787 research outputs found

    Analogue of Gidas-Ni-Nirenberg result in hyperbolic space and sphere

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    Let uϵC2(Ω)u\epsilon C^{2}\left(\overline{\Omega}\right)be a positive solution of the differential equation Δu+f(u)=0\Delta u+f\left(u\right)=0 in Ω\Omega with boundary condition u=0 on Ω\partial\Omega where f is a C1^{1} function and Ω\Omega is a geodesic ball in the hyperbolic space Hn\mathbf{H}^{\mathbf{n}} (respectivelysphereSn)\left(\textrm{respectively}\:\textrm{sphere}\:\mathbf{S^{\mathbf{n}}}\right). Further in case of sphere we assume that Ω\overline{\Omega} is contained in a hemisphere. Then we prove that u is radially symmetric

    High Speed Unified Field Crypto processor for Security Applications using Verilog

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    Traditional cryptographic algorithms are developed on a software platform and provides information security schemes. Also, some processors have performed one of the crypto algorithms (either prime field or binary extension field) on chip level with optimal performance. The objective is to design and implement both symmetric key and public key algorithms of a cryptographic on chip level and make better architecture with pleasing performance. Crypto-processor design, have been designed with unified field instructions to make different processor architecture and improve system performance. The proposed high speed Montgomery modular multiplication and high radix Montgomery multiplication algorithms for pairing computation supports the public key algorithm. This design has been developed using Verilog HDL’s and verified using ModelSim-Altera 6.4a, and it has synthesized with Xilinx 9.1 Integrated Synthesis Environment (ISE) tool

    Modeling Long Term Impacts of Freeway Traffic Incidents on Travel Time Reliability

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    The objective of this study is to calibrate models of relationships between Travel Time Reliability measures and incident and traffic characteristics for a given highway segment

    Total organic carbon profile in water and sediment in coral reef ecosystem of Agatti Island, Lakshadweep Sea

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    936-942Total organic carbon profile in sea water (depth-wise) and sediment has been investigated on seasonal basis in the coral reef ecosystem of Agatti island, Lakshadweep sea. The TOC values of sea water and sediment were converted into percentage to understand its level of distribution. The level of TOC in the surface sea water ranged from 0.40 to 1.02 ppm and the level of TOC at the ~5 m depth ranged from 0.18 to 1.86 ppm. The pH did not show any variation depth-wise (7.65 to 8.49). Sedimentary organic carbon (SOC) was found in the range of 0.21 to 2.35 mg C/g. Significant seasonal variation was not found for water TOC and SOC levels. The pH for sediment was recorded from 7.79 to 8.62. Water pH showed significant positive correlation with sediment pH (R2=0.959). The sand fraction was found more in the texture followed by silt and clay. Clay was found to have positive correlation with SOC (P >0.01). The TOC profile in the Lakshadweep sea was found in the order: Surface water TOC < water TOC at ~5 m depth < SOC. The percentage composition of SOC showed more than 1000 times as compared to water TOC. However, the levels recorded in this study are found within the limit prescribed by EPA and its influence on coral reef ecosystem is discussed

    Study of Lipid Profile Changes in Cirrhosis of Liver

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    BACKGROUND: Cirrhosis is often associated with impaired lipid metabolism. However, there are only a few studies regarding lipid profile in cirrhosis that have been undertaken in India. The aim of the study is to assess the degree of alteration of serum lipid profile in cirrhotic patients and also to detect its relationship with the complication of cirrhosis and assess the severity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This prospective study was conducted in 50 cirrhosis patients admitted in Thanjavur Medical Hospital. A questionnaire of personal characteristics including history of alcoholism, detailed present and past history was elicited for each patient. Serum lipid profile (total, low density lipoprotein (LDL), high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and triglyceride) was recorded. Lipid levels in our study was correlated with the complications of cirrhosis. Statistical analysis was done using T –test. RESULTS: Majority of the cases were in the 41-50 years age group. In patients with cirrhosis, the total serum cholesterol level was decreased. There was a significant decrease in serum HDL and LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels . This low lipid level was scompared with various complications of cirrhosis and the data was statistically analysed and it shows no correlation between complications and low lipid levels. CONCLUSION: In this study, we found that there was marked reduction of serum lipid profile values in patients with cirrhosis. Therefore, a search for lipid profile abnormality should be performed in every cirrhotic patient. There was no significant correlation between the serum lipid values and the incidence of complications of cirrhosis

    Field programmable Gate Array based Real Time Object Tracking using Partial Least Square Analysis

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    In this paper, we proposed an object tracking algorithm in real time implementation of moving object tracking system using Field programmable gate array (FPGA). Object tracking is considered as a binary classification problem and one of the approaches to this problem is that to extract appropriate features from the appearance of the object based on partial least square (PLS) analysis method, which is a low dimension reduction technique in the subspace. In this method, the adaptive appearance model integrated with PLS analysis is used for continuous update of the appearance change of the target over time. For robust and efficient tracking, particle filtering is used in between every two consecutive frames of the video. This has implemented using Cadence and Virtuoso software integrated environment with MATLAB. The experimental results are performed on challenging video sequences to show the performance of the proposed tracking algorithm using FPGA in real time

    Usefulness of preoperative high resolution computed tomography in middle ear cholesteatoma.

