35 research outputs found

    Nem tejalapú probiotikus élelmiszerek előállítási lehetőségeinek megalapozása

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    A gazdasági és a társadalmi fejlődés eredményeként megváltozott értelmet nyert a táplálkozás fogalma. Ma már a táplálkozás nem csupán azt jelenti, hogy szervezetünk számára biztosítsuk a létfontosságú tápanyagokat és energiaforrást, hanem a kínálati piacon válogathatunk az élelmiszerek között megjelenésük, élvezeti és tápértékük alapján is. A XX. század végétől a fejlett gazdasággal rendelkező országokban az élelmezés fő célja az, hogy kiegyensúlyozott tápanyag bevitelt szolgáltasson az emberi szervezet anyagcseréjéhez, megakadályozva az egyes komponensekre nézve a hiány, illetve a káros többlet kialakulásának lehetőségét, ezáltal biztosítva a fogyasztók jó közérzetét. Egyes társadalmi rétegek, mint például a fiatalabb nemzedék és az értelmiségiek gondot fordítanak a táplálék beltartalmi értékére, és kialakulóban van az igény egy egészségtudatosabb táplálkozásra. Az analitikai módszerek fejlődése lehetővé teszi az élelmiszerek pontos kémiai összetételének meghatározását és az egyes komponensek fiziológiai hatásainak értékelését. A fenti koncepcióból kiindulva alkották meg a funkcionális élelmiszerek fogalmát. A funkcionális élelmiszerek a tápértéken kívül rendelkeznek olyan tulajdonságokkal is, amelyek bizonyítottan pozitív élettani hatást gyakorolnak a szervezetre. (...

    Családi vállalkozás fejlesztése franchise rendszerben

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    Performances of new isolates of Bifidobacterium on fermentation of soymilk

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    Growth and metabolic activity of several new, human origin isolates of Bifidobacterium strains were investigated. All tested bifidobacteria strains were grown well on the native soymilk medium without any additional nutrients. The fermentation processes cultured with initial cell concentrations in 105–107 cfu/ml resulted in 108 cfu/ml after 8–12 h of incubation in soymilk, and were kept viable up to the end of fermentation (48 h). Volumetric productivities of B. bifidum B3.2, B. bifidum B7.1 and B. breve B9.14 were 1.6×1010 cfu/L.h, 4.5×1010 cfu/L.h and 7.6×109 cfu/L.h, respectively, whereas these values of B. lactis Bb-12 and B. longum Bb-46 probiotic strains were 2.7×109 cfu/L.h and 1.0×1010 cfu/L.h. The α-galactosidase activities were also detected in the intracellular fraction of the disrupted cells. Productions of lactic and acetic acids were in the range of 23–60 mmol/L and 2.4–5.6 mmol/L, respectively. Molar ratios of acetate to lactate in all tested strains varied from 0.05–0.1 that are very promising for further technological development of probiotic fermented soy-based food products

