1,141 research outputs found

    Effect of rainfall and temperature on liver and rumen fluke infestations of bovines in Sri Lanka

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    Fecal fluke egg output of bovines from three selected farms at Ma Eliya (site A), Ma Eliya (site B) and Delathure (site C) in Ja-Ela area of Gampaha district in Sri Lanka was examined for six months period from July to December 2006. The mean egg output of the animals of site A, B and C were 255, 84 and 95 eggs/g of feces respectively. Statistical analysis showed that mean fecal fluke egg output was significantly different between sites (df= 2, f= 126.05, p=0.000) and also between months (df= 5, f= 7.31, p=0.000). Regression analysis revealed that the fecal fluke egg output had a positive relation with rainfall (r2=0.6178) and a negative relation with temperature (r2= 0.6486). The female cattle had a higher fecal fluke egg output (x =202.76) than the male cattle (x =116.97) but egg output did not significantly differ. Also there was an increasing trend of mean fecal fluke egg count with the increment in the age of cattle (r2= 0.6057). Rumens and livers of slaughtered cattle and buffaloes from the study area were examined for fluke infections. Specimens were identified by making histological sections. One species of liver fluke, Explanatum explanatum and four rumen flukes, Paramphistomum spp., Gastrothylax crumenifer, Carmyerius spp., and Fischoederius elongates were identified. Two other flukes belonging to the family Gastrothylacidae were also found from the rumen of buffalo. Explanatum explanatum was found to be a great cause of condemnation of livers at slaughterhouses in Sri Lanka. Keywords: liver and rumen flukes, bovines, influence of climate, Sri Lanka. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences Vol. 1 (3) 2007: pp. 229-23

    P2DM-RGCD: PPDM Centric Classification Rule Generation Scheme

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    In present day applications the approach of data mining and associated privacy preservation plays a significant role for ensuring optimal mining function. The approach of privacy preserving data mining (PPDM) emphasizes on ensuring security of private information of the participants. On the contrary majority of present mining applications employ the vertically partitioned data for mining utilities. In such scenario when the overall rule is divided among participants, some of the parties remain with fewer rules sets and thus the classification accuracy achieved by them always remain questionable. On the other hand, the consideration of private information associated with any part will violate the approach of PPDM. Therefore, in order to eliminate such situations and to provide a facility of rule regeneration in this paper, a highly robust and efficient rule regeneration scheme has been proposed ensures optimal classification accuracy without using any critical user information for rule generation. The proposed system developed a rule generation function called cumulative dot product (P2DM-RGCD) rule regeneration scheme. The developed algorithm generates two possible optimal rule generation and update functions based on cumulative updates and dot product. The proposed system has exhibited optimal response in terms of higher classification accuracy, minimum information loss and optimal training efficiency

    Observations on tool use in captive lion-tailed macaque (Macaca silenus)

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    Lion-tailed macaques in Sri Chamarajendra Zoological Garden, Mysore, India were observed to use several tools (plastic piece, candy wrapper, leaf, vegetable leaf, egg-shell and coconut shell) to drink water from the pool. Here we report the simple multiple tool use in the species. The behaviour was first observed in an adult male. This male was confiscated and was probably hand-reared. It started using tools within a short period of introduction. After some time, the other captive monkeys also started to use multiple tools in a similar way to drink water. This may be an example of social learning

    Encounter rate of large mammals in Thanigebyle range of Bhadra wildlife sanctuary, Karnataka

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    Estimation of large mammals by using line transact method in the Thanigebyle range of Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary during May 2009 to April 2010 in Thanigebyle range for four species of large herbivorous mammals viz., Chital (Axis axis), Sambar (Cervus unicolor), Barking deer (Muntiacus muntjak) and Gaur (Bosgaurus). The sanctuary was divided into several zones based on location and habitat types. Four permanent walking transect of 1 km were cut in different habitats of water holes for direct count and walk once in each month and four permanent vehicle transects of 18 kms were made.  A total of 22 kms per month transect was evaluated including both walking transect and permanent vehicle transect of 4 kms and 18 kms respectively. This evaluation indicates that maximum number of individuals was observed in the walking transect when compared to vehicle transect for all the four species. During our study 21 Sambar, 161 Chital, 8 Barking deer and 21 Gaur was encountered. Chital was observed more in the study area. It also reveals that during pre monsoon and post monsoon seasons the number of individuals was observed to be higher. &nbsp