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    Cholesteatoma is traditionally diagnosed by otoscopic examination and treated by explorative surgery. The need for imaging in an uncomplicated case is contentious. This study assesses the usefulness of a pre-operative high-resolution CT scan in depicting the status of the middle ear structures in the presence of cholesteatoma. Cholesteatoma is a sac of keratinising squamous epithelium in the middle ear cleft. The lesion is classically recognised by the presence of attic squames on otoscopic examination. The presence of cholesteatoma must also be suspected beneath polyps protruding from the pars flaccida or when there is a marginal tympanic membrane perforation or granulation. Cholesteatoma is a potentially serious condition as it can progressively enlarge and erode into neighbouring structures, giving rise to serious intracranial and extracranial complications. The patient is benefited as he has pre surgical assessment rather wait for results of surgical exploration. Forewarned about complications. The patient has a pictorial depiction of his disease and understands the need for surgical intervention and difficulty in hearing preservation. The surgeon is armed with a visual aid to preoperative counseling ,spatial orientation of disease extent and identifies problem areas prior to surgery


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    Aim: To compare the relationship between Foot Type, Postural sway and Balance among the community dwelling older adult.Objective:  1. To find the correlation between foot type on static and dynamic balance among community dwelling older adults2.To find the correlation between postural sway and foot type among community dwelling older adults.Methodology: 20 community dwelling older adults were included for the study based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The subjects foot type was assessed using the navicular drop test. The subjects were classified into 3 different foot types: as pronated, neutral and supinated. After classifying the subject according to the foot type, they were measured for static and dynamic balance using Berg Balance Scale(BBS). For the same subjects, postural sway was assessed with Lord's Sway meter under 4 situations: 1. Standing on stable surface(floor) open eyes and 2. Standing on stable surface(floor) closed eyes, 3. Standing on unstable surface(foam) with eyes open and 4. Standing on unstable surface(foam) with eyes closed. The sway of older adult was recorded and analysedResult: There was strong correlation between pronated and anteroposterior sway in EO on unstable surface and between neutral and anteroposterior sway in EC standing on stable surface. There was moderate correlation between berg balance scale score and neutral foot type. Pronated and anteroposterior sway in EO standing on stable surface also showed moderate correlation.Conclusion: The results showed strong to moderate correlation between foot type, postural sway and balance, from this study it is clear that foot position affects the balance among older adults.  Â

    Development and validation of integrated pest management modules against spotted pod borer Maruca vitrata Fabricius on garden bean Lablab purpureus var. typicus (L.)

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    To reduce the detrimental effect of insecticides, an effective Integrated Pest Management (IPM) module is necessary for the eco-friendly management of Maruca vitrata in garden bean ecosystem. Two field trials were carried out to evaluate the efficacy of different insecticides and botanicals against M. vitrata on Lablab purpureus var. typicus. Two seasons field evaluation of insecticides revealed that chlorantraniliprole 18.5 SC  was the most effective treatment to control the pest recorded 0.11 and 0.36 larva/plant in two seasons, respectively after two rounds of spray followed by flubendiamide 20 WG (0.46 and 0.92 larva/ plant) and emamectin benzoate 5 SG (0.50 and 0.95 larva/plant). Among botanicals tested, commercial neem formulation and 5% Ageratina adenophora recorded the least larval count of 1.64 &amp; 1.05 larva/plant and 2.24 &amp; 1.45 larva/plant in two seasons, respectively. IPM modules were developed with three effective insecticides (chlorantraniliprole 18.5 SC, flubendiamide 20 WG and emamectin benzoate 5 SG), two effective botanicals (commercial neem formulation 1500 ppm and 5% A. adenophora) along with the pheromone trap for validation. All the IPM modules were equally effective in managing M. vitrata population on L. purpureus and recorded a significantly (at 5 %) lower larval population than the farmer’s practice. The residues of chlorantraniliprole, flubendiamide and emamectin benzoate reached below the detectable level at the time of harvest. The population reduction of predatory coccinellids and spiders was also lower in IPM modules than in farmer’s practice. An increased benefit cost (1.95 to 1.99) ratio was observed in IPM modules. 