34 research outputs found

    Multiple facets of self-rated digital competencies of pre-service teachers: A pilot study on the nomological network, empirical structure, and gender differences

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    Introduction: Self-efficacy is an important predictor of teaching behavior. Within several research traditions (TPACK framework, school achievement tests), different ICT self-efficacy scales have been developed. The empirical structure of existing questionnaires has frequently been researched and discussed within the TPACK framework. However, for teacher ICT self-efficacy, non-instructional aspects as well as alternative instruments have rarely been investigated and compared to standard TPACK self-report scales. Methods: In this study, we administer two sets of non-subject-specific ICT scales to a group of pre-service teachers (N = 165). We investigate the empirical structure using structural equation modeling. Results: For both scales, the results show that instructional ICT self-efficacy forms a separate factor. For the remaining items, item difficulty and content drive further divisions. Further, more specific item formulations resulted in a higher range of scale means. Additionally, we find gender differences only on some non-instructional scales. Discussion: Results confirm that the distinction between instructional vs. non-instructional ICT self-efficacy is important when developing or using questionnaires for pre-service teachers. Results also indicate that the usage of more specific task-related items is a promising alternative to general TPACK items

    Demands and stress before and during the COVID-19 pandemic of parents to children with autism spectrum disorder

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    Introduction: Parents to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) face diverse daily demands that can lead to stress. The aim of this study was to examine to which extent stress in parents to children with ASD can be explained by daily demands before and during the COVID-19 pandemic (after lockdowns; first half of 2022), and whether there are differences between the two time periods in this regard. Methods: Data from parents to children with ASD living in Germany from two independent questionnaire studies (before the pandemic: N = 168, during the pandemic: N = 105) were matched for comparability. Simple and multiple linear regression analyses were used to answer the research question. Results: Parental stress as well as all demands examined showed higher levels during the COVID-19 pandemic than before. Significant predictors of parental stress before and during the COVID-19 pandemic were (1) the daily demands to deal with the child’s problem behavior, (2) the restriction of one’s personal way of life, and (3) the challenge to cooperate with the partner. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the child’s problem behavior was particularly relevant. It was also found that the demand to deal with stigmatizing reactions did not explain parental stress during the COVID-19 pandemic whereas before the pandemic it had been a significant predictor. Discussion: Although parental stress and the demands of daily life increased during the pandemic, most of the stress can be explained by the same demands. It is suggested that the increased levels may be due to an increase in the child’s ASD symptomatology, which is why it is advisable to install therapeutic and care structures that prepare children with ASD for future crises

    Predictive value of physical fitness on self-rated health: A longitudinal study

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    Background The self‐rated health of adolescents and young adults is important for estimating future morbidities and mortality. Little is known about how physical fitness in younger populations predicts self‐rated health. This longitudinal study (2003‐2017) aims to explore the effects of physical fitness on self‐rated health on the basis of the German population–based study KiGGS and its in‐depth study, MoMo. Methods Self‐rated health was assessed using a one‐item scale, and physical fitness was measured with seven test items covering the dimensions of coordination, muscular fitness, and cardiorespiratory fitness. Longitudinal analyses were conducted using the structural equation modeling approach in Mplus 8.0 using the maximum likelihood estimator. Results The longitudinal samples of the KiGGS/MoMo study (T1, n = 2376; T2, n = 2821; and T3, n = 2047) had a mean age of 8.5, 14.8, and 20.0 years at T1, T2, and T3, respectively. All measurement and structural models had excellent model fits. While the results of the latent regression analysis indicated moderate‐to‐high stability for the coordination and muscular fitness dimensions, only low‐to‐moderate stability coefficients were found for cardiorespiratory fitness and self‐rated health. Furthermore, small significant cross‐lagged regression coefficients revealed that coordination and muscular fitness predicted self‐rated health at later measurement points. Conclusion To the best of our knowledge, this is the first longitudinal study to demonstrate the positive predictive value of two dimensions of physical fitness, coordination and muscular fitness, on self‐rated health at a later stage. The public health implications are highlighted

    The significance of learning opportunities in teacher training courses and their individual use for the development of educational-scientific knowledge

