25 research outputs found

    Securing User Data in Local Connectivity using Multicast Key Agreement

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    In this paper, we gain knowledge of crew key contract means more than one parties need to create a original secret key for use to alternate know-how securely. The staff key agreement with an arbitrary connectivity graph, where each and every consumer is most effective aware of his neighbor and has no expertise concerning the existence of alternative users. Extra, he has no expertise concerning the community topology. We implement the present procedure with extra time efficient method and provide a multicast key new release server which is expected in future scope with the aid of current authors. We exchange the Diffie Hellman key trade protocol by using a new multicast key exchange protocol that can work with one to at least one and one to many functionality. We additionally tend to enforce a robust symmetric encryption for bettering file protection in the procedure

    Security of User Data in Local Connectivity Using Multicast Key Agreement

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    In this paper, we be trained team key contract approach a couple of parties need to create a usual secret key to be used to alternate understanding securely. The staff key contract with an arbitrary connectivity graph, where each and every consumer is simplest mindful of his neighbor and has no information about the existence of different customers. Additional, he has no knowledge concerning the community topology. We put into effect the existing approach with extra time efficient method and provide a multicast key generation server which is predicted in future scope with the aid of present authors. We replace the Diffie Hellman key trade protocol through a brand new multicast key exchange protocol that may work with one to 1 and one to many functionality. We additionally tend to put into effect a robust symmetric encryption for improving file safety within the process

    Mapping the Research Publications Pattern of Faculties of Library and Information Science Department, Mizoram University, Aizawl From 2008-2017: A Bibliometric Study

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    The paper focuses on the mapping of library and information science research publication output of the faculty member of the department of library and information science (DLIS), Mizoram University (MZU) during the period of ten years i.e. (2008-2017). The detailed curriculum vitae of faculty members of DLIS were obtained and bibliographic information of their papers was recorded. The study deals with 279 publications of DLIS, MZU. The present study examines and analysis that the DLIS output by different patterns such as the form of publication, the relative growth rate of publications, doubling time for publications, annual growth rate (AGR) of the publications and compound AGR of publications during the period of study

    Comprehensive Review of Open Source Tools and Cross Layer Approach for Fast Growing Android Market

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    Talking about the operating system, most of the people around the world are using Macintosh or windowsoperating system then why to bother about LINUX? Which is very less known and used, but these operating systems could not exist without LINUX and its ancestor UNIX. Its superior functionality and the security make it unique from the other operating systems that exist in this world. Actually, internet is the producer of LINUX[1]. The need of high security and better performancewithout rebooting it often made it the best operating system for the use of internet. Linux kernel also make its way to enter in the handheld devices and provides an environment to run various application simultaneously. In the proliferation era of android OS surpassed many changes to assess the maturity level. One in this account is hybrid design of application intended a mix of both native and web based technologies that leveraged to deliver capabilities from both native and web based application. This paper highlights the major rolled played by open source tool and cross-layer approach for growing market opportunity. LINUX is a UNIX-based operating system which was created by Finnish student named Linus Torvalds in 1991. Linus Torvalds Design the Linux kernel as anopen source as non-enterprise,after then he arguablymake original non-free license to the GPLv2. It is?open source? software which means it can be easily available to download and use. User can make changes in it according to their use. Due to this reason it has become a very powerful OS that is gaining popularity worldwide, especially among those seeking an alternative to Windows. It is free to use and install, and is more reliable than almost all other systems and it can run for many months and even years without the need of rebooting

    A Study on Network Steganography Methods

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    Steganography is a technology used since years for the communication of messages secretly. These secret messages are put inside honest carriers. Carriers can be digital images, audio files, video files and so on. The limitation in sending concealed longer messages has been overcoming by the inclusion of video files as carriers. Popular internet services such as Skype, BitTorrent, Google Suggest, and WLANs are targets of information hiding techniques. Nowadays, plotters are not only using the carriers but also the protocols for communication that regulate the path of the carrier through the Internet. This technique is named Network Steganography. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15055

