10 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Model Permainan Pra-calistung Anak Usia Dini

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    This research was conducted to produce an effective play model for developing literacy and numeracy in early childhood. The method used in this study is research and development based on the model of Borg and Gall. The resulting play model called Let's Find Them. Limited test of play model was done in Permata Pelangi Kediri kindergarten on May 2, 2016 and more extensive trial was held in ABA 6 Kediri kindergarten on May 16, 2016. Test the effectiveness of model was held in Pembina Kediri state kindergarten on June 2, 2016 and in Dharma wanita ngampel Kediri kindergarten on June 3, 2016. The results of data analysis showed that there were significant differences in the competencies between the time before and after the play model is applied with significantly 0,00. The conclusion is the play model Let's Find Them is very effective for developing literacy and numeracy in early childhood


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    Abstract. The objectives to be achieved through this activity are developing the competence of PAUD educators especially their social competencies. This is done in relation to the amount of input from PAUD educators who have difficulties in dealing with the work environment, communicating with colleagues as well as student guardians regarding the presence of PAUD educators who are considered young and have just graduated. The method that will be used in this activity is in the form of training, where participants will be provided with knowledge and learn to practice indicators that hold on to social competence. The training was held for 2 days, this was intended to enable participants to absorb knowledge and implement indicators of social competence through direct practice and independent assignments. Training results were analyzed by questionnaire showing very effective results of 3003, effective 2310, ineffective 1617, and very ineffective 924. Based on the results of the questionnaire calculation the total value was 3212 so it can be said that the implementation of training was very effective. In addition, there were many participants who wrote their suggestions and hopes so that the educator's competency training activities continued continuously. Abstrak. Tujuan yang akan dicapai melalui kegiatan ini yaitu mengembangkan kompetensi pendidik PAUD khususnya kompetensi sosialnya. Hal ini dilakukan terkait banyaknya masukan dari pendidik PAUD yang mengalami kesulitanm dalam hal berhubungan dengan lingkungan kerja, berkomunikasi dengan sejawat juga dengan wali murid terkait adanya pendidik PAUD yang dianggap masih muda dan baru lulus sarjana. Metode yang akan digunakan dalam kegiatan ini berupa diklat dimana peserta akan dibekali pengetahuan dan belajar mempraktekan indikator yang ada berpegangan dengan kompetensi sosial.  Diklat ini dilaksanakan selama 2 hari, hal ini dimaksudkan agar peserta mampu menyerap pengetahuan dan mengimplementasikan indikator kompetensi sosial melalui praktek langsung serta tugas mandiri. Hasil diklat dianalisis dengan angket menunjukkan hasil sangat efektif 3003, efektif 2310, tidak efektif 1617, dan sangat tidak efektif 924. Berdasarkan hasil penghitungan angket nilai total sebesar 3212 sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa pelaksanaan diklat sangat efektif. Selain itu banyaknya peserta yang menuliskan saran serta harapannya supaya kegiatan diklat kompetensi pendidik terus dilakukan secara kontinyu


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    This research was conducted to create an informal assessment model of multiple intelligences for 4 and 5 years old children. The design used for this research is the research and development design by adapting the Borg and Gall model. The result of an informal assessment model is an informal multiple intelligences assessment models for 4 and 5 years old children, the assessors are classroom teachers, the time and place for conducting the assessment is flexible. The first implementation of the assessment model was done in TK Negeri Pembina Kota Kediri with research subjects of group B of 38 children and the second implementation was done in TK Negeri Pembina Kecamatan Mojoroto Kediri with the subject of research of Group A of 61 children. The results of the experiment showed that the multiple intelligences assessment models of children age 4 and 5 years old meet the validity and reliability requirements and as well as its easy application in Kindergarten education institutions.   Keywords: informal assessment model, multiple intelligence, 4 and 5 years old childre Desain yang digunakan untuk penelitian ini adalah desain penelitian dan pengembangan dengan mengadaptasi model Borg dan Gall. Model asesmen yang dihasilkan adalah model asesmen informal kecerdasan jamak anak usia 4 dan 5 tahun, pelaksana asesmen adalah guru kelas, waktu dan tempat pelaksanaan asesmen bersifat fleksibel. Uji coba I model asesmen dilakukan di TK Negeri Pembina Kota Kediri dengan subjek penelitian anak Kelompok B sebanyak 38 anak dan uji coba II dilakukan di TK Negeri Pembina Kecamatan Mojoroto Kota Kediri dengan subjek penelitian anak Kelompok A sebanyak 61 anak. Hasil ujicoba menunjukkan bahwa model asesmen kecerdasan jamak anak usia 4 dan 5 tahun memenuhi syarat validitas dan reliabilitas serta mudah untuk diterapkan di lembaga pendidikan Taman Kanak-kanak.   Kata Kunci: model asesmen, kecerdasan jamak, anak usia 4 dan 5 tahu

    Psikologi Kepribadian

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    Psikologi Kepribadian

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    Psikologi Kepribadian

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