561 research outputs found

    Operationalising Intercultural Competence for Translation Pedagogy

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    This article discusses intercultural competence in the context of translator training. It looks at the way this competence is incorporated and defined in the overall translation competence models, moving on to introduce two models that focus on intercultural competence in particular and serve to operationalize the concept for pedagogical purposes. Making this competence more explicit in translator training is considered vital: in the light of results gained from a survey into the current pedagogical practice (PICT 2012), translator trainers’ and translation students’ understanding of the nature and extent of (inter)cultural training do not match. This calls for re-evaluation of teaching practice which, in turn, presupposes a detailed, comprehensive account of the various dimensions of intercultural competence a translator is to possess. This article discusses these dimensions and provides exemplary scenarios on how to address them in translator training

    Synthesis and Spectroscopic Characterization of 1,​8-​Naphthalimide Derived "Super" Photoacids

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    The ground- and excited-​state acid-​base properties of three novel naphthalimide-​based "super" photoacids were studied using steady-​state and time-​resolved spectroscopy. The compds. exhibit pKa = 8.8-​8.0 and pK*a = -​1.2 to -​1.9. The decrease in both ground- and excited-​state pKa is achieved by attachment of an electron withdrawing group (sulfonate) on the arom. system. All compds. are deprotonated upon excitation in alcs. and DMSO. Good correlation is established between the pK*a and the ratio of the neutral and anion emission intensities in a certain solvent. The excited-​state intermol. proton transfer to solvent (H2O and DMSO) is explained by a two-​step model. In the first step, short-​range proton transfer takes place, resulting in the formation of a contact ion pair. Free ion pairs are formed in the diffusion controlled second step

    Online condition monitoring of MV cable feeders using Rogowski coil sensors for PD measurements

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    Condition monitoring is a highly effective prognostic tool for incipient insulation degradation to avoid sudden failures of electrical components and to keep the power network in operation. Improved operational performance of the sensors and effective measurement techniques could enable the development of a robust monitoring system. This paper addresses two main aspects of condition monitoring: an enhanced design of an induction sensor that has the capability of measuring partial discharge (PD) signals emerging simultaneously from medium voltage cables and transformers, and an integrated monitoring system that enables the monitoring of a wider part of the cable feeder. Having described the conventional practices along with the authors' own experiences and research on non-intrusive solutions, this paper proposes an optimum design of a Rogowski coil that can measure the PD signals from medium voltage cables, its accessories, and the distribution transformers. The proposed PD monitoring scheme is implemented using the directional sensitivity capability of Rogowski coils and a suitable sensor installation scheme that leads to the development of an integrated monitoring model for the components of a MV cable feeder. Furthermore, the paper presents forethought regarding huge amount of PD data from various sensors using a simplified and practical approach. In the perspective of today's changing grid, the presented idea of integrated monitoring practices provide a concept towards automated condition monitoring.This work is done under the project Smart Condition Monitoring of Power Grid that is funded by the Academy of Finland (Grant No. 309412)

    Summer School Report: Jyväskylä Summer School Course on Ultrafast Spectroscopy

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    The 32nd edition of the Jyväskylä Summer School (JSS32) was in high demand for the ultrafast spectroscopy chapter. On August 7–11 2023 nearly 40 students gathered to Jyväskylä to tune in for the JSS32 course entitled UltrafastSpectroscopy: phenomena, experiments and data analysis methods. The course was coordinated by Senior Lecturer Tatu Kumpulainen and featured lectures each morning from two invited speakers, Prof. Eric Vauthey, University of Geneva, Switzerland, and Assoc. Prof. Jens Uhlig, Lund University, Sweden. In addition to the lectures, the course featured four workshops in the afternoons aimed at introducing the participants to the practical aspects of steady-state and time-resolved spectroscopies. Besides the scientific content, JSS32 offered several social events where participants could network with other participants of the whole summer school

    Capturing Emerging Realities in Citizen Engagement in Science in Social Media : A Social Media Analytics Protocol for the Allinteract Study

