53 research outputs found

    The Current State of Transnational Organized Crime

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    The paper indicates that criminal groups may differ in terms of size, the scope of operations, types of activities, territorial range, relations with authorities and management, internal organization, and the set of means and methods used to promote their criminal activities and to guard against measures taken by the Government and law enforcement bodies. When national, historical, and cultural differences are taken into account, the diversity of criminal organizations becomes even more evident, while prevention and suppression pose even greater challenges for law enforcement agencies, especially in countries where these organizations are active in their illegal activities. The study is aimed at analyzing national-level legislative measures that may be efficient about one type of organized criminal group, but may not be appropriate for other types. To solve the problems formulated, a complex methodology will be required, combining empirical studies of specific facts and a fundamental theoretical understanding of the conceptual foundations of the problem posed. The results of the analysis made it possible to theoretically substantiate the increased social danger of transnational organized criminal groups, which entails the adoption of appropriate legislative measures. Identifying the latency level of transnational crimes will make it possible to assess the efficiency of the existing sets of measures against it, as well as to formulate recommendations on improving the system of legislative measures to prevent the activities of transnational criminal organizations. A gap in the study can be attributed to the insufficient amount of statistical information on the analyzed crime. The novelty of the research lies in the comprehensive analysis of the current state of transnational organized crime

    Punishment, Prevention and Protection of Rights as Areas of Combating Juvenile Delinquency

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    Introduction: the article indicates insufficient effectiveness of criminal punishment and traditional methods of countering juvenile delinquency in the conditions of modern socio-economic and socio-political reality. Criminal punishment has proved unable not only to solve the problem of preventing minors from criminal activity and achieve the goal of criminal punishment, but even to localize and contain criminal threats that are causing social tension. Purpose: systematic scientific substantiation of problems of criminal punishment, prevention and protection of the rights of juvenile convicts, definition of preventive measures. Methods: the methodology is characterized by traditional methods of cognition, based on modern principles and doctrinal approaches successfully applied in human and social sciences, including criminology, criminal law, legal psychology, sociology, and penal law. The research is interdisciplinary in nature, the following research methods are used: comparative-historical, systematic, content-analytical, sociological, statistical, contextual analysis, and perspective analysis. Results: prevention of crimes committed by minors, including through criminal law, is a complex, multifaceted and diverse phenomenon. Not only the state of crime, but also the achievement of goals of the criminal and penal policy of the state depend on its effectiveness. The main attention should be focused on preventive work with minors who are prone to antisocial and illegal behavior. As a rule, we are talking about criminological and psychological prevention of juvenile delinquency. Issues related to ensuring personal security are also important, including such an aspect as serving a sentence of imprisonment in juvenile correctional facilities. By studying and analyzing a whole range of causes, it is possible to boost effectiveness of crime prevention. Conclusion: the tightening and intensity of criminal repression measures do not bring a positive result and often lead to even worse results. A lack of proper rehabilitation work, re-socialization and social adaptation of minors who have served a criminal sentence in the form of imprisonment is one of the reasons for their repeated criminal behavior. A high scientific significance of the problem mediates the focus on obtaining new conclusions about criminal punishment as a socio-legal phenomenon, including psychological, political, and moral aspects

    The proton flux influence on electrical characteristics of a dual-channel hemt based on GaAs.

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    The results of the simulation the influence of the proton flux on the electrical characteristics of the device structure of dual-channel high electron mobility field effect transistor based on GaAs are presented. The dependences of the drain current ID and cut-off voltage on the fluence value and proton energy, as well as on the ambient temperature are shown.The results of the simulation the influence of the proton flux on the electrical characteristics of the device structure of dual-channel high electron mobility field effect transistor based on GaAs are presented. The dependences of the drain current ID and cut-off voltage on the fluence value and proton energy, as well as on the ambient temperature are shown

    Implementation of the model of fuzzy evaluation of the formation of competences using the MATLAB package

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    The article considers a mathematical approach to the evaluation of the severity of indicators of achievement of competencies. For this, a fuzzy inference system based on parameterized descriptor competency models has been developed. Studies of the model using the Matlab Fuzzytech package made it possible to determine the optimal set of methods for implementing the stages of the output procedure.Рассматривается математизированный подход к оцениванию выраженности индикаторов достижения компетенций. Для этого разработана система нечеткого вывода на основе параметризованных дескрипторных моделей компетенций. Исследования модели при помощи пакета Matlab Fuzzytech позволили определить оптимальный комплекс методов реализации этапов процедуры вывода

