17 research outputs found

    Treatment of leather industrial effluents by filtration and coagulation processes

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    AbstractThis study focused on effluents characterization and accessing physical and chemical treatment by filtration and coagulation processes. The analysis results of the raw effluents reveal that the effluents were yellowish-brown color, having basic pH, very high values of BOD5, COD, TDS, TSS, TS and high concentrations of Cr, Na, SO42− and other organic and inorganic constituents. After settling and a subsequent filtration of raw tannery effluents through sand-stone, the filtered effluents were treated with various doses of FeCl3. The study observed that coagulant (FeCl3) of 150mg/L dose near neutral pH showed the best removal efficiencies for major physico-chemical parameters. The analysis results illustrate that most of the physical and chemical parameters were found well below the prescribed permissible limits for effluent discharged. The study suggests that untreated tannery effluents would be treated by a combined process consisting of settling, filtering and coagulating with FeCl3

    Efficacy and potential of phage therapy against multidrug resistant Shigella spp.

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    Shigella-infected bacillary dysentery or commonly known as Shigellosis is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The gradual emergence of multidrug resistant Shigella spp. has triggered the search for alternatives to conventional antibiotics. Phage therapy could be one such suitable alternative, given its proven long term safety profile as well as the rapid expansion of phage therapy research. To be successful, phage therapy will need an adequate regulatory framework, effective strategies, the proper selection of appropriate phages, early solutions to overcome phage therapy limitations, the implementation of safety protocols, and finally improved public awareness. To achieve all these criteria and successfully apply phage therapy against multidrug resistant shigellosis, a comprehensive study is required. In fact, a variety of phage-based approaches and products including single phages, phage cocktails, mutated phages, genetically engineered phages, and combinations of phages with antibiotics have already been carried out to test the applications of phage therapy against multidrug resistant Shigella. This review provides a broad survey of phage treatments from past to present, focusing on the history, applications, limitations and effective solutions related to, as well as the prospects for, the use of phage therapy against multidrug resistant Shigella spp. and other multidrug resistant bacterial pathogens

    Identification and Characterization of Azo Dye Decolourizing Bacterial Strains, Alcaligenes faecalis E5.Cd and A. faecalis Fal.3 Isolated from Textile Effluents

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    The study was designed for isolation and characterization of azo dye decolourizing bacteria which is a prerequisite for developing a microorganism-facilitated treatment of polluting dyes. In this study nine types of bacteria which were able to decolourize three types of azo dyes (Blue H/C, Red 3B and Yellow 3R dye) were isolated from textile effluents collected from Gazipur industrial area in Bangladesh. Depending on 16S rDNA analysis, the most efficient decolourizing bacterium for the Blue H/C and the Red 3B dye was identified as Alcaligenesfaecalis strain E5.Cd while that for the Yellow 3R dye was identified as Alcaligenesfaecalis strain Fal.3. After characterization, both A. faecalis E5.Cdand A. faecalis Fal.3 were found to grow optimally at 35 0C and at pH 7 and pH 8, respectively. Both of these strains were sensitive to all antibiotics studied except for Bacitracin. Also, both strains showed maximum decolourization activities after 96 hours incubation in MS media at pH 7 (up to 93%) and pH 8 (up to 94%), at 35 0C temperature ( up to 91%), at 50 ppm initial dye concentration (up to 92%), at 20% inoculum size (up to 93%), and at supplementation of 1% co-substrate (up to 93%)

