15 research outputs found

    Effects of Cariprazine, Aripiprazole, and Olanzapine on Mouse Fibroblast Culture: Changes in Adiponectin Contents in Supernatants, Triglyceride Accumulation, and Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-γ Expression

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    Background and Objectives: The use of the dopamine-partial agonist subclass (also termed dopamine stabilizers) of atypical antipsychotics for the treatment of negative schizophrenia symptoms and some mood disorders has increased recently. Similar to other second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs), aripiprazole (ARI) and cariprazine (CAR) also influence food intake, but the peripheral effects of these drugs on adipose−tissue homeostasis, including adipokine secretion as well as lipo- and adipogenesis, are not fully elucidated. In this study, we explored the adipocyte-related mechanisms induced by second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs), leading to changes in peripheral signals involved in energy homeostasis. Materials and Methods: CAR, a new SGA, was compared with ARI and olanzapine (OLA), using cell cultures to study adipogenesis, and the expression levels of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPAR-γ) was measured in adipocytes derived from mouse fibroblasts, by western blotting on days 7, 14, and 21 postinduction. The triglyceride (TG) content of the cells was also evaluated on day 15 using Oil Red O staining, and the adiponectin (AN) content in the cell culture supernatants was quantified on days 7 and 15 by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Cells were treated with two concentrations of ARI (0.5 and 20 µg/mL), OLA (1 and 20 µg/mL), and CAR (0.1 and 2 µg/mL). Results: Both concentrations of ARI and OLA, as well as the lower concentration of CAR, significantly increased the TG contents. The AN levels in the supernatants were significantly increased by the higher concentration of ARI on days 7 and 15 (p < 0.05). Although PPAR-γ levels were not significantly affected by ARI and OLA, the lower concentration of CAR induced a significant time-dependent decrease in PPAR-γ expression (p < 0.05). Conclusions: The in vitro adipogenesis considered from TG accumulation, AN secretion, and PPAR-γ expression was differently influenced by ARI, CAR, and OLA. Understanding the adipocyte-related mechanisms of antipsychotics could contribute to understanding their weight-influencing effect

    Chronic fluoxetine treatment induces lipid accumulation but does not alter the expression of Pref-1 in adipose tissue of rats

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    This study aims to investigate the effects of chronic fluoxetine (FLX) treatment on preadipocyte factor-1 (Pref-1) expression in subcutaneous, visceral and brown adipose tissues, and on the size of vacuoles in adipocytes obtained from the perirenal regions in rats. Twenty-eight Wistar rats were treated with FLX at two different doses and fourteen animals received vehicle. After 40 days of treatment, the subcutaneous, perirenal and interscapular adipose tissues were collected. Pref-1 expression was examined using an immunohistochemical method and the vacuolar area was measured in stained sections. In the low dose FLX group, the size of vacuoles increased both in male and female animals. The high dose of FLX also induced a significant increase of vacuole size, but only in male animals. Neither of the two doses of FLX has significantly affected the Pref-1 expression in any type of adipose tissue

    Observation of competing, correlated ground states in the flat band of rhombohedral graphite

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    In crystalline solids, the interactions of charge and spin can result in a variety of emergent quantum ground states, especially in partially filled, topological flat bands such as Landau levels or in “magic angle” graphene layers. Much less explored is rhombohedral graphite (RG), perhaps the simplest and structurally most perfect condensed matter system to host a flat band protected by symmetry. By scanning tunneling microscopy, we map the flat band charge density of 8, 10, 14, and 17 layers and identify a domain structure emerging from a competition between a sublattice antiferromagnetic insulator and a gapless correlated paramagnet. Our density matrix renormalization group calculations explain the observed features and demonstrate that the correlations are fundamentally different from graphene-based magnetism identified until now, forming the ground state of a quantum magnet. Our work establishes RG as a platform to study many-body interactions beyond the mean-field approach, where quantum fluctuations and entanglement dominate

    Béta-amiloid peptidek aggregációja és kölcsönhatása fehérjékkel; új neuroprotektív vegyületek alkalmazása az Alzheimer-kór megelőzésére = Beta-amyloid aggregation and interaction with proteins; novel neuroprotective compounds for prevention of Alzheimer's disease

