118 research outputs found

    The relevance of contact-independent cell-to-cell transfer of TDP-43 and SOD1 in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease involving the formation of cytoplasmic aggregates by proteins including TDP-43 and SOD1, in affected cells in the central nervous system (CNS). Pathology spreads from an initial site of onset to contiguous anatomical regions. There is evidence that for disease-associated proteins, including TDP-43 and SOD1, non-native protein conformers can promote misfolding of the natively folded counterparts, and cell-to-cell transfer of pathological aggregates may underlie the spread of the disease throughout the CNS. A variety of studies have demonstrated that SOD1 is released by neuron-like cells into the surrounding culture medium, either in their free state or encapsulated in extracellular vesicles such as exosomes. Extracellular SOD1 can then be internalised by naïve cells incubated in this conditioned medium, leading to the misfolding and aggregation of endogenous intracellular SOD1; an effect that propagates over serial passages. A similar phenomenon has also been observed with other proteins associated with protein misfolding and progressive neurological disorders, including tau, α-synuclein and both mammalian and yeast prions. Conditioned media experiments using TDP-43 have been less conclusive, with evidence for this protein undergoing intercellular transfer being less straightforward. In this review, we describe the properties of TDP-43 and SOD1 and look at the evidence for their respective abilities to participate in cell-to-cell transfer via conditioned medium, and discuss how variations in the nature of cell-to-cell transfer suggests that a number of different mechanisms are involved in the spreading of pathology in ALS.Wellcome Trust (094425/Z/10/Z) NHMRC (grants 1084144 and 1095215

    Solvent exposure of Tyr10 as a probe of structural differences between monomeric and aggregated forms of the amyloid-β peptide.

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    Aggregation of amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides is a characteristic pathological feature of Alzheimer's disease. We have exploited the relationship between solvent exposure and intrinsic fluorescence of a single tyrosine residue, Tyr10, in the Aβ sequence to probe structural features of the monomeric, oligomeric and fibrillar forms of the 42-residue Aβ1-42. By monitoring the quenching of Tyr10 fluorescence upon addition of water-soluble acrylamide, we show that in Aβ1-42 oligomers this residue is solvent-exposed to a similar extent to that found in the unfolded monomer. By contrast, Tyr10 is significantly shielded from acrylamide quenching in Aβ1-42 fibrils, consistent with its proximity to the fibrillar cross-β core. Furthermore, circular dichroism measurements reveal that Aβ1-42 oligomers have a considerably lower β-sheet content than the Aβ1-42 fibrils, indicative of a less ordered molecular arrangement in the former. Taken together these findings suggest significant differences in the structural assembly of oligomers and fibrils that are consistent with differences in their biological effects.This work was funded by grants to E.K.E from the Wenner-Gren Foundations, the Hasselblad Foundation, and the Swedish Innovation Agency (Vinnova) and to C.M.D from the Wellcome Trust. The TEM imaging was carried out in the Multi-Imaging Unit in the Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, University of Cambridge, UK and quantitative amino acid analysis was carried out at the Protein and Nucleic Acid Chemistry Facility, Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, UK.This is the final version of the article. It was first available from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bbrc.2015.11.01

    Serum amyloid P component promotes formation of distinct aggregated lysozyme morphologies and reduces toxicity in Drosophila flies expressing F57I lysozyme.

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    Many conflicting reports about the involvement of serum amyloid P component (SAP) in amyloid diseases have been presented over the years; SAP is known to be a universal component of amyloid aggregates but it has been suggested that it can both induce and suppress amyloid formation. By using our Drosophila model of systemic lysozyme amyloidosis, SAP has previously been shown to reduce the toxicity induced by the expression of the disease-associated lysozyme variant, F57I, in the Drosophila central nervous system. This study further investigates the involvement of SAP in modulating lysozyme toxicity using histochemistry and spectral analyses on the double transgenic WT and F57I lysozyme flies to probe; i) formation of aggregates, ii) morphological differences of the aggregated lysozyme species formed in the presence or absence of SAP, iii) location of lysozyme and iv) co-localisation of lysozyme and SAP in the fly brain. We found that SAP can counteract the toxicity (measured by the reduction in the median survival time) induced by F57I lysozyme by converting toxic F57I species into less toxic amyloid-like structures, as reflected by the spectral changes that p-FTAA undergoes when bound to lysozyme deposits in F57I-F57I-SAP flies as compared to F57I-F57I flies. Indeed, when SAP was introduced to in vitro lysozyme fibril formation, the endpoint fibrils had enhanced ThT fluorescence intensity as compared to lysozyme fibrils alone. This suggests that a general mechanism for SAP's role in amyloid diseases may be to promote the formation of stable, amyloid-like fibrils, thus decreasing the impact of toxic species formed along the aggregation pathway

    Exogenous misfolded protein oligomers can cross the intestinal barrier and cause a disease phenotype in C. elegans.

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    Misfolded protein oligomers are increasingly recognized as highly cytotoxic agents in a wide range of human disorders associated with protein aggregation. In this study, we assessed the possible uptake and resulting toxic effects of model protein oligomers administered to C. elegans through the culture medium. We used an automated machine-vision, high-throughput screening procedure to monitor the phenotypic changes in the worms, in combination with confocal microscopy to monitor the diffusion of the oligomers, and oxidative stress assays to detect their toxic effects. Our results suggest that the oligomers can diffuse from the intestinal lumen to other tissues, resulting in a disease phenotype. We also observed that pre-incubation of the oligomers with a molecular chaperone (αB-crystallin) or a small molecule inhibitor of protein aggregation (squalamine), reduced the oligomer absorption. These results indicate that exogenous misfolded protein oligomers can be taken up by the worms from their environment and spread across tissues, giving rise to pathological effects in regions distant from their place of absorbance

    Protease-activated alpha-2-macroglobulin can inhibit amyloid formation via two distinct mechanisms.

