1,866 research outputs found

    Portraying managerial dynamic capabilities : a case study in the fast-moving consumer goods industry

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    This paper presents a case study describing the managerial dynamic capabilities of a firm in the highly competitive fast-moving consumer goods industry and their effects in the performance of the firm and the industry. Managerial dynamic capabilities are processes of managerial decision-making, extending throughout the firm, to determine which particular resources managers identify as strategically important and how they build them. The case study, which was developed with a management team during a period of one year, involved a detailed analysis of the resources perceived strategically relevant and the operating policies aimed at maintaining an adequate balance of the set of key resources. In other words, this paper describes what Winter (2003) defines as 'how we earn our living now' or 'zero-level' capabilities

    Wine tourism : a review of the Chilean case

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    Wine tourism has become a thriving niche in global tourism industry with successful cases like Napa Valley in the USA with 19 million visitors per year. However, there are important disparities among wine regions. The paper analyses the case of the Chilean wine tourism, which is one of the regions with less wine tourists although it is very important in global wine industry, and its reasons for its low level of development. Chilean wine industry has been developing its infrastructure in wine tourism but behavioural factors like low promotion intensity and local consumers' behaviour hinder the development of wine tourism

    Finite Strain Homogenization Using a Reduced Basis and Efficient Sampling

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    The computational homogenization of hyperelastic solids in the geometrically nonlinear context has yet to be treated with sufficient efficiency in order to allow for real-world applications in true multiscale settings. This problem is addressed by a problem-specific surrogate model founded on a reduced basis approximation of the deformation gradient on the microscale. The setup phase is based upon a snapshot POD on deformation gradient fluctuations, in contrast to the widespread displacement-based approach. In order to reduce the computational offline costs, the space of relevant macroscopic stretch tensors is sampled efficiently by employing the Hencky strain. Numerical results show speed-up factors in the order of 5-100 and significantly improved robustness while retaining good accuracy. An open-source demonstrator tool with 50 lines of code emphasizes the simplicity and efficiency of the method.Comment: 28 page

    The omega-inequality problem for concatenation hierarchies of star-free languages

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    The problem considered in this paper is whether an inequality of omega-terms is valid in a given level of a concatenation hierarchy of star-free languages. The main result shows that this problem is decidable for all (integer and half) levels of the Straubing-Th\'erien hierarchy

    Application of recent methods for synthesis of heat exchanger network

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou syntézy sítě výměny tepla a srovnává současné metody, s důrazem na Pinch Design Method a deterministickou metodu. Pomocí softwaru Maple je vytvořen program pro návrh sítě výměny tepla deterministickou metodou. Tato metoda je aplikována na několika konkrétních příkladech.Master’s thesis deals with the problems of heat exchanger network synthesis and compare the present methods with emphasis on Pinch Design Method and deterministic method. Based on theoretical formulation of deterministic model the computer program for heat exchanger network synthesis was developed in the software Maple environment. Developed software implementation of deterministic method has been applied to several case studies.

    The Proposal to Improve the Selected Process in the Company

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    Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na analýzu výrobních procesů ve firmě ČeMeBo s. r. o. Na základě detailního rozboru ohraničené oblasti ve výrobě jsou navrhnuty doporučení pro potenciální zlepšení stávajících procesů. Využitím počítačového softwaru Witness je zvolená oblast přímo podpořena simulačním modelem. Konceptuální model slouží autorovi k získání praktických zkušeností s tvorbou modelu a jeho následnou verifikací s reálným procesem. Práce se rovněž zabývá moderními koncepty řízení výroby, informačními systémy a problematikou modelování výrobních procesů.Bachelor thesis is oriented on analysis of production processes in the company ČeMeBo s. r. o. Through detailed analysis of defined production area the recommendations are offered for potential improvements of current processes. Chosen area is directly supported with simulation model created using computer software Witness. Conceptual model serves author as source of practical experiences with simulation modeling and its verification with real process. This work also concerns modern concepts of production management, information systems and production processes modeling problems.

    Pollution control strategies and techniques for combustion processes

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou spalovacích procesů. V práci je uveden přehled a popis jednotlivých konstrukčních parametrů spalovacího zařízení a jejich vlivu na tvorbu emisí. Práce dále popisuje jednotlivé druhy emisí vznikajících při spalování, jejich vliv na životní prostředí a techniky používané pro jejich redukci. Práci uzavírá kapitola s přehledem emisních limitů v ČR.Bachelor’s thesis deals with the problems of combustion process. The work gives the overview and the description of individual design parameters of the combustion facility. The analysis of the influence of design parameters on emissions formation is followed by the description of individual kinds of emissions and their impact on the environment. Next the most used reduction techniques are described. The work is closed by the overview of the emission limits in the Czech Republic.

    Part manufacturing by roll bending

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    Projekt je vypracovaný v rámci bakalářského studia Strojního inženýrství předkládá přehled moderních metod zakružování. V literární studii jsou zhodnoceny jednotlivé moderní metody, stroje používané při výrobě zakružovaných dílců a součásti těmito metodami vyrobené.The project is elaborated within the frame of bachelor studies of Mechanical Engineering. It supposes review of modern roll bending methods. In this literary study are summarized individual progressive methods, machines used for machining of roll bended parts and parts, which are by these methods made.