9 research outputs found

    Nature Quotes

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    Recent days an increasing number of mobile applications and its uploading of photos/images shows that normal in every mobile application, so here is the latest idea we come up with an image/photo uploading with some quotation display on top of the image/photo from the selection of predefined feature quote data bank, and also we can add some user defined inspirational quotes to data bank for further usage and this will be like displaying of photos in slide show manner based on user setup. In this paper, we present an automatic approach that first aligns the photos and displays to the user based on random manner and this will also set up the display of quote and background sequentially, randomly, or fixed on certain one they selected. A user interactive application that can process addition or modification to the feature data bank like photos uploading and quotes changing. Also user can set the speed limit to the slide show to display background and its feature quote and this we are developing with both the versions of android and IOS environments

    Comparative analysis of shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) miRNAs expression profiles during WSSV infection under experimental conditions and in pond culture

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    In recent years, the importance of viral and host microRNAs (miRNAs) in mediating viral replication and control of host cellular machinery, has been realised and increasing efforts have been taken in order to understand the interactions of miRNAs from host and pathogen during infection. However, all existing studies has thus far been conducted in controlled experimental conditions and the veracity of these data for field conditions are yet to be established. In this framework, small RNA sequencing was performed to identify the miRNAs involved in shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) immune responses under two different WSSV infection conditions of natural infection and experimentally challenged conditions. The expression profiles of miRNAs of shrimp infected with WSSV under two contrasting conditions were compared and as a result, 23365 known miRNAs and 481 novel miRNAs were identified. Amongst the most abundantly expressed miRNAs, the hypoxia related miR-210 and immune pathway related miR-29b were expressed only in infected shrimps of both conditions. miR-8-5p, having a functional role in modulation of chitin biosynthesis was exclusively represented in higher numbers in the WSSV -infected shrimps under natural conditions whilst four of the miRNAs (mja-miR-6493–5p, mja-miR-6492, mmu-miR-3968, tcf-miR-9b-5p) identified from shrimps collected from pond culture targeted chitinase, an important enzyme involved in growth and moulting in shrimps, indicating an interaction between WSSV infection and moult cycle under culture conditions. Some of the miRNAs (tca-miR-87b-3p, cte-miR-277a) and miRNAs belonging to class miR-9, miR-981 that were identified only in WSSV infected shrimps under experimental conditions, are known to respond against WSSV infection in shrimps. Moreover, the miRNA target prediction revealed several immunerelated gene targets such as cathepsin, c-type lectin, haemocyanin and ubiquitin protein ligase were commonly identified under both the conditions. However, the miRNAs identified from challenge experiment had wide number of gene targets as compared to the miRNAs of natural infection. The shrimp miRNA mja-miR-6489–3p, was also found to target early virus gene wsv001 of WSSV. Our study, therefore, provides the comparative analysis of miRNA expression from shrimp during WSSV infection in two different conditionsWe acknowledge the financial support of the Newton Fund Global Research Partnership in Aquaculture for the project ‘Poverty alleviation through prevention and future control of the two major socioeconomically- important diseases in Asian aquaculture’, by the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology India under Sanction Order BT/IN/Indo-UK/BBSRC-Aqua/38/MSS/ 2015–16, and from the UK BBSRC, UK ESRC and UK Aid under contract BB/N005058/1

    Comparative analysis of shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) miRNAs expression profiles during WSSV infection under experimental conditions and in pond culture