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    Der Beitrag thematisiert das WirkungsgefĂŒge zwischen Eingangsvoraussetzungen, Lernangebot und individueller Nutzung des Lernangebots sowie dem Aufbau des bildungswissenschaftlichen Wissens im universitĂ€ren Lehramtsstudium. Die Datengrundlage bildet eine Vollerhebung von 3.273 Referendar(inn)en in Nordrhein-Westfalen zu Beginn des Referendariats, bei der das bildungswissenschaftliche Wissen mit einem standardisierten Wissenstest erfasst wurde. FĂŒr die generelle Wirkung des Studiums auf den Aufbau des bildungswissenschaftlichen Wissens sprechen substanzielle Wissensunterschiede zwischen Lehramtsstudierenden und Quereinsteigern. Es zeigen sich jedoch nur geringe Effekte formeller universitĂ€rer Faktoren (SpezifitĂ€t der Institution bzw. Art der Studienstrukturen) fĂŒr den Wissensaufbau im Lehramtsstudium (DIPF/Orig.)The article topicalizes the interdependencies between enrollment prerequisites, study programs offered, and the individual use of the courses, as well as the structure and development of educational-scientific knowledge in the field of university-based teacher training. The study is based on data collected through a census survey carried out in North Rhine-Westphalia among 3.273 trainee teachers at the beginning of their internship; in this survey, a standardized test of knowledge was used to capture the educational-scientific knowledge. Substantial differences in knowledge between student teachers and lateral entrants confirm the general effect of study courses on the development of educational-scientific knowledge. However, formal university-related factors (specificity of the institution or type of study-course structure) are of only moderate effect on the development of knowledge in the course of university-based teacher training. (DIPF/Orig.

    What factors affect team members' evaluation of collaboration in medical teams?

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    INTRODUCTION Perceived teamwork quality is associated with numerous work-related outcomes, ranging from team effectiveness to job satisfaction. This study explored what situational and stable factors affect the perceived quality of teamwork during a specific team task: when a medical team comprising a senior (supervisor) and a junior (trainee) physician diagnoses a patient. METHODS During a field study in an emergency department, multisource data describing the patients, the diagnosing physicians, and the context were collected, including physicians' ratings of their teamwork. The relationships between perceived teamwork quality and situational (e.g., workload) and stable (e.g., seniority) factors were estimated in a latent regression model using the structural equation modeling (SEM) approach. RESULTS Across the N = 495 patients included, SEM analyses revealed that the patient-specific case clarity and urgency influenced the perceived teamwork quality positively, whereas the work experience of the supervisor influenced the perceived teamwork quality of both supervisor and trainee negatively, albeit to different degrees. DISCUSSION Our findings shed light on the complex underpinnings of perceived teamwork quality, a performance-relevant factor that may influence work and organizational effectiveness in healthcare settings

    Theoretical and practical considerations for implementing diagnostic classification models