    Проектирование BJT-JFET операционных усилителей на базовом матричном кристалле

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    The use of dual-gate field-effect transistors located on the base matrix crystal MH2XA031, controlled by a p–n junction needed to reduce the input current of operational amplifiers is studied. Typical circuits of operational amplifiers, containing: source repeaters connected to the inputs of the operational amplifier on complementary bipolar transistors; input differential stage on p-JFET with a “current mirror” load on n–p–n-transistors; input differential in the form of a “folded cascode” on a p-JFET are analyzed. To minimize the input current, it is re commended to use bootstrapped feedback to keep the drain-to-source voltage of the input JFETs low, independent of the input common-mode voltage, and to connect only the top gate of the dual-gate JFET to the op-amp input. The electrical circuits for MH2XA031 elements and the results of circuit simulation of the developed amplifiers, called OAmp10J, OAmp11.1, OAmp11.2, are presented. Accounting the established features of the input stages and operating modes of active elements in circuit design will allow to create an operational amplifier with the required combination of basic parameters.Рассмотрено применение расположенных на базовом матричном кристалле МН2ХА031 двухзатворных полевых транзисторов, управляемых p–n-переходом, для уменьшения входного тока операционных усилителей. Проанализированы типовые схемы операционных усилителей, содержащие: истоковые повторители, соединенные с входами операционного усилителя на комплементарных биполярных транзисторах; входной дифференциальный каскад на p-JFET с нагрузкой в виде «токового зеркала» на n–p–n-транзисторах; входной дифференциальный каскад в виде «перегнутого каскода» на p-JFET. Для максимального уменьшения входного тока рекомендовано применение следящей обратной связи, поддерживающей напряжение сток-исток входных JFET на малом уровне, не зависящем от входного синфазного напряжения, и соединение с входом операционного усилителя только верхнего затвора двухзатворного полевого транзистора. Приведены электрические схемы для элементов МН2ХА031 и результаты схемотехнического моделирования разработанных усилителей, названных OAmp10J, OAmp11.1, OAmp11.2. Учет при схемотехническом проектировании установленных особенностей входных каскадов и режимов работы активных элементов позволит создать операционный усилитель с требуемым сочетанием основных параметров

    The proton flux influence on electrical characteristics of a dual-channel hemt based on GaAs

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    The results of the simulation the influence of the proton flux on the electrical characteristics of the device structure of dual-channel high electron mobility field effect transistor based on GaAs are presented. The dependences of the drain current ID and cut-off voltage on the fluence value and proton energy, as well as on the ambient temperature are shown


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    The aim of the study was to investigate a relationship between cytokine-producing reserve of invasive ductal cancer cells and its microenvironment, and cytokine-producing reserve of immunocompetent blood cells (IBC), as well as with histopathological and immunohistochemical characteristics of breast cancer. Using ELISA method we investigated the spontaneous and stimulated with polyclonal activators (PA) cytokine-producing reserve of IBC and biopsy specimens from invasive ductal cancer (adenocarcinoma) in 34 women. Appropriate values were expressed by the Influence Index of polyclonal activators (IIPA) upon cytokine production (IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-17, IL-18, IL-1β, IL-1ra, TNFα, IFNγ, G-CSF, GM-CSF, VEGF-A, MCP-1). In tumor biopsies, we studied expression of VEGF-A, estrogen receptor, progesteron receptor and pro-proliferation marker Ki-67 by means of immunohistochemical method. Activation values of blood IBC in most cases, except of IL-18, IL-1β and MCP-1, were higher than appropriate effects upon cytokine production by tumor tisuues. Meanwhile, the IIPA activation index upon IL-18 (a proinflammatory and prooncogene cytokine) production by tumor cells and its microenvironment proved to be elevated, as compared to appropriate IIPA by the blood IBC. Statistical studies showed a direct correlation between IIPA and cytokine production in tumor supernates, IIPA of VEGF-A expression in tumor tissue, with pathohistological parameters and expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors and Ki-67 proliferation marker. A high positive correlation was obtained between IIPA TNFα production by the tumor tissue, and degree of tumor vascularization.We have revealed a negative correlation between IIPA for IL-6, MCP-1 and Ki-67 marker of cell proliferation. A direct correlation was found between IIPA values for IL-1ra/IL-1β production ratios in blood cells, and IIPA for VEGF-A expression in adenocarcinoma tissues, thus indicating to probable connections between IL-1ra production by IBC and VEGF-A expression. We have discerned several intersecting, diverging, and even circle-closed correlative chains of correlation, e.g.: VEGF-A (immunohistochemical marker of IIPA expression) – IL-10 and IL-8 (IIPA for supernate products); MCP-1, IL-6, and IL-10 (IIPA for supernate products)– VEGF-A (immunohistochemical indicator of expression for IIPA). The results of this study suggest a relationship between cytokine-producing reserves of the tumor identified by appropriate PA correlations with the processes occurring in malignant tumors, as assessed by histopathological and immunohistochemical parameters. The data are indicative for some complex mechanisms mediated by cytokines which provide invasive growth of malignant tumor

