13 research outputs found

    Intraband memory function and memory-function conductivity formula in doped graphene

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    The generalized self-consistent field method is used to describe intraband relaxation processes in a general multiband electronic system with presumably weak residual electron-electron interactions. The resulting memory-function conductivity formula is shown to have the same structure as the result of a more accurate approach based on the quantum kinetic equation. The results are applied to heavily doped and lightly doped graphene. It is shown that the scattering of conduction electron by phonons leads to the redistribution of the intraband conductivity spectral weight over a wide frequency range, however, in a way consistent with the partial transverse conductivity sum rule. The present form of the intraband memory function is found to describe correctly the scattering by quantum fluctuations of the lattice, at variance with the semiclassical Boltzmann transport equations, where this scattering channel is absent. This is shown to be of fundamental importance in quantitative understanding of the reflectivity data measured in lightly doped graphene as well as in different low-dimensional strongly correlated electronic systems, such as the cuprate superconductors.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Optical properties of the Q1D multiband models -- the transverse equation of motion approach

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    The electrodynamic features of the multiband model are examined using the transverse equation of motion approach in order to give the explanation of several long-standing problems. It turns out that the exact summation of the most singular terms in powers of 1/ωn1/\omega^{n} leads to the total optical conductivity which, in the zero-frequency limit, reduces to the results of the Boltzmann equation, for both the metallic and semiconducting two-band regime. The detailed calculations are carried out for the quasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) two-band model corresponding to imperfect charge-density-wave (CDW) nesting. It is also shown that the present treatment of the impurity scattering processes gives the DC conductivity of the ordered CDW state in agreement with the experimental observation. Finally, the DC and optical conductivity are calculated numerically for a few typical Q1D cases.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, to appear in Fizika A (Zagreb

    Electronically Induced Anomaly in LO Phonon Dispersion of High - Tc Superconductors

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    The strong, electronically induced anomaly in the spectrum of the longitudinal optical (LO) phonons propagating along the main axes of the CuO2_2 plane is tentatively attributed to the oxygen-oxygen charge transfer between the two oxygens in the plane. It is argued that this charge transfer can be large and that it is strongly coupled to the zone boundary LO phonons. The corresponding negative contribution to the free energy is quartic in the LO phonon amplitude, making the LO phonon unstable through the first order phase transition, with a concomitant domain structure.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Experimental Electronic Structure and Interband Nesting in BaVS_3

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    The correlated 3d sulphide BaVS_3 is a most interesting compound because of the apparent coexistence of one-dimensional and three-dimensional properties. Our experiments explain this puzzle and shed new light on its electronic structure. High-resolution angle-resolved photoemission measurements in a 4eV wide range below the Fermi level explored the coexistence of weakly correlated a_1g wide-band and strongly correlated e_g narrow-band d-electrons that is responsible for the complicated behavior of this material. The most relevant result is the evidence for a_1g--e_g inter-band nesting condition.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Slave-Boson Three-Band Model with O-O Hopping for High-Tc Superconductors

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    Slave boson mean-field approximation is carried out analytically for weakly doped CuO_2 conduction planes, characterized by Cu-O charge transfer energy \Delta_{pd}, Cu-O hopping t_0, O-O hopping t' and repulsion U_d between holes on Cu site taken as infinite. At zero doping \delta, finite negative t',|t'|<t_0/2, expands the range of stability of the covalent, conducting state on the expense of the insulating state which, however, remains stable at larger \Delta_{pd}. For sufficiently large \Delta_{pd} the renormalized charge transfer energy saturates at 4|t'| instead of decreasing to zero, as at t'=0 case. In contrast to t', finite \delta suppresses the insulating state nearly symmetrically with respect to the sign of \delta. The regime with charge transfer energy renormalized close to 4|t'| fits remarkably well the ARPES spectra of Bi2212 and LSCO, and, in the latter case, explains the observed strong doping dependence of the Cu-O hopping.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Nonbonding oxygen holes and spinless scenario of magnetic response in doped cuprates

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    Both theoretical considerations and experimental data point to a more complicated nature of the valence hole states in doped cuprates than it is predicted by Zhang-Rice model. Actually, we deal with a competition of conventional hybrid Cu 3d-O 2p b1gdx2y2b_{1g}\propto d_{x^2 -y^2} state and purely oxygen nonbonding state with eux,ypx,ye_{u}x,y \propto p_{x,y} symmetry. The latter reveals a non-quenched Ising-like orbital moment that gives rise to a novel spinless purely oxygen scenario of the magnetic response in doped cuprates with the oxygen localized orbital magnetic moments of the order of tenths of Bohr magneton. We consider the mechanism of 63,65{}^{63,65}Cu-O 2p transferred orbital hyperfine interactions due to the mixing of the oxygen O 2p orbitals with Cu 3p semicore orbitals. Quantitative estimates point to a large magnitude of the respective contributions both to local field and electric field gradient, and their correlated character.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Order-disorder type of Peierls instability in BaVS3

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    Lattice dynamics of low-dimensional BaVS3 is reported across the metal-insulator Peierls transition occurring at T-P = 69 K using a combination of the thermal diffuse scattering of x rays, inelastic x-ray scattering, and density-functional theory calculations. The nondetection of a Kohn anomaly points to a unique situation of an order-disorder Peierls instability with a quasielastic critical scattering which has been fully characterized. These observations are discussed in the scope of a Peierls instability dominated by strong electron-phonon coupling and/or nonadiabatic effects