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    Kognitive Diagnosemodelle (DCMs) sind konfirmatorische probabilistische Modelle mit kategorialen latenten Variablen, die Mehrfachladungsstrukturen erlauben. Sie ermöglichen die Abbildung der Kompetenzen in mehrdimensionalen Profilen, die zur Erstellung informativer RĂŒckmeldungen dienen können. Diese Dissertation untersucht in zwei Anwendungsstudien und einer Simulationsstudie wichtige methodische Aspekte bei der SchĂ€tzung der DCMs. In der Arbeit wurde ein neuer Mathematiktest entwickelt basierend auf theoriegeleiteten vorab definierten Q-Matrizen. In den Anwendungsstudien (a) illustrierten wir die Anwendung der DCMs fĂŒr empirische Daten fĂŒr den neu entwickelten Mathematiktest, (b) verglichen die DCMs mit konfirmatorischen Faktorenanalysemodellen (CFAs), (c) untersuchten die inkrementelle ValiditĂ€t der mehrdimensionalen Profile und (d) schlugen eine Methode zum Vergleich konkurrierender DCMs vor. Ergebnisse der Anwendungsstudien zeigten, dass die geschĂ€tzten DCMs meist einen nicht akzeptablen Modellfit aufwiesen. Zudem fanden wir nur eine vernachlĂ€ssigbare inkrementelle ValiditĂ€t der mehrdimensionalen Profile nach der Kontrolle der Personenparameter bei der Vorhersage der Mathematiknote. Zusammengenommen sprechen diese Ergebnisse dafĂŒr, dass DCMs per se keine zusĂ€tzliche Information ĂŒber die mehrdimensionalen CFA-Modelle hinaus bereitstellen. DCMs erlauben jedoch eine andere Aufbereitung der Information. In der Simulationsstudie wurde die PrĂ€zision der ParameterschĂ€tzungen in log-linearen DCMs sowie die SensitivitĂ€t ausgewĂ€hlter Indizes der Modellpassung auf verschiedene Formen der Fehlspezifikation der Interaktionsterme oder der Q-Matrix untersucht. Die Ergebnisse der Simulationsstudie zeigen, dass die Parameterwerte fĂŒr große Stichproben korrekt geschĂ€tzt werden, wĂ€hrend die Akkuratheit der ParameterschĂ€tzungen bei kleineren Stichproben z. T. beeintrĂ€chtigt ist. Ein großer Teil der Personen wird in Modellen mit fehlspezifizierten Q-Matrizen falsch klassifiziert.Cognitive diagnostic classification models (DCMs) have been developed to assess the cognitive processes underlying assessment responses. Current dissertation aims to provide theoretical and practical considerations for estimation of DCMs for educational applications by investigating several important underexplored issues. To avoid problems related to retrofitting of DCMs to an already existing data, test construction of the newly mathematics assessment for primary school DMA was based on a-priori defined Q-matrices. In this dissertation we compared DCMs with established psychometric models and investigated the incremental validity of DCMs profiles over traditional IRT scores. Furthermore, we addressed the issue of the verification of the Q-matrix definition. Moreover, we examined the impact of invalid Q-matrix specification on item, respondent parameter recovery, and sensitivity of selected fit measures. In order to address these issues one simulation study and two empirical studies illustrating applications of several DCMs were conducted. In the first study we have applied DCMs in general diagnostic modelling framework and compared those models to factor analysis models. In the second study we implemented a complex simulation study and investigated the implications of Q-matrix misspecification on parameter recovery and classification accuracy for DCMs in log-linear framework. In the third study we applied results of the simulation study to a practical application based on the data for 2032 students for the DMA. Presenting arguments for additional gain of DCMs over traditional psychometric models remains challenging. Furthermore, we found only a negligible incremental validity of multivariate proficiency profiles compared to the one-dimensional IRT ability estimate. Findings from the simulation study revealed that invalid Q-matrix specifications led to decreased classification accuracy. Information-based fit indices were sensitive to strong model misspecifications

    ICT engagement. A new construct and its assessment in PISA 2015

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    As a relevant cognitive-motivational aspect of ICT literacy, a new construct ICT Engagement is theoretically based on self-determination theory and involves the factors ICT interest, Perceived ICT competence, Perceived autonomy related to ICT use, and ICT as a topic in social interaction. In this manuscript, we present different sources of validity supporting the construct interpretation of test scores in the ICT Engagement scale, which was used in PISA 2015. Specifically, we investigated the internal structure by dimensional analyses and investigated the relation of ICT Engagement aspects to other variables. The analyses are based on public data from PISA 2015 main study from Switzerland (n = 5860) and Germany (n = 6504). First, we could confirm the four-dimensional structure of ICT Engagement for the Swiss sample using a structural equation modelling approach. Second, ICT Engagement scales explained the highest amount of variance in ICT Use for Entertainment, followed by Practical use. Third, we found significantly lower values for girls in all ICT Engagement scales except ICT Interest. Fourth, we found a small negative correlation between the scores in the subscale "ICT as a topic in social interaction" and reading performance in PISA 2015. We could replicate most results for the German sample. Overall, the obtained results support the construct interpretation of the four ICT Engagement subscales. (DIPF/Orig.

    Knowledge-based classroom observation. Differences between trainee teachers at the start of their professional careerand explanatory factors

