20 research outputs found

    ¿Qué es la tecnopolítica? Esquema conceptual para entender la política en la era digital

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    En aquest article volem reconsiderar el terme tecnopolítica i veure què significa en la política democràtica dels nostres temps. Comencem indagant l’ús inicial del terme i com aquest s’ha anat transformant per mitjà de les diverses i contradictòries adaptacions de les TIC (tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació) en els òrgans de govern, les organitzacions civils i els moviments populars. En la literatura acadèmica es poden apreciar dues corrents principals. D’una banda, hi ha els estudis sobre la política millorada gràcies a internet (coneguda com a “administració electrònica”) i la Política 2.0, les quals fan referència a la facilitació de pràctiques existents, com la votació electrònica, les campanyes i les peticions per internet. I, d’altra banda, la segona corrent de la perspectiva de la influència d’internet se sustenta en la idea que les TIC són essencials per a l’organització d’una política transformadora i controvertida, la participació ciutadana i els processos deliberatius. Els estudis han utilitzat sovint, amb una o altra etiqueta, idees de la tecnopolítica en termes indefinits o imprecisos per descriure la influència de les tecnologies digitals en el seu àmbit d’investigació. Després de dur a terme una feina crítica de revisió i classificació dels conceptes principals emprats en la literatura per descriure actuacions polítiques basades en les TIC, interpretem un model conceptual de tecnopolítica orientat a dos desenvolupaments contrarotatoris: centralització versus descentralització. És un esquema format per les cinc dimensions context, escala i direcció, propòsit, sincronització i actors. Aclarirem aquests desenvolupaments i estructurarem els modes formals i informals de les pràctiques polítiques. N’explicarem les dimensions fent servir exemples reals per il·lustrar les característiques úniques de cada camp d’acció tecnopolítica i la dinàmica de poders que hi influeixen.In this article we seek to revisit what the term ‘technopolitical’ means for democratic politics in our age. We begin by tracing how the term was used and then transformed through various and conflicting adaptations of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) in governmental and civil organizations and grassroots movements. Two main streams can be distinguished in academic literature: studies about internet-enhanced politics (labelled as e- government) and politics 2.0 that imply the facilitation of existing practices such as e-voting, e-campaigning and e-petitioning. The second stream of the internet-enabled perspective builds on the idea that ICTs are essential for the organization of transformative, contentious politics, citizen participation and deliberative processes. Under a range of labels, studies have often used ideas of the technopolitical in an undefined or underspecified manner for describing the influence of digital technologies on their scope of investigation. After critically reviewing and categorizing the main concepts used in the literature to describe ICT-based political performances, we construct a conceptual model of technopolitics oriented at two contra-rotating developments: Centralization vs. Decentralization. Within a schema consisting of the five dimensions of context, scale and direction, purpose, synchronization and actors we will clarify these developments and structure informal and formal ways of political practices.  We explain the dimensions using real-world examples to illustrate the unique characteristics of each technopolitical action field and the power dynamics that influence them.                   En este artículo queremos reconsiderar el término "tecnopolítica" y ver qué significa en la política democrática de nuestros tiempos. Comenzamos indagando en el uso inicial del término y cómo se ha ido transformando mediante las distintas y contradictorias adaptaciones de las TIC (Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación) en los órganos de gobierno, las organizaciones civiles y los movimientos populares. En la literatura académica se pueden apreciar dos corrientes principales. Por un lado, están los estudios sobre la política mejorada gracias a Internet (conocida como "e-gobierno") y la Política 2.0, que apuntan a la facilitación de prácticas existentes como la votación electrónica y las campañas y peticiones en Internet. Y, por otro lado, la segunda corriente de la perspectiva de la influencia de Internet se sustenta en la idea de que las TIC son esenciales para la organización de una política transformadora y contenciosa, la participación ciudadana y los procesos deliberativos. Los estudios han usado a menudo, con una u otra etiqueta, ideas de la tecnopolítica en términos indefinidos o imprecisos para describir la influencia de las tecnologías digitales en su ámbito de investigación. Tras una labor crítica de revisión y clasificación de los principales conceptos empleados en la literatura para describir actuaciones políticas basadas en las TIC, interpretamos un modelo conceptual de tecnopolítica orientado a dos desarrollos contrarrotatorios: Centralización vs. descentralización. En un esquema formado por las cinco dimensiones contexto, escala y dirección, propósito, sincronización y actores, aclararemos estos desarrollos y estructuraremos los modos formales e informales de las prácticas políticas.  Explicamos las dimensiones utilizando ejemplos reales para ilustrar las características únicas de cada campo de acción tecnopolítica y la dinámica de poderes que influyen en ellos