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    In recent years, the importance of viral and host microRNAs (miRNAs) in mediating viral replication and control of host cellular machinery, has been realised and increasing efforts have been taken in order to understand the interactions of miRNAs from host and pathogen during infection. However, all existing studies has thus far been conducted in controlled experimental conditions and the veracity of these data for field conditions are yet to be established. In this framework, small RNA sequencing was performed to identify the miRNAs involved in shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) immune responses under two different WSSV infection conditions of natural infection and experimentally challenged conditions. The expression profiles of miRNAs of shrimp infected with WSSV under two contrasting conditions were compared and as a result, 23365 known miRNAs and 481 novel miRNAs were identified. Amongst the most abundantly expressed miRNAs, the hypoxia related miR-210 and immune pathway related miR-29b were expressed only in infected shrimps of both conditions. miR-8-5p, having a functional role in modulation of chitin biosynthesis was exclusively represented in higher numbers in the WSSV -infected shrimps under natural conditions whilst four of the miRNAs (mja-miR-6493–5p, mja-miR-6492, mmu-miR-3968, tcf-miR-9b-5p) identified from shrimps collected from pond culture targeted chitinase, an important enzyme involved in growth and moulting in shrimps, indicating an interaction between WSSV infection and moult cycle under culture conditions. Some of the miRNAs (tca-miR-87b-3p, cte-miR-277a) and miRNAs belonging to class miR-9, miR-981 that were identified only in WSSV infected shrimps under experimental conditions, are known to respond against WSSV infection in shrimps. Moreover, the miRNA target prediction revealed several immune-related gene targets such as cathepsin, c-type lectin, haemocyanin and ubiquitin protein ligase were commonly identified under both the conditions. However, the miRNAs identified from challenge experiment had wide number of gene targets as compared to the miRNAs of natural infection. The shrimp miRNA mja-miR-6489–3p, was also found to target early virus gene wsv001 of WSSV. Our study, therefore, provides the comparative analysis of miRNA expression from shrimp during WSSV infection in two different conditions.</p

    Erythroid GATA1 function revealed by genome-wide analysis of transcription factor occupancy, histone modifications, and mRNA expression

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    The transcription factor GATA1 regulates an extensive program of gene activation and repression during erythroid development. However, the associated mechanisms, including the contributions of distal versus proximal cis-regulatory modules, co-occupancy with other transcription factors, and the effects of histone modifications, are poorly understood. We studied these problems genome-wide in a Gata1 knockout erythroblast cell line that undergoes GATA1-dependent terminal maturation, identifying 2616 GATA1-responsive genes and 15,360 GATA1-occupied DNA segments after restoration of GATA1. Virtually all occupied DNA segments have high levels of H3K4 monomethylation and low levels of H3K27me3 around the canonical GATA binding motif, regardless of whether the nearby gene is induced or repressed. Induced genes tend to be bound by GATA1 close to the transcription start site (most frequently in the first intron), have multiple GATA1-occupied segments that are also bound by TAL1, and show evolutionary constraint on the GATA1-binding site motif. In contrast, repressed genes are further away from GATA1-occupied segments, and a subset shows reduced TAL1 occupancy and increased H3K27me3 at the transcription start site. Our data expand the repertoire of GATA1 action in erythropoiesis by defining a new cohort of target genes and determining the spatial distribution of cis-regulatory modules throughout the genome. In addition, we begin to establish functional criteria and mechanisms that distinguish GATA1 activation from repression at specific target genes. More broadly, these studies illustrate how a “master regulator” transcription factor coordinates tissue differentiation through a panoply of DNA and protein interactions

    Dynamics of the epigenetic landscape during erythroid differentiation after GATA1 restoration

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    Interplays among lineage-specific nuclear proteins, chromatin modifying enzymes, and the basal transcription machinery govern cellular differentiation, but their dynamics of action and coordination with transcriptional control are not fully understood. Alterations in chromatin structure appear to establish a permissive state for gene activation at some loci, but they play an integral role in activation at other loci. To determine the predominant roles of chromatin states and factor occupancy in directing gene regulation during differentiation, we mapped chromatin accessibility, histone modifications, and nuclear factor occupancy genome-wide during mouse erythroid differentiation dependent on the master regulatory transcription factor GATA1. Notably, despite extensive changes in gene expression, the chromatin state profiles (proportions of a gene in a chromatin state dominated by activating or repressive histone modifications) and accessibility remain largely unchanged during GATA1-induced erythroid differentiation. In contrast, gene induction and repression are strongly associated with changes in patterns of transcription factor occupancy. Our results indicate that during erythroid differentiation, the broad features of chromatin states are established at the stage of lineage commitment, largely independently of GATA1. These determine permissiveness for expression, with subsequent induction or repression mediated by distinctive combinations of transcription factors