353 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility of developing a cost-effective, automated performance feedback system to support sprint coaching. The proposed system is designed to deliver step length, step frequency, contact time and 10 m split time information of multiple athletes training on an indoor track. An integrated systems approach was chosen combining the novel Pisa Light-Gate (PLG) and Step Information Monitoring Systems (SIMS). Current results indicate data accuracy of RMS 1.662 cm for step length, RMS 0.977 ms for foot contact time and a split time detection accuracy of 8.45 ± 6.85 ms. These results suggest that the proposed integrated system, using off-the-shelf equipment, would go beyond currently available coaching tools by providing automated and highly accurate sprint performance information for multiple athletes

    Medicines adherence: Involving patients in decisions about prescribed medicines and supporting adherence

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    It is thought that between a third and a half of all medicines1 There are many causes of non-adherence but they fall into two overlapping categories: intentional and unintentional. Unintentional non-adherence occurs when the patient wants to follow the agreed treatment but is prevented from doing so by barriers that are beyond their control. Examples include poor recall or difficulties in understanding the instructions, problems with using the treatment, inability to pay for the treatment, or simply forgetting to take it. prescribed for long-term conditions are not taken as recommended. If the prescription is appropriate, then this may represent a loss to patients, the healthcare system and society. The costs are both personal and economic. Adherence presumes an agreement between prescriber and patient about the prescriber’s recommendations. Adherence to medicines is defined as the extent to which the patient’s action matches the agreed recommendations. Non-adherence may limit the benefits of medicines, resulting in lack of improvement, or deterioration, in health. The economic costs are not limited to wasted medicines but also include the knock-on costs arising from increased demands for healthcare if health deteriorates. Non-adherence should not be seen as the patient’s problem. It represents a fundamental limitation in the delivery of healthcare, often because of a failure to fully agree the prescription in the first place or to identify and provide the support that patients need later on. Addressing non-adherence is not about getting patients to take more medicines per se. Rather, it starts with an exploration of patients’ perspectives of medicines and the reasons why they may not want or are unable to use them. Healthcare professionals have a duty to help patients make informed decisions about treatment and use appropriately prescribed medicines to best effec

    Agriculture's prominence in the INDCs

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    Analysis of agriculture in countries’ climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies finds: Most Parties to the UNFCCC include agriculture in their mitigation targets (80%) and adaptation strategies (64%); Non-annex 1 Parties note the need for international financial support to implement their INDCs and raise the ambition of their contributions; For countries to meet their targets, climate finance will need to address agriculture

    Effect of drying on the reproducibility of DIAGNOdent to detect caries-like lesions

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    The aim of this study was to verify the drying effect on the reproducibility of DIAGNOdent (Dd) devices to detect caries-like lesions. Three areas were created in each of the 34 bovine incisors: sound (S), demineralized (DE) and remineralized (RE). One examiner measured each area with two Dd devices (denominated X and Y), twice under humid, and twice under dry condition. Intra-rater agreement according each device and inter-device agreement were estimated by kappa statistics (k). Intra-rater agreement for device Y was substantial under humid (k DE=0.68 and k RE+S=0.68) and dry condition (k DE=0.64 and k RE+S=0.67). For device X, it was substantial under humid condition (k DE=0.57 and k RE+S=0.49), and it was almost perfect after air drying (k DE=1.0 and kRE+S=1.0). Inter-device agreement was slight (k =0.17) under humid condition, and it was substantial under dry condition (k =0.62). As reproducibility increased under dry condition, drying is advised to detect caries-like lesions on free smooth surfaces when different devices are used.Este estudo verificou o efeito da secagem sobre o resultado de reprodutibilidade de aparelhos laser DIAGNOdent (Dd) no diagnóstico de cárie artificial. Três áreas foram produzidas em cada um dos 34 incisivos bovinos: hígida (S), desmineralizada (DE) e remineralizada (RE). Um examinador mediu cada área com dois aparelhos Dd (denominados X e Y), sendo duas vezes sob a condição úmida e duas vezes sob a condição seca. A concordância intra-examinador segundo cada aparelho, e a concordância entre aparelhos foram estimadas por meio da estatística kappa (k). A reprodutibilidade intra para o aparelho Y foi substancial sob a condição úmida (kDE=0,68 e k RE+S=0,68) e seca (k DE=0,64 e k RE+S=0,67). Para o aparelho X, a concordância foi substancial sob a condição úmida (kDE=0,57 e k RE+S=0,49) e foi quase perfeita após a secagem (kDE=1,0 e k RE+S+1,0). A concordância entre aparelhos foi fraca (k=0,17) na condição úmida, porém foi substancial na condição seca (k=0,62). Como a reprodutibilidade foi melhor sob a condição seca, a secagem da superfície dentária é aconselhada para se detectar lesões de cárie incipientes em superfícies lisas livres, quando mais de um aparelho é utilizado no diagnóstico