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    α(2)-Macroglobulin (α(2)M) is an extracellular chaperone that inhibits amorphous and fibrillar protein aggregation. The reaction of α(2)M with proteases results in an 'activated' conformation, where the proteases become covalently-linked within the interior of a cage-like structure formed by α(2)M. This study investigates, the effect of activation on the ability of α(2)M to inhibit amyloid formation by Aβ(1-42) and I59T human lysozyme and shows that protease-activated α(2)M can act via two distinct mechanisms: (i) by trapping proteases that remain able to degrade polypeptide chains and (ii) by a chaperone action that prevents misfolded clients from continuing along the amyloid forming pathway

    Structural Characterization of Covalently Stabilized Human Cystatin C Oligomers

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    Human cystatin C (HCC), a cysteine-protease inhibitor, exists as a folded monomer under physiological conditions but has the ability to self-assemble via domain swapping into multimeric states, including oligomers with a doughnut-like structure. The structure of the monomeric HCC has been solved by X-ray crystallography, and a covalently linked version of HCC (stab-1 HCC) is able to form stable oligomeric species containing 10−12 monomeric subunits. We have performed molecular modeling, and in conjunction with experimental parameters obtained from atomic force microscopy (AFM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements, we observe that the structures are essentially flat, with a height of about 2 nm, and the distance between the outer edge of the ring and the edge of the central cavity is ~5.1 nm. These dimensions correspond to the height and diameter of one stab-1 HCC subunit and we present a dodecamer model for stabilized cystatin C oligomers using molecular dynamics simulations and experimentally measured parameters. Given that oligomeric species in protein aggregation reactions are often transient and very highly heterogeneous, the structural information presented here on these isolated stab-1 HCC oligomers may be useful to further explore the physiological relevance of different structural species of cystatin C in relation to protein misfolding disease

    Mapping pathogenic processes contributing to neurodegeneration in Drosophila models of Alzheimer's disease.

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia, affecting millions of people and currently lacking available disease-modifying treatments. Appropriate disease models are necessary to investigate disease mechanisms and potential treatments. Drosophila melanogaster models of AD include the Aβ fly model and the AβPP-BACE1 fly model. In the Aβ fly model, the Aβ peptide is fused to a secretion sequence and directly overexpressed. In the AβPP-BACE1 model, human AβPP and human BACE1 are expressed in the fly, resulting in in vivo production of Aβ peptides and other AβPP cleavage products. Although these two models have been used for almost two decades, the underlying mechanisms resulting in neurodegeneration are not yet clearly understood. In this study, we have characterized toxic mechanisms in these two AD fly models. We detected neuronal cell death and increased protein carbonylation (indicative of oxidative stress) in both AD fly models. In the Aβ fly model, this correlates with high Aβ1-42 levels and down-regulation of the levels of mRNA encoding lysosomal-associated membrane protein 1, lamp1 (a lysosomal marker), while in the AβPP-BACE1 fly model, neuronal cell death correlates with low Aβ1-42 levels, up-regulation of lamp1 mRNA levels and increased levels of C-terminal fragments. In addition, a significant amount of AβPP/Aβ antibody (4G8)-positive species, located close to the endosomal marker rab5, was detected in the AβPP-BACE1 model. Taken together, this study highlights the similarities and differences in the toxic mechanisms which result in neuronal death in two different AD fly models. Such information is important to consider when utilizing these models to study AD pathogenesis or screening for potential treatments

    Analysis of the native structure, stability and aggregation of biotinylated human lysozyme.

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    Fibril formation by mutational variants of human lysozyme is associated with a fatal form of hereditary non-neuropathic systemic amyloidosis. Defining the mechanistic details of lysozyme aggregation is of crucial importance for understanding the origin and progression of this disease and related misfolding conditions. In this study, we show that a biotin moiety can be introduced site-specifically at Lys33 of human lysozyme. We demonstrate, using biophysical techniques, that the structure and stability of the native-state of the protein are not detectably altered by this modification, and that the ability to form amyloid fibrils is unchanged. By taking advantage of biotin-avidin interactions, we show that super-resolution fluorescence microscopy can generate detailed images of the mature fibrils. This methodology can readily enable the introduction of additional probes into the protein, thereby providing the means through which to understand, in detail, the nature of the aggregation process of lysozyme and its variants under a variety of conditions

    Structure and dynamics of the integrin LFA-1 I-domain in the inactive state underlie its inside-out/outside-in signaling and allosteric mechanisms.

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    Lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1 (LFA-1) is an integrin that transmits information in two directions across the plasma membrane of leukocytes, in so-called outside-in and inside-out signaling mechanisms. To investigate the structural basis of these mechanisms, we studied the conformational space of the apo I-domain using replica-averaged metadynamics simulations in combination with nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shifts. We thus obtained a free energy landscape that reveals the existence of three conformational substates of this domain. The three substates include conformations similar to existing crystallographic structures of the low-affinity I-domain, the inactive I-domain with an allosteric antagonist inhibitor bound underneath α helix 7, and an intermediate affinity state of the I-domain. The multiple substates were validated with residual dipolar coupling measurements. These results suggest that the presence of three substates in the apo I-domain enables the precise regulation of the binding process that is essential for the physiological function of LFA-1.This study was supported by the Wellcome Trust and the BBSRC.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Cell Press via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.str.2014.12.02
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