458 research outputs found

    Ac-susceptibility study in rare earth substituted magnetite ferrofluids

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    AbstractIt is shown that variation of the third order ac-susceptibility as a function of measuring field and frequency lead to distinguish between superparamagnetic and spin glass like ordering in the rare earth substituted magnetic ferrofluids. We observe the divergent behavior of the peak values of the third order susceptibility, as a function of measuring field and frequency, tends to zero is consistent with theoretical prediction for the ground state for a spin glass like system. This behavior is further substantiated by a linear dependence of log-log plots of peak of the third order susceptibility as a function of the measuring field and frequency


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    Deep Sea sediment core PC-1 from the South Andaman Sea (7 ̊19.85' N; 94 ̊ 39.26' E; in East Andaman Basin) below the water depth of 3144 m contain discrete ash layers at various depths. According to morphological study, these ash layers contain glass shards of different varieties i.e. Type-I, Type-II, Type-III, Type-IV and Type-V and it is comparable to glass shards of Toba volcanic reported from other parts of the world. This observation is also supported on the basis of relative biostratigraphic datum observed in the core PC-1. The Layer-A (56 cm thick) at 210 cm bsf is just above the biostratigraphic datum of ca. 0.12 Ma, correspond to Youngest Toba Tuff (YTT), followed by Layer-C belongs to Middle Toba Tuff (MTT) and Layer-D inferred as Oldest Toba Tuff (OTT). This interpretation is further supported by the geochemical data obtained from the EDX analysis, which suggest high silica and alkali contents of rhyolitic composition. Hence, geochemical composition, morphology and biostratigraphic data of these discrete tephra layers show identical characteristics to the products of Toba eruptions, including YTT, MTT and OTT

    Design, Characterization and Evaluation of Metallic Nano Biocomposites of Neomycin

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    Neomycin is formulated into nanoparticles in order to increase the therapeutic efficacy, decrease the dose of drug and to decrease the topical dose related toxic effects. The present study was aimed at the preparation of zinc nanoparticles (ZN), chitosan nanoparticles (CN), zinc neomycin nanoparticles (ZNN) and zinc chitosan neomycin nanoparticles (ZCNN) in order to compare their antibacterial activity. Nanoparticles were prepared by subjecting the nano suspension containing the specified ingredients to stirring at 40oC for 4-5 h. The prepared nanoparticles were evaluated for particle size and surface morphology by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), mean particle size and particle size distribution by DLS, percentage yield, loading efficiency, in vitro drug release by diffusion technique and agar cup plate method. TEM microphotographs and zeta sizer analysis revealed that the prepared nanoparticles were in the nanometric range, the particle size and particle size range of ZCNN was less compared to ZNN indicated more surface area of ZCNN. Among all the nanoparticles prepared, percentage yield, loading efficiency, in vitro drug release and zone of inhibition was found to be more for ZCNN. Thus, the results suggested that ZCNN act as promising drug delivery systems with better in vitro characteristics compared to other nanoparticles with increased therapeutic activity of neomycin

    Recent Advances in Pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (l.) Millspaugh) Research

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    Pigeonpea or red gram [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh] is an important food legume of the semi-arid tropics of Asia and Africa. It occupies a prime niche in sustainable farming systems of smallholder rainfed farmers. It occupies a prominent place in Indian rainfed agriculture. It is an integral component in various agro ecologies of the country mainly inter cropped with cereals, pulses, oilseeds and millets. It is the second most important pulse crop next to chickpea, covering an area of around 4.42 m ha (occupying about 14.5% of area under pulses) and production of 2.86 MT (contributing to 16% of total pulse production) and productivity of about 707 kg/ha. It is mainly consumed as dry split dhal throughout the country besides several other uses of various parts of pigeonpea plant. Enhancing the productivity of the crop assumes specific significance in India mainly to combat protein malnutrition as it is the main source of protein to the predominant vegetarian population. The productivity of pigeonpea has remained low and stagnant over the last few decades thus this prompted scientists to search for novel ways of crop improvement. To tackle this challenge, ICRISAT and IIPR are working on number of innovative ideas like, genome sequencing (Varshney et al. 2012), development of CGMS hybrids with 30 to 40 % yield advantage over traditional varieties, development of photo insensitive super early maturing lines, introgression of cleistogamous flower structure to maintain genetic purity of elite lines, use of obcordate leaf shape as NEP to assess genetic purity of hybrid parental lines and development of disease resistant hybrids and elite breeding lines. These aspects are described briefly below