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    In the digital era, social media has become a space for the socialization and interaction of citizens, who are using social networks to express themselves and to discuss scientific advances with citizens from all over the world. Researchers are aware of this reality and are increasingly using social media as a source of data to explore citizens' voices. In this context, the methods followed by researchers are mainly based on the content analysis using manual, automated or combined tools. The aim of this article is to share a protocol for Social Media Analytics that includes a Communicative Content Analysis (CCA). This protocol has been designed for the Horizon 2020 project Allinteract, and it includes the social impact in social media methodology. The novel contribution of this protocol is the detailed elaboration of methods and procedures to capture emerging realities in citizen engagement in science in social media using a Communicative Content Analysis (CCA) based on the contributions of Communicative Methodology (CM).Peer reviewe

    “My Treasure Box” : Pedagogical documentation, digital portfolios and children’s agency in Finnish early years education

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    This chapter discusses the opportunities and challenges associated with the inclusive use of digital portfolios in pedagogical documentation in Finnish early childhood education (ECE), and examines children’s participation and agency in the process. The chapter draws upon empirical data from the research and development programme of three Finnish municipalities and their ECE centres. Altogether, the empirical data comprise the digital portfolios of 71 children from six ECE groups each comprising of children aged 3 to 5 years old. This writing demonstrates how the construction of digital portfolios in these ECE groups produced a dynamic tension between the adults’ and children’s agency; between digital archiving and narrative documentation of the children’s lived experiences; and between documentation and reflection. The results also indicate how digital portfolios created inequality among the children regarding the ways in which the children were seen and heard in their portfolios, and how they were able to participate and demonstrate agency in this process. The chapter concludes by considering the conditions of participatory work in ECE classrooms in which the child’s agency. matters.Peer reviewe

    ”Toki ikävät viestit menevät edelleen ihon alle, koska epäilen vielä usein itseäni opettajana”:vastavalmistuneiden luokanopettajien kertomuksia kodin kanssa tehtävässä yhteistyössä ilmenneistä haasteista ja niihin saadusta tuesta

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, millaisia haasteita vastavalmistuneet luokanopettajat ovat kohdanneet tehdessään yhteistyötä kotien kanssa. Tutkielmassa perehdytään myös siihen, millaista tukea vastavalmistuneet luokanopettajat ovat saaneet kohdatessaan haasteita kodin kanssa tehtävässä yhteistyössä. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan myös miltä eri tahoilta tukea on saatu. Tuen saaminen on tärkeää, jotta vastavalmistuneen opettajan siirtyminen työelämään sujuisi mahdollisimman joustavasti. Tutkielman teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä tarkastellaan opettajuutta vastavalmistuneen opettajan näkökulmasta. Tutkielmassa käsitellään työelämään siirtymistä, opettajan ammatillista kasvua sekä kollegiaalisen tuen merkitystä vastavalmistuneen opettajan kannalta. Kodin ja koulun välinen yhteistyö muodostaa toisen osan teoreettisesta viitekehyksestä. Tämän osalta tutkielmassa avataan kasvatusvastuuta ja kasvatuskumppanuutta, yhteistyön merkitystä lapsen kehitykselle, yhteistyön edellytyksiä ja haasteita sekä yhteistyötä vastavalmistuneen opettajan näkökulmasta. Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma on kvalitatiivinen tutkimus, jossa tarkastellaan aihetta narratiivisen metodologian avulla. Aineistona tutkielmassa on yhdeksän kirjoitelmaa, joita käsitellään narratiivien analyysin avulla ja pyritään ymmärtämään kertomusten välittämiä kokemuksia. Tutkielman tulosten perusteella vastavalmistuneet luokanopettajat ovat kohdanneet monia erilaisia haasteita kodin kanssa tehtävässä yhteistyössä. Haasteita on ilmennyt sekä jokapäiväisissä vuorovaikutustilanteissa että erityisemmissä tilanteissa. Vastavalmistuneiden luokanopettajien saama tuki kodin kanssa tehtävään yhteistyöhön on ollut hyvin vaihtelevaa, mutta tärkeää. Aineiston perusteella on nähtävissä selvästi ero käytännön tuen ja henkisen tuen välillä. Erityisesti henkisen tuen merkitys on tärkeä vastavalmistuneen luokanopettajan oman jaksamisen kannalta. Ajankohtaisena ja mielenkiintoisena tuen muotona kirjoitelmissa mainittiin myös sosiaalinen media