159 research outputs found

    Application of MRAC techniques to the PID Controller for nonlinear Magnetic Levitation system using Kalman filter

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    In this paper, an approach to model reference adaptive control based on pid Controller  is proposed and analyzed for a  magnetic levitation system class of  nonlinear dynamical systems. The controller structure can employ  a mit rule to compensate adaptively the nonlinearities in the plant. A stable controller- parameter adjustment mechanism, which is determined using the Kalman filter , is constructed using a pid controller-type updating law. The evaluation of control error in terms of the  error is performed.   the use of Kalmal Filter in conventional model reference adaptive control (MRAC) to control magnetic levitation system. In the conventional MRAC scheme, the controller is designed to realize plant output converges to reference model output based on the plant which is linear. This scheme is effectively for controlling linear plants with unknown parameters. However, using MRAC to control the magnetic levitation system at real time is a difficult problem for Control system design because it has highly sensitivity for atmospheric disturbance. The proposed method presents design methodology of PID controller using MRAC technique and kalman filter for solving the problems.  The adjustable PID parameters corresponding to changes in plant and disturbance will be determined by referring to the reference model specifying the properties of desired control system. Therefore, this technique is convenient to control the process for satisfying the requirement of the system performance Keywords: Marc, Pid Controller , Magnetic Levitation, Kalman filter , Matlab, Adaptive contro

    Extraction, Phytochemical Screening and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Hydro-Ethanolic Extract of Roots of Dactylorhiza hatagirea

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    The present work showed phytochemical screening, anti-inflammatory activities and sub-acute toxicity of hydro-ethanolic extract of roots of Dactylorhiza hatagirea (D. hatagirea) and rhizomes of Curcuma angustifolia (C. angustifolia). The anti-inflammatory activity was evaluated by Carrageenan-Induced Rat Paw Edema method. Acute toxicity of the extract (2000 mg/kg) was examined in Swiss albino mice for 14 days. Qualitative analysis of various phytochemical constituents and quantitative analysis of total phenolics and flavonoids were determined by the well-known test protocol available in the literature. Quantitative analysis of phenolic and flavonoids was carried out by Folins Ciocalteau reagent method and aluminium chloride method respectively. Phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of phenols, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, alkaloids. The total phenolics content of roots of Dactylorhiza hatagirea and rhizomes of Curcuma angustifolia extract was (0.675, 0.456mg/100mg), followed by flavonoids (0.832, 1.091mg/100mg) respectively. Hydro-ethanolic extract up to 2000 mg/kg did not produce any toxic effects. The hydro-ethanolic extract of Dactylorhiza hatagirea and Curcuma angustifolia (100 and 200 mg/kg) inhibited the inflammation induced by carrageenan in rats in a dose dependent manner. After anti-inflammatory activity tablet formulation was prepared of the extract and evaluated as per IP.  The hydro-ethanolic extract of Dactylorhiza hatagirea and Curcuma angustifolia possesses a strong anti-inflammatory activity and may be considered an interesting source of effective anti-inflammatory compounds. Keywords:   Sub-acute toxicity, anti-inflammatory effect, Dactylorhiza hatagirea, Curcuma angustifolia, Herbal tablet formulatio

    Calcium-dependent permeabilization of erythrocytes by a perforin-like protein during egress of malaria parasites.

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    Clinical malaria is associated with proliferation of blood-stage parasites. During the blood stage, Plasmodium parasites invade host red blood cells, multiply, egress and reinvade uninfected red blood cells to continue the life cycle. Here we demonstrate that calcium-dependent permeabilization of host red blood cells is critical for egress of Plasmodium falciparum merozoites. Although perforin-like proteins have been predicted to mediate membrane perforation during egress, the expression, activity and mechanism of action of these proteins have not been demonstrated. Here, we show that two perforin-like proteins, perforin-like protein 1 and perforin-like protein 2, are expressed in the blood stage. Perforin-like protein 1 localizes to the red blood cell membrane and parasitophorous vacuolar membrane in mature schizonts following its Ca(2+)-dependent discharge from micronemes. Furthermore, perforin-like protein 1 shows Ca(2+)-dependent permeabilization and membranolytic activities suggesting that it may be one of the effector proteins that mediate Ca(2+)-dependent membrane perforation during egress

    A comparative clinical evaluation of efficacy of Kati Basti with Prabhanjanam Taila and Moorchita Tila Taila in Gridhrasi w.s.r to Sciatica

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    Kati Basti included under various external procedures of Ayurveda, having variety of actions like the Bahya Snehana (external oleation), Swedana Chikitsa (fomentation therapy). Kati Basti is indicated in various disorders of spine and back like backache, lumbar spondylosis, sciatica, degenerative disc changes etc. Low back pain is most common complaint with a prevalence of 65 to 90%. Improper sitting postures, traveling, use of two wheeler and sports activities are few important causes of backache. Sciatica often used to describe low back pain that spreads (radiates) through the hip, to the back of the thigh, and down the inside of the leg which closely resembles with Gridhrasi. In Sharanghadhara Samhita use of Prabhanjana Taila in Ghridhrasi Vyadhi has been indicated, hence an attempt was made to compare clinically the efficacy of Kati Basti with Prabhanjanam Taila and Moorchita Tila Taila in Gridhrasi with special reference to sciatica