    Surgical Management of a Rare Case of Scrotal Lymphangioma in Ongole Bull

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    An unusual case of scrotal lymphangioma in a ongole bull is described. A 5 years old ongole bull was presented with a eight month history of swelling at the neck of scrotum. On palpation the swelling was hard in consistency. Fine needle aspiration revealed no sign of malignancy. On surgical exploration of scrotal swelling, a hard mass was observed adhering to the outerlayers of spermatic cord. The mass was excised without disturbing the testes and the associated structures. Based on cytological and histopathological examination the mass was diagnosed as lymphangioma. The surgical treatment was successful and the animal had uneventful recovery without any complications

    Catalysis and mechanistic studies of ruthenium and osmium on synthesis of anthranilic acids

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    Ruthenium, osmium and ruthenium + osmium catalyzed synthetic methodology was developed for the synthesis of anthranilic acids from indoles in good to excellent yields using bromamine-B in alkaline acetonitrile-water (1 : 1) at 313 K. Detailed catalysis studies of ruthenium, osmium and the mixture of both were carried out for the synthetic reactions. The positive synergistic catalytic activity of Ru(III) + Os(VIII) was observed to a large extent with the activity greater than the sum of their separate catalytic activities. Detailed kinetic and mechanistic investigations for each catalyzed reactions were carried out. The kinetic pattern and mechanistic picture of each catalyzed reaction were found to be different for each catalyst and to obey the underlying rate laws

    Adenocarcinoma of Nictitans Gland in a Cow- A Case Report

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    A 7 year old cow was presented to the College of Veterinary Science clinic (Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati, India), with the history of growth appeared on the third eyelid of the left eye. The mass was surgically excised, and subjected to histopathological examination. Histopathological examination revealed lobules of irregular size and shape with proliferated cells, which were arranged as small tubules with or without necrotic centers. Cells were anaphylactic, large and irregular with hyperchromatic nuclei. Acini showed many layers of cells with papillary projections. Mitotic figures were also present

    Numerical simulation of three-dimensional natural convection in a cuboid box containing heat generating porous medium

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    Paper presented to the 10th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Florida, 14-16 July 2014.The present numerical study presents results of steady three-dimensional natural convection in a cuboid box filled with fluid saturated porous medium. The porous medium is heated using uniform heat generation source. All six faces are subjected to isothermal condition. Darcy flow model has been employed. Governing equations have been numerically solved using Successive Accelerated Replacement Scheme. Maximum temperature and its location have been determined for wide range of parameters i.e. Rayleigh number, horizontal and vertical aspect ratios. As Rayleigh number increases, the value of maximum temperature decreases and its position shifts upward along mid vertical axis. There is significant effect of Rayleigh number and aspect ratios on flow and temperature fields.cf201

    Defence Applications of Polymer Nanocomposites

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    The potential opportunities promised by nanotechnology for enabling advances in defence technologies are staggering. Although these opportunities are likely to be realised over a few decades, many advantages are currently being explored, particularly for defence applications. This review provides an insight into the capabilities offered by nanocomposites which include smart materials, harder/lighter platforms, new fuel sources and storage as well as novel medical applications. It discusses polymer-based nanocomposite materials, nanoscale fillers and provides examples of the actual and potential uses of nanocomposite materials in defence with practical examples.Defence Science Journal, 2010, 60(5), pp.551-563, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.60.57