212 research outputs found

    The formation of the methodology for the economic optimization of managerial decisions on transport

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    The urgency of the development of transport communications and the need to optimize their work, to develop a methodology for the study of transport as a specific industry has been substantiated. The issues of emergence and evolution of methods of economic research in transport in the context of general scientific methodology at various historical stages of development of domestic and foreign science have been considered. The characteristic of views of domestic and foreign scientists and experts on formal and substantial-essential methods of research has been given. The basic principles of a systematic approach to solving complex scientific and practical problems in the fieldof transport have been outlined

    Diagnostic Possibilities of Determining the Level of Faecal Calprotectin in Clinical Practice

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    Aim: to analyze the publications devoted to the modern possibilities of determining the level of faecal calprotectin (FCP) in the diagnosis of various diseases.Key points. In patients with already established diagnosis of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), dynamic monitoring of the level of FCP allows to assess the course and prognosis of the disease, as well as the effectiveness of treatment. The determining of FCP helps in the primary diagnosis of IBD (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, microscopic colitis), contributing to their differentiation from functional bowel disorders, as well as in assessing the course of diverticular intestinal disease and celiac disease. The possibility of using FCP as a marker of colorectal cancer (CRC) and adenomatous polyps of the colon is also discussed.Conclusion. Determining the level of FCP plays an important role in the diagnosis and assessment of the course of a number of gastroenterological diseases (primarily IBD). The significance of FCP as a marker of CRC requires further research

    Diet in the Management of Functional Dyspepsia: Controversial and Unresolved Issues

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    Аim: to analyze publications devoted to the study of the role of food in the occurrence of functional dyspepsia (FD), as well as the possibilities of using dietary nutrition in its treatment.Key findings. Many studies have shown that spicy food, food with a high content of saturated fats, coffee, carbonated drinks can lead to symptoms of FD. Intolerance to certain foods (in particular, wheat) may be associated with their ability to act as allergens. A number of studies have noted that elimination diets (a diet with a low content of FODMAP products and a gluten-free diet) reduce the severity of dyspeptic disorders, however, there is no convincing evidence of the effectiveness of these diets.Conclusion. The role of nutrition in the occurrence of FD and the possibility of using various diets in its treatment have not been sufficiently studied and require further research

    Reactive diffusion in Sc/Si multilayer X-ray mirrors with CrB2 barrier layers

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    Processes undergoing in Sc/Si multilayer X-ray mirrors (MXMs) with periods of ∼27 nm and barrier layers of CrB20.3- and 0.7-nm thick within the temperature range of 420–780 K were studied by methods of small-angle Xray reflectivity (λ = 0.154 nm) and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy. All layers with the exception of Sc ones are amorphous. Barrier layers are stable at least up to a temperature of 625 K and double the activation energy of diffusional intermixing at moderate temperatures. Introduction of barriers improves the thermal stability of Sc/Si MXMs at least by 80 degrees. Diffusion of Si atoms through barrier layers into Sc layers with formation of silicides was shown to be the main degradation mechanism of MXMs. A comparison of the stability for Sc/Si MXMs with different barriers published in the literature is conducted. The ways of further improvement of barrier properties are discusse

    Evaluation of the functional activity of CD39 ectonucleotidase in regulatory T cells in children with inflammatory bowel diseases

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    In connection with the increasing incidence and prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), the search for prognostic markers of the effectiveness of therapy is an urgent problem. An imbalance between Th17 lymphocytes and regulatory T cells (Treg) is a major defect in the immune system leading to IBD. Extracellular ATP produced during tissue damage, rebound pro-inflammatory effects, and activates Th17 cell differentiation. Ectonucleotidase CD39 catalyzes the dephosphorylation of ATP to AMP, followed by conversion to adenosine by CD73. CD39 is expressed in various cell types, including Treg. Aim – evaluate the functional activity of CD39+ in Treg in children with IBD using the luciferin-luciferase method.68 children with IBD were examined. Of these, 28 children were in remission, 40 were in exacerbation. The number of Tregs (CD4+CD25highCD127low) expressing CD39 was estimated by flow cytometry. The ATP concentration in supernatants and cells was determined using the luciferin-luciferase test. Results are presented as median (Me) and quartiles (Q0.25-Q0.75). The significance of differences between groups was assessed using the nonparametric Mann–Whitney U test.The relative number of CD39+Treg in patients in remission of IBD was significantly higher than in patients in a state of exacerbation. A decrease in ATP concentration under the influence of CD39+Treg in patients with IBD occurred immediately upon the addition of exogenous ATP. ATP in patients in remission decreased by 44.5% (Me 54.5 (41.5-65.9)), in patients in exacerbation – by 32.5% (Me 67.5 (59.7-71.3)). At the same time, in patients in remission, the decrease in the ATP content after 5 minutes of the reaction was significantly higher than in patients in the state of exacerbation (p = 0.01), after 30 minutes of the reaction, no significant difference was found. It was shown that samples with a smaller number of cells and a lower intensity of CD39 expression in Treg had a higher activity of CD39 ectonucleotidase.For efficient ATP hydrolysis, in addition to the amount of CD39 in Treg, their functional activity is important. The assessment of the catalytic activity of CD39 in Treg in patients with IBD is most informative in the first minutes after the addition of exogenous ATP. In patients in remission, the catalytic activity of CD39 in Treg was higher than in patients in a state of exacerbation