    A csillagfejlődés késői állapotai = Late stages of stellar evolution

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    Tanulmányoztuk a csillagfejlődés, csillagrezgések és -robbanások asztrofizikájának nyitott kérdéseit hazai, külföldi és űrbéli nagyműszerekkel végzett megfigyelésekkel. Vizsgáltuk pulzáló vörös óriás változócsillagoknál a pulzáció kapcsolatát a csillagfejlődéssel és a periódusváltozások okait. Elvégeztük több mint 300 vörös óriáscsillagnak a Kepler-űrtávcsővel készített fénygörbéje analízisét. A csillagoknál Fourier- és wavelet-analízist alkalmaztunk a periodicitás vizsgálatokhoz. Megvizsgáltunk nagy tömegű szuperóriás csillagokat mint lehetséges szupernóva progenitorokat a robbanás előtt. Szupernóvák távolságát, tömegét, luminozitását és fejlődési állapotát határoztuk meg fotometriai és spektroszkópiai megfigyelések alapján. A ROTSE programmal együttműködve megfigyeltünk és elemeztünk mintegy 50 új szupernóvát a 9,2 m-es HET (USA), a 9,3 m-es SALT távcső (Dél-Afrika) és más távcsövek (Piszkéstető, Baja és Szeged) használatával. A projekt új kutatási irányokat nyitott: vörös óriás csillagok rövid periódusú és kis amplitúdójú oszcillációjának vizsgálata a Kepler adatai alapján, és szupernóva-robbanások széles körű tanulmányozása az University of Texas-szal együttműködve. A kutatás végére 96 publikációnk született (ezek közül 1 MTA doktori és 6 PhD értekezés, 1 Science cikk) az OTKA-szám feltüntetésével, összesen 418 impakt faktorral. Ezekre 2013 közepéig 682 hivatkozás történt az ADS szerint (részletes adatok: http://astro.u-szeged.hu/kutatas/.otka/index.html). | In this project we explored open questions of stellar evolution, oscillations and explosions by taking new observations using ground-based and space telescopes. We studied the relationship of pulsation and stellar evolution in red giant stars and physical background of the period changes. We analyzed the light curves of more than 300 red giant stars measured by the Kepler space telescope. We applied Fourier- and wavelet-analysis to perform the periodicity studies. We studied massive supergiants as supernova progenitors before explosion. We determined the distance, mass, luminosity and evolutionary state of supernovae via photometric and spectroscopic measurements. In collaboration with the ROTSE program we observed and studied about 50 new supernovae using observations taken with the 9.2 m HET telescope (USA), the 9.3 m SALT telescope (South Africa) and other telescopes at Piszkéstető, Baja and Szeged. We extended our studies into new directions: the study of short period and small amplitude oscillations of red giant stars based on Kepler data, and comprehensive investigations of supernova explosions in collaboration with University of Texas. We produced 96 publications (among them 1 HAS DSc thesis and 6 PhD theses, 1 Science paper) with the indication of the OTKA-number, the cumulative impact factor is 418. The current number of citations (June 2013) is 682 according to the ADS data base (details: http://astro.u-szeged.hu/kutatas/.otka/index.html)

    The Disappearing Act of KH 15D: Photometric Results from 1995 to 2004

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    We present results from the most recent (2002-2004) observing campaigns of the eclipsing system KH 15D, in addition to re-reduced data obtained at Van Vleck Observatory (VVO) between 1995 and 2000. Phasing nine years of photometric data shows substantial evolution in the width and depth of the eclipses. The most recent data indicate that the eclipses are now approximately 24 days in length, or half the orbital period. These results are interpreted and discussed in the context of the recent models for this system put forward by Winn et al. and Chiang & Murray-Clay. A periodogram of the entire data set yields a highly significant peak at 48.37 +/- 0.01 days, which is in accord with the spectroscopic period of 48.38 +/- 0.01 days determined by Johnson et al. Another significant peak, at 9.6 days, was found in the periodogram of the out-of-eclipse data at two different epochs. We interpret this as the rotation period of the visible star and argue that it may be tidally locked in pseudosynchronism with its orbital motion. If so, application of Hut's theory implies that the eccentricity of the orbit is e = 0.65 +/- 0.01. Analysis of the UVES/VLT spectra obtained by Hamilton et al. shows that the v sin(i) of the visible star in this system is 6.9 +/- 0.3 km/sec. Using this value of v sin(i) and the measured rotation period of the star, we calculate the lower limit on the radius to be R = (1.3 +/- 0.1), R_Sun, which concurs with the value obtained by Hamilton et al. from its luminosity and effective temperature. Here we assume that i = 90 degrees since it is likely that the spin and orbital angular momenta vectors are nearly aligned.Comment: 55 pages, 18 figures, 1 color figure, to appear the September issue of the Astronomical Journa

