5 research outputs found

    Kohalike ja invasiivsete röövtoiduliste suurselgrootute elupaigakasutus ja toitumissuhted Läänemere põhjaosas

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneRöövtoidulised suurselgrootud, peamiselt vähilaadsed, on rannikumere toitumisvõrgustikes oluliseks lüliks põhjaelustiku ja kalade vahel ning ühtlasi nad reguleerivad väiksemate selgrootute arvukust. Läänemere põhjaosas elas selle rühma esindajaid seni ainult kaks liiki – läänemere krevett (Palaemon adspersus) ja põhjamere garneel (Crangon crangon). Hiljuti lisandusid neile kohalikele liikidele kaks võõrliiki – elegantne krevett (Palaemon elegans) ja rändkrabi (Rhithropanopeus harrisii). Kohalike ja võõrliikidest röövtoiduliste suurselgrootute leviku, elupaigaeelistuste ja toitumise uurimiseks kasutati olemasolevaid põhjaelustiku leviku andmeid, spetsiaalselt uuritavatele liikidele suunatud proovide kogumist loodusest ja laborikatseid, kus rakendati muuhulgas loomade raadiomärgistamist. Võõrliigist kreveti levik oli ulatuslikum kui kohalike krevettide levik. Võõrliik oli kohalike krevettidega võrreldes enam seotud elupaikadega, millele on iseloomulikud etrofeerumise tunnused (kõrge toitainete kontsentratsioon, lühiealiste niitjate vetikate suur hulk). Krevettide toitumisuuringud näitasid, et uuritud Palaemon liikide toitumisintensiivsus ja toidu kooseis ei erinenud. Seega on kohaliku ja võõrkreveti roll rannikumere toiduvõrkudes sarnane, ent võõrliik võib troofilisi suhteid ümber kujundada piirkondades, kus kohalikud krevetid puuduvad. Kõige kitsama elupaigakasutusega oli põhjamere garneel ja Palaemon liikidest oli võõrliigi P. elegans spetsialiseerumise tase mõnevõrra kõrgem kui kohalikul liigil. R. harrisii eelistas põisadruga (Fucus vesiculosus) elupaika mis viitab sellele, et põisadruga elupaik pakub krabile aastaringset stabiilset elupaika ja et mitmekesine põhjakooslus võib saada seetõttu krabidest oluliselt mõjutatud. Doktoritöö tulemused näitasid, et elupaikade iseloom ja seisund mõjutab kohalike ja võõrliikide levikumustreid ning võõrliikidest selgrootute kiskjate saabumine ja kiire levila laienemine Läänemere põhjaosas toovad kaasa täiesti uue ökoloogilise funktsiooni (suuremõõtmeline kiskja) või juba varem regionaalselt esinenud funktsiooni leviku piirkondadesse, kus see varem puudus.Decapod crustaceans, such as crabs and shrimps play an important role in coastal ecosystems as they prey on small benthic invertebrates and at the same time they are an important food item for fishes. Until recently, this group of macroinvertebrates consisted of only a few species in the northern Baltic Sea, including only two species of native shrimps – Crangon crangon and Palaemon adspersus. However, very recently two non-native crustacean predators arrived – the shrimp Palaemon elegans and the crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii. Data from available databases were used together with field sampling and laboratory experiments (incl. radio frequency positioning technology) to describe the geographical distribution, habitat selection, and feeding of native and invasive predatory crustaceans in the coastal areas of the northern Baltic Sea. The distribution of the non-native P. elegans was wider than that of native species. P. elegans was associated with lower salinity, higher concentrations of nutrients and higher proportions of ephemeral filamentous algae, relative to P. adspersus. According to results of the experiment on feeding activity, P. elegans performs a similar role in the coastal food web as the native congener, although it may rearrange trophic interactions and introduce new ecological function in the most eutrophicated areas previously lacking any native shrimp. Among the studied shrimps, C. crangon had the highest habitat specialization. The non-native P. elegans showed slightly higher habitat specialization compared to the native P. adspersus. The invasive crab R. harrisii preferred habitats with bladder wrack where the diverse native community may become heavily impacted by this novel large-bodied predator. This thesis showed that the successful establishment of non-native predatory invertebrates can introduce new ecological functions (large-bodied predators) or considerably strengthen already existed ones, while the heterogeneity of habitats has varying effects on the distribution patterns of native and invasive species

