77 research outputs found

    The use of religious symbols at Turkish universities

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    Arndt Kunnecke (MEF Author)##nofulltext##This paper shows that although Turkey is formally a laic state, Islam has de facto the statusof a state religion. Therefore, the Turkish state cannot remain neutral in religious matters.Under the current Turkish government Islam has consolidated its position and its symbolshave become visible in the public space. Religious symbols, such as mosques, prayer roomsand headscarves, are spreading at Turkish universities. Current developments show theabsurdity of the concept of Turkish secularism, which originally means the constitutionalseparation of church and state

    IN VIVO and IN VITRO 27AI NMR studies of aluminium(III) chelates of triazacyclononane polycarboxylate ligands

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    The metallic radioisotope of a known radiopharmaceutical chelate, 67Ga(NOTA) (NOTA=1,4,7-triazacyclonane-1,4,7-triacetic acid), used for tumor detection, was substituted by the chemically similar but non radioactive aluminum ion. Our aim was to detect and evaluate the in vivo behavior of the chelate. For this purpose, Al(NOTA) and the related chelate Al(NODASA) (NODASA=1,4,7-triazacyclononane-1-succinic acid-4,7-diacetic acid) were studied using in vitro and in vivo 27Al NMR spectroscopy in rats. Both chelates showed high stability towards acid catalyzed dissociation and their 27Al NMR resonances are characteristic of highly symmetrical species, with chemical shifts within the range for octahedral or pseudo-octahedral geometries. The thermodynamic stability constant of the novel chelate Al(NODASA) was estimated using 27Al NMR. The obtained value suggested that the chelate does not undergo in vivo demetalation by transferrin. The in vivo spectroscopic studies and the analysis of blood and urine samples for Al(III) concentrations indicated that the chelates remain intact under physiological conditions and that they are mainly eliminated from the body through the kidneys.Swiss National Science Foundation. NOVARTIS

    [2,4-13C]β-hydroxybutyrate Metabolism in Astrocytes and C6 Glioblastoma Cells

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    This study was undertaken to determine if the ketogenic diet could be useful for glioblastoma patients. The hypothesis tested was whether glioblastoma cells can metabolize ketone bodies. Cerebellar astrocytes and C6 glioblastoma cells were incubated in glutamine and serum free medium containing [2,4-13C]β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) with and without glucose. Furthermore, C6 cells were incubated with [1-13C]glucose in the presence and absence of BHB. Cell extracts were analyzed by mass spectrometry and media by 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy and HPLC. Using [2,4-13C]BHB and [1-13C]glucose it could be shown that C6 cells, in analogy to astrocytes, had efficient mitochondrial activity, evidenced by 13C labeling of glutamate, glutamine and aspartate. However, in the presence of glucose, astrocytes were able to produce and release glutamine, whereas this was not accomplished by the C6 cells, suggesting lack of anaplerosis in the latter. We hypothesize that glioblastoma cells kill neurons by not supplying the necessary glutamine, and by releasing glutamate

    Migrationspolitik der baltischen Staaten – Estland

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    Arndt Kunnecke (MEF Author)##nofulltext##..

    The targeted full harmonisation approach in EU consumer law

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    Arndt Kunnecke (MEF Author)##nofulltext##..

    Divergence and the Francovich remedy in German and English Courts

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    This chapter assesses the extent to which the common law system differs from a codified system in the application of the Francovich principle and the extent to which this results in divergence. A comparison of the English and German law of state liability suggests that it is easier to achieve an integration of the Francovich remedy in English courts than it is in German courts. In a more pragmatic case-by-case approach, English courts have successfully embedded the Francovich remedy into English law. The German position, on the other hand, is marked by a more reluctant attitude. Case examples have shown that the German Federal High Court (BGH, Bundesgerichtshof) does not favour a Europeanized version of the codified tort liability, possibly leaving this to the legislature

    Die migrationspolitik Estlands und ihr rechtlicher rahmen

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    Arndt Kunnecke (MEF Author)##nofulltext##..

    Turkey's role in the refugee crisis

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    Arndt Kunnecke (MEF Author)##nofulltext##..