3 research outputs found

    Safety management at road work zones : Best-practice recommendations.

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    Accidents nearby work zones are a persistent road safety problem in many European countries. The Conferenceof European Directors of Roads (CEDR) has initiated and finances the IRIS project (Incursion Reduction toIncrease Safety in road work zones) with the aim to collect and share information about best practices in temporarytraffic management at road works. An analysis of work zone accidents and a review of best practices were made.Psychological issues to improve safety at work zones were studied by a literature review. Interviews withstakeholders were carried out in eight European countries to gather information on guidelines, standards andprocedures in temporary traffic management. Best practice findings cover organizational/management issues,work zone safety reviews, establishment/de-establishment of a road work zone, informing/warning and guidingroad users through work zone areas, speed management, protecting devices for road workers’ and road users’safety and incursion warning systems