105 research outputs found

    Podržavanje globalnog legitimiteta Ujedinjenih naroda u zaštiti ljudskih prava i humanitarnoj pomoći unutar Europske unije – pravni presjek prirodnog partnerstva EU-a i UN-a

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    Promoting respect for human rights and providing humanitarian assistance exemplify one of the core shared values and objectives of the EU-UN agenda, deeply rooted in the premise that universal values of peace, equal rights, freedom, and human dignity may be effectively defended through efficient multilateralism only. The paper aims to offer a deep analysis of the legal framework underpinning the EU-UN partnership and to underscore the critical intersections of the EU and UN systems of addressing human rights protection and unimpeded access to humanitarian assistance. The research builds on Article 21 of the Treaty on European Union, which sets the basis for the EU´s action on the international scene in line with the principles of the Charter of the UN and international law, including the promotion of multilateral solutions to common issues in the area of human rights and humanitarian assistance. Particular emphasis is put on the EU priorities for the UN, adopted annually by the Council´s conclusions guiding the EU´s yearly work adapted to the UN´s agenda and global affairs. Alongside the examination of the current positive law and corresponding scholarly literature, the paper also provides insight into the best practices of the EU-UN natural partnership on the ground, such as the early recovery of war-affected communities in Ukraine through the UN Development Programme (UNDP). Thus, the paper combines doctrinal legal research with the socio-legal approach in outlining the specificities of the EU-UN multi-layered cooperation with respect to human rights protection and humanitarian assistance.Promicanje poštovanja ljudskih prava i pružanje humanitarne pomoći primjeri su temeljnih zajedničkih vrijednosti i ciljeva agende EU-a i UN-a, duboko ukorijenjeni u pretpostavci da se zajedničke vrednote mira, jednakih prava, slobode i ljudskog dostojanstva mogu učinkovito braniti samo učinkovitim multilateralizmom. Ovaj članak pruža dubinsku analizu pravnog okvira koji podržava partnerstvo EU-a i UN-a te ističe ključne aspekte sustava EU-a i UN-a koji jamče zaštitu ljudskih prava i nesmetani pristup humanitarnoj pomoći. Istraživanje se nadovezuje na čl. 21. Ugovora o EU-u, koji postavlja temelje djelovanja EU-a na međunarodnoj sceni u skladu s načelima Povelje UN-a i međunarodnog prava, uključujući promicanje multilateralnih rješenja za zajedničke izazove u području ljudskih prava i humanitarne pomoći. Poseban je naglasak stavljen na prioritete EU-a za UN, koji se svake godine usvajaju zaključcima Vijeća radi usmjeravanja godišnjeg rada EU-a, prilagođenog UN-ovoj agendi i općim poslovima. Uz istraživanje trenutačnog pozitivnog prava i podudarne znanstvene literature, članak pruža uvid u najbolje prakse prirodnog partnerstva EU-a i UN-a na terenu, poput ranog oporavka ratom pogođenih zajednica u Ukrajini kroz Program UN-a za razvoj (UNDP). Posljedično, članak kombinira doktrinarna pravna istraživanja sa socio-pravnim pristupom kako bi se istaknule specifičnosti višeslojne suradnje EU-a i UN-a u vezi sa zaštitom ljudskih prava i humanitarnom pomoći

    Using Slovenian Experience in the Croatian Agricultural Policy Adjustment to EU Requirements

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    Strict EU requirements in politics, legislation and economics on new and future member states pose a great challenge for Croatia, which strives to become its member. Agriculture, being an important economic sector, needs to be considerably reformed in the process of adjustment to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The Croatia decided to use the Slovenian case for better understanding of the requirements and their fulfilment. The Slovenian agricultural policy reform included change from market price supports towards direct payments, and implementation of different structural, environmental and rural development measures. Slovenia has implemented numerous reforms, plans and laws. Slovenian four-year pre-accession negotiations with the EU in agricultural sector comprised: implementing the acquis communitaire, exceptions from the acquis, and the financial part. To achieve the best negotiation results, Slovenia collected detailed and reliable data and engaged professionals who negotiated the most favourable position for Slovenian agriculture in the European agricultural sector. The Croatian agricultural policy reform is underway, so there is a tendency of decreasing and phasing out the system of guaranteed prices, direct payments are being introduced, Croatia is included in trade integration processes, steps need to be taken for strengthening of competitive capacity of domestic products both in domestic and foreign markets, and rural development and the whole social situation in agricultural sector needs to be improved