    Haplotyping, linkage mapping and expression analysis of barley genes regulated by terminal drought stress influencing seed quality

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The increasingly narrow genetic background characteristic of modern crop germplasm presents a challenge for the breeding of cultivars that require adaptation to the anticipated change in climate. Thus, high priority research aims at the identification of relevant allelic variation present both in the crop itself as well as in its progenitors. This study is based on the characterization of genetic variation in barley, with a view to enhancing its response to terminal drought stress.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The expression patterns of drought regulated genes were monitored during plant ontogeny, mapped and the location of these genes was incorporated into a comprehensive barley SNP linkage map. Haplotypes within a set of 17 starch biosynthesis/degradation genes were defined, and a particularly high level of haplotype variation was uncovered in the genes encoding sucrose synthase (types I and II) and starch synthase. The ability of a panel of 50 barley accessions to maintain grain starch content under terminal drought conditions was explored.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The linkage/expression map is an informative resource in the context of characterizing the response of barley to drought stress. The high level of haplotype variation among starch biosynthesis/degradation genes in the progenitors of cultivated barley shows that domestication and breeding have greatly eroded their allelic diversity in current elite cultivars. Prospective association analysis based on core drought-regulated genes may simplify the process of identifying favourable alleles, and help to understand the genetic basis of the response to terminal drought.</p

    ifo Konjunkturprognose 2005/2006: Nur zögerliche Erholung

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    Die Weltwirtschaft hat im laufenden Jahr merklich an Dynamik eingebüßt, nachdem sie 2004 außerordentlich stark gewachsen war. In Deutschland fehlen die binnenwirtschaftlichen Auftriebskräfte immer noch fast vollständig. Die gesamtwirtschaftliche Produktion kommt sofort aus dem Tritt, sobald vom Ausland geringere Impulse ausgehen. Für die deutsche Wirtschaft ist eine fundamentale Wachstumsschwäche zu diagnostizieren; das Produktionspotential steigt derzeit nur um 1%, das ist halb so hoch wie im restlichen Euroraum. Die Entwicklung dieses und des kommenden Jahres wird ungefähr dem Trend folgen. Das reale Bruttoinlandsprodukt dürfte im Jahresdurchschnitt 2005 um 0,8% expandieren, nach 1,6% im Jahr 2004. Im nächsten Jahr dürfte sich das Expansionstempo der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Produktion parallel zur Besserung der Weltkonjunktur wieder leicht beschleunigen; die Zuwachsrate des realen Bruttoinlandsprodukts dürfte sich dann auf 1,2% belaufen. Damit wird die gesamtwirtschaftliche Auslastung der Produktionskapazitäten wieder zunehmen. Die Inflationsrate dürfte trotz des Ölpreisschubs im Durchschnitt des Prognosezeitraums unter der 2-Prozentmarke liegen. Auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt ist bisher keine Wende eingetreten. Im Mai dieses Jahres gab es 4,81 Mill. registrierte Arbeitslose; das entspricht einem Anstieg von 510 000 gegenüber dem vergleichbaren Vorjahresmonat. Der überwiegende Teil dieser Zunahme (ca. 360 000) ist auf die im Zuge der Hartz-IV-Gesetzgebung erfolgte Zusammenlegung von Arbeitslosen- und Sozialhilfe zurückzuführen. Rechnet man dagegen, dass inzwischen rund 155 000 Zusatzjobs die Statistik entlasten, so dürfte die rein konjunkturelle Zunahme der Arbeitslosigkeit rund 300 000 betragen haben. Erst im nächsten Jahr ist eine leichte Besserung auf dem Arbeitsmarkt zu erwarten. Unter der Annahme, dass bis zum Jahresende 2006 etwa 300 000 Zusatzjobs geschaffen werden, dürfte sich die Zahl der registrierten Arbeitslosen in diesem Jahr auf 4,86 Millionen belauf

    Adult and Near-Adult Height in Patients with Severe Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I Deficiency after Long-Term Therapy with Recombinant Human Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I

