associated with diabetes group as B with 40 patients in each group. Again A group was divided into 2 sub-groups (A1 & A2) and B into (B1& B2) with 20 patients in each group. A1and B1 sub groups received Tab. Telmisartan 40mg once a day. A2 and B2 sub groups received tab. Enalapril maleate 5mg once daily. The total period of the study was 3 months.Results: In this study, both telmisartan and enalapril maleate reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressures in A and B groups at 2 weeks, 6 weeks, and 12 weeks almost equally with no statistical significance. But in terms of adverse effect profile, persistent dry cough and rash was observed more in A2 and B2 group than A1 and B1 subgroups.Conclusions: Telmisartan is effective, better tolerated than enalapril for the treatment of hypertension


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    ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to examine the forms of ekranisasi novel Dua Garis Biru by Lucia Priandarini to the Dua Garis Biru movie by Gina S. Noer and the implications of learning in High School. This research only presents forms of plot and character ekranisasi in the novel to the film. This study uses a qualitative method. Descriptive method for describing the forms of ekranisasi in novels and films Dua Garis Biru. The data source used is the novel Dua Garis Biru by Lucia Priandarini and the film Dua Garis Biru by Gina S. Noer. The data are in the form of excerpts from the novel Dua Garis Biru by Lucia Priandarini and film Dua Garis Biru by Gina S. Noer. Data colletion uses reading, watching, and note techniques. Analysis of the results using descriptive analysis techniques with three steps, namely describing, analyzing data, and completing results. This research produces, updates, and changes the forms of ekranisasi from the novel to the film Dua Garis Biru. This research can be applied to Indonesia language learning specifically Indonesia Specialization in class XII second semester (even) with basic competence of 3,9 Analyzing novel content and linguistics, and 4.9 Designing novels or novels by paying attention to the contents and linguistics both oral and written.Keywords: Ekranisasi, Implications of learning, Movies and Novels Dua Garis BiruABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti bentuk-bentuk ekranisasi novel Dua Garis Biru Karya Lucia Priandarini ke bentuk film Dua Garis Biru Karya Gina S. Noer dan Implikasi Pembelajarannya di SMA. Penelitian ini hanya memaparkan bentuk-bentuk ekranisasi alur dan tokoh pada novel ke film. Pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Metode deskriptif untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk-bentuk ekranisasi dalam novel dan film Dua Garis Biru. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah novel Dua Garis Biru Karya Lucia Priandarini dan Film Dua Garis Biru Karya Gina S. Noer. Wujud data berupa kutipan pada novel Dua Garis Biru Karya Lucia Priandarini dan Film Dua Garis Biru Karya Gina S. Noer. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik baca, tonton dan catat. Penyajian hasil analisis menggunakan teknik deskriptif analisis dengan tiga langkah, yaitu mendeskripsikan, menganalisis data, dan menyimpulkan hasilnya. Penelitian ini menghasilkan pengurangan, penambahan, dan perubahan bervariasi yang merupakan bentuk-bentuk ekranisasi dari novel ke film Dua Garis Biru. Penelitian ini dapat di implikasikan pada pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia khususnya Bahasa Indonesia Peminatan kelas XII semester dua (genap) dengan kompetensi dasar yaitu 3.9 Menganalisis isi dan kebahasaan novel, dan 4.9 Merancang novel atau novelet dengan memerhatian isi dan kebahasaan baik secara lisan maupun tulis.Kata kunci: Ekranisasi, Novel dan Film Dua Garis Biru, Implikasi Pembelajara


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    StrategiContextual Teaching and Learningmerupakanstrategipembelajaran yang lebihmenekankanpada proses keterlibatansiswasecarapenuharinyasiswalebihaktifdalampembelajaran, danpembelajaran yang dilakukantidakhanyamembacadanmenghafalPenerapanstrategicontextual teaching and learningpadapembelajarandapatmemudahkansiswadalammemahamipembelajaran, misalnyapadapembelajran IPA di SD/MI yang untukmemudahkansiswadalammemahamipembelajaranharusmenggunakanbenda-bendakonkrit. Rumusanmasalahdalampenelitianiniadalahbagaimanapenerapanstrategi contextual teaching and learning padamatapelajaran IPA di MI Muhammadiyah, berupaperencanaan, pelaksanaan, maupunhasil. Jenispenelitianiniadalahpenelitianlapangandanpenelitianinidigolongkankedalamkualitatifdeskriptif.Adapunteknikpengumpulan data yang digunakanpenulisadalahdenganobservasi, wawancara, dandokumentasi.Sedangkandalam proses analisis data menggunakanreduksi data, penyajian data danpenarikankesimpulan. Berdasarkananalisis data, dapatdisimpulkanbahwapenerapanstrategicontextual teaching and learning di kelas V melaluitahapperencanaan, pelaksanaan, danhasilpembelajaran. Perencanaan yang dilakukanoleh guru denganmembuat RPP.Sedangkanpadatahappelaksanaansiswaterlibatsecarpenuhdalampembelajaran, inidibuktikandengankeaktifansiswadankegiatandiskusi, pengamatansecarakelompokdapatmemudahkansiswadalammemahamipembelajaran IPA Kata Kunci: StrategiContextual Teaching and Learning, Pembelajaran IP