    Voltammetric determination of lutetium

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    Half wave potential of lutetium was determined by anodic stripping voltammetry using various electrolyte solutions at the mercury electrode. The influence of electrolyte pH on the value of peak current was also observed. The results show that the choice of the supporting electrolyte and the electrolyte pH strongly influence the voltammetric behaviour of lutetium.Physical chemistry 2006 : 8th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 26-29 September 200


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    Uzimajući u obzir sjedilački način života koja je prisutna već i kod djece, postavlja se pitanje na koji način motivirati djecu za aktivnije uključivanje u sport. Kako bi se to moglo ostvariti na najbolji način, potrebno je ispitati trenutne razloge uključivanja u sport i djelovati u području koji se pokaže najboljim. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati odnos razloga bavljenja sportom djece i roditelja te sociodemografskih varijabli (spola, dobi). U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 54 sudionika, djece koja se bave nogometom (15 djevojčica, 39 dječaka), u dobi od 6 do 12 godina (M=9.2, SD=2). Uzorak je bio namjerni i prigodni, kreiran s obzirom na dostupnost sudionika. Korištena su četiri upitnika kreirana posebno za ovo istraživanje („Upitnik za djecu sportaše“, „Zašto se baviš sportom?“, „Ponašanje tvojih roditelja prema sportu“ i „Zadovoljstvo trenerom, treninzima i sportskim objektom“). Rezultati su pokazali da postoje spolne i dobne razlike u razlozima uključivanja u sport te da postoji pozitivna korelacija nekih motivacijskih faktora za bavljenje sportom djece i roditelja (zdravlje, druženje s prijateljima i želja roditelja/djeteta). Druženje s prijateljima, zadovoljstvo bavljenja sportom i mogućnost da ih sport učini slavnima se pokazalo kao jači motivacijski faktor kod dječaka nego kod djevojčica. Utjecaj prijatelja je daleko važniji u starijoj dobnoj skupini kao motivacija za početak bavljenja sportom.Taking into account the sedentary lifestyle present already in children, we have to ask a question what motivates children to be more actively involved in sport. In order to be able to achieve that at the best way, it is necessary to examine the current differences of inclusion and sports and act in the area that is shown the best. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between children and parents of sociodemographic variables (gender, age). There were 54 participants, children playing footbal (15 girls, 39 boys), 6 to 12 years of age (M = 9.2, SD = 2). The sample was intentional and commendable, created due to the attendance of the participants. Four questionnaires were created specifically for this research („Questionnaire for Children of Athletes“, „Why Do You Engage in Sport?“, „Your Parents Behaviour Toward Sports“ and „Satisfaction with Trainers, Trainings and Sports Facilities“). The results have shown that there are gender and age differences in inclusion in sports and that there is a positive correlation between some motivational factors for sports children and parents. Relationship with friends, the enjoyment of sports and the possibility that sport can make you famous proved to be a stronger motivational factor for boys than for girls. The influence of a friend is far more important in the older age group as a motivation for starting a sport


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    Uzimajući u obzir sjedilački način života koja je prisutna već i kod djece, postavlja se pitanje na koji način motivirati djecu za aktivnije uključivanje u sport. Kako bi se to moglo ostvariti na najbolji način, potrebno je ispitati trenutne razloge uključivanja u sport i djelovati u području koji se pokaže najboljim. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati odnos razloga bavljenja sportom djece i roditelja te sociodemografskih varijabli (spola, dobi). U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 54 sudionika, djece koja se bave nogometom (15 djevojčica, 39 dječaka), u dobi od 6 do 12 godina (M=9.2, SD=2). Uzorak je bio namjerni i prigodni, kreiran s obzirom na dostupnost sudionika. Korištena su četiri upitnika kreirana posebno za ovo istraživanje („Upitnik za djecu sportaše“, „Zašto se baviš sportom?“, „Ponašanje tvojih roditelja prema sportu“ i „Zadovoljstvo trenerom, treninzima i sportskim objektom“). Rezultati su pokazali da postoje spolne i dobne razlike u razlozima uključivanja u sport te da postoji pozitivna korelacija nekih motivacijskih faktora za bavljenje sportom djece i roditelja (zdravlje, druženje s prijateljima i želja roditelja/djeteta). Druženje s prijateljima, zadovoljstvo bavljenja sportom i mogućnost da ih sport učini slavnima se pokazalo kao jači motivacijski faktor kod dječaka nego kod djevojčica. Utjecaj prijatelja je daleko važniji u starijoj dobnoj skupini kao motivacija za početak bavljenja sportom.Taking into account the sedentary lifestyle present already in children, we have to ask a question what motivates children to be more actively involved in sport. In order to be able to achieve that at the best way, it is necessary to examine the current differences of inclusion and sports and act in the area that is shown the best. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between children and parents of sociodemographic variables (gender, age). There were 54 participants, children playing footbal (15 girls, 39 boys), 6 to 12 years of age (M = 9.2, SD = 2). The sample was intentional and commendable, created due to the attendance of the participants. Four questionnaires were created specifically for this research („Questionnaire for Children of Athletes“, „Why Do You Engage in Sport?“, „Your Parents Behaviour Toward Sports“ and „Satisfaction with Trainers, Trainings and Sports Facilities“). The results have shown that there are gender and age differences in inclusion in sports and that there is a positive correlation between some motivational factors for sports children and parents. Relationship with friends, the enjoyment of sports and the possibility that sport can make you famous proved to be a stronger motivational factor for boys than for girls. The influence of a friend is far more important in the older age group as a motivation for starting a sport

