32 research outputs found

    Giant oscillations in a triangular network of one-dimensional states in marginally twisted graphene

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    The electronic properties of graphene superlattices have attracted intense interest that was further stimulated by the recent observation of novel many-body states at "magic" angles in twisted bilayer graphene (BLG). For very small ("marginal") twist angles of 0.1 deg, BLG has been shown to exhibit a strain-accompanied reconstruction that results in submicron-size triangular domains with the Bernal stacking. If the interlayer bias is applied to open an energy gap inside the domain regions making them insulating, marginally-twisted BLG is predicted to remain conductive due to a triangular network of chiral one-dimensional (1D) states hosted by domain boundaries. Here we study electron transport through this network and report giant Aharonov-Bohm oscillations persisting to temperatures above 100 K. At liquid helium temperatures, the network resistivity exhibits another kind of oscillations that appear as a function of carrier density and are accompanied by a sign-changing Hall effect. The latter are attributed to consecutive population of the flat minibands formed by the 2D network of 1D states inside the gap. Our work shows that marginally twisted BLG is markedly distinct from other 2D electronic systems, including BLG at larger twist angles, and offers a fascinating venue for further research.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Micromagnetometry of two-dimensional ferromagnets

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    The study of atomically thin ferromagnetic crystals has led to the discovery of unusual magnetic behaviour and provided insight into the magnetic properties of bulk materials. However, the experimental techniques that have been used to explore ferromagnetism in such materials cannot probe the magnetic field directly. Here, we show that ballistic Hall micromagnetometry can be used to measure the magnetization of individual two-dimensional ferromagnets. Our devices are made by van der Waals assembly in such a way that the investigated ferromagnetic crystal is placed on top of a multi-terminal Hall bar made from encapsulated graphene. We use the micromagnetometry technique to study atomically thin chromium tribromide (CrBr3). We find that the material remains ferromagnetic down to monolayer thickness and exhibits strong out-of-plane anisotropy. We also find that the magnetic response of CrBr3 varies little with the number of layers and its temperature dependence cannot be described by the simple Ising model of two-dimensional ferromagnetism.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure

    Giant magnetoresistance of Dirac plasma in high-mobility graphene

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    The most recognizable feature of graphene's electronic spectrum is its Dirac point around which interesting phenomena tend to cluster. At low temperatures, the intrinsic behavior in this regime is often obscured by charge inhomogeneity but thermal excitations can overcome the disorder at elevated temperatures and create electron-hole plasma of Dirac fermions. The Dirac plasma has been found to exhibit unusual properties including quantum critical scattering and hydrodynamic flow. However, little is known about the plasma's behavior in magnetic fields. Here we report magnetotransport in this quantum-critical regime. In low fields, the plasma exhibits giant parabolic magnetoresistivity reaching >100% in 0.1 T even at room temperature. This is orders of magnitude higher than magnetoresistivity found in any other system at such temperatures. We show that this behavior is unique to monolayer graphene, being underpinned by its massless spectrum and ultrahigh mobility, despite frequent (Planckian-limit) scattering. With the onset of Landau quantization in a few T, where the electron-hole plasma resides entirely on the zeroth Landau level, giant linear magnetoresistivity emerges. It is nearly independent of temperature and can be suppressed by proximity screening, indicating a many-body origin. Clear parallels with magnetotransport in strange metals and so-called quantum linear magnetoresistance predicted for Weyl metals offer an interesting playground to further explore relevant physics using this well-defined quantum-critical 2D system.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Control of electron-electron interaction in graphene by proximity screening

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    From Springer Nature via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2019-11-28, accepted 2020-03-25, registration 2020-04-01, online 2020-05-11, pub-electronic 2020-05-11, collection 2020-12Publication status: PublishedAbstract: Electron-electron interactions play a critical role in many condensed matter phenomena, and it is tempting to find a way to control them by changing the interactions’ strength. One possible approach is to place a studied system in proximity of a metal, which induces additional screening and hence suppresses electron interactions. Here, using devices with atomically-thin gate dielectrics and atomically-flat metallic gates, we measure the electron-electron scattering length in graphene and report qualitative deviations from the standard behavior. The changes induced by screening become important only at gate dielectric thicknesses of a few nm, much smaller than a typical separation between electrons. Our theoretical analysis agrees well with the scattering rates extracted from measurements of electron viscosity in monolayer graphene and of umklapp electron-electron scattering in graphene superlattices. The results provide a guidance for future attempts to achieve proximity screening of many-body phenomena in two-dimensional systems

    Magnetophonon spectroscopy of Dirac fermion scattering by transverse and longitudinal acoustic phonons in graphene

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    Recently observed magnetophonon resonances in the magnetoresistance of graphene are investigated using the Kubo formalism. This analysis provides a quantitative fit to the experimental data over a wide range of carrier densities. It demonstrates the predominance of carrier scattering by low energy transverse acoustic (TA) mode phonons: the magnetophonon resonance amplitude is significantly stronger for the TA modes than for the longitudinal acoustic (LA) modes. We demonstrate that the LA and TA phonon speeds and the electron-phonon coupling strengths determined from the magnetophonon resonance measurements also provide an excellent fit to the measured dependence of the resistivity at zero magnetic field over a temperature range of 4-150 K. A semiclassical description of magnetophonon resonance in graphene is shown to provide a simple physical explanation for the dependence of the magneto-oscillation period on carrier density. The correspondence between the quantum calculation and the semiclassical model is discussed