    Fungal planet description sheets : 371–399

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    Novel species of fungi described in the present study include the following from Australia: Neoseptorioides eucalypti gen. & sp. nov. from Eucalyptus radiata leaves, Phytophthora gondwanensis from soil, Diaporthe tulliensis from rotted stem ends of Theobroma cacao fruit, Diaporthe vawdreyi from fruit rot of Psidium guajava, Magnaporthiopsis agrostidis from rotted roots of Agrostis stolonifera and Semifissispora natalis from Eucalyptus leaf litter. Furthermore, Neopestalotiopsis egyptiaca is described from Mangifera indica leaves (Egypt), Roussoella mexicana from Coffea arabica leaves (Mexico), Calonectria monticola from soil (Thailand), Hygrocybe jackmanii from littoral sand dunes (Canada), Lindgomyces madisonensis from submerged decorticated wood (USA), Neofabraea brasiliensis from Malus domestica (Brazil), Geastrum diosiae from litter (Argentina), Ganoderma wiiroense on angiosperms (Ghana), Arthrinium gutiae from the gut of a grasshopper (India), Pyrenochaeta telephoni from the screen of a mobile phone (India) and Xenoleptographium phialoconidium gen. & sp. nov. on exposed xylem tissues of Gmelina arborea (Indonesia). Several novelties are introduced from Spain, namely Psathyrella complutensis on loamy soil, Chlorophyllum lusitanicum on nitrified grasslands (incl. Chlorophyllum arizonicum comb. nov.), Aspergillus citocrescens from cave sediment and Lotinia verna gen. & sp. nov. from muddy soil. Novel foliicolous taxa from South Africa include Phyllosticta carissicola from Carissa macrocarpa, Pseudopyricularia hagahagae from Cyperaceae and Zeloasperisporium searsiae from Searsia chirindensis. Furthermore, Neophaeococcomyces is introduced as a novel genus, with two new combinations, N. aloes and N. catenatus. Several foliicolous novelties are recorded from La Réunion, France, namely Ochroconis pandanicola from Pandanus utilis, Neosulcatispora agaves gen. & sp. nov. from Agave vera-cruz, Pilidium eucalyptorum from Eucalyptus robusta, Strelitziana syzygii from Syzygium jambos (incl. Strelitzianaceae fam. nov.) and Pseudobeltrania ocoteae from Ocotea obtusata (Beltraniaceae emend.). Morphological and culture characteristics along with ITS DNA barcodes are provided for all taxa.http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/nhn/pimjam2016Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI)Microbiology and Plant Patholog

    Pengaruh Pemberian Zeolit, Kompos Jerami dan Kombinasinya terhadap Perbaikan Sifat Fisik Inceptisol Serta Produksi Tanaman Jagung

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    Pengolahan tanah yang intensif (pelumpuran) berdampak pada rusaknya struktur tanah. Hal ini ditandai dengan meningkatkan berat isi tanah, menurunnya porositas, meningkatkan kekuatan tanah saat pengeringan dan menurunnya daya jerap air, sehingga aerasi tanah menjadi kurang optimal. Oleh sebab itu perlu dilakukan perbaikan sifat fisiknya melalui pemberian zeolit dan kompos jerami padi. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian zeolit, kompos jerami dan kombinasinya terhadap perbaikan sifat fisik tanah serta pertumbuhan dan produksi jagung. Pelaksanaan penelitian berlangsung mulai bulai Mei sampai dengan Agustus 2013 berlokasi di Kecamatan Purworejo, Pasuruan. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok RAK, terdiri dari 8 perlakuan 3 ulangan antara lain, P0 (Tanpa zeolit + kompos), P1 (Zeolit 30 ton ha-1), P2 (Kompos 5 ton ha-1), P3 (Kompos 10 ton ha-1), P4 (Kompos 15 ton ha-1), P5 (Zeolit 30 ton ha-1 + Kompos 5 ton ha-1), P6 (Zeolit 30 ton ha-1 + Kompos 10 ton ha-1) dan P7 (Zeolit 30 ton ha-1 + Kompos 15 ton ha-1). Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil berdasarkan hasil penelitian adalah belum terdapat pengaruh yang nyata dari pemberian perlakuan terhadap perbaikan sifat fisik tanah serta pertumbuhan dan produksi jagung. Hal ini dikarenakan pendeknya waktu penelitian atau aplikasi perlakuan. Mengingat sifat fisik tanah kurang sensitif terhadap pemberian perlakua

    Pengaruh Pendidikan Terhadap Kecerdasan Emosional Siswa di MTs As-syafi’iyah Gondang Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014

