20 research outputs found

    Acute Borehole Poisoning in Livestock in Kargi, Marsabit, Kenya: A Case Report

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    In January in the year 2000, sudden deaths of an estimated 7,000 heads of livestock occurred following drinking of water from a Government managed borehole in Kargi settlement, Marsabit District. The incidence was investigated by, amongst others, a veterinary toxicologist. Informal interviews from a cross-section of community leaders and affected pastoralists were conducted, samples of water from the borehole was collected for toxicological analyses, clinical examinations of surviving animals and autopsies of dead ones were carried out. Key clinical observations included acute muscular weakness, ataxia, brown mucous membranes and abortions. Major autopsy observations were methamoglobinaemia, gastrointestinal corrosion, cooked appearance of internal organ, swelling, and rapid decomposition of carcasses. Chemical analyses showed that both nitrates were five to ten times higher than WHO recommended levels in drinking water, while the levels of other normally toxic chemicals like arsenic, selenium, lead and fluoride were within acceptable ranges. The clinical picture, autopsy and chemical analyses led to a high probability of nitrate poisoning. Keywords: Borehole, water poisoning, livestock, Kargi, Marsabit, Nitrite, Nitrate.

    Role of Panchakarma intervention in Amlapitta (Gastritis): A Critical Review

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    Amlapiita is a very common disease of present era and a disease of Annavaha Strotas, and is commonly observed in these days of modernization and industrialization. 30% of the general population is suffering from gastro-oesophageal reflux and gastritis resulting in heartburn. It is very troublesome disease and can give rise to many serious problems if not treated in time. Signs and symptoms of Amlapiita are very similar to gastritis or hyperacidity. According to conventional medical science the most common causes of gastritis are H. pylori infections and prolonged use of NonSteroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS). Gastritis is believed to affect about half of people worldwide. In 2015 there were approximately 90 million new cases of this condition. As people get older the disease becomes more common. It, along with a similar condition in the first part of the intestines known as duodenitis, resulted in 50,000 deaths in 2017. The five procedure of Panchakarma done through several procedures purify the body system by removing morbid Doshas from the body. These purification methods are essential components of the curative management of these diseases that are not controlled by palliative management

    Soil Transmitted Helminthes Prevalence among Pre-School Age Children in Elburgon Municipality, Kenya

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    The prevalence of soil transmitted helminthes infection in pre-school age children was assessed in Elburgon Municipality, Kenya using Kato Katz as the standard parasitological survey diagnostic technique. Children between 6 months and 5 years were examined for STH infections. Out of 179 children examined, 154 (86%) were positive for the STH studied with Trichuris trichura accounting for the highest infection with 91 (50.84%), Ascaris, lumbricoides 45 (25.14%), and hookworm 18 (10.06%). Multiparasitism was evident with an overall 48 (28%) infection with a combination of two or three of the STH species studied. The high STH prevalence reported in this study was a result of unhygiene living environment with conditions that facilitate STH infections and transmission. T. Trichura had the highest prevalence because this is an urban STH species as compared to A. lumbricoides and hookworm. STH in pre-school age children is a virgin field in helminthes control. Mass deworming programs and parental education are required for effective STH control in this age group population that other is most vulnerable to helminthes infection. Keywords: soil transmitted helminthes, pre-school age children, prevalence, kato kat

    Impact of Socio-Economic Factors on Sth Infection amongst Psac in Elburgon Municipality, Kenya

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    Socio-economic factors have been associated with high prevalence of soil transmitted helminthes infection in endemic areas. STH studies have been extensively conducted among school age children but non-school going children mostly those below five years and who actively play with soil are not common. In this study, 120 households in Elburgon Municipality were accessed using a structured question to determine the impact of these socio-economic factors on STH infection among pre-school age children. Kato Katz technique was used to determine the evidence of helminthes infection in 179 children who provided stool sample. The result from this study revealed that there was a general high prevalence 154 (86%) of STH infection with any of Trichuris trichura, Ascaris lumbricoides and hookworm or a combination of any two. The overall mother’s and father’s educational level and father’s occupation showed significant difference (p<0.05) in PSAC STH infection. Mother’s occupation and head of family revealed no significant difference (p>0.05) in this children age group infection. In Elburgon Municipality, households are crowded in living conditions that can be termed as semi urban slums and children often play together in common play grounds. Regardless of both parent’s educational level and occupation STH infection in young children remained high because of common hygienically compromised environments. This study suggest that it might be difficult to improve the socio-economic status of populations living in semi-urban slum like households but frequent health education programs for both parents about these intestinal worms can be effective tool that will help in control STH infections in PSAC. Keyword: Socio-economic, Soil Transmitted Helminthes, Pre-School Age, Kato Kat

    Greater Orthostatic Tolerance in Young Black Compared With White Women

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    Kepemimpinan Pemberdayaan dalam Memfasilitasi Peningkatan Kreativitas Karyawan di Era 4.0: Peran Efikasi Diri Kreatif dan Religiosity

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    This study aims to analyze and test the factors that increase employee creativity. This study examines moderating religiosity on the relationship between leadership, empowerment and employee level mediated by creative self-efficacy among employees in Jakarta. The research population was taken from the academic community of the National University, including employees, working students and alumni who have worked. The data was collected using a survey method by distributing questionnaires. The sample measurement was based on consideration of the good social research sample size according to the experts and was determined at 150. The sampling technique used was convenient sampling. The analytical method used in this research is testing moderation mediation with Macro Process 3.15V with model 15. The results show that leadership empowerment increases employee creativity both directly and indirectly. The indirect effect of empowerment leadership on employee creativity is through an increase in employee creative self-efficacy. The results also show additional insight that the level of employee religiosity moderates the influence of empowerment leadership on creativity in a negative direction. But the level of religiosity does not moderate the effect of employee creative self-efficacy on employee creativity. Practical implications are presented in this study