    Çelik plakalı perde duvar sistemlerinin davranış katsayılarının nümerik olarak incelenmesi.

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    Design recommendations for steel plate shear wall (SPSW) systems have recently been introduced into seismic provisions for steel buildings. Response modification, overstrength, and displacement amplification factors for SPSW systems presented in the design codes were based on professional experience and judgment. A numerical study has been undertaken to evaluate these factors for SPSW systems. Forty four unstiffened SPSWs possessing different geometrical characteristics were designed based on the recommendations given in the AISC Seismic Provisions. Bay width, number of stories, story mass, and steel plate thickness were considered as the prime variables that influence the response. Twenty records were selected to include the variability in ground motion characteristics. In order to provide a detailed analysis of the post-buckling response, three-dimensional finite element analyses were conducted for the 44 structures subjected to the selected suite of earthquake records. For each structure and earthquake record two analyses were conducted in which the first one includes geometrical nonlinearities and the other one includes both geometrical and material nonlinearities, resulting in a total of 1760 time history analysis. In this thesis, the details of the design and analysis methodology are given. Based on the analysis results response modification, overstrength and displacement amplification factors for SPSW systems are evaluated.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Acil istihbarat, gözetleme ve keşif ihtiyaçları için mini insansız hava araçlarının yer kontrol istasyonlarının seçimi

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    Acil istihbarat, gözetleme ve keşif ihtiyacı güvenlik birimlerinin olaylara müdahale esnasında esas unsur olarak her zaman öncelik teşkil etmektedir. Bu çalışmada, farklı kaplama mesafelerine sahip mini İnsansız Hava Araçlarının iç güvenlik harekatı ve hudut güvenliği kapsamında acil istihbarat, gözetleme ve keşif elde etme görev etkinliğini artırmak için, ilk önce değişen hava şartları ve koşulların etkisi olmaksızın maksimal kaplama prob- lemi, daha sonra değişen hava şartları ve koşulların etkisi altında hizmet verememe olasılık değerl- erinin kullanıldığı maksimum beklenen kaplama problemi olarak sorumluluk sahasındaki en uygun mini İnsansız Hava Araçlarının yer kontrol istasyonlarının yer seçimi yapılmaktadır. Problem için geliştirilen modelde maksimum kaplama probleminde beş, maksimum beklenen kaplama probleminde on iki olmak üzere toplamda on yedi ayrı senaryo ele alınmış ve her senaryo için GAMS yazılımı kullanılarak optimal çözümler elde edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Daha sonra, problem parametreleri değiştirilmek suretiyle optimal çözümlerin değişimi incelenmiştir

