31 research outputs found

    Výživa ve vztahu k zubnímu kazu

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    Dental caries is a health problem of people worldwide. It is a transmissible bacterial disease process caused by acids from bacterial metabolism. The acids are produced, when fermentable carbohydrates in foods or drinks react with bacteria present in the dental plaque on the tooth surface. The acids lead to a loss of calcium and phosphate from the enamel, this process is called demineralisation. Dental caries is a process of many cycles of demineralisation and remineralisation. Demineralisation begins inside the enamel or dentine and can continue until forming dental caries. In this work it is mentioned causes and factors of formation of dental caries such as high number of cariogenic bacteria, quantity and quality of saliva, insufficient application of fluorides, poor oral hygiene and inappropriate nutrition

    Marketing strategy of WellU

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    The aim of the bachelor thesis is to evaluate the current marketing strategy of WellU company and to make suggestions and recommendations crucial for its improvement and streamlining. The work is divided into four main chapters. The first chapter defines the basic theoretical concepts in the field of marketing, such as marketing strategy, marketing mix, multi-level marketing, competitive environment or SWOT analysis, which are the basis for the next part of the work. The second chapter presents the company WellU; subsequently, applies the theoretical knowledge of the analyses from the first part to this company. The third part is already devoted to own research, which examined the perception of WellU's marketing activities by its business partners and customers. The research itself was carried out through a questionnaire survey and an interview with selected business partners of the company. In addition, research questions were set within this research and examined the typical consumer profile, the key factors leading to the purchase of products, social media efficiency and motivational factors leading to the cooperation of business partners with the company and their higher performance. Finally, the last chapter presents suggestions and recommendations that will be the starting point for the company to improve and streamline its current marketing strategy.Cílem bakalářské práce je zhodnotit současnou marketingovou strategii společnosti WellU a podat návrhy a doporučení stěžejní pro její zlepšení a zefektivnění. Práce je rozdělena do čtyř kapitol. V první kapitole jsou vymezeny základní teoretické pojmy z oblasti marketingu jako například marketingová strategie, marketingový mix, multi-level marketing, konkurenční prostředí či SWOT analýza, které jsou východiskem pro následující část práce. Druhá kapitola představuje samotnou společnost WellU a následně aplikuje teoretické poznatky analýz z první části na tuto firmu. Třetí část se již věnuje vlastnímu výzkumu, který zkoumal vnímáni marketingových aktivit společnosti WellU jejími obchodními partnery a zákazníky. V rámci vlastního výzkumu provedeného pomocí dotazníkového šetření a hloubkového rozhovoru s vybranými obchodními partnery firmy byly stanoveny výzkumné otázky zkoumající typický profil spotřebitele WellU, stěžejní faktory vedoucí ke koupi produktů, efektivitu sociálních médií a motivační faktory vedoucí ke spolupráci obchodních partnerů s firmou a jejich vyšším výkonům. V poslední kapitole jsou následně představeny návrhy a doporučení, které budou pro firmu východiskem pro budoucí zlepšení a zefektivnění její stávající marketingové strategie

    Integrace ukrajinských dětí-válečných uprchlíků do mateřské školy

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    The final thesis has a theoretical-practical character. The theoretical part deals children with a different mother tongue, inclusion in the school system and the principles of successful integration and support of foreign children, the peculiarities of Czech as a second language are described, while attention is focused on Czech in preschool education and on teaching procedures and rules of Czech in children-foreigners. The integration of Ukrainian children into the Czech educational system is also described. The practical part describes the experience and procedure of how the adaptation of the group of monitored Ukrainian children took place, how worksheets were used for teaching the Czech language, and how the author of the thesis tried to develop language skills through play. The work is supplemented with practical examples - outputs

    The important figures of the Italian philology of Prague from the beginning up to now.

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    The focus of this thesis are the important figures of Italian Philology in Prague from it?s inception to the present. It explores issues related to the Italian language, literature and all topics in connection with the development of Italian philology in Prague. Its aim is to select important figures who were born, published or lived in Prague and whose work significantly contributed to the development of Italian Studies. The thesis is divided into four chapters as follows: Chapter One, which deals briefly with the origins of Italian language studies within the city of Prague from a historical point of view, Chapter Two which is solely focused on Josef Bukac, Chapter Three that discusses the contribution of eight key personalities and Chapter Four, the final chapter, which assesses the significant contribution of those philologists who specialized in the Italian language and related studies at the Philosophy Faculty of Charles University. Overall the focus is on those personalities who had an significant impact on the Italian Philology in Prague. The research design not only examines notable figures but also explores their motivations, methods, influences as well as their impact and legacy. Publications that are also closely related to Romanic Studies are also included and discussed

    Feminicidio as an alarming problem of Mexican society: Process tracing of two selected cases