    Documentation of ethnomedicinal plants for the treatment of skin diseases from Pangi valley, Western Himalaya

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    The present study deals with the systematic documentation of medicinal plants utilized by the indigenous inhabitants of Pangi valley to treat various skin problems. A total of 61 plant species belonging to 56 genera and 30 families have been found to be useful in the treatment of wounds (30 sp.), boils (27 sp.), cuts (24 sp.), burns (17 sp.), itching and pimples (05 sp. each), skin eruption, leukoderma and eczema (03 sp. each), pus removal, injuries (02 sp. each), skin pigmentation (01 sp.), etc. A table is provided including their botanical names, families, local names, habitat, altitude range, life form, nativity, threat status, uses, parts used and mode of preparation

    Proportion of hepatitis A and E among chidren with acute viral hepatitis with special reference to differences in their clinico-biochemical parameters: A hospital based study

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    Background: Hepatitis is a major health problem in both developing and developed countries, with various infective and non-infective causes. Aim: This study aims to estimate the proportion of hepatitis A and E as a causative agent in children presenting with acute hepatitis and to study their clinical and biochemical parameters. Materials and Methods: The present study was conducted on all children attending or admitted with clinical features of acute hepatitis defined as hepatomegaly, fever >38°C, malaise, dark urine, and/or jaundice. All children included were clinically examined and relevant investigations were sent. All the data were entered in a structured pro forma and statistical analysis was done. Results: A total of 254 patients were studied. Hepatitis A virus (HAV) was the most common with 95.08% of cases and occurred in the age group of ≤5 years. Hepatitis E virus (HEV) was more common in ≥10 years age group and was observed in 13.11% of cases. Common prodromal symptoms in hepatitis patients were fever, anorexia, vomiting, and abdominal pain, observed in 82.5%, 32.5%, 55.5%, and 50.5% of cases, respectively, with no significant difference between HAV and HEV. In liver biochemistry, there was no significant difference in serum bilirubin, serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, and serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase values between HAV and HEV. Conclusion: There are no significant differences in both enterically-transmitted hepatitis viruses and the only way to differentiate between them is by serological tests

    Ectopic pregnancy: a diagnostic dilemma

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    Background: To study the etiology, varied clinical presentations and misdiagnosis in ectopic pregnancy.Methods: A retrospective analysis of all operated ectopic pregnancies over a 7 year period at Government Medical College & hospital, Chandigarh was done.  Details of clinical findings and misdiagnosis were noted.  Surgically confirmed cases were included in this study. Expectant management and Medical management cases were excluded in this study.Results: Two hundred eighty two cases of ectopic gestation were analyzed. Identifiable risk factor present in 221 cases (78.3%). Pain was the commonest presenting symptom and 78 cases (27%) were misdiagnosed before the correct diagnosis was made by our department.Conclusions: Ectopic pregnancy can have varied presentations and misdiagnosis can be seen in Surgical, Medical and Gynaecology Departments. A young female with amenorrhea, pain abdomen with or without vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy must be kept in mind. Early diagnosis would help early intervention and thus reduce the morbidity


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    QSAR analysis on a set of  synthesized p-Aminosalysilic Acid derivatives analogues tested growth inhibitory antiviral activity was performed by using MLR procedure. The activity contribution of these compounds were determined from regression equation and the validation procedures to analyze the predictive ability of QSAR models were described.The results are discussed on the basis of statistical data. High agreement between experimental  and predicted antiviral activity inhibitory values are obtained. The results revealed the significant roles of topological, geometrical and substituent electronic descriptor parameters on the inhibitory activitypIc50 of coumarin derivative analogues of the studied moleculesKey Words: QSAR, Antiviral Activity, ML

    Receptor-binding residues lie in central regions of duffy-binding-like domains involved in red cell invasion and cytoadherence by malaria parasites

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    Erythrocyte invasion by malaria parasites and cytoadherence of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes to host capillaries are 2 key pathogenic mechanisms in malaria. The receptor-binding domains of erythrocyte-binding proteins (EBPs) such as Plasmodium falciparum EBA-175, which mediate invasion, and P falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP-1) family members, which are encoded by var genes and mediate cytoadherence, have been mapped to conserved cysteine-rich domains referred to as Duffy-binding-like (DBL) domains. Here, we have mapped regions within DBL domains from EBPs and PfEMP-1 that contain receptor-binding residues. Using biochemical and molecular methods we demonstrate that the receptor-binding residues of parasite ligands that bind sialic acid on glycophorin A for invasion as well as complement receptor-1 and chondroitin sulfate A for cytoadherence map to central regions of DBL domains. In contrast, binding to intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) requires both the central and terminal regions of DBLβC2 domains. Determination of functional regions within DBL domains is the first step toward understanding the structure-function bases for their interaction with diverse host receptors