7 research outputs found

    Effects of supplementing lactating camels with Acacia tortilis pods and ‘Chalbi salt’ on milk yield and calf growth in the peri-urban area of Marsabit town, Kenya

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    Camel milk production and marketing within the peri-urban areas within pastoral areas is emerging and has high potential due to sendentarization and urbanization of an increasing number of local inhabitants. Performance of grazing camels in these areas is poor due to inadequate feed resources, particularly during the dry season. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of supplementing lactating camels with milled Acacia tortilis pods and ‘Chalbi salt’ on milk yield, calf growth and its economic potential in the peri-urban area of Marsabit town, Kenya. Twenty Somali camels in early lactation (1-4 weeks post-partum) and parities 2 or 3 and their calves were recruited for the study. The dams and their calves were penned and fed individually with the supplements where applicable. The treatments were: browsing only (B), browsing and ‘Chalbi salt’ (BC), 2 kg/day milled Acacia tortilis pods, ‘Chalbi salt’ and browsing (BC2A) and 4 kg/day milled Acacia tortilis pods, ‘Chalbi salt’ and browsing (BC4A). Five camels were randomly allocated to each treatment based on initial live weight in a completely randomized design and data collection done for 90 days. During each milking, the two left or right quarters were alternately reserved for the calf, while the remaining two were milked by hand. Milk yields were recorded daily in the morning and evening for 90 days while the calves were weighed on weekly basis for the same period. The overall total mean milk yield during the experimental period ranged from 233.0 to 298.0 litres during the short rains and dry season, respectively. The mean calf weight gains over the study period were 15.2, 19.0, 32.2 and 39.0 kg for B, BC, BC2A and BC4A, respectively, with BC4A and BC2A being higher than B. Supplementing camels under treatment BC4A was profitable as it resulted in both higher milk yield and calf weight gain and hence positive net gain

    Genetic diversity and relationships of indigenous Kenyan camel (Camelus dromedarius) populations: Implications for their classification

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    The genetic diversity and relationships amongst the dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) populations are poorly documented. Four recognized Kenyan dromedary breeds (Somali, Turkana, Rendille, Gabbra) and dromedary from Pakistan and the Arabian Peninsula (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates) were studied using 14 microsatellite loci. Phylogenetic analysis showed that Kenyan dromedaries are distinct from Arabian and Pakistani populations. Expected heterozygosity and allelic diversity values indicate that Kenyan dromedaries are less diverse than non-Kenyan populations. With the exception of the Somali population, the Kenyan dromedaries are poorly differentiated (average FST=0.009), with only one to two loci separating the Gabbra, Rendille and Turkana populations studied (P 2. Our results do not support the present classification of the indigenous Kenyan dromedary into four distinct breeds based on socio-geographical criteria. Instead, our results point to just two separate genetic entities, the Somali and a group including the Gabbra, Rendille and Turkana populations

    Genetic diversity and relationship of indigenous Kenyan camel breeds: Preliminary results

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    Camels are important resource for the desert-dwelling communities. They are a source of income, milk and meat and often play an important sociocultural role in pastoralist societies. In order to help formulate a rational conservation, utilisation and Development policy for the species in Kenya, a diversity of Kenyan camel breeds is being studied using microsatellite markers. Preliminary results on the analyses of four breeds (Rendille, Gabra, Turkana and Somali) with 10 micro\92satellite loci are Reported here. Their relationships with dromedary and bactrian populations from the Arabian Peninsula and the Asian continent have been investigated. Genetic distances between Kenyan camel populations are low with the Rendille and Gabra camels being the most closely related breeds. Kenyan camels are genetically clearly distinct from the Asian and Arabian dromedary as well as from the bactrian camel. They are genetically less variable than non-Kenyan populations, possibly due to a lower number of initial individuals