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    Gender violence in Mexico is a problem that affects its society on a long- term basis. Its most extreme form known as feminicide, that is a gender- based murder of women, appears with so much frequency that it can be considered a structural problem yet. Mexico is one of the countries with most cases in Latin America, however, insufficient and ineffective measures taken by the state facilitate their perpetration which is often immune from prosecution. This thesis aims to approximate the issue to the reader and explain the concept of feminicide in given context within its complexity. For that purpose, a process tracing analysis of two selected cases is done; starting from their perpetration to their sentencing by judicial instances. The sentences of both cases became very important milestones. The factors that contributed to the outcome are tracked and afterwards a comparison of tracked causal mechanisms is done. As it was already mentioned, the cases were not selected randomly. Not only are they important for their sentences, but moreover they took place in two Mexican states with traditionally high numbers of committed feminicides, that is in Chihuahua and Mexico State. The results of the analysis suggest that even though Mexico has signed the most important international conventions about women's...Genderové násilí v Mexiku je problém, který dlouhodobě ovlivňuje tamní společnost. Jeho nejextrémnější podoba ve formě feminicidií, tedy genderově orientovaných vražd žen, se zde objevuje v tak velkém měřítku, že se již jedná o strukturální problém. Mexiko je jednou ze zemí s nejvyššími počty takových případů v Latinské Americe, nedostatečná a neefektivní opatření ze strany státu však umožňují jejich často beztrestné páchání. Předkládaná práce má za cíl přiblížit čtenáři tuto problematiku a vysvětlit koncept feminicidia v daném kontextu ve své komplexnosti. Za tímto účelem je zde provedena analýza procesu u dvou vybraných případů, a to od jejich spáchání až po jejich rozhodnutí soudními instancemi, které se v obou případech staly významnými milníky. Jsou zde sledovány faktory, které se zasloužily o zmíněný výsledek a následně je provedena komparace vysledovaných kauzálních mechanismů v jednotlivých procesech. Jak již bylo zmíněno, případy nebyly vybrány nahodile. Nejen že jsou důležité pro jejich rozsudky, ale navíc se staly ve dvou mexických státech s tradičně vysokým počtem feminicidií, tedy v Chihuahuě a Estado de México. Výsledky analýzy naznačují, že přestože je Mexiko státem, jenž podepsal ty nejdůležitější mezinárodní úmluvy na ochranu práv žen, jeho aktivita v prevenci a trestání genderově...Department of International RelationsKatedra mezinárodních vztahůFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě

    Genetic factors of resistance to chemotherapy and clinical characteristics of breast tumors.

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    Breast cancer is the most frequent malignancy in women population both in the Czech Republic and worldwide. Treatment of this disease involves surgical removal of the tumor, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormonal therapy. Recently, targeted biological treatment is also approached. Each patient reacts to the treatment individually and thus high variability in response is common. Multidrug resistance (MDR) presents one of the most important obstacles to successful chemotherapy. MDR is often associated with a decreased intracellular accumulation of anticancer drugs and an increased expression of ABC transporters such asABCC1 of our interest. The ABC family of membrane transport proteins includes the well-known mediators of resistance to anticancer drugs. In particular, ABCB1, ABCC1 and ABCG2 actively perform efflux of various types of drugs from cancer cells, thereby conferring resistance to those agents. The main aim of this study was to asses the genetic variability of the ABCC1 gene in 191 patients with breast cancer and to determinate the expression profile of ABCC1 in 30 patients from this cohort who were treated preoperatively. We evaluated relations between ABCC1 genotype, or phenotype and prognostic factors including the result of chemotherapy. Gene expression was measured in preamplificated..

    Augusto Pinochet's Quest for Power; Chilean Coup 1973

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    This thesis examines Chilean events and development which led to the military coup and consequent establishment of authoritarian regime directed by Augusto Pinochet in September 1973. The regime used strong repressive policy and there were wide human rights abuse in the country; on the other hand, Pinochet was instrumental in economic stabilization of the state which is the base of contemporary economic situation: Chile is one of the most developed countries in Latin America. Taking into consideration the main aim of this thesis, which is defining the most essential factors leading to successful course of the coup and takeover by Pinochet, significant part of the thesis concentrates on development in Chile at the beginning of the 70's, domestic policy of Allende's regime and general political situation in the country, which is necessary to be aware of for understanding following course of events. Another part offers an overview of events that immediately influenced insurgent atmosphere in the army, an analysis of the coup, which led to the fall of Allende's regime and takeover by Pinochet, can be found in this part as well. Last but not least there are specified the factors which were significant for the positive course of the coup; a relevant part dedicates to the American influence over the..

    Managerial competence teacher - controlled

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    Final thesis deals with one of the managerial competencies of teachers-checking. The essence of control is a critical evaluation of reality with respect to the intended target. The work is based both on theoretical knowledge gained by studying professional literature, both from some of the experience gained from their own practice, as well as the knowledge that I gained studying school management and in particular the analysis of the information obtained through use of interview techniques, interview related to the findings, in which a variety of professional contexts performing teachers nursery and primary school management activities and monitoring what is normally subject to their control

    Management in preprimary education

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    For diploma thesis I chose the topic of management of educational institutions. The aim of the thesis is an analysis of managerial activities director nursery school focusing on personnel management. We focused on the issue of the relationship performs headmaster all managerial activities, what time frame they have to pay, how well it is able to fulfill. Individual chapters are based on the general theory of management, managerial functions, personnel, operations and human resources management. The practical part of the evaluation research. Method for obtaining data was used, primarily, time snapshot of all activities director kindergarten and secondarily, identification questionnaire. Based on the research model was created activities director kindergarten with basic timing in the form of a monthly interval. In the end we will find the time spent evaluating director of the kindergarten and recommendations, which should streamline the functioning of the school