    Особенности проектирования зарядочувствительных усилителей на арсенид-галлиевом базовом кристалле

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    For the production of integrated analog circuits with a small-scale integration, which are developed to operate at temperatures up to minus 200 ℃ and/or with absorbed dose of gamma radiation up to 5 Mrad, a gallium arsenide master slice has been created. The following types of active elements are used in this master slice: DpHEMT with gate dimensions 100 ηm/0,2 ηm and 10 ηm/0,2 ηm; p-n-p HBT, they were chosen for realization of most common analog circuits of operational amplifiers, comparators, voltage followers. Despite the small number of available DpHEMT with high transconductance for circuit synthesis and volt-ampere characteristics features of DpHEMT experimental samples, which exclude use of those transistors at low drain current, master slice give opportunity for developing charge-sensitive amplifiers (CSA) circuits with only one type of active elements – DpHEMT. At the same time, correct choice of the operating point of transistors provide development of low-noise, high-speed CSAs with better parameters than silicon CSAs for sensors with internal capacitance up to 100 pF. So, developed on GaAs master slice CSA with head DpHEMTs and ratio of the gate width to its length, equal to W/L = 2000 and W/L = 3000, characterized by current consumption ICC = 5,46 mA and ICC = 5,25 mA, rise time tR = 10,7 ns and tR = 9,6 ns, equivalent noise charge ENC = 3960 el, and ENC = 3700 el. with sensor capacitance of 50 pF, while the CSA with a head silicon p-channel junction field-effect transistor has W/L = 3870, ICC = 6,99 mA, tR = 27,7 ns, ENC = 5360 el. with the same sensor capacitance. Для производства интегральных аналоговых микросхем малой степени интеграции, предназначенных для работы при температуре до минус 200 ℃ и/или при поглощенной дозе гамма-излучения до 5 Мрад, создан арсенид-галлиевый базовый кристалл. Тип применяемых в базовом кристалле активных элементов, а именно: DpHEMT с размерами затворов 100 мкм/0,2 мкм и 10 мкм/0,2 мкм; p-n-p HBT, выбран для реализации наиболее распространенных аналоговых схем операционных усилителей, компараторов, повторителей напряжения. Несмотря на небольшое количество доступных для схемотехнического синтеза DpHEMT с большой крутизной и особенности вольтамперных характеристик экспериментальных образцов DpHEMT, исключающие их применение при малых токах стока, на базовом кристалле возможно проектирование схем зарядочувствительных усилителей (ЗЧУ), содержащих только один тип активного элемента – DpHEMT. При этом правильный выбор рабочей точки транзисторов обеспечивает разработку малошумящих, быстродействующих ЗЧУ с лучшими параметрами по сравнению с кремниевыми ЗЧУ для датчиков с внутренней емкостью до 100 пФ. Так, разработанные на GaAs базовом кристалле ЗЧУ с головными DpHEMT и отношением ширины затвора к его длине, равным W/L = 2000 и W/L = 3000, характеризуются соответственно током потребления ICC = 5,46 мА и ICC = 5,25 мА, длительностью фронта нарастания tR = 10,7 нс и tR = 9,6 нс, эквивалентным шумовом зарядом ENC = 3960 эл. и ENC = 3700 эл. при емкости датчика 50 пФ, в то время как ЗЧУ с кремниевым головным полевым транзистором, управляемым p-n-переходом и каналом p-типа, имеет W/L = 3870, ICC = 6,99 мА, tR = 27,7 нс, ENC = 5360 эл. при той же емкости датчика