5,883 research outputs found

    Benford's distribution in extrasolar world: Do the exoplanets follow Benford's distribution?

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    In many real life situations, it is observed that the first digits (i.e., 1,2,
,91,2,\ldots,9) of a numerical data-set, which is expressed using decimal system, do not follow a random distribution. Instead, smaller numbers are favoured by nature in accordance with a logarithmic distribution law, which is referred to as Benford's law. The existence and applicability of this empirical law have been extensively studied by physicists, accountants, computer scientists, mathematicians, statisticians, etc., and it has been observed that a large number of data-sets related to diverse problems follow this distribution. However, applicability of Benford's law has been hardly tested for extrasolar objects. Motivated by this fact, this paper investigates the existence of Benford's distribution in the extrasolar world using Kepler data for exoplanets. The investigation has revealed the presence of Benford's distribution in various physical properties of these exoplanets. Further, Benford goodness parameters are computed to provide a quantitative measure of coincidence of real data with the ideal values obtained from Benford's distribution. The quantitative analysis and the plots have revealed that several physical parameters associated with the exoplanets (e.g., mass, volume, density, orbital semi-major axis, orbital period, and radial velocity) nicely follow Benford's distribution, whereas some physical parameters (e.g., total proper motion, stellar age and stellar distance) moderately follow the distribution, and some others (e.g., longitude, radius, and effective temperature) do not follow Benford's distribution. Further, some specific comments have been made on the possible generalizations of the obtained result, its potential applications in analyzing data-set of candidate exoplanets, and how interested readers can perform similar investigations on other interesting data-sets.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures and one potrai

    Channels Reallocation In Cognitive Radio Networks Based On DNA Sequence Alignment

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    Nowadays, It has been shown that spectrum scarcity increased due to tremendous growth of new players in wireless base system by the evolution of the radio communication. Resent survey found that there are many areas of the radio spectrum that are occupied by authorized user/primary user (PU), which are not fully utilized. Cognitive radios (CR) prove to next generation wireless communication system that proposed as a way to reuse this under-utilised spectrum in an opportunistic and non-interfering basis. A CR is a self-directed entity in a wireless communications environment that senses its environment, tracks changes, and reacts upon its findings and frequently exchanges information with the networks for secondary user (SU). However, CR facing collision problem with tracks changes i.e. reallocating of other empty channels for SU while PU arrives. In this paper, channels reallocation technique based on DNA sequence alignment algorithm for CR networks has been proposed.Comment: 12 page

    Cross Layer Aware Adaptive MAC based on Knowledge Based Reasoning for Cognitive Radio Computer Networks

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    In this paper we are proposing a new concept in MAC layer protocol design for Cognitive radio by combining information held by physical layer and MAC layer with analytical engine based on knowledge based reasoning approach. In the proposed system a cross layer information regarding signal to interference and noise ratio (SINR) and received power are analyzed with help of knowledge based reasoning system to determine minimum power to transmit and size of contention window, to minimize backoff, collision, save power and drop packets. The performance analysis of the proposed protocol indicates improvement in power saving, lowering backoff and significant decrease in number of drop packets. The simulation environment was implement using OMNET++ discrete simulation tool with Mobilty framework and MiXiM simulation library.Comment: 8 page

    Induse jÔe oru inimeste, parside, India juutide ja Tharu hÔimu geneetilise pÔlvnemise piiritlemine