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    Die Professionelle Unterrichtswahrnehmung als anwendungsbezogener Aspekt professioneller Lehrerkompetenz ist in den letzten Jahren zu einem etablierten Indikator geworden, um den Aufbau von theorie-praxisintegrierten WissensbestĂ€nden bei Studierenden zu beschreiben. Mit Blick darauf, den Kompetenzaufbau zukĂŒnftiger Lehrpersonen in Deutschland phasenĂŒbergreifend zu betrachten, steht die Untersuchung am Ende der zweiten Phase der Lehrerausbildung noch aus. In diesem Beitrag wird im Kontext des BilWiss-Projekts bei N = 173 Referendaren untersucht, wie ihre Professionelle Unterrichtswahrnehmung ausgeprĂ€gt ist und welche Faktoren Unterschiede erklĂ€ren können. Es wurde eine erweiterte Version des Observer-Tools eingesetzt, die es erlaubt, eine breite Wissensbasis bei Studierenden und Referendaren zu erfassen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen bei Referendaren stark variierende FĂ€higkeiten in der Professionellen Unterrichtswahrnehmung, wobei höhere FĂ€higkeiten mit einem höheren Interesse an dem Thema Lehren und Lernen sowie einer positiveren EinschĂ€tzung der Kommunikation unter den Kollegen an der Ausbildungsschule einhergehen. Keine ZusammenhĂ€nge weisen die EinschĂ€tzung der UnterstĂŒtzung durch den Seminarleiter sowie das Teilen von Erfahrungen im Seminar auf. Die Ergebnisse tragen zur kritischen Diskussion ĂŒber die Abstimmung zwischen der Wissensvermittlung im Studium und im Referendariat bei und verdeutlichen das Potenzial, gĂŒnstige und ungĂŒnstige Entwicklungsprofile bei AnwĂ€rtern zu identifizieren. (DIPF/Orig.)In recent years, Professional Vision as an application-oriented aspect of professional teacher competence has become an established indicator for the description of theory-practice-integrated knowledge acquisition among students in university-based teacher education programs. With a view to studying the acquisition of competences among future teachers in Germany across all phases, there is still need for an investigation of the end of the second phase of teacher training. In this study the authors examine, within the context of the "BilWiss"-project (Educational Scientific Knowledge and the Acquisition of Professional Competences in Teacher Education), the Professional Vision of N = 173 trainee teachers and investigate which factors might explain apparent differences. An enhanced version of the Observer Tool was used which allows surveying a broad knowledge basis among students and trainee teachers. Results show that skills regarding Professional Vision vary strongly among trainee teachers. Thus, teacher candidates with a strong interest in teaching and learning also show greater skills in Professional Vision, and a positive perception of the communication culture at the internship school furthermore enhances their abilities. On the other hand, no correlation can be shown between these skills and perceived support given by the instructors in the seminars or the possibility to share experiences with other seminar participants. The findings contribute to a critical discussion of the coordination between knowledge transfer in university courses and during internship. In addition, they reveal the potential inherent in identifying favorable and unfavorable development profiles among prospective teachers. (DIPF/Orig.

    Erziehungswissenschaft und Bildungswissenschaften im Lehramtsstudium aus der Sicht der empirischen Lehrerbildungsforschung

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    Die Autoren zeigen an einem kompetenzorientierten Modell interdisziplinĂ€re wissenschaftliche Grundlagen fĂŒr die Entwicklung von ProfessionalitĂ€t auf, bilanzieren diesbezĂŒgliche Forschungsbefunde und formulieren Forschungsdesiderata. (DIPF/Orig.

    Kognitive Diagnosemodelle: Theoretisches Potential und methodische Probleme. Projekt Kognitive Diagnosemodelle

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    Im Rahmen dieses Forschungsprojekts werden das theoretische Potential und die Schwierigkeiten neuartiger psychometrischer Modelle, sog. kognitiver Diagnosemodelle (CDMs) untersucht. Mit der Verwendung der CDMs sind im Wesentlichen drei Hoffnungen verknĂŒpft. Zum einen sollen sie eine mehrdimensionale Abbildung der Kompetenzen ermöglichen, die auf einer theoretisch begrĂŒndeten und vorab festgelegten Klassifikation der Aufgaben zu entsprechenden FĂ€higkeitsdimensionen basiert. Dies wird am Beispiel einiger Mathematikaufgaben erlĂ€utert. 
 Die zweite Erwartung an CDMs ist, dass sie eine statistisch begrĂŒndete Klassifikation der SchĂŒler bzgl. einer oder mehreren Kompetenzen in sog. Kompetenzprofilen erlauben. 
 Die dritte Hoffnung, die mit CDMs verbunden ist, betrifft die Modellierung von nicht-kompensatorischen Modellen, die mit etablierten statistischen Methoden nicht geschĂ€tzt werden können. (DIPF/Orig.