185 research outputs found

    Computational Intelligence with Automata Theory

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    In this paper I have discussed about a various techniques i.e. Neural Network, Fuzzy Logic, and Genetic algorithm and a few concepts of automata theory. Every application that deals with fuzzy logic also deals with Neural Networks and Genetic algorithm. But how the application will work depends totally on Computational Intelligence. So here I discussed Computational Intelligence with Automata Theory concepts for designing any application

    Evaluation of perinatal factors in neonatal sepsis at tertiary centre

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    Background: Neonatal mortality in India continues to remain a major health problem. Neonatal infections are one of the major contributor to neonatal mortality causing approximately one-quarter of the deaths. The signs of neonatal sepsis may be non-specific and easily missed, especially in the early stages. A high index of suspicion and identification of both maternal and neonatal risk factors is an important for early identification and prompt treatment.Methods: This is prospective study done at Patna medical college and hospital Patna from February 2014 to January 2015 in department of paediatrics. All inborn and out born neonates who had clinical signs of sepsis were included in the study.Results: During the 1-year study period, there were a total of 910 admissions in the NICU, out of which 175 were admitted due to neonatal septicaemia. Incidence of neonatal septicaemia was approximately 20%. Mean age at presentation was 4.8±6.38). Low birth weight (60%), preter delivery (60.57%), male gender (66.85%) and low APGAR score at1 minute were common foetal risk factor and prolonged labour (41.14%) and multiple vaginal examination (36.57%), PROM in 28%, MSL (25.71%) were common maternal risk factors. Present study documented a culture positivity rate of 42.28%. E. coli (37.83%) was the most common isolated organism in early as well as LOS. Staphylococcus aureus (20.27%) was the most common isolated Gram-positive bacterium. Mortality rate was 45.14%. Mortality was more in preterm babies (57.54%) which was statically significant p value <0.001.Conclusions: Neonatal septicemia is common and serious condition with high mortality rate. Since the condition starts with vague clinical signs, one has to keep very high index of suspicion to diagnose neonatal sepsis. Diagnosis and treatment at the early stage is very important for favorable outcome. Proper antenatal care, and institutional delivery may decrease neonatal sepsis


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    Objective: The relative risk of coronary heart disease in diabetic patients is more than in non-diabetic population. The present study was undertaken to explore the cardioprotective effect of Naringin on ischemia-reperfusion injury in the diabetic model of rat. Methods: Adult Wistar rats (either sex) divided into six groups. Diabetes was induced by 5 weeks combine exposure to a high-fat diet with a low dose of streptozotocin (30 mg/kg i.p.), administered on the 1st day of starting of the 5th week. Naringin treatment 25 mg/kg and 50 mg/kg was given simultaneously for 5 weeks. On the 36th day, the study animals were subjected to induction myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury induced by the ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery ligation in anesthetizing rat. Serum glucose level and cholesterol level measured before performing of ischemic reperfusion. After reperfusion injury, the animals were sacrificed and estimate change in the heart in the course of biochemical alterations, in creatine kinase-muscle/ brain (CK-MB) and lactate dehydrogenase, lipid peroxidation (LPO), glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and infarct size in the heart. Results and Conclusion: Naringin treatment significantly reduced the body weight, blood glucose, cholesterol, cardiac injury biomarkers, and LPO level and increased in antioxidant (GSH and SOD) level and also significantly increased in mean arterial pressure heart rate, reduced the myocardial infarction size. The present study concludes that Naringin 50 mg/kg being more prominent action to reduce the cardiotoxicity risk in ischemia-reperfusion injury state and increases myocardial susceptibility through having more prominent antioxidant potential properties

    Response of drip irrigated Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) in different irrigation levels and frequencies at field level

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    Geometric increase in population coupled with rapid urbanization, industrialization and agricultural development are causing increased pressure on global water resources. Agriculture is the largest consumer of fresh water resources, thus the scope of enhancing water productivity in agriculture is taken to be the priority area of research. The right amount and frequency of irrigation is essential for optimum use of limited water resources for crop production as well as management. A field experiment with split plot design was carried out during November to February 2015-16 at PFDC (Precision Farming Development Centre), Water Technology Centre, IARI, New Delhi to study the effect of different irrigation levels and frequencies on Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) under drip irrigation. The experiment included three levels of irrigation frequencies: N1 (once every day), N2 (once every 2 days) and N3 (once every 3 days) with different irrigation levels of 100, 80 and 60 % of crop evapotranspiration (ETc). Results revealed that drip irrigation frequency significantly (p&lt;0.05) affected the broccoli yield. The maximum yield (24.46±0.18 t/ha) was obtained with 80% of ETc with once in 2 days irrigation followed by 100% of ETc with once in 2 days. Lowest yield (16.53±0.1 t/ha) was obtained at 60% of ETc at once in 3 days irrigation. Overall, it was observed that irrigation on 80% of ETc with once in two days is an appropriate cycle for optimum yield of broccoli

    Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy: a clinical study in a rural tertiary care centre of western Uttar Pradesh, India

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    Background: The aim of study was to find out the frequency and clinical outcome in hypertensive disorder of pregnancy (HDP) in a rural tertiary care centre. Hypertensive disorder of pregnancy is a commonest medical disorder which constitutes about 12-22% of all pregnancies and it is a major cause of maternal morbidity as well as mortality world wide.Methods: It is a retrospective hospital-based study to find out the clinical outcome in different hypertensive disorder of pregnancy in a rural tertiary care centre of western Uttar Pradesh.Results: Present study showed the prevalence of HDP was 4.01% among the study population. Most of the patients were primipara ,unbooked and less than 25 years of age. The most common HDP was mild preeclampsia  and HELLP was its commonest  complication.Conclusions: Hypertensive disorder of pregnancy (HDP) is still a major cause of maternal mortality and morbidity. Authors intend to aware the pregnant women regarding high risk factors of pregnancy and motivate them for regular antenatal care so that  complications of  hypertensive disorders can be  managed timely