    Pengembangan Model Belajar Mengajar Mata Pelajaran IPS SD Untuk Mendukung Implementasi Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi Di Propinsi Sumatera Selatan

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    This research aimed to understand: 1) Could The Teachers apply the learning models that maked condusive learning situation so could be implementation media for competence based curriculum 2) were the learning models maked the joyfull learning, stimulated activity and creativity, and stimulated life-skills for students. 3) were the learning models fasilated integration two or more subject maters. The participant of the study were 160 students 4 teachers and head of shcools from the 3rd and 4th SD 17 and SD 23 Kayu Agung, Ogan Komering Ilir; and from the fifth SD Kertapati and SD Plaju Palembang, South Sumatera. The reasearh procedure were followed: 1) Socialitation about the learning models for Teachers, Head of Schools and School supervisors. 2) Teachers were aplied the learning models at the each class. 3) Monitoring aplicability learning models by researher and school supervisor. 4) semi-structured interviewed from researcher to teachers and studets. The Data was analysed with qualitative method. The result showed: 1) The Teachers could apply The Concept Analysis Model, Experiential Learning Model, and the Group Inquary Model that make condusive learning situation and could be implementation media for Competent based curriculum. 2) Applicability the Learning Models make joyfull learning, stimulated activity and creativity, and stimulated life-skills for students. 3) The learning models fasilated integration the IPS with Bahasa Indonesia and PPKn. Keyword: The Competent based Curriculu


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    Indonesia adalah salah satu negara yang terdampak terutama pada sisi ekonomi. Indonesia yang didominasi oleh Usaha Mikro, kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) perlu memberikan perhatian khusus terhadap sektor ini karena kontribusi UMKM terhadap pereknomian nasional yang cukup besar. Kajian yang dibuat oleh Kementerian Keuangan menunjukkan bahwa pandemi COVID-19 memberikan implikasi negatif bagi perekonomian domestik seperti penurunan konsumsi dan daya beli masyarakat, penurunan kinerja perusahaan, ancaman pada sektor perbankan dan keuangan, serta eksistensi UMKM. UKM sendiri berarti usaha kecil dan menengah yaitu dapat berupa usaha rumahan, dan lain lain. Salah satu cara untuk membangkitkan UKM di Pondok Pesantren Alhanif Serua Ciputat adalah dengan meningkatkan perhatian kita baik pemerintah maupun kalangan orang berada juga mahasiswa untuk senantiasa memberikan kontribusi dan dharma bakti kepada masyarakat sekitarnya yang memerlukan bantuan atau santunan. Pada kesempatan kali ini dalam kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat yang dilakukan tim dosen Universitas Pamulang sebagai bentuk Tri Dharma perguruan tinggi maka tim PKM dosen Universitas Pamulang melakukan kegiatan seminar kepada pengelola ukm, santri/wati, serta guru yang berdampak wabah corona. Kegiatan ini untuk memberikan solusi, motivasi, dan inovasi ketika mempertahankan UKM yang berdampak Covid-19 di Pesantren Alhanif Ciputat Serua Tangerang Selatan. Pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat berupa seminar di pesantren Al Hanif dengan mengambil tema “Membangkitkan UKM Dalam Dunia Pesantren: Upaya Meningkatkan Ekonomi Ummat”.Kata Kunci: Wirausaha, UMKM, Pondok Pesantren, Covid-19

    Fish Diversity in Huchharayanakere, Shikaripura, Shivamogga District, Karnataka, India

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    Fresh water wetlands are fragile ecosystems, which are fast deterioring and shrinking due to manmade activities. The fish composition of Huchharayanakere of Shikaripura was studied for a period of twelve months from January to December 2015. The icthyo-faunal diversity of this pond confirmed the occurrence of 13 species of fishes belonging to 5 families. The family Cyprinidae represented by 9 species. Families Anabantidae, Bagridae, Clupeidae and Notopteridae were represented by only a single species. Simultaneously the physico-chemical condition of the water body revealed that water quality is suitable for fish culture. The study of fish fauna of an aquatic body is useful for planning of fisheries development. The pond needs proper management and utilization of this fish wealth and sustainable steps to monitor and conserve the fish health. The present study revealed that Huchharayanakere of Shikaripura harbors wide varieties of fish with economic importance in local and global trade. The study will provide future strategies for development and fish conservation