    Determination of copper and nickel by ion chromatography and voltammetry

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    Simultaneous determination of copper(II) and nickel(II) by ion chromatography (IC) has been optimized and the detection limits of the new method were compared to stripping voltammetry. The best eluent enabling fast end efficient separation of Cu(II) and Ni(II) is a mixture of 8 mM citric and 0.3 mM oxalic acid using a Metrosep C2 (Metrohm) IC column. The detection limits are significantly lower using stripping voltammetry, while IC is considerably faster.Physical chemistry 2008 : 9th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 24-28 September 200

    Influence of external magnetic field on the electrolytic hydrogen evolution on different cathode materials

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    The correlation between magnetic properties of cathodic materials on the evolution of hydrogen and the separation factor was found. The cathodes were pure Ni and cathodes with the electrocatalytic coatings of following compositions: Ni-Mo (70- 30%), Ni-V (70-30%), Co-Mo (70-30%) and Fe-Mo (60-40%), on Ni substrate. The electrolyte is standard electrolyte (30% KOH) and electrolyte activated with Co-complex [1].Physical chemistry 2008 : 9th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 24-28 September 200

    Selective Adsorption of Ionic Species Using Macroporous Monodispersed Polyethylene Glycol Diacrylate/Acrylic Acid Microgels with Tunable Negative Charge

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    In this work, the possibility of fabricating composite magneto-optical ceramics by electrophoretic deposition (EPD) of nanopowders and high-temperature vacuum sintering of the compacts was investigated. Holmium oxide was chosen as a magneto-optical material for the study because of its transparency in the mid-IR range. Nanopowders of magneto-optical (Ho0.95La0.05)2O3 (HoLa) material were made by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis. Nanopowders of (Y0.9La0.1)2O3 (YLa) were made by laser synthesis for an inactive matrix. The process of formation of one- and two-layer compacts by EPD of the nanopowders from alcohol suspensions was studied in detail. Acetylacetone was shown to be a good dispersant to obtain alcohol suspensions of the nanopowders, characterized by high zeta potential values (+29–+80 mV), and to carry out a stable EPD process. One-layer compacts were made from the HoLa and YLa nanopowders with a density of 30–43%. It was found out that the introduction of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) into the suspension leads to a decrease in the mass and thickness of the green bodies deposited, but does not significantly affect their density. The possibility of making two-layer (YLa/HoLa) compacts with a thickness of up to 2.6 mm and a density of up to 46% was demonstrated. Sintering such compacts in a vacuum at a temperature of 1750 °C for 10 h leads to the formation of ceramics with a homogeneous boundary between the YLa/HoLa layers and a thickness of the interdiffused ion layer of about 30 μm