    Population Dynamics of Helminth Parasites in Fresh Water Fishes Channa punctatus and Heteropneustes fossilis in Moradabad, U.P., India

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    In the present report two types of fish Channa punctatus (Bloch) and Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch) were examined to explore the status of helminthic infection in fishes from various water bodies of Moradabad district. The Acanthocephalans, Nematodes and Trematode parasites were detected from gastrointestinal tract and body cavity of host during the study period from January 2017 to March 2017. Intestine was found to be highly infected site in the host fish Channa punctatus while in Heteropneustes fossilis, trematodes were localized in skin muscles only and the highest prevalence (70%) of all the parasites was observed in the month of February 2017, however highest abundance (0.89), highest intensity (1.34) and highest index of infection (0.61) was recorded in the month of March 2017 along with the highest loss in body weight (0.153kg.) along with highest mortality

    Development of fragrant microcapsules for woven cotton fabric

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    A consumer-oriented twenty first century challenges garment and fabric producers to come up with innovations which result from the technological advancements to not only help in strengthening the existing product line but also to diversify and flourish in new areas. Many fragrant fabrics have been developed nowadays due to the reason of enjoying a healthy life style, and these novel products often possess additional functionalities which are good for human health. Not only does plant essential oil give off a pleasant smell but also the functions of antiseptic, antiphlogistic and emotional calming. In the present study, microencapsulation of geranium oil was carried out on cotton woven fabric. Geranium oil was selected as the core material and gum acacia as wall material for encapsulation using complex coacervation technique and ratio of 1:4:4 of oil, gum and gelatin, at a temperature of 50°C with initial and final pH 4.5 and 9.0 respectively was optimized for microencapsulation process. Microencapsulation helped in controlling the release rate of aroma and imparted durable fragrance finish on textile

    Structural and electrical studies on Bi<SUB>2</SUB>VO<SUB>5.5</SUB>/Bi<SUB>4</SUB>Ti<SUB>3</SUB>O<SUB>12</SUB> multilayer thin films

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    The textured multilayer (ML) thin films of bismuth layered ferroelectric (FE) compounds, Bi2VO5.5 (BVO) and Bi4Ti3O12 (BTO) with different individual layer thicknesses were fabricated via pulsed laser deposition technique on Pt(111)/TiO2/SiO2/Si substrates. X-ray diffraction studies confirmed that BVO and BTO retained their respective crystal structures in these multilayer (ML) thin films. The atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy studies showed smooth and dense microstructures. The polarization hysteresis (P-E) studies on a representative (BVBT30) ML thin film at 300 K confirmed the remnant polarization (2P r ) and coercive field (E c ) to be ~20 &#181; C/cm2 and 250 kV/cm, respectively. The value of P r obtained was greater than that of the single layer thin film of BVO (P r ~5.6 &#181; C/cm2). The room temperature dielectric constant (&#949; r') and the loss (D) for BVBT30 ML measured at 100 kHz were 170 and 0.01, respectively. The frequency and temperature dependent dielectric constant, impedance, modulus and ac conductivity of these ML thin films were studied as a function of frequency (100 Hz-1 MHz) in the 25-300 &#176; C temperature range. Two distinct electrical responses were observed in these films, which were attributed to the grain effects at low temperatures and grain boundary effects at higher temperatures. The frequency dependent electrical conductivity was fitted well with the double power law which evidenced two different types of contributions to the conductivity; the low frequency conductivity being due to the short range translational hopping and the high frequency conductivity was due to the localized or reorientational hopping

    Prevalence and Factors Associated with Depression in School-Going Adolescents of India

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    Background: Various studies on the prevalence and the factors associated with depression among the adolescents have indicated that the individuals known to suffer from depression in any form have increased suicidal tendencies and are also associated with poor academic performance. In this article, a review of literature has been done to provide evidence regarding the magnitude and factors of depression among school-going adolescents.Methods: The review of literature was done using various sites online such as PubMed and Google Scholar, and various papers from different journals have been searched to find the relevant articles that provide information on magnitude of depression and its associated factors. Various scales such as Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) and Beck’s Depression Inventory-21 (BDI-21) were used to measure depression and identify its contributing factors including the socio-demographic factors.Results: Depression has been found to range between 18 and 50% among various study populations. The prevalence was high among those study groups who were having both parents working, poor relationship with family members and poor academic performance.Conclusion: A large proportion of the adolescent population who suffers from depression goes unrecognized either due to poor understanding of the various factors associated with it or due to less efficient screening and treatment opportunities. Therefore, a clear understanding of the various factors is must to identify depression in its earlier course and suitable treatment options to be provided along with the follow-up care

    Ragi Traditional But Nutritional Especially in the Era of COVID-19

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    Finger millet is the name commonly used to denote the crop Eleusine coracana. It is known as Ragi in many parts of India, which is an important member of the family of cereals. In fact, it is superior to many cereals like wheat and rice in terms of its micronutrient content and bioavailability. Several indigenous processing techniques may be applied to finger millets allowing it to be processed into various value-added products, which may be better in appearance, taste, flavor and acceptability. Development of value-added products that contain Ragi as one of their major components can be beneficial for food and nutrition security of Indians. Ragi may contribute to solving the issue of micronutrient deficiency and nutrition security as it is an important source of micronutrients and can be easily incorporated in various recipes and value-added products. It can therefore be a part of various nutritional programs to enhance the nutritional density of foods