    Ecological niche differentiation between native and non-native shrimps in the northern Baltic Sea

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    Invasions of non-native species are modifying global biodiversity but the ecological mechanisms underlying invasion processes are still not well understood. A degree of niche separation of non-native and sympatric native species can possibly explain the success of novel species in their new environment. In this study, we quantified experimentally and in situ the environmental niche space of caridean shrimps (native Crangon crangon and Palaemon adspersus, non-native Palaemon elegans) inhabiting the northern Baltic Sea. Field studies showed that the non-native P. elegans had wider geographical range compared to native species although the level of habitat specialization was similar in both Palaemon species. There were clear differences in shrimp habitat occupancy with P. elegans inhabiting lower salinity areas and more eutrophicated habitats compared to the native species. Consequently, the non-native shrimp has occupied large areas of the northern Baltic Sea that were previously devoid of the native shrimps. Experiments demonstrated that the non-native shrimp had higher affinity to vegetated substrates compared to native species. The study suggests that the abilities of the non-native shrimp to thrive in more stressful habitats (lower salinity, higher eutrophication), that are sub-optimal for native shrimps, plausibly explain the invasion success of P. elegans

    Laboratory analysis of the habitat occupancy of the crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould) in an invaded ecosystem: The north-eastern Baltic Sea

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    The Harris mud crab (Rhithropanopeus harrisii) arrived to the Baltic Sea in 1936. It was not until the late 2000es when the species considerably expanded its distribution area towards the northern Baltic Sea and formed a viable and expanding population. This introduction represents an appearance of a completely new function, as such larger epibenthic predators were previously missing from north-eastern Baltic Sea. In order to assess potential impacts of the crab to the invaded ecosystem, knowledge of the crab habitat preferences is required. This study experimentally evaluated the habitat occupancy of the Harris mud crab. The crab stayed more in vegetated boulders compared to unvegetated boulders or sandy habitats. There was an interactive effect between the presence of prey and crab population density with prey availability increasing the crab's affinity towards less favored habitats when population densities were low. Increased aggression between crab individuals increased their affinity towards otherwise less occupied habitats. Less favored habitats were typically inhabited by smaller individuals and presence of prey increased occupancy of some habitats for larger crabs. The experiment demonstrated that the crab may inhabit a large variety of habitats with stronger affinity towards boulder fields covered with the brown macroalga Fucus vesiculosus. This implies stronger impact of crab in such habitats in the invaded ecosystem

    Hazardous substances in the sediments and their pathways from potential sources in the eastern Gulf of Finland

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    Highlights • Hazardous substances (HS) assessed in the bottom sediments of the Gulf of Finland. • Organotins (mainly TBT) are the most distributed HS along the shipping routes. • Contamination by PAHs increased near the ports indicating fuel incineration. • High ecological risk attributed to the heavy metals in the deep offshore areas. • Simulated HS accumulation pattern in qualitative agreement with field observations.Contamination by hazardous substances is one of the main environmental problems in the eastern Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea. A trilateral effort to sample and analyse heavy metals (HMs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and organotins from bottom sediments in 2019–2020 were conducted along with harvesting historical data in Russian, Estonian and Finnish waters. We suggest that the input of organotins still occurs along the ship traffic routes. The tributyltin content exceeded the established quality criteria up to more than 300 times. High contamination by PAHs found near the ports, most likely originate from incomplete fuel incineration processes. The Neva River Estuary and Luga Bay might potentially suffer from severe cadmium contamination. The high ecological risk attributed to the HMs was detected at deep offshore areas. The simulated accumulation pattern qualitatively agrees with field observations of HMs in sediments, demonstrating the potential of numerical tools to tackle the hazardous substances problems