    Role of Tyrosine Isoforms in Erythropoietin and Insulin Resistance

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    Background: Hydroxyl radical converts Phe to para-, meta- and ortho-Tyr (p-Tyr, m-Tyr, o-Tyr), while Phe is converted enzymatically to p-Tyr in the kidney and could serve as substrate for gluconeogenesis. The pathological isoforms m- and o-Tyr are supposed to be involved in development of hormone resistances. Patients with end-stage renal failure (ESRF) treated with erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) are often ESA-hyporesponsive, this is associated with free radical production. Production of p-Tyr is decreased in ESRF and it can be replaced by o-Tyr in proteins. Levels of pathological Tyr isoforms are elevated in septic patients. Renal glucose output contributes significantly to whole body glucose production during fasting. Glucose produced in kidney is derived from gluconeogenesis, and amino acids may be substrates for this process. Aims: In our first study, we aimed to examine the role of Tyr-isoforms in ESA-responsiveness. In our second study, we aimed to investigate the role of different Tyr-isoforms and Phe in carbohydrate metabolism of non-diabetic septic patients. Methods: Four groups of volunteers were involved in our first cross-sectional study: healthy volunteers (CONTR; n=16), patients on hemodialysis without ESA-treatment (nonESA-HD; n=8), hemodialyzed patients with ESA-treatment (ESA-HD; n=40) and patients on continuous peritoneal dialysis (CAPD; n=21). ESA-demand was expressed by ESA-dose, ESA-dose/body weight and erythropoietin resistance index1 (ERI1, weekly ESA-dose/body weight/hemoglobin). In our second study, correlations of Phe and three Tyr-isoforms with carbohydrate metabolism was examined in 25 non-diabetic septic patients. Daily insulin dose (DID) and insulin-glucose product (IGP) were calculated and their connection with Phe and Tyr parameters was assessed. Blood glucose variability was characterized using mean absolute glucose change (MAG). Serum and plasma levels of Phe and Tyr-isoforms were detected using a reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography (rpHPLC)-method with a fluorescence detection. Results: We found significantly lower p-Tyr levels in all groups of dialyzed patients when compared to control subjects, while o-Tyr levels and o-Tyr/p-Tyr ratios were significantly higher in dialyzed patients. Among groups of dialyzed patients, the o-Tyr level and o-Tyr/p-Tyr ratio were significantly higher in ESA-HD than in the nonESA-HD and CAPD groups. There was a correlation between weekly ESA-dose/body weight, ERI1 and the o-Tyr/p-Tyr ratio (r=0.441, p=0.001; r=0.434, p=0.001, respectively). o-Tyr/p-Tyr ratio proved to be an independent predictor of ERI1 (β=0.330, p=0.016). In these multivariate regression models most of the known predictors of ESA-hyporesponsiveness were included. Upon investigation of non-diabetic septic patients, urinary m-Tyr/p-Tyr ratio was higher in patients with DID and IGP over median compared to those with DID and IGP below median (p=0.005 and p=0.01, respectively). Urinary level of m-Tyr and m-Tyr/p-Tyr ratio showed a positive correlation with DID (r=0.310; p=0.009 and r=0.271; p=0.023, respectively) and with IGP (r=0.343; p=0.004 and r=0.315; p=0.008, respectively). Serum Phe was negative predictor of both DID and IGP, while serum p-Tyr/Phe ratio was a stronger, positive predictor of these parameters. Urinary level of m-Tyr and ratios of urinary m-Tyr/p-Tyr, o-Tyr/p-Tyr and (m-Tyr+o-Tyr)/p-Tyr were positive predictors of both DID and IGP. The MAG value was found to be higher in patients who died at the intensive care unit compared with survivors. Discussion: Our findings may suggest that elevation of the ratio of o-Tyr/p-Tyr could be responsible for decreased ESA-responsiveness in dialyzed patients. Phe and isoforms of Tyr have a predictive role in carbohydrate metabolism of non-diabetic septic patients. Phe may serve as substrate for renal gluconeogenesis via enzymatically produced p-Tyr, while hydroxyl radical derived Phe products may interfere with insulin action, in loco in the kidney

    Influence of Non-Saccharomyces Strains on Chemical Characteristics and Sensory Quality of Fruit Spirit