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    Új, standardizálható módszert dolgoztunk ki toxikus �béta-amiloid (Abéta) 1-42 peptid oligomerek előállítására, a preparált oligomereket fiziko-kémiai módszerekkel jellemeztük. Két új neuroprotektív peptidmimetikum vegyületcsaládot találtunk, ezek az anyagok megvédik a neuronokat az Alzheimer-kór (AK) állatmodelljében az Abéta neurotoxikus hatásától. Mindkét vegyületcsoportot szabadalmilag védjük, mint az AK potenciális gyógyszerjelölt vegyületeit. Új ex vivo módszert dolgoztunk ki az Abéta peptidek toxicitásának mérésére (patkány hippocampus szelet, MTT-teszt), a módszer alkalmas az új neuroprotektív vegyületeink aktivitásmérésére is. Az ex vivo hippocampus szeleteket sikerrel alkalmaztuk a neuronális plaszticitás (LTP) mérésére, az Abéta-toxicitás meghatározására, multielektród array (MEA) technikával. In vivo, egysejt-elvezetéses elektrofiziológiai mérésekkel bizonyítottuk az új peptidmimetikumaink neuroprotektív hatását. Proteomikai módszerekkel azonosítottuk az Abéta peptidekkel kölcsönhatásba lépő fehérjéket, ezek elsősorban plazmamembrán, ill. intraneuronális fehérjék (mitokondrium, endoplazmás reticulum, mikrotubuláris rendszer). Az intraneuronális fehérjék és az Abéta peptidek kölcsönhatásai kulcsszerepet játszhatnak az AK patogenezisében. Igazoltuk, hogy a Zn2+ ionok toxikus Abéta-aggregátumok képződését indukálják. Az AK transzgén állatmodelljén bizonyítottuk, hogy a Zn-kelátorok (pl. Perindopril) neuroprotektív hatásúak. Új AK-állatmodellt dolgoztunk ki az Abéta oligomerek icv bevitelével. | A new method was introduced for the preparation of toxic beta-amyloid (Abeta) 1-42 oligomers, these assemblies were characterized with physicochemical methods. Two families of novel neuroprotective peptidomimetics were found, these substances protect neurons against the toxic effect of Abeta in tg mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Both groups of the novel substances will be patented as putative drug candidates for AD treatment. A new ex vivo method was introduced for toxicity measurement of Abeta peptides (rat hippocampal slices, MTT-assay); this method proved to be suitable for activity measurement of the novel neuroprotective substances. Hippocampal slices were successfully used for measurement of neuronal plasticity (LTP) for demonstrating neurotoxicity of Abeta aggregates, applying multielectrode array (MEA) technique. The neuroprotective effect of our novel peptidomimetics was demonstrated also in vivo, using one-cell electrophysiology. Proteomic methods were used for identification of proteins interacting with Abeta peptides; these are mainly plasma membrane and intraneuronal (mitochondrial, endoplasmatic reticular and microtubular) proteins. Interaction of intracellular proteins with Abeta may play key role in AD pathogenesis. The role of Zn2+ ions in formation of toxic Abeta-aggregates was demonstrated. Zn2+-chelators (e.g. Perindopril) were neuroprotective in a tg-mouse model of AD. A new AD rat model was introduced using icv administration of synthetic Abeta oligomers

    Studia Litteraria

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    Barta János: Kovács Kálmán ( 1930-1983) 5-10. Orosz István: Kovács Kálmán emlékére 11-14. Varga Pál: A magyarság és egyetemesség élménye Kölcsey, Vörösmarty, Petőfi és Arany néhány versében 15-54. Szabó Zoltán: A nemzeti irodalom szerves fejlődésének koncepciói 1849 után 53-70. Balogh Ernő: A regényíró „epilógja" 71-92. Barta János: Az ember tragédiája értelmezéséhez 93-122. Imre László: „A könnyelmű forma tetszik, ha lelkem bújában nevet" 123-148. Kun András: A lírai stilizmus két változata a századforduló magyar költészetében 149-164