    Bacteriological Evaluation of Drinking Water of Rajshahi City, Bangladesh

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    Access to pathogen free safe drinking water is one of the major challenges of the 21st century for most of the people of world. According to WHO guidelines, 100 ml sample of safe drinking must be free of total coliform, fecal coliform and E. coli. Hence, this study was designed for bacteriological evaluation of drinking water collected from different restaurant in Rajshahi city, Bangladesh. Among 10 samples, no detectable E. coli was found in 5 water samples (100 ml each) while 8-50 detectable E. coli in 100 ml water sample was found in the remaining 5 samples which exceeded the BDS and WHO standard of drinking water. Four randomly selected isolates (B1, B2, B3 and R) which were isolated from different water samples were subjected to 16S rRNA gene sequencing. It was found  that the 16S rRNA sequence of isolate B1, B2 and B3 had 98% similarity to that of Enterobacter asburiae, Escherichia coli and Acinetobacter sp respectively. Similarly, 16S rRNA sequence of isolate R had 99% similarity to that of Klebsiella pneumonia. Results of biochemical analysis revealed that all four isolates were negative to Catalase, KOH and Oxidase test while variations were found for other tests. Similarly, all four isolates were able to ferment all tested carbohydrates except cellulose. The optimum pH and temperature for the growth of the all isolates was pH 7.0 and 37ºC. It was found that all the isolates were sensitive to majority of the antibiotics used

    In Vitro Structural and Functional Evaluation of Gold Nanoparticles Conjugated Antibiotics

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    Bactericidal efficacy of gold nanoparticles conjugated with ampicillin, streptomycin and kanamycin were evaluated. Gold nanoparticles (Gnps) were conjugated with the antibiotics during the synthesis of nanoparticles utilizing the combined reducing property of antibiotics and sodium borohydride. The conjugation of nanoparticles was confirmed by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and electron microscopic (EM) studies. Such Gnps conjugated antibiotics showed greater bactericidal activity in standard agar well diffusion assay. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of all the three antibiotics along with their Gnps conjugated forms were determined in three bacterial strains,Escherichia coli DH5α,Micrococcus luteusandStaphylococcus aureus. Among them, streptomycin and kanamycin showed significant reduction in MIC values in their Gnps conjugated form whereas; Gnps conjugated ampicillin showed slight decrement in the MIC value compared to its free form. On the other hand, all of them showed more heat stability in their Gnps conjugated forms. Thus, our findings indicated that Gnps conjugated antibiotics are more efficient and might have significant therapeutic implications


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    Stevia is a perennial herb that belongs to the Asteraceae family. It is a natural sweetener plant and estimated to be 300 times sweeter than cane sugar. The leaves of stevia are the source of diterpene glycosides, viz. stevioside and rebaudioside. Stevioside is regenerated as a valuable natural sweetening agent because of its relatively good taste and chemical stability. Now it is beingcultivated in Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, Hawaii, Malaysia and overall South America for food and pharmaceutical products. Products can be added to tea and coffee, cooked or baked goods, processed foods and beverages, fruit juices, tobacco products, pastries, chewing gum and sherbets. Health and safety issues have been extensive by considered and in the past 20 years media took significant attention in the US regions. The direct effect of stevioside on transport activity of glucose in skeletal muscle study divulged that insulin action on muscle glucose transport might be improved due to the low concentration of stevioside, signifying that stevioside has the imminent action in the glucose transport system in skeletal muscle. Also, it has a potential commercial value and that is why private and public biotechnology companies are producing stevia in huge quantity and marketing its products.Stevia je biljka trajnica iz porodice Asteraceae. Ona je prirodni zaslađivač i procjenjuje se da je 300 puta slađa od šećerne trske. Listovi Stevije su izvor diterpen glikozida, tj. steviozida i rebaudiozida. Steviozid se regenerira kao vrijedno prirodno sredstvo za zaslađivanje zbog relativno dobrog okusa i kemijske stabilnosti. Danas se uzgaja u Japanu Tajvanu, Filipinima, Havajima, Malaziji i po čitavoj Južnoj Americi za prehrambene i farmaceutske proizvode. Proizvodi se mogu dodati u čaj i kavu, kuhane i pečene proizvode, prerađenu hranu i piće, voćne sokove, duhanske proizvode, kolače, gumu za žvakanje i napitke. O njima se uvelike raspravljalo u vezi zdravlja i sigurnosti, a u zadnjih 20 godina mediji su posvećivali značajnu pozornost na području SAD-a. Izravno djelovanje steviozida na transport glukoze u proučavanju mišića skeleta otkrivaju da se djelovanje inzulina na transport glukoze u mišiću može poboljšati zahvaljujući niskoj koncentraciji steviozida, ističući da steviozid ima trenutno važno djelovanje u sustavu transporta glukoze u mišiću skeleta. Isto tako, ona ima potencijalne komercijalne vrijednosti pa zato privatne i javne biotehnološke kompanije proizvode steviju u ogromnim količinama i prodaju njezine proizvode