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    The use of non-Saccharomyces yeasts for alcoholic beverage improvement and diversification has gained considerable attention in recent years. The effect of pure and mixed inocula (of Torulaspora delbrueckii, Lachancea thermotolerans, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae) on apple mash fermentation has been determined for the production of Hungarian fruit spirit (Pálinka), with a special emphasis on the chemical, volatile, and sensory attributes. The enological parameters were followed during the fermentation process. Sugar consumption and organic acid production were determined by HPLC, whereas the aromatic profile of the distillates was characterized by GC-FID. According to the results, single and mixed cultures showed similar characteristics during mash fermentation. The identified volatile compounds included aldehydes, esters, and higher alcohols. Mixed culture fermentation trials revealed a significantly higher concentration of volatile compounds and better sensorial attributes compared to those exhibited by the pure culture of S. cerevisiae

    Tirozin-izoformák egészséges és gestatiós diabeteses anyákból származó placentákban [Isoforms of tyrosine in the placenta of healthy pregnants and of patients with gestational diabetes]

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    A várandósság és a szülés fokozott oxidatív stresszt jelentő állapot. Gestatiós cukorbetegséggel szövődött várandósokban az egészségeshez viszonyítva szignifikánsan magasabb az oxidatív stressz markereinek méhlepényben mért aránya, ami hozzájárulhat a placentaeredetű szövődmények és a kedvezőtlen várandóssági kimenetel kialakulásához. Egészséges és gestatiós diabeteses anyák szüléskor vett szérumából és méhlepényéből meghatároztuk a fenilalanin (Phe) és a három tirozin (Tyr)-izoforma, a meta- és orto-tirozin (m-Tyr + o-Tyr), valamint a fiziológiás para-tirozin (p-Tyr) koncentrációit és arányát. Az egészséges kismamák szérumában mért kóros izoforma, illetve a kóros/fiziológiás izoforma-arány pozitívan korrelált a vizeletben mért kóros izoformákkal és kóros/fiziológiás izoforma-hányadossal. A placentában mért kóros izoforma, vagy a kóros/fiziológiás izoforma-arány, azonban fordított arányban állt a vizeletben mért kóros izoforma, vagy a kóros/fiziológiás hányadossal. Gestatiós diabeteses anyákból származó placentákban szignifikánsan magasabb volt a kóros izoformáknak a fenilalaninhoz vagy a fiziológiás tirozin-izoformához viszonyított aránya, mint ugyanezen arányok egészséges anyák placentáiban. Gestatiós diabeteses anyák placentáiban a kóros Tyr-izoformák arányának emelkedése a méhlepényben vaszkuláris és működésbeli eltérések okozója lehet, ezáltal a gestatiós diabetes magzati szövődményeinek kockázatát növelheti. | Pregnancy and childbirth are conditions with increased oxidative stress. Pregnant women with gestational diabetes have significantly higher levels of oxidative stress markers in the placenta compared to healthy pregnant women, which may contribute to placental complications and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Concentrations and ratios of phenylalanine (Phe) and the three tyrosine (Tyr) isoforms, meta- and ortho-tyrosine (m-Tyr, o-Tyr) and the physiological para-tyrosine (p-Tyr) were determined from the serum and placental tissue of healthy and gestational diabetic mothers. The abnormal isoform and the abnormal/physiological isoform ratio in the serum of healthy pregnant women were positively correlated with the urinary isoforms and the abnormal/physiological isoform ratio. However, placental abnormal isoform or abnormal/physiological isoform ratio was inversely related to urinary pathological isoform or pathological/physiological ratio. In the placental tissue obtained from gestational diabetic mothers, the proportion of abnormal isoforms relative to phenylalanine or the physiological tyrosine isoform was significantly higher than in the placenta of healthy mothers. In gestational diabetic mothers, an increase in the proportion of pathologic Tyr isoforms in the placenta may result in vascular and functional abnormalities, thus increasing the risk of fetal complications of gestational diabetes

    Long-Term Evolution of FU Ori-Type Stars at Infrared Wavelengths

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