    Natural periods of steel plate shear wall systems

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    in most seismic building codes, the design base acceleration is computed using the natural period of vibration of the structure. Design specifications provide empirical formula to estimate the fundamental natural period of a system. In this study a class of steel plate shear walls, that have uniform properties through their height, was considered. The fundamental natural periods of this class of structures were determined using three dimensional geometrically linear finite element analyses and were compared against the estimates provided by seismic design specifications. Comparisons reveal that estimations using approximate formula can lead to unsatisfactory results. Based on this observation a simple hand method has been developed to predict the fundamental period of a steel plate shear wall. In the development of the hand method the steel plate shear wall has been recognized as a vertical cantilever for which simplified analytical solutions exist. Contributions of shear and bending stiffness of the wall have been explicitly taken into account. Furthermore, this simple method has been extended to dual systems having plate walls and special moment frames in the context of theories on wall-frame structures. Natural period estimations using the method that was developed in this study are compared with the finite element solutions and a good agreement is demonstrated. In addition, the effects of geometrical and material nonlinearities on the fundamental period were explored. The fundamental periods of steel plate walls were investigated at various drift levels. Based on the numerical analysis, elongation of the periods due to buckling and yielding of infill plates were quantified and are presented herein

    A numerical study on response modification, overstrength, and displacement amplification factors for steel plate shear wall systems

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    Design recommendations for steel plate shear wall (SPSW) systems have recently been introduced into seismic provisions for steel buildings. Response modification (R), overstrength (Omega(o)), and displacement amplification (C-d) factors for SPSW systems presented in design codes were based on professional experience and judgment. A numerical study has been undertaken to evaluate these factors for SPSW systems. Forty-four unstiffened SPSW possessing different geometrical characteristics were designed based on the recommendations given in the AISC Seismic Provisions. Bay width, number of stories, story mass, and steel plate thickness were considered as the prime variables that influence the response. Twenty records were selected to include the variability in ground motion characteristics. In order to provide a detailed analysis of the post-buckling response, three-dimensional finite element analyses were conducted for the 44 structures subjected to the selected suite of earthquake records. For each structure and earthquake record, two analyses were conducted in which the first includes geometrical nonlinearities and the other includes both geometrical and material nonlinearities, resulting in a total of 1760 time history analyses. In this paper, the details of the design and analysis methodology are given. Based on the analysis results, response modification (R), overstrength (Omega(o)), and displacement amplification (C-d) factors for SPSW systems are evaluated. Copyright (C) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Daily Motion Recognition System by a Triaxial Accelerometer Usable in Different Positions

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    Què és la tecnopolítica? Esquema conceptual per a entendre la política en l’era digital

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    En aquest article volem reconsiderar el terme tecnopolítica i veure què significa en la política democràtica dels nostres temps. Comencem indagant l’ús inicial del terme i com aquest s’ha anat transformant per mitjà de les diverses i contradictòries adaptacions de les TIC (tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació) en els òrgans de govern, les organitzacions civils i els moviments populars. En la literatura acadèmica es poden apreciar dues corrents principals. D’una banda, hi ha els estudis sobre la política millorada gràcies a internet (coneguda com a “administració electrònica”) i la Política 2.0, les quals fan referència a la facilitació de pràctiques existents, com la votació electrònica, les campanyes i les peticions per internet. I, d’altra banda, la segona corrent de la perspectiva de la influència d’internet se sustenta en la idea que les TIC són essencials per a l’organització d’una política transformadora i controvertida, la participació ciutadana i els processos deliberatius. Els estudis han utilitzat sovint, amb una o altra etiqueta, idees de la tecnopolítica en termes indefinits o imprecisos per descriure la influència de les tecnologies digitals en el seu àmbit d’investigació. Després de dur a terme una feina crítica de revisió i classificació dels conceptes principals emprats en la literatura per descriure actuacions polítiques basades en les TIC, interpretem un model conceptual de tecnopolítica orientat a dos desenvolupaments contrarotatoris: centralització versus descentralització. És un esquema format per les cinc dimensions context, escala i direcció, propòsit, sincronització i actors. Aclarirem aquests desenvolupaments i estructurarem els modes formals i informals de les pràctiques polítiques. N’explicarem les dimensions fent servir exemples reals per il·lustrar les característiques úniques de cada camp d’acció tecnopolítica i la dinàmica de poders que hi influeixen.</p