    Biodegradation of Crystal Violet dye by bacteria isolated from textile industry effluents

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    Industrial effluent containing textile dyes is regarded as a major environmental concern in the present world. Crystal Violet is one of the vital textile dyes of the triphenylmethane group; it is widely used in textile industry and known for its mutagenic and mitotic poisoning nature. Bioremediation, especially through bacteria, is becoming an emerging and important sector in effluent treatment. This study aimed to isolate and identify Crystal Violet degrading bacteria from industrial effluents with potential use in bioremediation. The decolorizing activity of the bacteria was measured using a photo electric colorimeter after aerobic incubation in different time intervals of the isolates. Environmental parameters such as pH, temperature, initial dye concentration and inoculum size were optimized using mineral salt medium containing different concentration of Crystal Violet dye. Complete decolorizing efficiency was observed in a mineral salt medium containing up to 150 mg/l of Crystal Violet dye by 10% (v/v) inoculums of Enterobacter sp. CV-S1 tested under 72 h of shaking incubation at temperature 35 °C and pH 6.5. Newly identified bacteria Enterobacter sp. CV-S1, confirmed by 16S ribosomal RNA sequencing, was found as a potential bioremediation biocatalyst in the aerobic degradation/de-colorization of Crystal Violet dye. The efficiency of degrading triphenylmethane dye by this isolate, minus the supply of extra carbon or nitrogen sources in the media, highlights the significance of larger- scale treatment of textile effluent

    Rhizobium sp.CCNWYC119 : a single strain highly effective as biofertilizer for three different peas (Pigeon pea, Sweet pea and Chick pea)

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    Rhizobium spp. was isolated from root nodules of Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.), Sweet pea (Lathyrus sativus L.), Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). The isolates ware rod shaped, aerobic, gram negative, motile and non-spore forming. Isolates were positive to Catalase, Citrate utilization, Urea hydrolysis, Congored, Nitrification, Oxidase, Triple sugar iron and MacConkey agar test. The isolates can ferment all nine sugars. Then, the isolates identified as Rhizobium spp. Depending on above results were subjected to 16S rRNA sequencing for further confirmation and identification. Surprisingly, theisolates were same strain or member of same cluster of Rhizobium and identified as Rhizobium sp.CCNWYC119 strain based on 16S rRNA sequence (98% similarity). Then, different parameters of soil quality enrichment and plant growth viz.plant height; weight of pods and seeds; number, fresh and dry weight of nodules were studied to test the efficacy of the isolate as biofertilizer. Here, inoculant of Rhizobium sp. isolated from Pigeon pea was used as biofertilizer. The results showed the significant increase of nodulation, enrichment of soil of rhizosphere, plant growth and yield for all three types of inoculated peas as compared with non-inoculated control peas indicating that the isolated strain could be used as a common efficient biofertilizer for Pigeon pea, Sweet pea and Chick pea. It was also found that the isolate grew optimally at temperature 28°C and pH 7.0.Moreover, the isolate was sensitive to the higher concentration of NaCl (>1%) and to antibiotics- Mecillinam, Ciprofloxacin,Cotrimoxazole, Pefloxacin, Ceftazidime and Tetracycline