    A System for Information Management in BioMedical Studies—SIMBioMS

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    Summary: SIMBioMS is a web-based open source software system for managing data and information in biomedical studies. It provides a solution for the collection, storage, management and retrieval of information about research subjects and biomedical samples, as well as experimental data obtained using a range of high-throughput technologies, including gene expression, genotyping, proteomics and metabonomics. The system can easily be customized and has proven to be successful in several large-scale multi-site collaborative projects. It is compatible with emerging functional genomics data standards and provides data import and export in accepted standard formats. Protocols for transferring data to durable archives at the European Bioinformatics Institute have been implemented


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    Immunophenotypic and morphological peculiarities of immune reactions under intranasal, peroral and subcutaneous introduction of multicomponent vaccine Immunovac VP-4 containing a group of opportunistic bacterial antigens were investigated. The investigated preparation was found to cause marked activation of congenital immunity effectors both in parenteral and mucosal immunization. It is manifested in the expression of differential, costimulatory, adhesive molecules on the surface of mononuclear leukocytes in proliferation of key mucosal immunity effectors (γδТ, В1, NK cells), and changes in structure, cellular composition of immunocompetent organs both regional and distant as to the site of introduction. Currently existing data on effects and mechanisms of vaccine and immunomodulator mucosal introduction allows considering the development of mucosal mono- and associated vaccines as the priority direction in modern vaccinology

    Impact of Cultivating Environment on the Terms of Persistence and Certain Properties of Cholera Vibrios

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    Objective of the study is to investigate the impact of cultivating temperature and medium on the terms of persistence, ctx gene retention, and enzymatic activity of V. cholerae O1 with various toxigenicity.Materials and methods. Utilized were the strains of V. cholerae El Tor: P-5879, P-19613, and also the strain P-19787.Results and conclusions. In the process of studying cholera vibrios El Tor with different genetic characteristics it was determined that the longest terms of persistence (19 days) on mineral substrates at 5 ºC were observed for toxigenic strains, while for non-toxigenic ones it made less than 17 days. At the same time cholera vibrios can persist continuously and even reproduce on mineral substrates under the conditions of subnormal lowered temperatures (not less than 10 °C). Toxigenic strains of Vibrio cholerae, irrespectively of cultivating medium and temperature, retained ctx gene in their genome and maintained enzymatic activity throughout the experiment. Such long-term persistence of cholera vibrios at low temperatures on mineral substrates may be regarded as possibility of preservation of V. cholerae toxigenic strains in case of import by the infected persons or vibrio-carriers


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    Suatu organisasi memiliki berbagai program kerja, yang di dalamnya ada kepanitian khusus. Biasanya manajemen kegiatan yang berisi pengelolaan keuangan pada masing-masing organisasi dan lembaga dikepalai oleh bendahara. Pengelolaan keuangan tersebut menjadi sebuah kebutuhan, karena bendahara tersebut wajib selalu melaporkan pencatatan keuangan. Tentu akan menjadi tidak efektif jika melakukan pencatatan keuangan harus melakukannya secara manual. Di samping susah, pencatatan secara manual sangat beresiko seperti rusak dan hilangnya buku pencatatan. Ada lagi pencatatan dengan cara lain yaitu menggunakan software yang sudah ada seperti Microsoft Excel, namun hal tersebut masih kurang efisien dan kurang efektif sehingga diperlukan tools pencatatan yang lebih baik agar mencapai tujuan dan sasaran yang diinginkan. Subjek penelitian yang dibahas pada penelitian ini adalah aplikasi pengelolaan keuangan untuk organisasi non profit berbasis website. Langkah pengembangan aplikasi yaitu menggunakan waterfall model. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan menghasilkan sebuah website tentang ”aplikasi manajemen kegiatan untuk organisasi non profit berbasis website” yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan manajemen kegiatan bagi organisasi non profit sehingga pekerjaan seorang bendahara menjadi mudah dan efektif.Keywords: Manajemen Kegiatan, Nonprofit Online, Organisasi Non Profit