573 research outputs found

    Emotion and language: valence and arousal affect word recognition

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    Emotion influences most aspects of cognition and behavior, but emotional factors are conspicuously absent from current models of word recognition. The influence of emotion on word recognition has mostly been reported in prior studies on the automatic vigilance for negative stimuli, but the precise nature of this relationship is unclear. Various models of automatic vigilance have claimed that the effect of valence on response times is categorical, an inverted U, or interactive with arousal. In the present study, we used a sample of 12,658 words and included many lexical and semantic control factors to determine the precise nature of the effects of arousal and valence on word recognition. Converging empirical patterns observed in word-level and trial-level data from lexical decision and naming indicate that valence and arousal exert independent monotonic effects: Negative words are recognized more slowly than positive words, and arousing words are recognized more slowly than calming words. Valence explained about 2% of the variance in word recognition latencies, whereas the effect of arousal was smaller. Valence and arousal do not interact, but both interact with word frequency, such that valence and arousal exert larger effects among low-frequency words than among high-frequency words. These results necessitate a new model of affective word processing whereby the degree of negativity monotonically and independently predicts the speed of responding. This research also demonstrates that incorporating emotional factors, especially valence, improves the performance of models of word recognition

    Concreteness ratings for 40 thousand generally known English word lemmas

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    Concreteness ratings are presented for 37,058 English words and 2,896 two-word expressions (such as zebra crossing and zoom in), obtained from over 4,000 participants by means of a norming study using Internet crowdsourcing for data collection. Although the instructions stressed that the assessment of word concreteness would be based on experiences involving all senses and motor responses, a comparison with the existing concreteness norms indicates that participants, as before, largely focused on visual and haptic experiences. The reported data set is a subset of a comprehensive list of English lemmas and contains all lemmas known by at least 85 % of the raters. It can be used in future research as a reference list of generally known English lemmas

    Comparison of voter and Glauber ordering dynamics on networks

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    We study numerically the ordering process of two very simple dynamical models for a two-state variable on several topologies with increasing levels of heterogeneity in the degree distribution. We find that the zero-temperature Glauber dynamics for the Ising model may get trapped in sets of partially ordered metastable states even for finite system size, and this becomes more probable as the size increases. Voter dynamics instead always converges to full order on finite networks, even if this does not occur via coherent growth of domains. The time needed for order to be reached diverges with the system size. In both cases the ordering process is rather insensitive to the variation of the degreee distribution from sharply peaked to scale-free.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Periodically Varying Externally Imposed Environmental Effects on Population Dynamics

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    Effects of externally imposed periodic changes in the environment on population dynamics are studied with the help of a simple model. The environmental changes are represented by the temporal and spatial dependence of the competition terms in a standard equation of evolution. Possible applications of the analysis are on the one hand to bacteria in Petri dishes and on the other to rodents in the context of the spread of the Hantavirus epidemic. The analysis shows that spatio-temporal structures emerge, with interesting features which depend on the interplay of separately controllable aspects of the externally imposed environmental changes.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, include

    UDE-based controller equipped with a multiple-time-delayed filter to improve the voltage quality of inverters

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    In this paper, a two-degrees-of-freedom control algorithm based on uncertainty and disturbance estimator (UDE), aimed to minimize the total harmonic distortion of inverter output voltage is proposed, possessing enhanced robustness to base frequency variations. A multiple-time-delay action is combined with a commonly utilized low-pass UDE filter to increase the range of output impedance magnitude minimization around odd multiples of base frequency for enhanced rejection of typical single-phase nonlinear loads harmonics. Marginal robustness improvement achieved by increasing the number of time delays is quantified analytically and revealed to be independent of delay order. The performance of the proposed control approach and its superiority over two recently proposed methods is validated successfully by experimental results

    Applicability of the Fisher Equation to Bacterial Population Dynamics

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    The applicability of the Fisher equation, which combines diffusion with logistic nonlinearity, to population dynamics of bacterial colonies is studied with the help of explicit analytic solutions for the spatial distribution of a stationary bacterial population under a static mask. The mask protects the bacteria from ultraviolet light. The solution, which is in terms of Jacobian elliptic functions, is used to provide a practical prescription to extract Fisher equation parameters from observations and to decide on the validity of the Fisher equation.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figs. include

    Correlation effects in a simple model of small-world network

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    We analyze the effect of correlations in a simple model of small world network by obtaining exact analytical expressions for the distribution of shortest paths in the network. We enter correlations into a simple model with a distinguished site, by taking the random connections to this site from an Ising distribution. Our method shows how the transfer matrix technique can be used in the new context of small world networks.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure
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