    In Erwartung des SAPARD-Programms: EU-Normen versus einheimische Erwartungen

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    Poznavatelji sela i poljoprivrede vjeruju kako tranzicijsko razdoblje donosi pozitivne promjene u selo, pomažući njegovoj lakšoj integraciji u globalno društvo. Jedan od instrumenata integracije jest i pretpristupni program za poljoprivredu i ruralni razvitak – SAPARD. U istraživanju se usredotočujemo na obilježja susreta različitih organizacijskih kultura, s jedne strane "zapadne" europske, a s druge strane domaće "istočne" u procesu dočekivanja SAPARD-a. Istraživanje je provedeno na tri razine: od institucionalne do proizvođačke. U anketnom dijelu istraživanja sudjelovali su predstavnici državne i lokalne administracije te predstavnici poljoprivrednika zainteresirani za iskorištavanje sredstava SAPARD-a. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na to da će se u praksi, tijekom primjene SAPARD-a, pojavljivati jednaki problemi kao i u drugim zemljama koje su se njime koristile: u složenim administrativnim i organizacijskim procedurama, kriterijima za dodjelu sredstava, manjku raspoloživih nacionalnih sredstava. Dodatno će ovi problemi kod nas biti opterećeni vrlo kratkim rokom za provedbu, stoga se od SAPARD-a ne očekuje da bude program za razvoj poljoprivrede i ruralnoga prostora, nego program za uvježbavanje poslovne discipline i suradnje po uzoru na europske standarde. Istraživanje je pokazalo kako je zapadnjački utjecaj dobrodošao u preoblikovanju domaćih standarda, a nove norme poslovnoga ponašanja s vremenom će pridonijeti ostvarenju EU ciljeva približavanja i povezanosti.Experts in the field of agriculture and rural areas believe that the transitional period brings positive changes in rural areas, helping their easier integration into global society. One of the integration instruments is the pre-accession program for agriculture and rural development – SAPARD. This research is focused on characteristics of the encounter of different organizational cultures, the "Western" European on the one hand, and our "Eastern" on the other, in the process of expecting SAPARD. The research was conducted at three levels, from institutional to producers’: representatives from the state and local administration were interviewed, as well as the representatives of farmers interested in SAPARD. The research results point out that in practice, during the SAPARD implementation, the same problems will arise as in other countries that have used it: complex administrative and organizational procedures, financial criteria, insufficient national budget for co-financing. Moreover, these problems will in Croatia be burdened by a very short period for its utilization, so SAPARD is not expected to be the program for agricultural and rural development, but the program for building up business discipline and cooperation according to European standards. The research shows that the Western influence is very welcome in re-shaping Croatian standards, which in time will contribute to the realization of the EU objectives of convergence and cohesion.Nach Meinung von Landwirtschaftsexperten geht der Transitionsprozess [in den Ländern Mittel- und Osteuropas] einher mit positiven Veränderungen für die Dörfer und erleichtert ihre Integrierung in die globale Gesellschaft. Eines der Instrumente für diese Integrierung ist das SAPARDProgramm (Special Accesssion Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development) der EU, das die Beitrittsvorbereitungen der beitrittswilligen Länder unterstützen soll. Die vorliegende Untersuchung konzentriert sich auf unterschiedliche organisatorische Zugangsweisen, die in diesem Rahmen beim Aufeinandertreffen der „westlichen“ europäischen und der einheimischen „östlichen“ Kultur zum Tragen kommen. Die Untersuchung wurde auf drei Ebenen vorgenommen: von der institutionalen bis zur Ebene der landwirtschaftlichen Erzeuger. An der Umfrage nahmen Vertreter staatlicher und kommunaler Einrichtungen teil sowie Vertreter der Landwirte, die an einer Beteiligung am SAPARD-Programm interessiert sind. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass im Zuge der Umsetzung des Programms mit denselben Problemen zu rechnen ist wie auch in anderen Ländern, die am Programm teilgenommen haben: etwa bei komplexen bürokratischen und organisationsmäßigen Prozeduren, bei der Bestimmung der Kriterien für die Zuweisung finanzieller Mittel sowie infolge mangelnder staatseigener Hilfsgelder. In Kroatien sind zusätzliche Schwierigkeiten wegen der sehr kurz anberaumten Durchführungsfrist zu erwarten. Daher wird das SAPARD-Programm hierzulande nicht so sehr als landwirtschaftliches Hilfsprogramm verstanden, sondern als Training für staatliche und kommunale Einrichtungen, um sich in Arbeitsdisziplin zu üben und diese den europäischen Standards anzupassen. Die Untersuchung ergab, dass bei der Umgestaltung einheimischer Gepflogenheiten westliche Einflüsse willkommen sind, und neue professionelle Umgangsformen werden mit der Zeit zur Realisierung der in der EU angestrebten Annäherung und Verbundenheit der Mitgliedsstaaten beitragen