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneKĂ€esolev on viies Tartu Ülikoolis valminud vĂ€itekiri LĂ”una-Aasia rahvaste geneetilisest ajaloost. Asustatud kaasaegse inimese poolt mĂ€rksa enne viimase jÀÀaja maksimumi, elab tĂ€napĂ€eval selles regioonis ĂŒle 1.8 miljardi inimese – pea veerand inimkonnast. Seega ei ole vĂ”imalik sĂŒvitsi mĂ”ista kaasaegse inimese geneetise varieeruvuse kujunemist, sh eriti vĂ€ljapool Sahara-alust Aafrikat, omamata detailsemat teadmist LĂ”una-Aasia rahvaste geneetikast VĂ€itekiri pĂ”hineb neljal ilmunud artiklil. Neist esimeses uurisime Kirde-Indiat asustavaid rahvaid seoses vĂ”imaliku pĂ€rinevusega Induse oru kultuurist ja jĂ€rgnenud vedade ajastust. Teine ja kolmas artikkel on pĂŒhendatud migratsioonidele, mis tĂ”id Indiasse religioosses mĂ”ttes uusi rahvagruppe: parsid Iraanist alates 7. sajandi lĂ”pupoolelt ja juudid, kelle saabumine Indiasse on toimunud mitme lainena. Neljandas artiklis on vaatluse all Nepaalis, kuid ka India pĂ”hjapoolsetes osariikides elutsev rahvarohke tharu hĂ”im. Esimes artikli huvitavamaks leiuks on usutavasti juba vedade ajastust tuntud Rori populatsiooni genoomis vĂ€ljenduv suurem geneetiline afiinsus pĂ”hjapoolse stepivööndi rahvastega, samuti ka lÀÀne-eurooplastega, mis rÀÀgib pĂ”hja-lĂ”unasuunalistest migratsiooni(de)st eelajaloolisel ajal. Parside saabumist LĂ”una-Aasiasse seostatakse Iraani islamiseerumisega 7. sajandil. VĂ”rreldes parside genoome nende ajaloolises kontekstis leidsime ulatusliku segunemise LĂ”una-Aasia rahvastega, sealjuures asĂŒmeetriliselt isa ja emaliinides. Sama saab vĂ€ita ka Indias judaistliku traditsiooni elemente sĂ€ilitanud erinevate kogukondade kohta, kelle genoomis on siiski selgelt sĂ€ilunud LĂ€his- ja Kesk-Ida pĂ€randit. Puudutavalt aga geneetiliselt ulatuslikult varieeruvat tharu hĂ”imu, kelle hulgas on selgesti eristatav ka Ida-Aasia komponent, segunenuna LĂ”una-Aasia pĂ€randiga, paistab Ă”igustatud olevat neid vaadelda esmajoones mitte sedavĂ”rd deemilise, kuivĂ”rd just kultuurilise konstruktsioonina.Presented hereby is the 5th in a series of PhD theses prepared in Tartu University, addressing genetics of population history of the South Asian peoples. Inhabited considerably before the Last Glacial Maximum, the region harbors by now about 1.8 billion humans – almost a quarter of the global population. Therefore, understanding of present-day variation of the latter, in particular outside sub-Saharan Africa, is not possible without deeper knowledge about genetics of South Asian populations. This thesis is based on four published papers. The first one is focused on selected populations inhabiting northeastern Indus Valley, bearing, in particular, in mind ancient Indus Valley civilization and following it Vedic period. The second and the third paper address historically somewhat better known migrations, bringing to India religiously distinct Parsi and Jewish peoples. The fourth paper analyses the genetic variation of a populous Tharu tribe, living predominantly in Nepal, but also in northern provinces of India. Perhaps the most interesting finding of the first paper is that the presumably identified already in Vedic texts, Ror population exhibits significant genetic affinity with northern Steppe and West European peoples, testifying about prehistoric north to south migration(s). The arrival of Parsis to South Asia in 7th century was a consequence of the Islamization of Iran. Comparing Parsi genomes in their historic contexts, we observed their extensive admixture with South Asians, in particular, asymmetrically in paternal and maternal lineages. Nearly the same can be said about different Indian communities that preserved Judaist traditions: their genomes show affinities to peoples living in the Near and Middle East. As far as the genetically highly diverse Tharu tribe is concerned, a clearly distinct East Asian contribution can be seen, admixed with South Asian genetic heritage. It seems justified to identify the Tharu as cultural, rather than demic phenomenon.https://www.ester.ee/record=b542949


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    In this research, we have worked on the brittle fracture of graphene nano-ribbon to explore the behavior of crack propagation at different crack angles. We have performed classical Molecular Dynamics simulations using LAMMPS at ten different crack angles between 0 degrees and 45 degrees, in an increment of 5 degrees to observe the parameters that dominate the crack path. The graphene nanoribbon is loaded in the zigzag direction by pulling it in the armchair direction with a pre-existing crack in the center. We have used OVITO for the visualization of the simulation. AIREBO potential is employed in this work because it is extensively used in the fracture of graphene with different loading conditions and temperatures. The crack path is determined for all ten nanoribbons and the nanoribbon with a crack at 25° turned out to be the weakest because of the sharp crack tip and crack shape. The results are validated with the published results and are in accordance with them

    Higher order two-mode and multi-mode entanglement in Raman processes

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    The existence of higher order entanglement in the stimulated and spontaneous Raman processes is established using the perturbative solutions of the Heisenberg equations of motion for various field modes that are obtained using the Sen-Mandal technique and a fully quantum mechanical Hamiltonian that describes the stimulated and spontaneous Raman processes. Specifically, the perturbative Sen-Mandal solutions are exploited here to show the signature of the higher order two-mode and multi-mode entanglement. In some special cases, we have also observed higher order entanglement in the partially spontaneous Raman processes. Further, it is shown that the depth of the nonclassicality indicators (parameters) can be manipulated by the specific choice of coupling constants, and it is observed that the depth of nonclassicality parameters increases with the order.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1301.028

    Death Due To Traumatic Asphyxia in Varanasi Region, India

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    Background: Traumatic asphyxia occurs when a powerful compressive force is applied to the thoracic cavity. This is most often observed in motor vehicle accidents, industrial and farming accidents, as well as the collapse of bridges, mansions, and during stampedes.Methods: During the period of October 2016 to May 2018, 33 cases of traumatic asphyxia were recorded in the Varanasi district autopsy center, i.e. the Department of Forensic Medicine, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Utter Pradesh State, India. We conducted a prospective study on these incidents. Results: The incidence of traumatic asphyxia is irrespective of gender. However, men are more viable to it due to their outdoor activities. In the present study, males outnumbered females in the distribution of cases. The external and internal features in combination were congestion 26(78.8%), cyanosis 25(75.0%), and subconjunctival hemorrhage 10(30.3%). In the internal examination, rib fracture with flail chest was recorded in 5(15.2%) cases.Conclusion: Accidental death as a result of traumatic asphyxia is a major contributing factor to violent asphyxia. It results in asphyxia due to the compression of the chest by an external powerful compressive force