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    Kata Kunci: pendidikan karakter, kecerdasan emosional, siswa. Penelitian dalam skripsi dilatar belakangi oleh kondisi dimana dunia pendidikan sekarang kebanyakan hanya mengejar nilai akademis dengan kecerdasan intelektual saja padahal kecerdasan emosional sangat penting, dengan adanya peendidikan karakter seseorang akan menjadi cerdas emosinya. Dalam hal ini peneliti ingin mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan karakter terhadap kecerdasan emosional di MTs As-syafi’iyah Gondang Tulungagung. Adapun rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) Adakah pengaruh yang signifikan dari pendidikan karakter jujur terhadap kecerdasan emosional siswa di MTs As-syafi’iyah? (2) Adakah pengaruh yang signifikan dari pendidikan karakter disiplin terhadap kecerdasan emosional siswa di MTs As-syafi’iyah ? (3) Adakah pengaruh yang signifikan dari pendidikan karakter tanggung jawab terhadap kecerdasan emosional siswa di Mts As-syafi’iyah? Skripsi ini bermanfaat bagi Kepala MTs As-syafi’iyah sebagai sumbangan pemikiran dalam rangka peningkatan kualitas pendidikan serta pengajaran, bagi para guru sebagai dasar pembinaan akhlak para siswa, bagi siswa sebagai bahan kajian dan renungan untuk meningkatkan karakter siswa Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif, Populasi sebanyak 470 siswa. Sampelnya diambil secara Stratified Random Sampling atau teknik acak terlapis sebanyak 82 siswa. Variabel bebas: pendidikan karakter (dengan sub variabel: pendidikan karakter jujur, karakter disipin dan pendidikan karakter tanggung jawab). Variabel terikat: kecerdasan emosional. Metode pengumpulan data: angket, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data: peneliti menggunakan uji normalitas, uji regresi berganda,uji hipotesis. Hasil penelitian: 1. Terdapat pengaruh pendidikan karakter jujur terhadap kecerdasan emosional di MTs As-syafi’iyah Gondang dengan nilai thitung sebesar 6,958 dengan sig = 0,05 yang berarti H0 ditolak. 2. Terdapat pengaruh pendidikan karakter disiplin terhadap,kecerdasan emosional di MTs As-syafi’iyah Gondang dengan nilai thitung sebesar 898 dengan sig 0,05 yang berarti H0 ditolak. 3. Terdapat pengaruh pendidikan karakter tanggung jawab terhadap kecerdasan emosional di MTs As-syafi’iyah Gondang dengan nilai thitung sebesar 176 dengan sig 0,05 yang berarti H0 ditolak Anis Kurli, 3211103042, Year: 2014, "Effect of Emotional Intelligence Education Against Students at MTs As-Syafi'iyah Gondang Academic Year 2013/2014", Thesis, Department of Islamic Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) vBulletin, Advisor: Dr.. Hj. Sulistiyorini M.Ag. Keywords: character education, emotional intelligence, students. Thesis research in the background by the conditions in which education is now mostly just chasing the intellectual value of academic course while emotional intelligence is critical, given the character of a person education will be emotionally intelligent. In this case the researchers wanted to determine the effect of education on emotional intelligence character of MTs As-Syafi'iyah Gondang vBulletin. The formulation of the problem in this study were: (1) Is there a significant effect of honest character education to students in MTs emotional intelligence As-Syafi'iyah? (2) Is there a significant effect of character education emotional intelligence disciplines to students in MTs As-Syafi'iyah? (3) Is there a significant effect of character education responsibility to the emotional intelligence of students in Mts As-Syafi'iyah? This thesis is useful for MTs Head As-Syafi'iyah as contribute ideas to improve the quality of education and teaching, for teachers as a basis for moral development of the students, for students as study materials and reflection to enhance the student's character This study used quantitative research, as many as 470 student population. Sample taken Stratified Random Sampling technique of random or coated by 82 students. Independent variables: character education (with sub-variables: honest character education, character education character disipin and responsibilities). Dependent variable: emotional intelligence. Data collection methods: questionnaires, and documentation. Data analysis techniques: Researchers using normality test, multiple regression, hypothesis testing. Results of the study: 1. Honest character education influences of emotional intelligence in the As-Syafi'iyah Gondang MTs with tcount with sig 6.958 = 0.05, which means that H0 is rejected. 2. Influences of character education discipline, emotional intelligence in As-Syafi'iyah Gondang MTs with tcount 898 with sig 0.05, which means that H0 is rejected. 3. Influences of responsibility for character education emotional intelligence in As-Syafi'iyah Gondang MTs with tcount 176 with sig 0.05, which means that H0 is rejecte


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    One of the main reasons for software project failure is the lack of risk management. To satisfy consumers in developing software, in the software development process there are risks that must be minimized. To manage risks in software development projects, researchers use several methods.In a software development project, there is a risk of project failure and threats that may arise in project implementation. Risk management has an important role during project implementation. The purpose of this paper is to conduct a literature review of several risk management methods such as Agile, Scrum, RM4Am, and Random Forest Algorithm in an effort to minimize the risks that arise and identify gaps and opportunities for further research
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