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    BACKGROUND: Treatment with recombinant human insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) stimulates linear growth in children with severe IGF-I deficiency (IGFD). AIMS: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of treatment with IGF-I in patients with severe IGFD treated until adult or near-adult height. METHODS: Twenty-one children with severe IGFD were treated until adult or near-adult height under a predominantly open-label design. All patients were naive to IGF-I. Recombinant human IGF-I was administered subcutaneously in doses between 60 and 120 µg/kg twice daily. Nine patients received additional therapy with gonadotropin- releasing hormone (GnRH) analog for a mean period of 2.9 ± 1.8 years. RESULTS: Mean duration of treatment was 10.0 years. Mean height velocity increased from 3.1 cm/year prior to treatment to 7.4 cm/year during the first year of treatment. Height velocities during the subsequent years were lower, but remained above baseline for up to 12 years. Cumulative mean Δ height SD score at (near) adult height was +2. The observed mean gain in height was 13.4 cm more than had been expected without treatment. The adult height achieved by the patients also treated with GnRH analog was not different from those who received IGF-I therapy alone. There were no new safety signals identified in these patients, a subset of those previously reported. CONCLUSION: Long-term therapy with IGF-I improves adult height of patients with severe IGFD. Most patients did not bring their heights into the normal adult range

    ifo Konjunkturprognose 2005/2006: Nur zögerliche Erholung

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    Die Weltwirtschaft hat im laufenden Jahr merklich an Dynamik eingebüßt, nachdem sie 2004 außerordentlich stark gewachsen war. In Deutschland fehlen die binnenwirtschaftlichen Auftriebskräfte immer noch fast vollständig. Die gesamtwirtschaftliche Produktion kommt sofort aus dem Tritt, sobald vom Ausland geringere Impulse ausgehen. Für die deutsche Wirtschaft ist eine fundamentale Wachstumsschwäche zu diagnostizieren; das Produktionspotential steigt derzeit nur um 1%, das ist halb so hoch wie im restlichen Euroraum. Die Entwicklung dieses und des kommenden Jahres wird ungefähr dem Trend folgen. Das reale Bruttoinlandsprodukt dürfte im Jahresdurchschnitt 2005 um 0,8% expandieren, nach 1,6% im Jahr 2004. Im nächsten Jahr dürfte sich das Expansionstempo der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Produktion parallel zur Besserung der Weltkonjunktur wieder leicht beschleunigen; die Zuwachsrate des realen Bruttoinlandsprodukts dürfte sich dann auf 1,2% belaufen. Damit wird die gesamtwirtschaftliche Auslastung der Produktionskapazitäten wieder zunehmen. Die Inflationsrate dürfte trotz des Ölpreisschubs im Durchschnitt des Prognosezeitraums unter der 2-Prozentmarke liegen. Auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt ist bisher keine Wende eingetreten. Im Mai dieses Jahres gab es 4,81 Mill. registrierte Arbeitslose; das entspricht einem Anstieg von 510 000 gegenüber dem vergleichbaren Vorjahresmonat. Der überwiegende Teil dieser Zunahme (ca. 360 000) ist auf die im Zuge der Hartz-IV-Gesetzgebung erfolgte Zusammenlegung von Arbeitslosen- und Sozialhilfe zurückzuführen. Rechnet man dagegen, dass inzwischen rund 155 000 Zusatzjobs die Statistik entlasten, so dürfte die rein konjunkturelle Zunahme der Arbeitslosigkeit rund 300 000 betragen haben. Erst im nächsten Jahr ist eine leichte Besserung auf dem Arbeitsmarkt zu erwarten. Unter der Annahme, dass bis zum Jahresende 2006 etwa 300 000 Zusatzjobs geschaffen werden, dürfte sich die Zahl der registrierten Arbeitslosen in diesem Jahr auf 4,86 Millionen belaufeWeltkonjunktur, Konjunkturprognose, Wirtschafstwachstum, Konjunkturumfrage, Geschäftsklima, Deutschland, Welt

    Analysis of Agglomerative Clustering

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    The diameter kk-clustering problem is the problem of partitioning a finite subset of Rd\mathbb{R}^d into kk subsets called clusters such that the maximum diameter of the clusters is minimized. One early clustering algorithm that computes a hierarchy of approximate solutions to this problem (for all values of kk) is the agglomerative clustering algorithm with the complete linkage strategy. For decades, this algorithm has been widely used by practitioners. However, it is not well studied theoretically. In this paper, we analyze the agglomerative complete linkage clustering algorithm. Assuming that the dimension dd is a constant, we show that for any kk the solution computed by this algorithm is an O(logk)O(\log k)-approximation to the diameter kk-clustering problem. Our analysis does not only hold for the Euclidean distance but for any metric that is based on a norm. Furthermore, we analyze the closely related kk-center and discrete kk-center problem. For the corresponding agglomerative algorithms, we deduce an approximation factor of O(logk)O(\log k) as well.Comment: A preliminary version of this article appeared in Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS '11), March 2011, pp. 308-319. This article also appeared in Algorithmica. The final publication is available at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00453-012-9717-