    Study the Frequency of Colorectal Carcinoma in Anorectal OPD of Department of Shalya Tantra S. S. Hospital, BHU : An Overview

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    Colorectal cancer starts in the colon or the rectum. These cancers can also be named colon cancer or rectal cancer, depending on the site of its origin. Colon cancer and rectal cancer are often grouped together because they have many common features. Most common malignancy in the gastrointestinal tract is the colorectal cancer. Usually in early stage colorectal cancer is asymptomatic. Clinical symptoms are limited and develop slowly over time. There are, however, a few symptoms or signs that most frequently lead to diagnostic evaluation. These symptoms include lower gastrointestinal bleeding or occult bleeding with resultant microcytic / iron deficiency anemia, changes in bowel habits and abdominal pain, painful defecation, stool mix with blood and mucous, increase frequency of defecation, morning spurious diarrhea, mass present at anal verge, anal canal or rectum which may or may not bleed on touch. Sometimes most of patients having Complains of bleeding per rectum, painful defecation, something coming out during defecation are treated as simple anorectal diseases without digital rectal examination by general practitioner and surgeon inspite being the cases of Colorectal Carcinoma. Colorectal cancer may also progress and present as large bowel obstruction or even as perforation, either at the site of the tumors or proximally. Up to 20 – 25% of colon cancer cases present as emergencies; in contrast to this only a small number of rectal cancer cases present as emergencies

    Awareness and Attitude towards Plagiarism among Post Graduate Students and Research Scholars of Select Social Sciences Departments of Kurukshetra University and Panjab University, Chandigarh

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    This study explores the awareness and attitude towards plagiarism among postgraduate students and research scholars of Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra (KU) and Panjab University, Chandigarh (PU). The findings of the questionnaire based study reveal that 53.64% of KU and 79.9% respondents of PU were acquainted with the term plagiarism. More than 41% respondents became aware of this term in their present university and more than half of the total respondents came to know about this concept during last one year. Only 23.97% had attended plagiarism awareness programmes. The understanding and attitude towards plagiarism needs greater attention. Maximum 88.35% respondents considered ‘Using someone’s ideas/words without acknowledging his/her’ as plagiarism while 48.63% did not consider ‘Helping your friend/classmate write a paper that must be submitted by him/her as an assignment’ as plagiarism. The main reason of plagiarism was lack of proper understanding of the concept and therefore it is suggested that awareness programmes on plagiarism and training programmes on methods of citation should be conducted

    Camlens – an Innovative Android Phone Application to Empower the Blind and Visually Impaired in Reading any Kind of Printed Text in Real-Time using Opencv, Optical Character Recognition and Text-To-Speech

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    CamLens is an innovative mobile phone application with the vision to empower the blind and visually impaired people in reading any kind of printed text. CamLens intelligently scans the frame inside the camera view to automatically select the exact edges of the document containing the text in real-time; crop the file from the four selected edges and alternate the perspective transformation of the cropped photographto obtain an image containing the scanned document. The application then applies Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and (TTS) conversion to extract the text from the image and to convert the extracted text into audio output respectively which may be listened by the blind and visually impaired person the usage of earphones.The genesis of the research comes from the fact that the three edges of a page of the book are easier to find with lesser possibilities of finding the fourth edge precisely which, in turn, hampers the cropping accuracy as well as the OCR and TTS output

    Mapping the Research Publications Pattern of Faculties of Library and Information Science Department, Mizoram University, Aizawl From 2008-2017: A Bibliometric Study

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    The paper focuses on the mapping of library and information science research publication output of the faculty member of the department of library and information science (DLIS), Mizoram University (MZU) during the period of ten years i.e. (2008-2017). The detailed curriculum vitae of faculty members of DLIS were obtained and bibliographic information of their papers was recorded. The study deals with 279 publications of DLIS, MZU. The present study examines and analysis that the DLIS output by different patterns such as the form of publication, the relative growth rate of publications, doubling time for publications, annual growth rate (AGR) of the publications and compound AGR of publications during the period of study